Week 3

Sans and Kerin are walking through the area that they are inside of right now. And it is none other than a city of sorts.

The city was pretty large in size, as he is not expecting to see something as big as this. He has never been to a city before. He has seen it, but only in pictures in computers and television, which he watches on. But to be inside of a city in person...it is a whole new experience for Sans to have. And it is a very...uneasy experience for him to have, as he has never walked into a city before. He feels like he is going faint and fall behind, due to the fact that he, in his vision, could see that the distance is going onwards and is much, much more farther away than he thinks it is, as if the distance before him is stretched, when in reality, the distance is normal, and is not stretching in a way. But even so, Sans could not help but feel a little bit scared of this, as he has no idea if he can even stand being in the middle of a city.

Sans shook his head, as he than tries to clear and correct the way that he is seeing stuff, but as he did that...he felt the hand of the goddess touching his own hand, as she squeezed it as firmly and tightly as he could. She must be feeling the stress that he is feeling now, not to mention the anxiety that he has at being in the middle of a city. And because of this, she is now trying to help him relax a little bit at what he is feeling right now.

Sans than looked down at the ground, and he began to take a deep breath, as he knows that this is going to worry his ally even more, as he than tries to clear his mind. But as he does that...he suddenly flinched...as he felt Kerin suddenly hugging his entire body, and is picking him up from the ground, due to the fact that he is fun-sized and is a very nice person to pick up easily, especially since she is so immensely strong with her physicality. Though she knows that this could also hurt Sans if she is not careful with what she does, as mentally retrains herself, in order to make sure that she does not accidentally break his bones, especially with when it comes to tryin to hug him. She than began to speak out to Sans in a soothing tone, as she than does whatever she can to try and calm him down.

"It is okay, Sans. Do not forget that I am here for you. And besides, you cannot let this fear get in the way. You need to keep on going, no matter how scary it may seem to you. You are my favorite timid, shy monster in my arms, after all."

This made Sans blush, as he was not expecting to hear that, especially from Kerin. Than...he felt something in his very soul, a warmth that he is not expecting to feel. Not to mention the fact that...his soul...it is beating rapidly, as well ad the fact that the fact that his breath is beginning got turned shallow and much more rapid. Kerin notices this, and hugs Sans much more tighter than ever before, which made Sans blush even more than ever before, and his own soul beginning to rapidly beat much more faster than expected. Than, Kerin puts Sans down, as she than held out his hand, and she than continued to speak out.

"Well...now that we have calmed you down, how about we continue to this direction, and more importantly, how about you listen to your music, which should be able to ease the stress the thou are feeling."

Sans nodded his head, seeing that this is a good idea for him, as he than pressed into his headphones, and plays some music with them.

And the music that he has played was able to calm him down. It made him much more less stressed than ever before, as he continued on towards the city with Kerin, who is holding Sans' hand with her own hand. Kerin smiled, as she blushed at Sans, but because she is thinking of something that she can do with Sans, once she reveals how she feels towards him, once she reveals how much she adores him with all of her heart. How much Sans meant the world entirely all to Kerin alone. But there is a soft smile on her face, that makes her smile very catlike and cute. As she continues on with whatever that she is doing ad the both of them continue onwards in order to go to the area that Boyfriend and Girlfriend are at.

'This is my greatest dream having finally come true. Having a monster with me at my side, and with no one, not even my parents being able to stop me from doing any of this. I love having this monster holding my hand. My own parents, they are so arrogant, they have not seen how, even with these so-called lesser mortals, have shown to give out kindness, even with all of the fear that they all have. They are all just so wrong about mortals in entirety. And this is why I will want to have Sans in my life, to prove to myself that I am able to live among these lesser mortals, and to even love the mortals below me.'

This is what Kerin wants to happen...as her parents do not want her to fall in love with...as they quote, 'lesser mortals', due to the fact that it will ruin their family reputation, and thus, they have tried to find her a god for her to marry, only for none of the gods that she had met to not fit her desire and need, with many of them acting arrogant, one of them greedy to be part of the family's reputation, one acted like a slob, and the other simply is just cowardly, and another simply lusting for her. But the parents, no matter what Kerin says, and no matter how many times she had to say no, refuses to stop, and kept on trying. Because of this, Kerin, she just finally had enough and is getting tired or having to repeat and say to her family over and over again about having to listen to no, and decided to run away from her parents for being so inconsiderate to how she feels, as well as not listening to her opinion to the other gods, and the fact that she wants to find a love for her to be with, and decided to find someone that she believes would be worthy of her love. It is as if the parents do not have faith in her ability to find someone to live, but Kerin does not care, as long as she gets what type of person she wants.

So she stayed and looked over in the human world while inside of her realm, and originally, she wanted Boyfriend at first, but he already has someone to live, which is Girlfriend, who is a demon. So she decided to leave them be, as she knows that trying to rip Boyfriend away from Girlfriend would make her worse than her parents, and the fact that she has respect for other people who manage to find love on their own, and decided not to interfere, to avoid causing unnecessary trouble. But than, when she caught sight of Sans, she froze, as, while she has heard of the monster race before, she has never seen them before, and she realized that Sans was the very first monster to see, especially one in the form of a skeleton. She observed him, watched over him from her realm, and she saw that, while he is not brave in any sort of a way, and is very timid and easily rather scared, he is shown to be very kind, even if he is a little bit shy and timid, and has a dream of wanting to rap battle with Boyfriend, not caring if he loses to him or being able to win against him, even possibly wanting to be a famous rapper, just like him, not to mention that, he actually tries to help others as best as he could, even if he is not brave in a certain way. But he looks down at himself for this, believing that what he wants is not going to happen, and that he will forever be a shy, timid, and scared Skeleton for the rest of his life, and even claimed that this is what he will forever be, even though he wishes that he can be braver, and be able to rap battle so that he can finally achieve the dream that he wants. Seeing how he desires to be brave, and how he always dreamed of being able to rap battle against a human that she was originally interested in, this caused her to see something that is inside of Sans. While currently claiming himself as the weakest, Kerin, she senses a lot of great potential inside of Sans, as his magic is immense. The only reason that he is not as powerful as he is said, is because, the truth is, he has been somehow restraining himself. And this restrain had turned into something that is akin to a limiter of sorts, which prevents him from using his powers to their fullest extent. But of course, Kerin has no idea what it is that limiting him from using all of his strength, but does believe that it is his shy and timid nature that prevents him from unleashing his full potential, not to mention the fact that it is because of the fact that his own self-doubt that is possibly being the other reason that it is stopping him from going all out with his powers, and thus, Kerin decides to come down and help him, in order to try and break the restrain that is within his body. Not simply for his powers, but because of the fact that to her, she is the perfect person to be with in her eyes, as while easily scared he'll be, and he won't denies that he is afraid, he is also unendingly kind, which is the type of person that she wants to be with. Since the family cares more about reputation, she does not care what they think, and in fact, he cares only for what she thinks this time, as she is now being able to fall in love with Sans, a monster, and something lesser than a god, just as Girlfriend is able to fall in love with Boyfriend, as she is able to fall in love with a lesser mortal, and the way that Girlfriend was like, she, while weaker compared to Kerin, inspected her to love one that similar.

But while the both of them are walking, Sans...he suddenly stopped, as he than sensed a mother frequency of magic, it is coming from the same direction that they are heading to. And it is very strong, and much more malicious than even Girlfriend's magic. Kerin seems to also sense it, and before the both of them could see where it is coming from...a sudden flash of light erupted from the in front of them, and the both of them closed their eyes, as they cannot see through the blinding light. When the bright light was done being bright, Sans was a little reluctant to open his eyes, but after a minute, decides to open them, and Kerin does the same, inky to be shocked at where they are now inside of.

Both Sans and Kerin, they are both inside of an alternate dimension of sorts, though this is one that they have never seen before in their lives. It is a dimension with a white and black space of sorts, as well as having chunks of rock all over the place, which is large enough for people to stand and sit on top of.

Sans...he began to panic at where he is, as he has no idea what in the world is going, and he began to walk around, as he than spoke out.

"Wh-Wha...What is this?! Where did we go?! This isn't Earth!!!!"

He than began to run all around, only for something that suddenly appear in front of Sans.

Sans screeched to a stop, as he sees that is before his eyes, and Kerin teleported beside Sans, as she goes and sees the mysterious attacker that had decided to bring them inside of this strange dimension that they are inside of right now. And it is certainly not a friendly face to see before him.

Standing before them is a very tall humanoid entity, having normal skin color on the fingers, wears a black pair of pants that had chains attached to it, with red and black shoes and hoodie, with black fingerless gloves. But the head of the entity is not human, and is black in color, with tendrils on top of the head instead of hair, and has sharp teeth that is similar to that of a shark's teeth, except it is only in one row. The entity also has no pupils of sorts, no irises, as it is only white. It is as though someone colored it's eyes white, making him look as though he is blind, despite the fact that he is perfectly able to see.

The entity than looks down at the skeleton, and spoke out.

"So...you are the one that I have been sensing, coming to me and my pal's location."

Sans stepped back, feeling scared, as he than spoke out.

"Who...who are you?"

Sans was scared, but he can't just simply run away. The entity smiled, as he then spoke out.

"Heh...name's Agoti, little squirt. And it seems that you are going to where we've kept some certain people with us."

This made Sans' eye sockets widen, as he than spoke out to him.

"Wait...yo-you're the one that captured Boyfriend and Girlfriend?"

Agoti shook his head, and spoke out.

"No...but my friend did. But I cannot tell you who he is...nor can I let you pass. I may not want kidnap and I may not like it, little buddy, but this person is someone that is am very close to. So, whether I like it or not, I'm going to stop you from his sake."

Than, Agoti held out his hand, and summoned a microphone into his hand, as he gripped onto it

Agoti smiled, as he spun his microphone in his hand for a little bit, before pointing his finger at Sans, who is a little bit scared of going against Agoti. But Sans took out his one microphone, as he summoned the G-Blasters, and Kerin spoke out.

"Be careful, Sans. He is dangers compared to the last opponent."

Sans nodded, as he looks at Agoti, who looks at him, and thinks that this is some bad joke.

"Seriously? You're gonna go down and fight against me? Tch, you are just way to scared to face me, little brat. You cannot win against me. You are too pathetic and cowardly to face me."

Sans flinched, and as Agoti made a scary expression, made his mouth quiver.

And this is an expression that Agoti wants to see on his face, the feeling of fear being present in the eyes of a very scared and very shy skeleton. But Sans shook his head, as he than looks at Agoti, and stood firmly on the ground, as he gets ready to fight. Agoti sneered, as he spoke out.

"So, you're gonna fight to you Death huh? Well, bring it on!!"

Sans stood his ground, as he gets ready to fight against Agoti.

First song: Screenplay

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The song than began, as Agoti takes the lead in singing.

As he sings, Agoti points his finger at Sans, as he stuck out his thumb, as if to mock him for being so idiotic. Sans gulped, as the movements and the singing that he is making is causing him to become nervous, but he knows that he cannot back down now. And instead he needs to focus on being able to keep up and win against him. So he began to sing with every amount of speed that he has, and tries to catches many of the notes as possible. And is able to catch the first notes on his end without any sort of trouble at all. As Sans sing, Kerin was impressed at how he managed to get over his fear this quickly, but he began to continue to be brave, even if he is still shy and timid, as he began to get through through the song. Agoti was not paying attention, as he is to caught up in his own skills, and he continues to sing, unaware of the fact that Sans himself is a very good singer himself. So Sans he was able to get through until at the very end. And when that happened...Agoti was shocked to see him still standing, and when he saw that his icon has been pushed by Sans' icon, this made him shocked, as he than spoke out to him.

"What?! How did you get through to the end of it??!!! You're supposed to be scared!! You're supposed to lose!! You're supposed to flee!!!"

Sans than spoke out.

"D-Don't get me wrong. I...I am scared...but I cannot just walk away!! Besides, I have someone that I want ti make proud of, even if it makes me scared and miserable."

Agoti snarled, as he than spoke out.

"Well...not you are going to be even more miserable than you are before. Get ready, little man."

Second Song: Parasite

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The second song began, and this time, Agoti is really trying to make sure that he does not continue further. He began to shake the area a little bit, along with the notes, so that he does not take the change and be able to win against Agoti, and make it difficult to try and stop him, if not impossible to win against him.

Agoti stands on his toes, and as he sings, looks as though he is trying to show to Sans that he is superior to him in every way, and that he is much more stronger and much more powerful than Sans could ever have been. But Sans does not fall down under these temptations, as he than sings just as fast, and is doing all that he can to try and sing and get all of the notes before he misses them. He refuses to let this happen to him, and refuses to be defeated. He will prevail in the end, and will save both Boyfriend and Girlfriend from being imprisoned, as he than goes all out and sings with all of his soul.

He can feel it, a drive to keep on going, a demand to keep on singing, he does not care what happens to him, nor what he does. He will save Boyfriend, his idol, and Girlfriend, who he loves the most. He does not stop singing, as Kerin looks at Sans, and she felt a sense of gratitude in her very soul, at seeing that Sans is not stopping, as she bobs her head from side to side, her tail wagging from side to side as well, as she has a confident smile on his face. But when Sans finished...Agoti could not believe what had just happened. He had been beaten again...and it was not by some strong singer like Boyfriend, but by a shy and weak singer like Sans, and he is still able to beat him, and this is making him very mad, more madder than when Boyfriend was able to beat him. And this is pissing him off to an insane degree.

Looks like Agoti finally had enough, as he than got so enraged, that he finally used his powers and warped all of reality inside of the dimension that he sealed himself, Sans, and Kerin inside of. Sans and Kerin closed both of their eyes. And they both could not look at what it is that Agoti is chaniging. But as that happened, Kerin, she then began to feel herself falling down. In fact, she realizes that the area, even the rock, is falling as well. And using her powers, she began to slow her descent, as she also feels Sans and Agoti, as well as the area that they are bit on, beginning to fall as well.

And when both Sans and Kerin opened their eyes, they all saw what it is that has happened.

The entire area has been warped, as the pillars have replaced the small miniature island that float in the air, as they are both all down, even the platform that both Sans and Agoti are standing on. Sans's own scarf was now waving upwards extremely fast, as he felt the air of falling down into what seems to be an endless fall that Agoti is now doing. And speaking of Agoti, Sans turns back to look at him...only to now be scared.

Agoti's 'hair' is waving around wildly, as his face is of pure rage at the fact that a shy and timid skeleton is able to defeat him in not one but 2 rap battles. This is making him so angry, that he can barely contain it. It is nearly about to blow his top off, and he cannot imagine the idea of having a shy and timid skeleton being able to beat him in 2 of his rap battles. The rage that is within his voice is than spoken out as this.


Sans shook in fear, as Agoti than roared.


Third Song: A.G.O.T.I

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sans was scared at the area that he is in, as he looked around and turned to see that he and Kerin are falling down endlessly. But luckily for Kerin, she is able to use her powers to slow her fall down enough that she is able to see what it is the it's happening in the fight.

Agoti really shrieks in fury during the song named after him, and he cannot believe and even denies the fact that someone as timid as Sans could be able to him his ground against a skilled singers and much more ruthless opponents as Agoti himself. And this is making him angry. But Sans continues to sing to his soul's content, as he then keeps up with Agoti in his ability to sing, as Agoti is doing all that he can to beat him. The area waves from side to side, the arrows are shaking, as Agoti is doing his very best at making sure that Sans falls and is defeated in a rap battle. But Sans does not fall, and instead, he is continuing to fight against the large digidevil that is before his eyes. And he is able to keep his icon intact and not get on the losing side. He was able to keep on singing as much as he could, and other himself from losing, and in time, he was able to successfully prevent himself from losing against Agoti, and is able to win the rap battle, that very intense. But Agoti...he was very enraged with this.

Agoti than unleashed a shriek of rage into the sky, as Sans steps back, a little bit scared of what Agoti is feeling now, but he than shakes his head, as he looks at Agoti with his eye sockets, as he stood his ground. He than takes out a vial, and began to do something. His soul was beginning to drain, as Sans began to feel immense exhaustion and pain, and not wanting to have his entire soul sucked out, as he grabs Kerin, and made a portal, before getting out of the dimension, escaping from Agoti.

Sans than exits from the other side of portal the portal, and was able to get out of the dimension, as Sans and Kerin looked at each other, unable to believe that they both survived it, and Sans than spoke out.

"Let's keep on moving, okay, and pretend that this never happened."

Kerin nodded, as she and Sans stood up, and Kerin using her powers to help heal and restore the magic that Agoti had sucked from it, before the both of them kept on moving, as they than began to move more and more closer to Boyfriend and Girlfriend's location, even Sans could tell that they are getting much more closer than before. But what Kerin and Sans do not know, is that when they reach the area, they will be in for an unexpected surprise that is awaiting them.

Unknown location...

Agoti landed on the ground that is before an ally of his, as he than looks up, and looks to see that his friend is here, and is not happy with the fact that Agoti came back in pain.

"Did that weak skeleton somehow beat you? How in the world did you fail me?"

Agoti snarled angrily, as he spoke out rather angrily.

"I do not know. But I did manage to get something before he was able to truly defeat me."

The friend of Agoti gawked his head, as Agoti took out a vial of a purple substance that is trying to leak out magic from the cap. The friend than took the vial from Agoti's hand, and looks at it, as Agoti spoke out.

"I manage to get a small bit of that skeleton's soul, and put it in the vial. Maybe we can use it for something."

Agoti's friend than turns around, and he looks at the vial in his hand, before he clenched his fist and spoke out.

"Yes...perhaps it will be of a great use to my cause. Since I will be needing to stop both the little bitches from being free."

The the entity made a sinister chuckle, before speaking out.

"And I know of the perfect way to stop them from continuing on any further."

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