Week 4

Unknown location...

The unknown person walks down the hallway...as he than looks to see a tank that is before him. The tank is of an appearance that is similar to Sans, but only one eye is able to become activated, and only one eye light, and the entity appears to not be sentient yet. The black fingerless gloves began to move, as the bony fingers of that person tightened immensely, as he than spoke out.

"How long will it take for the clone to finally gain sentience?"

Agoti, who is helping with this by using his powers, than spoke out.

"I don't know. Maybe another week? I don't know if any way to make it faster."

The entity sighed, as he than spoke out.

"Well...keep going, and do not stop until you absolutely have to, okay?"

Agoti nodded his head, as he turns his head back towards the large tank, and continues to try and finish the clone of Sans inside of the tank. It was created, due to having taken half of the magical essence within Sans' soul, and now, thanks to the essence, they are able to now make a Sans of their own. But all they can do, is hope that this will work in their favor. And if it does not, than they will simply just destroy this clone, and make a new one with the sample of that magic that they have gained from Sans.

With Sans and Kerin...

Sans and Kerin are running around to find a house for them to be inside of. The both of them are getting very tired of the fact that they had been running constantly into people that they had to Rap Battle with, and for once, Sans really needed a break, especially since he really can't take having to keep on doing this. He shook his head, as he feels a little bit stressed with what he had to go through. He may have wanted to Rap Battle, sure, but not like this. He does not want to encounter people that are trying to constantly get in the way of trying to save Boyfriend and Girlfriend. Thankfully, he still has his senses on them, and they are getting more and more closer, as they continue to walk into that direction of where they are.

But than, an unfortunate thing happened. As they had been walking towards the direction of where Boyfriend and Girlfriend are at, a storm had appeared, and the worst part is that they had no umbrella to keep them dry. Thankfully, though, Kerin does use her powers to stop the rain from hitting down on top of them. But even so...this is straight up annoying for the both of them, and he does not want to have Kerin having to keep on using her powers to try and keep the both of them dry, as they ran around the storm for a little bit, and Sans jumped at the sound of lighting crashing above them, and felt very scared, as he hugged Kerin, making himself look embarrassingly cute at what Sans is doing to Kerin. The 19-year old goddess smiled at what Sans is doing, but she than looks around, and notices that there is a house that is still intact, even if it does look abandoned in away, as Kerin and Sans, they both rushed over to try and get there, and they were able to enter the house without any sort of difficulties, as Sans was able to dry and take his boots off, and he than looks around to see the inside of the house. Surprisely for both Sans and Kerin, even though the house looks as though it has been abandoned for a long time, it is surprisingly in stable condition, as if it had only been recently abandoned just yesterday or a week ago. And there are no holes on the ceiling so that the rain does not leak out from above the rooftops.

Sans looks around, and sat down on a couch, as he than spoke out.

"Well...at least that we will be able to stay dry until tomorrow, and hopefully tomorrow is when we can finally go back out and continue to follow the trail of both Boyfriend and Girlfriend, and hopefully be able to rescue them. I just hope that they can continue to wait for us, and that we will be able to save their lives from wherever it was that has kidnapped them.

Kerin nodded, as she than sat down next to Sans, though Sans does lean his head against Kerin's shoulder, as Kerin smiled in content at what he is doing now, as Sans has always been an affectionate fellow to have by her side, as well as the fact that Kerin always has a crush on Sans, due to how cute he is, and the fact that he is very loyal and faithful and always tries to help the people that he cares about the best that he is able to do it.

"Say...Kerin...if you are a goddess, wouldn't you be able to control the weather?"

Sans said, as he looks up at Kerin, who looks down at him and spoke out.

"Unfortunately...I can't do it yet. I may be a goddess, Sans, but I am not that powerful enough to make it happen. I have to wait until the age of 20 for me to be able to reach that level of power, or at least, until it get close to the age of 20. So until then, I am unable to control the weather, and I am still stuck like this."

Sans felt bummed out by this, as he spoke out.

"Ahh...man. I was so hoping that so we could save Boyfriend and Girlfriend much more quicker than before, so that we don't have to keep on taking so long."

Kerin nodded her head, as she than leans her own head against Sans', as her head and Sans' skull touched each other. And surprisingly, for someone to at is made of bones, Sans' head is very soft to lean against, almost as if the bones themselves are as soft as skin. This is very awkward for Sans, but at the exact same time, it feels pleasant to be with Kerin. But for Kerin, it was as though her head is over the clouds, as she always feels like she wants to do something to Sans, something that will prove that he loves him with all of her heart. Sans' eyes then began the close, but he actually tries to stay awake. But as that happened, Kerin turns his head to have Sans look at her, which made him awaken, and than...all of a sudden, Kerin had suddenly kissed him...right in the mouth, and the thing is...Sans' mouth actually formed a shake to make Kerin's lips fit perfectly in the shape of Sans' mouth. This caught Sans by surprise, as he than jumped backwards, and he held his hands to his mouth, as a bright purple blush formed, as he was not prepared nor was he expecting for Kerin to do this. Kerin looks up at him and smiled, as she than spoke out.

"Awww~. What is with that face, Sans? Do you not appreciate what I had given to you?"

This made Sans caught off guard, as he. Egan to scramble his words to try and clear this up.

"Wh-What, no! I do, I-I-I just...I didn't think...I-I-I wasn't expecting for y-you to do that for m-m-me, Kerin!!!"

Kerin giggled, as she stands up, and walks up to Sans, and was about to touch him...when Sans sensed something from behind him. A presence, and than...a sudden creek of the flor being bent by a loud footstep.

Sans said, as he tuned around, only to see a gunshot coming from behind him, and it would have hit him from the back of his skull and killed him, had it not been for Kerin using her powers to make a wall of rock appear behind Sans, and blocked the attack. Kerin looks to see that there is someone coming to them from the shadows. And Sans turned around, in order to se who it is that is coming to him and Kerin, and the person has a gun in his hand. The person began to walk out of the shadows, and reveals himself, and he had a very odd appearance for someone that is holding a gun in their hand.

Coming from the shadows was man...with the head of a cloud? What? This made very little sense to Sans and Kerin, as the man than spoke out.

"Stay where you are, and be killed."

He said, as he than fired his gun at Sans, only for Kerin to block the attack with her powers, and fired wind at the strange cloud man that is coming to him, as Sans than stepped backwards, as Kerin puts a hand on Sans' chest, as Kerin spoke out.

"Leave him to me, Sans."

Sans nodded his head, as Kerin than looks at the strange cloud man, as he than fired his gun at Kerin, only for Kerin to reflect it with a wind barrier. But the cloud man dodge the bullet, and fired another one, which Kerin was able to block with her powers, and it was immense luck on her end. She than launched ice bullets at the cloud man, who than hid behind some big pieces of furniture, as the ice spikes was able to hit and piece through the wood. Sans was a little bit scared, as the man than came out from the furniture, and Sans than spoke out to the man.

"Wh-Who are you, and wh-why are you attacking the 2 of us?!"

The man looks down at Sans, as he than spoke out.

"I am Updike, and I am someone that leads a group that hunts down monsters or any supernatural being."

This made Sans shocked, as he than spoke our.

"Why would you hunt monsters?! Not everyone wants to have people get hurt, nor do they hurt others! They just want to live their lives, and have not done anything wrong as of late!"

Updike than looks at Sans, and spoke out.

"What I do...it is for the greater good, and nothing more."

Sans than spoke back.

"For the greater good?! If it was for such a thorn, than people all over the world or continent would have asked for it!! To me, it seems like it is for your greater good!!!"

This made Updike unhappy, as he than prepares to fire his gun, only for Sans to summon a G-Blaster and fired a loud amount of sound waves at Updike, making him forced to hold his ears, and dropped his gun, in which Kerin used her powers to melt it with her ability over flames and heat. This made Sans relived, as he than spoke out.

"Tell me, are you good at rapping? Because of you are, I have a wager for you!!!"

Updike looks at Sans, as he than spoke out.

"If I win, you will leave the house and us alone, and never come after the both of us again!! But if you win, you can do whatever you want with me and that would even include killing me!!"

Of course, Sans is actually afraid to die and actually tries to run from stuff that involves him being killed. He knows that he is putting up a big risk here, but he needs to find a way to protect himself and Kerin. And Updike, he than looks down and spoke out.

"I accept your challenge."

Sans sighed, as he than prepares to rap battle against Updike.  Sans gripped his own microphone, and gets ready to fight this Updike person that is before his eyes. He knows better than to simply think that he can beat him in a fair way, as Updike seems to want to kill him, no matter what. He just hopes he can be a man of his promise and wager.

First Song: Remorse

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And Updike is not going to give up in trying to make sure that the both of them are terminated for the so-called greater good. In fact? In the way Sans sees it, what he is merely doing is that he wants to kill monsters because of the fact that he discriminated against them, seeing them as monstrosities that need to be killed, instead of realizing that not all of them are bad, and that most of them grows to be very good people. Sans could not simply stand by and let this cruel man do as he pleases, as he than sings to his heart content, as he clenched his fist, and tries all he can to sing his heart out and win the rap battle. Kerin is shown to be bobbing her head, as she sits atop on the middle top blaster, but even though she looks and acts like this is all fine, inside of her mind, she is actually worried for Sans, as he had taken a risky gamble, but even thought he tries to hide it, even she can see behind the mask that he is afraid to die at the hands of Updike. Because of this, Sans I actually hoping and relying on luck to be on his side and to help him. And Kerin can only hope that luck is with him as well.

After Sans finished, he smiled, as he looked up and see the expression on Updike's face, and needless to say, he does not look happy at all, as Sans than spoke out to him.

"Well...what do you think, big man?! D-Do you wish to fulfill the wager?"

But Updike than looks up and spoke out.

"Not yet...I still have one more song to pay, and I will make sure that this one will be your last."

This made Sans worried and scared for a little bit, as he has no idea if he is going to be able to handle one song coming at him, but he clenched his fist, as he holds his microphone up to his mouth, as he than began to sing in the next song that Updike has up his sleeve, the song that he will win against in order to make sure that he and Kerin will be able to get out of this thing alive.

Second song: Lament

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Updike is giving it another go, with what seems to be a different version of the song to at he had played before. This one called Lament. Which is odd, because Updike does not feel lament full nor even remorseful for all the stuff that he has done. Sans guesses that those songs are supposed to make him look like a tragic figure of sorts, who in reality, all that it is doing is making him look bad and even a little stupid, not to mention a liar, as he is not a tragic sorts guy. Sans felt like this man should not even be here, and needs to leave, as he than began ti sing as fast as he can, and with as much force as possible, in order to make sure that he wins the bet.

But as he keeps on singing, Sans can see that the light can flash off at times, and it makes seeing the arrows a little more difficult than ever before, as he than looks to see where the arrows are going, so that he will be able to sing the correct notes that he needs to sing. He than clenched his fist, as he continues to sing. He cannot let this happen. He will not let Updike win, he must not let Updike win. He needs to make sure that he loses, so that he will honor the agreement, as he does all he can and sings to the full extent. And Updike is getting more and more frustrated, as he found himself being unable to defeat and win against Sans in a rap battle. Inc Erne song ended, as he than looks up and spoke out.

"Well...you're gonna leave us alone?"

Than, Updike looks at Sans and snarled out.

"I think you are mistaking me for someone who believes in playing fair!!"

This made Sans shocked and scared, as sweat instantly rolls down his skull, as Kerin than stepped in front of Sans and spoke out.

"Alright, it's go time!!!"

Updike than took out a gun, and he prepares to fire it, when all of a sudden...a black hand, looking like it is made of shadows, grabs Updike by the shoulder, and Updike looks behind him, before he than screamed.


The light than began to flicker, and both Kerin and and Sans thought that Updike was done for, and that they were rescued. But than, they heard a wet tearing sound, and screams of agony, before it stopped, and this made Kerin and Sans silent for a total of 2 minutes inside of the position that they are inside of now, and Jan...all of a sudden...the light had finally stoped flickering...and they saw someone in the place of Updike, something that does not look friendly in the absolute slightest of appearances.

"...you can't be serious."

Sans said, as he looked at what is before him. Standing before him is a giant monster, having a black body with a head that is shaped similar to a lemon, but has a very scary face of sorts. And there was blood coming down from his mouth, with white hair hanging from between the teeth, which he than took out with his barehands. It didn't take long for both Sans and Kerin to realize what had happened to Updike. Sans stoped backwards, as he felt like he is about to throw up and faint, but Kerin used her powers to stop him, and the monster spoke out.

"That foolish man of the so-called Greater Good will not be the one to kill you, skeleton, because I shall be the one to do it. No one...and I mean no one, will steal that kill that I deserve."

Sans couldn't believe what it is that he is hearing, as he than spoke out to himself.

"Everything just seems to happen to me every day now, isn't it?"

He smacked his face with his hands, before he than looks back at the Monster, who than prepares to start singing.

Third Song: Monster

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Monster and Sans than began to sing against each other, as the Monster's lyrics actually began to be heard from The Monster, which is actually the first time someone else is actually able to speak clearly English inside of a rap battle. And the way that he spoke out to Sans with the lyrics that it is making...it is making him feel scared, and almost make him want to faint at the sight of the entity, as well as at the fact that it is saying lyrics that is so scary. And what is even worse for Sans, as the fact that lightning crashes in the background, and he always jumps, and makes him miss the notes that he is supposed to be playing, making him say and get there notes that he needs to get in order to save both himself and Kerin, so that he does not get eaten by the Monster, with Kerin being the same, as she does not want to see Sans get eaten. In fact, seeing the monster, Kerin realizes that even if Sans does finish, the Monster is not going to be much of a person that leaves him alone, and instead, he is going to focus on making sure that he eats him even after he has defeated him.

After Sans was able to get past the lighting and finished singing, the Monster, after looking down at Sans, and than, all of a sudden, rushed in and grabbed Sans by the neck, a she puts him in a choke hold with just one hand, while also using what hand strength that he has in order to lift Sans.

The monster lifted him up by the neck, and tries to bite his head off, only for Kerin to use her powers to hurt the monster's arm badly, as he is than forced to let go of Sans, who is now holding this neck in pain.

Kerin than used her powers to send him flying away fast, as she looks down at Sans, and helped him up.

"Sans, are you okay?"

Sans gasped a little bit, as he than spoke out to Kerin.

"Y-Yeah, I-I'm okay!"

Kerin sighed, but she than hugged Sans tightly, because she was afraid for what was going to happen to him, had the Monster did anything else. In all honesty, the monster would have killed him. Or worse, eaten him, and she is not going to let a monster like they do it to him.

"Sans...promise me, don't ever do this again!!!"

Sans looks at Kerin, and Kerin spoke out.

"Do not ever make a wager like this again! I can't afford to lose someone as precious as you are, especially since you are the one person that I truly care about in my whole life..."

She than hugs him tightly, as she than spoke out.

"As well as the one person that I truly love. Please, do not make a wager like this again!!"

Kerin actually begs to cry, and Sans was shocked at what she is doing now, and what it is that she said to him. But he than remembers the fact that Kerin is still a 19-year old, and is as vulnerable to being hurt as any other people, regardless of it is emotional or physical. So he than hugs Kerin with his arms, as he than spoke out.

""Never again...Kerin. I promise."

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