Chapter 2: Arrival to Amphibia


3rd Person POV

Morning has arrived, and in a town not too far from...what happened last night...was a family of three frogs, riding a cart pulled by a snail. The first, older frog, was named Hopediah Plantar, Hop Pop for short.

And the second one, being Sprig Plantar, mischievous little bugger.

And lastly, a tadpole named Polly Plantar...don't let her looks deceive you, she will BEAT your ass.

Hop Pop made the snail come to a complete halt, and he turns towards the two at the back of the cart.

Hop Pop: Alright, kids! I'mma do a little shopping, you watch the cart.

Sprig: You got it, Hop Pop. I'll defend this cart, with my LIIIIFE!

Hop Pop: Sprig, I was talking to Polly.

Sprig: What?! She's a baby!

Polly: You're a baby!

Hop Pop: Polly's got a lot more responsibility in her flipper than your entire body.

Sprig: :Ridiculous! What makes you think I'm irresponsible?

Hop Pop, placing a hand on his chin, thinking sarcastically: Oh gee, let me think...

A series of flashback kicks in, and it shows Hop Pop cutting carrots, and Sprig putting a foreign object in the pot, causing it to explode.

Another memory was shown, and it was that of Sprig bursting through the Plantar house rising a combo of a Cow and Caterpillar, a Cowterpillar, if you will, and Hop Pop, still in his bed.

Lastly, a memory of two giant fireflies crashing against the house, merely because Sprig forgot to turn the light off.

Sprig: Ok, so yesterday was a bad day!

Hop Pop: Mm-hm.

Hop Pop finally grabs a bag, and proceeds to hop to the entrance of the store.

Hop Pop: Polly, make sure Sprig stays in the cart.

Hop Pop proceeds into the store, greeting the owner, as Sprig sadly lays his head down on the cart, a frown, creeping it's way across his face.

Sprig: sigh I wish there was a way to prove I'm not such a goof up.

Polly gives Sprig a sympathetic look, but all of that was interrupted with all the screaming. All frogs turned to see Wally run out of the woods, and into the town, he stops screaming, panting from all the running and screaming.

Wally: Monsters! There's monsters in the woods! I seen them! I SEEN theeeem!

As a crowd formed around wally, willing to hear his story, the mayor of the town, Mayor Toadstool, tried to reassure Wally.

Toadstool: Now now, simmer down, Wally. Just tell us what you saw.

Wally, using sticks and pebbles, begins to describe the monsters.

Wally: Oh they were horrifying the first one had a head huge head a weird stubby bump right in the middle of its face and long spindly legs!

The crowd lets out a collective gasp, clearly in shock.

Toadstool: And the second one?

Wally: Oh don't even get me STARTED with the second one! He was big, bigger than you! Bigger than the first beast! He had a MASSIVE sword, that would dwarf, and flatten a frog! It was the Monster's mate!

The crowd lets out another collective gasp.

Toadstool: Well, we better catch these beasts before they hurt somebody. Because for Mayor Toadstool, your safety, comes first.

The crowd begins to applaud for the mayor, cheering him on.

Wally: Well, it's the responsible thing to do.

Sprig: Polly, I just had a GREAT idea! I'm gonna catch those beasts, and save the town!

Sprig, attempting to leave the cart, was then stopped by Polly, putting her hand in front of him.

Polly: Stop right there! Hop Pop said that you stay in the cart!

Polly flexes her arms, revealing muscles and veins in her the Hell does this kid have more gains than me?


Sprig smiles as he reached into his shirt, and pulled out a candy.

Sprig: Oh Polly!~ Look, candy!

Polly: Bribe Accepted!

Sprig: Alright! Let the monster hunt...BEGIN!

Sprig jumps off the cart, and was about to run into the woods, when Polly called out to him.

Polly: Don't die!

As Sprig was about to respond, he was suddenly cut off, by a loud, bellowing war cry in the forest, it was not of a monster...but that of a person.

Wally: That's it! That's the second beast!

Sprig: ...Starting to have second thoughts about this...

Sprig said to himself...but then shrugged it off, and he hopped into the forest, without anyone noticing. He then looks down, and sees two footprints, a smaller one, probably the first Beast that Wally mentioned, and the second, MUCH bigger footprint, belonging to that of the second beast.

Sprig: Seems like the beasts roam these parts... probably a good place to- AAAAHHH!!

Before he could even finish his sentence, Sprig set off a trap that caught him by the foot, and hung him upside down. The bushes begin to rustle, and Sprig looked towards where the rustling was, and out stepped "the first beast" that Wally said, all haggard and holding a wooden spear.

Anne: Caught ya! Thought you got the best of old Anne, eh? Well ya didn't! Heh!

Sprig: gasp Giant head, spindly limbs, face bumps. THE BEAST!

Anne: Stop following me!

Sprig: I have bad news for you, beast! I taste TERRIBLE!

Anne: Eww, I'm not gonna eat you!

Y/N: I might...

Sprig: Huh?

Then, out stepped the second beast, the bigger, more dangerous one as Wally has said.

Sprig: Beasts!

Y/N: Oh shut it, you little turd. We're not gonna eat you.

Sprig: You tried to eat Wally!

Anne: We tried to ask Wally for help! He ran off screaming the second he saw the two of us!

Sprig: ...That does sound like Wally.

Suddenly, screeching can be heard from the trees and see a couple of said trees being pushed down.

Anne: Oh no, it's coming back!

Y/N: Hide, now!

Sprig: What is?!

Anne groans and Y/N grabs her hand, running away with her, leaving Sprig in his current state.

Sprig: Where are you two going?!

The Red Mantis, a much larger variant of the Green Mantis, bursts out of the tree-line, and sees Sprig. Sprig flails about, screaming. He starts to gnaw on the rope to free himself. The monster screeches again. Sprig stops chewing the rope and screams. Anne frowns and she lets go of Y/N's hand.

Y/N: Anne, what are you going?!

While Y/N runs after Anne, she cuts him free. She grabs him and starts running. The mantis, however, started running after the three.

Anne: Oh-crud!

Y/N: Keep running! I'll slow it down!

Y/N said, as he keeps running towards the Red Mantis, and tackled the damn thing, he told away as soon as it started attacking with it's arms, and he drew his sword and turned it so it would hit the Mantis with the flat side of the blade.

Y/N: This is for being a pain in the ass!!

He said, with rage, as he swung his sword with all his might, which caused the mantis to fly over the trees and away from the three of them.

Y/N: Good fucking riddance, ya sack of shit.

He started walking back to the direction where he last saw the other two, and he sees Anne inside the log.

Y/N: You can come out now, it's gone.

Anne: Sweet! Thanks, Y/N!

Sprig: saved me! Both of you? You're not a beasts at all! You're heroes! An ugly, ugly, ugly hero!

Anne: Call me ugly again, and maybe I will eat you.

Sprig: Ha! You're not gonna eat me.

Anne: True, but my friend would.

Sprig: ...really?

Y/N: ...Maybe.

Sprig: Anyway, you got a name, stranger?

Anne: My name's Anne. Anne Boonchuy.

Y/N: Y/N L/N, frog boy. 

Sprig, offering his hand: I'm Sprig Plantar! Put er' here!

Y/N: No thank you.

Anne: Uhh...okay...

She shakes his hand. Her hand becomes covered in slime.

Anne: So... your hand just barfed on my hand.

As Anne wipes off the slime from her hand, her stomach grumbles, which in turn, made her sigh.

Anne: You got anything to eat?

Sprig: Sure do!

Sprig lifts up a piece of the log, revealing a section that's filled with all sorts of bugs, making Anne show obvious disgust and discomfort.

Anne: Things that aren't bugs...?

Sprig: No bugs, eh?

Y/N: She's...a picky eater.

Anne: I'm not!

Y/N: You refused to eat the damn beetle yesterday, it's literally the only food we found that time.

Anne: ...Okay fine! But I'm not eating bugs!

Sprig said, as he stretched his tongue out, and grabbed a bug with it.

Sprig: Well, that or we can hunt around for a bit to look food for you.

Sprig runs out the log, telling Anne to follow him.

Sprig: Come on, follow me!

Y/N: How do I know we can trust you?

Sprig: Whaaat? Does this look like a face that could even deceive you?

Y/N: ...Yes-

Anne: Heh, I guess not. Woah!

Sprig: Well, come on then! Chow time!

Sprig pulls Anne by her hand, as they both begin to look for something that Anne could eat. Y/N, however, can be seen looking towards a river.

Y/N: ...Hey Anne?

Anne: Yeah?

He looks up at the sky, trying to tell the time by the sun's position.

Y/N: I'm gonna go find you some food, it's almost lunch. And you, frog boy: If I find out you hurt her? I will fry you in oil and eat you, alive. We clear?"

Sprig: Crystal, sir!

Y\N: Good. I'll be back soon Anne. Stay safe.

He then pulls out a fishing knife from his pants, and wade into a nearby river, before vanishing under the current, to find fish for Anne.

Y/N, to himself: Such a picky eater; no bugs in a survival situation? But that frog boy looks harmless. Friendly, even. I should have nothing to worry about... I hope.

Meanwhile, back in Wartwood

Hop Pop, who just finished buying all the stuff they needed, was walking back to he cart, humming to himself, until he notices a gathering of a mob, being led by Mayor Toadstool.

Hop Pop: humming Huh?

Toadstool: Now, when I say "kill," you say "it." Kill!

Villagers: It!

Toadstool: Kill.

Villagers: It!

Hop Pop: Heh. Another day, another mob. Come on kids, time to- What the?!?

He turns around, expecting to see things the same way he left it, but instead, finds a bloated Polly, who sees him.

Polly: I don't have a candy problem! You have a candy problem!

Hop Pop: Polly, where's Sprig?

Polly: Uh... something-something monsters, something-something woods.

Wally: Oh, if your boy went into the woods, he's as good as eaten. That beast will devour everything in its path.

Hop Pop: Not on my watch! Hang in there boy! Hop Pop's a-comin'!

Hop Pop picks up Polly, and he begins to hop towards where Sprig went, into the forest.

Wally: Harvest the toenails for medicinal purposes!

Sprig, dumps a bunch of all sorts of food that Anne could eat. Anne, picked up a branch like food, and ate it.

Anne: Hey, this is pretty good.

Sprig: Mm-hmm. So, first question: What the heck are you, and where did you come from?!

Anne: I'm a human being and I come from...another world! Either that, or this is a dream.

Sprig: Woooow... do you know how you got here?

Anne: Nope. One minute, I was in my world and the next thing I knew I was here. I don't know how to get home or if I even can go home. So, yup, that's my story. How 'bout you? What were you doing in the woods?

Sprig: Proving that I'm responsible!

Anne: Oh, yeah? How?

Sprig: Uhhhhh...

Wally: There they are!

Mayor Toadstool: Here come our boys.

Anne: What?! Stay away from me!

The villagers begin to surround Anne, eventually overwhelming her. They all jumped at her, tying her with a rope, as Sprig tries to get the mob to stop.

SprigNo! You guys got it all wrong!

Hop Pop: Ha-ha! You caught the monster! Sprig, I'm impressed.

Anne: Dude, what the heck? You set me up? I thought we were connecting!

Sprig: N-no, no, no! This wasn't my plan.

Suddenly, rustling among the bushes can be heard, and out stepped, Y/N, with a massive Barracuda over his shoulder.

Y\N: Barracudas the size of a Great White? Goddamn, this place is awesome. Bet this'll fry up nice if I can find something to use as breading. Now then, where oh where is... Anne?!

He sees Anne, currently tied up. He looks around and sees it was the work of the frog folk in front of him. He drops the Barracuda, and grabs his giant cleaver blade.


Y\N: ...Because you can talk, and thus can be reasoned with, I will give you one chance. What the fuck do you all think you are doing  with Anne, and why shouldn't I just fucking kill you all right now?

Toadstool: It talks?!

Y/N: I should be asking that. You have two seconds to talk or  I kill you all right here, and mind you, I'd still sleep like a fucking baby tonight!

Toadstool: You come into my town, and threaten to hurt my people! That is ALL the more reason why you two freaks need to be dealt with! Come on, you frogs! One more and we're done here!

Y/N sighs, and he readied his sword, ready to attack.

Y/N: I'll split you all into two!

As Y/N was about to charge forward, his mind set on setting Anne free, whena Green Mantis emerges from the forest, and shrieks as soon as it sees the villagers.

Mayor Toadstool: Hurry! Everyone! Mantis formation!

The entire crowd begins to create a formation, one frog piling up on top of another. Mayor Toadstool stood on the very bottom, and another frog at the very top, and begins to scare the beast in front of them, and so, the Green Mantis shrieks, and begins to back away.

Hop Pop: We scared it off!

Mayor Toadstool and the Villagers: We have power!

Y/N: Come here, you pesky FUCK! I'll make a SCYTHE out of your hand!

Y/N lunges at the Green Mantis, and cut off it's legs with his sword, making it shriek in pain. He then grabbed one of it's arms with one hand, and tore it off with ease, and then, he grabbed the head of the mantis, and started punching it as hard as he can, causing his hand to bleed, and covered in green goo at the same time.

Polly: Ohohoho! Violent! I LOVE this one!

Then, he sheathed his giant sword, and grabbed the head with two hands, and tore it off the body completely.

Hop Pop: It's down!

The villagers cheer, as the threat has finally been dealt with...until they realized Y/N was facing them with a rather, angry face. Wearing a demeanor clearly showing he's enraged, gripping the handle of the giant, hunk of sharp metal as blood drips down from his hand, and into the flat side of the blade.

Y/N: I'm not done with your asses yet! I'll put you in hot boiling oil once I'm done! Now; COME HERE!!

Y/N leaps high up into the air, and was about to do a bring down his sword on any frog he sees closest to Anne, he goes to attack Mayor Toadstool, who was the closest to Anne. Luckily, however, his assistant pushed him away, before he was sliced, or flattened by the blade in the enraged human's hand.

(Top Right text brought to you by my anger for the amount of bullshit I have to deal with thanks to false flags from Wattpad)

Polly: He can do a flip, AND attack at the same time?!

Hop Pop: Sprig! Get over here!

Y/N turns to Wally, who can be seen frozen in fear. He proceeds to jump once more, and do a forward flip multiple times, using the momentum to bring down the blade with such great force. Wally, however, keeps dodging just in time to not get killed by the attacks.

Y/N: Stay still you little FUCK! I'll teach you why you shouldn't snitch!

Wally: Oh Frog, someone get this creature away from me!

Y/N: I will ENJOY cooking you in oil and consuming you!


Anne: NO! Huh?

Amidst all the chaos, Sprig, started untying her, freeing her from the ropes.

Anne: What is this, another trick?

Sprig: No, it's not! Just make sure to calm him down, I don't want Hop Pop or Polly getting hurt!

Wally, finally tired, he falls to the ground, panting, Y/N points the end of his massive blade to Wally.

Y/N: This is for Anne, you slimy little fuck!

Y/N raises the sword over his head, hiding it with two hands. Wally screams in fear, thinking that it was his end. Anne, however, ran forward, and stood in between Y/N and Wally. Seeing this,
Y/N immediately redirected his attack, and away from Anne, narrowly missing Anne in the process.

Anne: Y/N, stop! I'm not hurt, they're just scared! Don't kill him!

Y/N: Anne, they were going to hurt you, I had to do something, damnit!

Anne: I know, but please. Please, Y/N, I'm okay now. There's no need to hurt other people just to keep me safe!

Y/N was about to respond, but as soon as he opened his mouth, nothing come out. He fell silent, and he looks at Anne...and then Wally. He sighs, and he puts the massive sword away, by sheathing it on his back scabbard.

He looks at Wally again, and gestured him to leave. Wally, seeing this as a chance to escape, took it, and booked it fast, regrouping with the rest of the crowd.

Y/N: ...Let's just get out of here...

Anne: ...That, I can actually agree with-

Sprig: Woah, Y/N! That was so cool!  Save for the killing us and cooking us in oil part, that was scary!

The young frog says, and then, a tadpole hops closer to the three, and that tadpole was none other than Polly.

Polly: You got a massive sword too! Can I carry it?

Y/N shrugs, and he grabs the sword, and drops it in front of him for the tiny pollywog to pick up, the weight of the sword caused it to dig into the ground.

Polly: S-so coooooooooool...

Y/N: ...Heh, I like her...

Hop Pop, begins to make his way closer to Sprig, and Polly who was attempting to pull the sword out of the ground, but cannot, due to it's impressive size, Hop Pop begins pulling Sprig and Polly away from the sword.

Hop Pop: O-okay, Sprig, Polly. That's enough, you don't wanna make that creature mad again.

Mayor Toadstool: You stay away from this town, both of ya! We don't need ya here!

Y/N: We weren't planning on staying, all we wanted was to know where we were, and you started hunting us!

Mayor Toadstool: You were about to eat Wally!

Y/N: In our first encounter? No, I wanted to be nice, but NOOO he had to fucking snitch that we wanna eat him!

Mayor Toadstool: From what I heard from you earlier, you wanted to eat him, so why do you keep lying?!

Y/N's eyes twitches, and he begins to advance in Mayor Toadstool. Anne notices, and he started pulling Y/N back, making sure he doesn't get to him. Mayor Toadstool, however, begins to hide behind the crowd. But all of that was cut short, when a Red Mantis, lands in front of everyone.

Y/N: Oh great, THAT fucker's back!

Toadstool: Scatter, everyone!

Sprig went charging at the mantis as Anne looked into the woods and back to Sprig. Y/N can be seen picking up other frogs, and getting them to safety. Sprig, to catch it's attention, grabs his slingshot, and shoots a rock at said mantis, catching it's attention.

The mantis raises its sharp arm up, about to slice Sprig to pieces. As soon as the arm begins to fall, Sprig closes his eyes waiting for the pain...but it never came. Sprig opens his eye and sees Anne holding the mantis arm pushing it back as the other frogs stare in shock. Anne's eyes flashed blue, but for a mere moment. The mantis was about to use its other arm, Y/N came in running, and completely tore off its own arm, causing it to shriek in pain. He then used the arm and stabbed the mantis, making it roar in pain once more.

Y/N: That's for making me fall into that pit the other day, asshole!

Anne: Do something!

Y/N, seeing how the mantis was about to use its legs to hit him, he holds his arms forward, and blocked the kick, sending him a few feet back, but managing to land on his feet.

Sprig grabs the same rope that had tied Anne, and he started running around the mantis, wrapping its feet with said rope. He then jumped and wrapped it around its still good arm, and then it's torso.

Sprig lands and on his feet, and he started pulling the rope, but alas, the mantis proved to be too strong for him, and so, Anne stepped in, and started pulling the rope making it squeeze the mantis as well as fall to the ground.

Then, Y/N, seeing his chance, he started running as fast as he can, and he grabbed his sword that was dug to the ground, and he leapt high into the air, he rears his hand back, the same hand holding his sword.

Using weight of the blade and gravity, he was about to deliver a devastating attack, sure to kill the Mantis. He begins to descend, and Sprig, realizing he was about to get caught in the attack as well, he panics, and he hops out of the way,
Y/N barely missing him.

Sprig: AHHHHH!!


With a loud CLANG , the mantis, is now dead, split open right in the middle. The rest of the frogs emerge from the bushes, and see the now dead mantis. Y/N sheathed his massive blade, and he sighs.

Villagers: Woo-hoo!

Mayor Toadstool: It's down!

Hop Pop: It's not just down, it's dead!


Anne & Sprig: We did it!

Anne: Up top!

Sprig high-fives Anne with his tongue

Anne: Oh, boy that's gross.

Y/N: Anne, what were you expecting?

Toadstool: Well, now that that's settled, what the heck are we gonna do with these things? Maybe we oughta run both of it out of town just to be safe. Let it be someone else's problem.

The village begins to advance on both humans again, and Y/N pushes Anne behind him in a defensive manner. As soon as he was about to grab his sword from his scabbard, but was suddenly stopped by Anne. Sprig, however, stood in between both humans and the villagers, preventing said villagers from advancing further.

Sprig: Stop right there! They're not a monster. They're just lost and needs our help. We should take care of them.

Y/N: Excuse me?

Toadstool:Are you crazy?!

Wally: Yeah. What if it goes nutty tomorrow and starts eating people?

Anne: Not gonna happen, buddy. Right Y/N?

Y/N: ...maybe.

Hop Pop: Don't worry yourselves silly. I'll keep an eye on 'em...all three of 'em.

Toadstool: Hmm... Have it your way, Hopediah Plantar, but I don't like it. All right boys pack it in.

The villager begins to walk away, dragging the corpse of the Red Mantis with them. Sprig holds his arm and looks at Hop Pop, expecting a scolding.

Sprig: Looks like I'm back to causing trouble for the family again, huh?

Hop Pop, smiling: Trouble? Sprig, standing up to that angry mob to help thess creatures out was... Some of the bravest and most responsible stuff I've ever seen!

Polly: That was pretty cool, Sprig. It was also really dumb!

Hop Pop: Yes. Really, really dumb.

Sprig: You think I'm responsible?

Hop Pop tries to make Sprig understand he meant something else, while Spring enthuses and Anne checks her phone, trying to see if she can get a signal and Y/N wiping the green goo off of him.

Hop Pop: Well, yeah, I mean, just this one time...

Sprig: Yes! Woo hoo!

Sprig starts to perform a victory dance, making Y/N chuckle at the frog's happy moment.

Hop Pop: Well, don't get carried away...

Sprig: Big win!

Anne: Welp, this has been great, but just give us a map. We've gotta find our way out of this kooky place.

Hop Pop: Oh, a map won't be enough.

Hop Pop pulls out a map of the valley, making everyone huddle around him. Y/N, doing the sensible thing, he takes his phone out and takes a picture of the map.

Hop Pop: This here valley is surrounded by mountains that are impenetrable this time of year.

Sprig: It should clear up in a couple of months.

Hop Pop: But until then, you try to cross those mountains-

Polly: You will die.

Y/N: Not even trying to tone it down...

Anne: Are you telling me I'm stuck in this crazy place for two months? Where am we gonna stay?

Y/N: Perhaps I can build a cabin? Pops clearly taught me how to do it, plenty of materials around too.

Change Scene: Your POV

Night has fallen once more, and me and Anne found ourselves within the basement of the Plantar's Home. There were no beds, and so, a mattress was provided to me and Anne, granted it's just one mattress and two pillows, but it's better than nothing...oh boy.

Hop Pop: All righty. Kitchen's upstairs. Breakfast at sunrise, sharp.

Y/N: Thank you, Hopediah.

Hop Pop: Please, just call me Hop Pop.

Anne: Okay. Thanks, dude.

As I set down the mattress, I see Sprig enter the basement, holding countless stuffed animals.

Sprig: Hey! Gettin' comfy? Brought some toys to keep you company. I'm too old for these. O-oh, except for this one. Oh, and this one.

Y/N: chuckles It's alright, Sprig. I'm too old for toys, Anne, however, would seem to appreciate the gesture.

Sprig: Oh, hehe, sorry. I'm glad you're living with us, monsters.

Y/N: ...I'll let that slide for now.

Anne: Yeah, me too, weird little frog boy.

Sprig: Okay. Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite. Seriously, they can drain a body in seconds.

Y/N: chuckles ...wait, you're serious?!

Sprig leaves the basement, leaving me and Anne alone in the basement. I shook my head, and lightly chuckled. I placed the pillow on the mattress, and with all that done, I fell right on the bed.

Anne: You feeling okay?

Y/N: Quite alright. Thanks for helping me get bandaged, by the way.

Anne: Naaah, it's nothin'! You're my friend after all!

I smiled, as I put my hands forward, my arms covered by bandages.

Y/N: Quite a rough job, but it'll do.

Anne: S-sorry, you are bigger than me, after all.

Y/N: That's not really supposed to be an issue now, right? Or were you enjoying holding my hand?~

Anne: W-what?! No, it's not what you think-

Y/N: Ahahaha! Gotcha!

Anne, blushing: Not nice...

Y/N: Ah, come on! I was trying to lighten up the mood! Besides...we'll be stuck here for a while longer...

Anne: Yeah... Look, I know I've said this before but...

Anne makes her way closer to me, and she sat beside me, and placed a hand on my arm, looking into my eyes.

Anne: I'm really glad I ended up with you...

Y/N, smiling: Don't worry, so long as I'm here, nothing will hurt you.

Anne: But don't get yourself killed either! I was on the verge of tears when I thought something bad happened! You were gone WAY too long, dude!

Y/N: ...fair enough...

Anne, blushing: You're one of the greatest people I know, Y/N...I would hate to see you go...

Y/N: Oh, Anne. Come here.

I sat up, and I gently wrapped my arms around her, hugging her. She hugs back, burying her face on my chest, lightly sobbing.

Anne: Y-you're're like a bear. I wish I could hug you all night...

Y/N: What's stopping you? I do not mind at all.

Anne: Really? Cause I'd understand if-

Y/N: Anne, we're literally stuck in another dimension...if you find comfort through hugging, I will hug you every night if I have to.

Anne tightens her hug, and I just smile, and I placed a hand at the back of her head, lightly caressing her hair...but then, I realized something...the box...

Y/N: Anne?

Anne, muffled: Yeah?

Y/N: Do you still have...the box?

Anne breaks the hug, and she reaches for her backpack.

Anne: Yeah, actually. I have it wrapped around a white cloth, lemme get it.

Anne finally grabs a hold of her bag, and she opened it, and pulled out the music, that as she just said, was wrapped in a white cloth. Anne unwraps it, and she looked at me, and I looked at her, and gave her an assuring nod. She opens the box, and I was expecting for magic to come out again...but alas, there was nothing...Anne opened it three more times...still nothing. She disappointingly sighs, and I rubbed my temples in frustration.

Anne: Looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while...

Y/N: Yeah...but until then, we have each other.

Anne looks at me, and she smiles. She puts the box back in her bag, and she gets closer to me again, wrapping her arms around me. I smiled, as I rest myself on the mattress, and my head on the pillow. I grabbed the blanket, and placed it on top of both of us, making sure Anne doesn't get cold.

Anne: Goodnight, Y/N...

Y/N: Goodnight, Anne...


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