Week 6

Sans, Kerin, and Tone...they have been walking for what just have been an entire week. And luckily, they are able to get through due to 2 things. The first is that all 3 of them are able to resist the snow and the cold, due to the fact that both Sans and Tone lack skin of their own, as they are monster skeletons and not humans, and Kerin having her goddess powers protecting her from the harming effects of the cold and the snow. The second reason is that thanks to Kerin using her powers, she is able to help keep both Sans and Tone awake, as well as not needing to eat and sleep, due to her own godly powers acting as the substitute.

But as they kept on walking, Sans spoke out.

"We're getting closer. And I think it is..."

He than stopped, as he than pointed his hand at the direction of where the base is.


Kerin and Tone than looked at the direction that Sans is pointing to, and they saw that there is a base in the middle of the snowy place, and it seems to be able to handle the cold quite well. Sans and Kerin looked at each other, than at Tone, before the both of them nodded their heads together, as they than went down to the base, as Kerin spoke out.

"I can get us through without opening the door. Both of you, just hold onto my hand."

Sans and Tone held onto Kerin's, as all 3 had jumped right through the steel wall. It is as though the steel wall did not exist in the first place. And when the both of them got to the other side...they were surprised at what they are seeing before their eyes.


Sans said, as he than began to look around, as Kerin than began to speak out loud.

"This is actually making me very uncomfortable."

Tone looks around, as he than shivered a little bit, having not forgotten the fact that he had been inside of this place, due to being literally created inside of this place. He than clenched his fist, as he tries all he can to not freak and panic. Sans than looked down at the floor, as he than looked up, and see the area that they are at right now.

The group appears to have entered what appears to be a laboratory of some sort, as they than began to wander around and look inside of the room that they are in right now. But even they know of the fact that they need to be careful, because one wrong step, one wrong move, and it is game over for them. Because of this, they will need to be careful of what it is that they are doing, with a room full of equipment that is very, very dangerous.

Sans and Kerin began to look around, as they looked and saw a bunch of tools that was seemingly used for an experimental purpose of their own. Sans looked and saw a bunch of computers and hard drives, as well as recording devices, while Kerin looked at the surgical tools and equipment that he used in this sort of thing. Tone walked up to a tank, and saw that the Tank had the letter T, on it, which is meant to be the fact that this is the tank he came from, due to the fact that it was shattered, and the fact that there is still some liquid all over the floor.

Tone crouched down, and inspects the liquid that he had now on his fingers, as he than spoke out.

"I wonder what is the point of then making me, when there is very little to no good reason to do so."

Sans than looked around...but than...he raised his hand. His magical frequency is picking up Girlfriend and Boyfriend's Soul Signature, as he realizes that they are beginning to come to their location. Sans than looks at Kerin and Tone, as he than spoke out.

"Kerin, Tone. They are coming."

Kerin and Tone understood what he meant and went next to him, as than...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

a crash was heard, a hole created on a wall, as Sans, Tone, and Kerin turned around to see the wall that had crashed down before them, and then...within the smoke that had been created, 2 people appeared, and it is the 2 people that both Sans and Kerin know about, the ones that they had went through all this trouble just to save them.

Standing before them, and coming close to them...is none other than both Boyfriend and Girlfriend, in the flesh, and both of them are not a faker. Girlfriend is in her demon form, flying in the air, and Boyfriend's eyes are somewhat hidden. But it is obvious to the trio. They are both being controlled. Sans was a little nervous, and he steps back, but than, Girlfriend held out her hand, and a red forcefield made and constructed from demonic energy appeared all around the group, as Boyfriend than steps forward, and with the microphone in hand, he than points at Sans.


Boyfriend sounded out, and than, all of a sudden, Sans is then teleported in front of Boyfriend. This made Sans shocked, as he is not expecting for something such as this to happen. But it seems fitting, as Bf and Sans are now singers to their girlfriend supporters. And then, Girlfriend used her magic to make a boom box appear, and she than began to sit on it, acting as though she is her usual self, even though she is actually controlled.

Sans than raised his left hand up, and snapped his fingers, as he than summoned 6 G-Blasters, as Kerin than sat down on top of the middle top one, as she then looks down at Sans, and spoke out.

"Sans, please be careful, okay?"

Sans nodded and looked up, as he than spoke out.

"I'll be careful. Do not...w-worry. Tone...p-please stay back from this fight, okay?"

Tone, though not knowing why he needs for him to stay back, does what he says, as he than steps back from the fight, as Sans sighed, before turning his head towards Boyfriend, as Boyfriend raises his head, and Sans could tell that Boyfriend is looking at him, though he cannot see his eyes, due to the fact that his cap is using its shadow to cover them. This is going to be a rather difficult fight against Boyfriend. It may not be that difficult, due to how the Mind-control effect on Boyfriend may hamper his ability to preform and sing, but it will not stop Boyfriend from being a very serious threat to him. He takes a deep breath, he grabs onto his headphones, twists the dial, as he than grips it with his hand. He has a fearful expression on his face,

but he also has an expression of determination on his eyes. He looks at Boyfriend, as he steps back, before he than spoke out.

"C-Come on, Boyfriend. Show me what you can do."

Boyfriend, without hesitation, than began to sing his song to Sans.

First Song: Insanity

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And when Boyfriend sings...it appears that he is simply warming up. He is not singing fast, like he usually does. He is singing at a normal pace, and Sans could tell that Boyfriend is simply trying to test him in order to see how he can respond and defeat him. But Sans is not going to be showing all of his powers, as he knows that by doing this, he will be setting himself up to be sooner. So he instead showed off a small fraction of his skills when he was battling against the people that wanted to Rap Battle against him.

As Sans and Boyfriend sing, Sans thought in his mind of what he thinks of the situation that he is in right now, as he than thinks to himself about the battle that he's in. And in all honesty, he simply can't believe what in the world is happening to him right now, battling against a rapper that many people are fans of, a rapper that even Sans is a fan of. And very funny in a way, he is a fan that is fighting for the freedom and life of the one he idolizes, and it is all thanks to a goddess that is having so much faith in him and his abilities, and is overly confident that with what Sans has, he will be able to help Boyfriend be free from whatever it is that is now putting him in this bad situation.

'This is so unreal. I am being forced to fight against my very own idol, the one that I had looked up too for such a very long time, and now...now, it has to come down to this. Why in the world is it that I have to be the one to fight him, even though he could have picked anyone else better than me? It is just something that does not seem very right to me.'

And than, Sans looks at the bar, and he noticed something that is alarming to him. Usually, the people that he fight against would not push him back if they play a note of their own, and theirs would only move his icon back if he were to miss. But Boyfriend...his icon is pushing Sans' icon back when he hits the notes. Though it should have been pretty obvious, since Boyfriend had Girlfriend with him, as her powers allow him to push the icon. But Sans' love interest, Kerin, is able to do the same, as she is able to help Sans push back the icon with her powers, which is able to make the match even. But this does not stop this situation from being one hell of a concern for Sans, because if he makes too may wrong moves, it will allow Boyfriend to be able to defeat him, and that will make Sans unable to save his life, and he will possibly be the one that ends up in control of whoever it is that is controlling both Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

After the song finished, Sans and Boyfriend look at each other, though Sans still cannot see the expression, he could tell that Boyfriend is looking at Sans in the eyes, as Sans clenched his fist, while looking down, before he than looks back up, as he than realized something. Boyfriend, even though he is being controlled, he is giving Sans a chance to do a song of his own. Sans sighed, as he than clenched his fist, before he looks back at Boyfriend with frightened, yet determined eyes, before he began singing.

Second Song: Not Enough

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

This time, it is Sans' turn to take the lead against Boyfriend, as he than began to sing as much as he can, in order to make sure that he is able to beat Boyfriend and free him from whoever it is, whatever it is, that is controlling him. Boyfriend, surprisingly, in his mind controlled state, is able to keep up with Sans. He began to sing with immense fluency, as well as very accurate speed, as he than tries to do all that he can to keep up with Sans, while Sans is doing everything in his power to try and make sure Boyfriend gets defeated so that he is able to be free from this mind control, so that he can see his idol singing again.

Kerin and Girlfriend bobbed their heads side to side at the same time, but at different, opposite directions, as Girlfriend's expression did not change, and Kerin's own expression does not change a single bit also. Tone's simply watch the rap battle fight that is in front of his eye, as he cannot believe what he is seeing. Both Boyfriend and Sans, they are not holding back. They are both going all out in trying to make sure that one of them is defeated so the the other may be able to rise in victory. Boyfriend and Girlfriend, they are both 2 of the most famous rappers in all of Earth, while Sans and Kerin, Sans is simply a fan of Boyfriend, a person that has idolized him for so long, and has no experience in Rap Battles, until 5 weeks have past, and yet, here he is, standing up against the most famous rapper in all of time. And Kerin, she is a goddess, a being that is much more stronger than even a very powerful demon. Only the most powerful one can be able to challenge her, and it is unlikely to Kerin that Girlfriend is able to keep up with her, as she is a goddess, and is not some mere measly entity. As Goddesses and Gods are much more powerful, even the weakest god will be able to give a group of 10 demons and angels a hard time trying to bring them down. But Kerin will not deny the fact that Girlfriend is powerful, and she may have to use all of her strength to beat her, as Kerin, even though she is powerful, she is not matured with her powers, and is still in the age of development, as she needs to wait for many more years in order to go to her full strength.

Back with Sans and Boyfriend, Sans is having immense difficulty. Because both Sans and Boyfriend basically have the same powers, pushing each of their health against each other in order to try and overpower the other, it is making it very possible for Sans to be able to permeability be able to win against Boyfriend in a rap battle. What he needs to do is find a way to make Boyfriend miss a note, and he will be able to go down and get knocked out. Sans clenched his fist, as he tries to think of a plan, and as that happens, he looks down, and he than remembers something. His hammer. He can use his hammer to catch him off-guard. But he only has one shot at this. If he messes it up, he will not be able to win against Boyfriend. Which is why he needs to time it just right, and hope for the absolute best.

Both Boyfriend and Sans are doing all that they can to try and beat each other in the Rap Battle, as he hopes to be able to try and make sure that one of them gets defeated, but Sans, he is preparing to summon his hammer, as his left arm began to twitch and glow a light purple color. He looks at Boyfriend, who is still singing, and than he looks at the notes they are coming up, as Sans looks down at his hand and sighed mentally, as he knows what he needs to do.

"Just one shot. One single shot at this. If I mess up my chance, than it will never be a true victory for me, and no freedom for Boyfriend. Just one shot...that is all I can gain from this. "

He clenched his fist, as he turns around to see that the music was about to reach the end. He looks up at the musical arrows, as he sees that they are going up fast, Sans keeps on singing, as he is doing all that he can to keep up and reach the end. And than...he saw that the last note has arrived and is about to be used at any moment. Sans looks down, and clenched his fist, before he looks at Boyfriend, and then...after a about 2 seconds of waiting, pulls out a Hammer, Sans' icon is pushing against Boyfriend's icon, and he than does something that nobody was expecting.

Sans summoned his hammer, and he than slammed it into the ground, causing a shockwave that made Boyfriend unbalanced, and he than tries to hit a note, only for Boyfriend to miss the note, and he than loses the battle.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Boyfriend froze in place, his eyes wide, before falling flat onto his back. Sans looks down, and he is very shocked and surprised at what happened, as he than spoke out.

"I-I can't believe I did that!"

Kerin looks at Sans, as she was also shocked at what he did. But she also admits that it is very clever for him to do it. This made Kerin smile very wide, as it made her proud of the fact that Sans was able to think outside of the box and be able to defeat Boyfriend, and she senses that the mind control that had effected Boyfriend, is beginning to disappear. Seems like Sans' element of surprise had done the trick, as Boyfriend is now free from whoever is controlling him.

But Girlfriend, she is not happy, as she than flaps up and flies into the air, as she than goes towards Sans and tries to grab him. And this would have worked, had it not been for the fact that Kerin, who notices what is going to happen next, had then immediately intervenes, as she than teleports in front of Girlfriend, and grabs her by the arm, as she tries to hold her arm back. And surprisingly, despite the fact that Girlfriend is a demon, which means that she should be weaker than Kerin, she is still strong enough to make Kerin use all of her strength to hold her back. Kerin than thrones Girlfriend, as Sans grabs onto Boyfriend, and jumps up, as he places Boyfriend on top of the Boom Box, and Sans sits on top of the G-Blasters. While Boyfriend simply is lying down, Sans looks, as Kerin spoke out.

"Girlfriend...do you honestly think you can defeat me, even in a rap battle?"

Girlfriend, seeing that Kerin is daring to challenge her in a rap battle, clenched her fist, as she used her demonic magic to summon a microphone in thin air, as Girlfriend than looks at Kerin, as Kerin raises her head, before she than opens her eyes, and her eyes glowed a purple color, as she looks at Girlfriend in the eyes, both of their eyes glowed, as they than prepare to face off against each other.

Kerin Poses:

Left Pose: Kerin stands on top of her left foot, as she than points her finger at the opponent, as she has a smile on her face present.

Down Pose: Kerin crashes to the ground, as both of her eyes closes, and she places a hand over her heart, with a contented smile on her face. Her Wolf Tail moves up a little bit

Up Pose: Kerin, while in this pose, floats in the air, as her Dove Ears twitches a little bit, both hands are clutches over her microphone and holds it close to her chest, as her right eye is closed, while her left eye opens.

Right Pose: Kerin bends her body to the right, her left arm touching her left knee, as she has a seductive smile become present on her face. Her hair moves a little during this pose.

(Also, Kerin's voice will be deeper than Girlfriend's, but higher than her friend, Carol.)

(Demon Girlfriend's normal stance)

Girlfriend and Kerin stood in front of each other, as both Demon and Goddess had both raised their powers to the maximum. Kerin looks at Girlfriend in the eye, as Girlfriend does the same to Kerin, both of their eyes flaring and glowing brightly with the power that now fills the room, as Girlfriend than starts her song.

Third Song: Crucify

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

When Girlfriend began her song, she was no pushover, as she than began to try and take down Kerin with her powers. But the thing about Kerin, is that as a goddess, she is stronger than any Angel, stronger than any Demon, and Girlfriend will be not exception. Kerin will be able to defeat Girlfriend at her own game, and free her from whatever it is that is controlling her in the first place. And she will not stop until she accomplishes that goal in making sure that she frees Girlfriend. Girlfriend, on the other hand, is under the control of the one that had did this to her, and she will not stop until she defeats and puts down Kerin.

Both Kerin and Girlfriend refuse to back down, as the both of them kept on singing, and as that happens, Sans, who is still on the G-Blasters, is watching, as music is coming out from both the G-Blasters and the Boom Box, though Boyfriend is still unconscious from the fight that he had with Sans. Sans, deciding to do what Kerin had done, when the song began, he begins to move his head from side to side, as a shy smile is present on his face. His scarves waving along with the movement of his body. But than, he began to have a few brief periods of a fearful expression present, as Girlfriend and Kerin than sang some parts of the music that made them shake the very area that they are in. And this is with the uses of their voices alone.

And than, as the both of them got close to the end, Girlfriend and Kerin held out their free hands, as they both began to form a sphere that is made of red and purple energy, and...when they reach the part where the beat drops, both spheres turned into blasts of energy, as they both began to fire beams of magic at each other, in an attempt to overpower one another. Sans and Tone held their ground, as they tried to brave against the powerful force of the magic attack that both the Goddess and the Demon are doing right now. Kerin and Girlfriend struggled against each other, as they had tried to overpower the other, but Kerin was a little more stronger, and with every might of power that she has, she was able to overpower Girlfriend, as both Demon and Goddess sing the last notes, as Kerin won the rap battle. Thankfully, she didn't kill Girlfriend. All she did was knock her out, as the brainwashing effect that affected Girlfriend left the demon lady.

Kerin sighed, as she than began to breath a little, as Girlfriend was a lot more tougher than even what she expected, not that it would make a difference. Sans and Tone began walk towards her, as the G-Blasters have disappeared, as they went to both Kerin and the unconscious body of Girlfriend. Sans and Tone looked down, as Sans than does out.

"Is...is it over?"

Kerin shook her head, as she then spoke out.

"Not yet. First we need to get the both of them out of here. Than it will be over."

Sans and Tone nodded, with Sans having already began to carry Boyfriend, and Kerin was about to reach for Girlfriend, when all of a sudden...a voice spoke out to them.

"I don't think it is over yet, pals!!"

This caught them all by surprise, as Sans, Kerin, and Tone turned their heads to see that it is someone's voice, and that person is coming out from the shadows, as they reveals themselves, well...more like he reveals himself to the trio.

Standing before then is a very tall entity that looks similar to Agoti, but is red in color, and seems to be eating clothing that have somewhat of a much more visual design than Agoti's clothes. Sans steps back, as he than looks at Sans, before he than spoke out.

"So...you are the one that has defeated my Younger Brother, Agoti."

Sans looks surprised, as he than spoke out.

"Younger Brother?"

The man chuckled a little bit, as he than spoke out.

"Of course, where are my manners. I am Aldryx, the older brother of Agoti. It is a pleasure to meet and face off against the one that had defeated him, and needless to say, I am impressed, that someone as shy and timid as you is able to pull off and defeat him. Not what it would matter for Agoti, as he is now unconscious back in his dimension, due to the fact that he got involved in an experiment. So I will be taking his place...and you, Tone..."

Tone than jumped, as Aldryx than spoke out.

"You will be the one that will face me, in a rap battle!"

This made Tone shocked and worried, as he has never done an actual Rap Battle before. He only had done it with Sans, and this is because of the fact that he was simply trying to make Tone feel better. But he than looks at Sans and Kerin, as they gave him a look that says to him 'You can do this. Believe in yourself and win for our sake.' Tone looks at Aldryx and sighed, as he than stepped, and got ready to fight against Aldryx, so they the group can be free from this ridiculous situation that they're all in.

As soon as Tone stepped forward, the countdown already began, as Tone immediately readies himself against the brother of Agoti, who Sans had defeated from before.

Third Song: Shotgun Shell

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

When Aldryx began to sing, Tone also began to sing, as he is doing all that he can into making sure that he is able to defeat against Aldryx and get both Boyfriend and Girlfriend out of this place without any harm done to them. Kerin and Sans are shown in the background, as bout Boyfriend and Girlfriend are on both of their shoulders, as the both of them, both Goddess and Skeleton, watch the battle, the G-Blasters are summoned yet again, as both that and the BoomBox began to make the instrumental music. Both their heads are moving from side to side, as Kerin and Sans held onto their hands.

Aldryx and Tone, they are both evenly matched against each other, and Tone is a little unsure if he is really capable of defeating him. But both Sans and Kerin, they both have faith in Tone, and believe that he is able to do anything about the situation, even win.

Tone and Aldryx kept on singing, and they did not stop, but Tone is not going to stop, as he then kept on singing with all of his soul. He kept on doing, he kept on believing, he kept on singing, and he kept on doing it, until...he finally did it. He had reached the ending, and he had won the fight. This made Aldryx shocked, as he is not expecting for something like this to happen.

"D-Damn, even with only being born for just a week, you are still able to win!"

Tone was surprised, but he smiled, as Sans and Kerin sheered for him.

"But...it does not matter, I still have enough energy to-"

Before he could finish speaking, his body began to glow, as Aldryx realized what was about to happen, as Aldryx than spoke out.

"W-Wait, don't send me back with Agoti-."

But before he could finish, he had suddenly vanished, as Tone jumped back, and went next to Sans, as a voice than spoke out.

"Tch. Pathetic. It seems that he cannot get the job done right. Fine than..."

It is coming from a 21-year old male, as a figure began to step out from the shadows, and it was a tall figure with what seem to be a skull top of a goat's head, with horns.

"I guess I'll have to deal with you..."

The figure was than shown, as Kerin gasped, as she recognizes who it is, and now finally understand the reason for the kidnapping of Boyfriend and Girlfriend, why they had suddenly went all and up and disappeared.


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