Week 2

Sans is shown to be walking down a road of sorts, with Kerin at his side. This...this is the very first time that he is actually walking away from his own home. And he didn't think that he was going to let that happen to him. And the thing is...it is very nerve-wracking for Sans, as he had not ventured far from his home before in the past, not to mention the fact that he tries his best to never leave his house.

But there is also the feeling of being homesick. He always loved to be at his home, because there...is where he knew of who he is. So to leave his own home is like leaving a part of his own being behind. It is as though he is leaving a part of his own body, which he had become so, so attached to. Because of this, he feels very bad that he is leaving his very own home behind, all just to go after Boyfriend and Girlfriend in order to rescue them. Of course, he knows that it will just simply take a weak, and he will be back and not make Papyrus worry, as he left a note that says that he will be back after a couple of days or so, but even so, he still feels very saddened that he had to leave the very home that he had lived in for such a long time. He clenched his fist righty, the one that is not wrapped around Kerin's hand, as he felt very unhappy and sad at the fact that he had to leave his house. But what he doesn't know is that Kerin is sensing how he is feeling, due to the fact that she has the power to sense his emotions, and will know why it is that he is feeling them. So she tightly squeezed Sans' hand, in order to make him feel a little bit better at what he is feeling like right now. This actually worked, as Sans stopped feeling upset, and looked at Kerin, who smiled at Sans in a very sweet way, as she than spoke out to him.

"Do not worry, Sans. You will come home and enjoy being with your family...or even better...enjoying being with me."

She said with a smile being turned into a sly grin, as she walks up to Sans and caresses his skull. This made Sans shiver at the feeling of it, as this is the first time a girl such as Kerin is touching him like this, and the way she stroked his skull made him shake, but not out of fear, out of embarrassment and the fact that her hands felt very cold. It was such an embarrassing thing for Sans, but he does not object, as he does not want to make her upset, since she spent so much time helping him. He felt nervous, as she looks into his eyes, and see that Sans is getting so embarrassed that his own eyes are starting to turn into swirls, which made Sans blush and the fact that he is struggling to get his words out. Kerin smiled, but she wants to take it a step further, as she than opened her eyes, and shows that they are a beautiful amethyst color, and they are very beautiful eyes to have. Sans froze himself at the stance that he is in, and Kerin smiled happily, as she finally got Sans to stop moving and acting like a nervous wreck, in which he's been acting. But he is now becoming more and more light purple in the face, as he cannot help but look into her eyes. Her tail waved a little bit, her deer ears twitched a little, as her eyes sparkled like stars, as she looks at Sans in the eyes. And Sans, he cannot help but feel entranced but the eyes that he is looking at in the eyes of the goddess. And people always wondered...what is it like to look at the eyes and seeing the beauty of a goddess. And now...Sans had gotten his answer, in the form of the goddess that is before his very eyes, and needless to say, he cannot help but feel much more safer and much more happier, much more calmer, when he looks into her eyes. He felt like he will be going into a trance of sorts anytime soon, if he continues to look into the eyes of the goddess that is before his eyes, especially a recent goddess at the age of a 19-year old. He felt his legs standing straight, and his arms loosely dangling, before he moved them a little, with one of them touching a hand of Kerin's, before the other reaches up to try and stroke her in the face, just so that he can feel what her face feels like. And when he did...it felt...smooth, like a cold pearl, but it was soft, and very comforting to touch, and even Kerin seems to enjoy the touch that Beats has, his hands being warm, and she seems to take a lot of joy in the warmth that she is feeling from the hand that he has on her face. But than, she suddenly left go of Sans' own face, and grabbed it, before leading down to the area where her heart is at, before she than pressed his hand into her chest, in order for Sans to feel the beating of her heart.

This made Sans panic, as he has no idea what it is that she is doing, and wanted to yank himself off of what Kerin is doing...but than...he felt something. A beating that is repeating inside of her chest. It is than it took Sans to finally realize that...he is not feeling a heart that is within her, but her very soul. Kerin smiled, as she senses that Sans is able to catch on in what it is that he is feeling, as she closed her eyes again, feeling contented at feeling Sans' warmth around her very soul, as she than began to speak out to the most shy and timid member of the Monsters of Sound.

"Do you feel it, Sans? It is my very own soul, beating. It is beating inside of my very chest, just and it...it is beating along with your very soul as well."

Her free hand, which she used to grab Sans' hand, than goes under Sans' jacket and shirt, before she than reached his ribcage, and held her hand there, over where his soul is. This made Sans' blush and shiver at the feeling that he has, as he has never felt anyone move and touched his ribcage like that. But than...he felt Kerin's own hand feeling the beat of his own soul, as the vibration of his soul's beating is able to be felt by the goddess, and the goddess feels contented, as she than spoke out to him.

"Do you not see it, feel it, Sans? My heart...it is beating at the exact same time as yours is beating. Our very souls...are beating in perfect unison, like a perfect song, like a perfect duo, like a perfect, lovely couple. You had seen Boyfriend and Girlfriend work together, and now...the both of us are going to do the exact same thing. We will both work together in order to save them, because the both of our souls beat as one. And I will be with you, every step of the way, no matter what other people may say, and I will not leave you to venture alone. We will both save them, together."

This made Sans surprised at what she had said, but at the exact same time...he felt touched, not simply because of the fact that Kerin is encouraging him, hit because she is reassuring him of the fact that they are both going to work together in order to save both Boyfriend and Girlfriend. This made Sans feel happy, as he blushed, and yet, he smiled with a content expression on his face, feeling very relaxed at what Kerin is doing. He closed his eyes, as he continues to feel her very soul beating, and the beat being felt by his very bones. He closed his eyes, and wishes that he can listen to the beating of the soul for hours. 

But that moment was ruined...when Kerin, for some unknown reason, then decided to slip her hand inside of the ribcage, and touched and stroked his soul, which made a sudden jolt appear in his body. It was not a bad jolt, but it was something that made him blush, almost in pleasure, as he than jumped back, and spoke out.

"What in the...wh-wh-why in the w-w-world are we wasting time?! We n-n-need to get m-m-moving and go and rescue both b-b-boyfriend and girlfriend!!!"

Kerin giggled, and Sans was too distracted by the sudden feeling to hear how cute it was, as she than spoke out.

"Well, than let's go, silly. I won't waste your time. We still have all the time in the world to go and save them."

Kerin than went next to Sans, and held his hand into hers, before she than smiled and spoke out.

"So...lead the way."

Sans nodded his head, though he is shaking and blushing in utter embarrassment still, as the bout if then began to move and go to the direction that they're going.

An hour later...

Sans and Kerin kept on waking as much as they could, before they than ran into an area filled with shucks of corn, and it was tall, almost as if they are next to a farm. But Sans and Kerin do not have time to look at the stocks of corn, as they than continued to move to where they need to go. But unbeknownst to the both of them, there is someone watching them from a distance, and he is not a friendly person. The entity than moved to go stop them.

As the both of them kept on moving forward...Sans began to shiver, as if he is cold. Well...he can't feel cold, despite being night, due to the fact that he does not have skin or nerves to tell him that it is cold. But the shivering was more of fear, as he than spoke out to Kerin.

"This p-place...it-it feels wrong. Like we're trespassing."

Kerin hummer...before speaking out.

"Speaking of trespassing...I think that person who owns this territory is here."

Sans and Kerin baluster, as they see that someone is coming, and they are scary when shown completely.

Standing before them was a very large animate scarecrow, wearing black pants and shirt, a stick in its mouth, a hat that resembles that of a witch, and has a pickaxe with a microphone at the bottom end of the item. And the scarecrow was very tall, and it seems to be very murderous at the sight of seeing Sans in its territory.

Sans was a little bit scared at what he is seeing before his very eyes. He steps backwards...but he hesitated, as he than realized that Kerin is watching him, and is waiting to see what he will do. Sans looks down, and he clenched his fist, as he looks back up at the Scarecrow, a determined expression is in his face, as he than began to step forward, and than, the Scarecrow spoke out.

"What is it that you darn kids are doing in my area?"

Sans than hesitated, and he than spoke out.

"Oh...I-I apologize for that, mister. We were just looking for someone, and we think that they may have went to that direction."

Sans spoke out, and pointed at the direction that he is referring to. The scarecrow turns around, and looks at the direction that they are going to. The scarecrow than turns around, and spoke out.

"Ohh...I see...you are looking for some old folks that you had not seen in a long time. And you are wandering to see them in the middle of the night."

Sans nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Y-Yeah. Th-That's what me and my friend are doing."

The scarecrow than looks at Sans, and he than chucked softly, as he than spoke out to him.

"Well...I guess you have a good reason to come to my territory...however..."

The scarecrow than looks down at Sans' face, as he than made his eyes gleam with malice present, before he than spoke out.

"I cannot let you go past my area this easily, Skeleton. In fact...your visit...will be the very last thing that you see before your very eye...before you finally have your life wasted before you are ended by the hands that are mine."

This made Sans very scared, as sweat began to go down his face. It didn't take him long to realize that the scarecrow was going to be present at milking him. But Sans looked down...as he than spoke out.

"N-No...it w-will be my only visit...b-because I will be leaving alive!"

He said, as he than took out his microphone, and held it out at the scarecrow. The large scarecrow was surprised at the fact that Sans has one himself, as he than spoke out.

"Ahhh...so...you wish to challenge me to a rap battle, huh? Fine than...I will make sure that your stay here will be the last one that you will be in. And it will be the most painful stay yet. Be weary, boy...for I am not someone that shall be beaten by the likes of you this easily."

The Scarecrow than held the microphone up to his face, as Sans than snapped his fingers, and summoned the G-Blasters in thin air, as Kerin sat down on top of the one that is at the top middle. Sans than looks at the large scarecrow, as he steps back a little, but this is simply to get into position so that he can start being able to do the songs that he shall be posing for the large scarecrow enemy that is before his eyes.

First song: Foolhardy

The song had began, and when that happened...the scarecrow had already began to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It was very sudden, as he did not expect for that to happen. But he knows that he cannot back down from this and he needs to remain focused as he looks back at the Scarecrow that is before his very eyes, and he does all he can to not get distracted by the scary movements that it is doing while it is singing. And than, when his notes came up, he than began to sing, with an equally scared tone to match the haunting atmosphere that Sans himself is in right now.

Sans, he can feel the wind blow on his face, and while it really isn't making him cold, it is ruining his concentration, which is making him miss the notes that he could have gotten. But thankfully, he he stood strong, and still persisted through, and kept on singing as much as he can, so that he does not give the scarecrow the satisfaction in being able to defeat him. He kept on singing, as he kept on persisting throughout the winds and the haunting music that is making his bones rattle in fear. But as he kept going and pushing through, he was able to make to the end, and in which, the scarecrow stopped moving, as he felt a little bit angry at the fact that Sans is still fine, along with Kerin, who cheers very happily at the fact that Sans is still okay, in spite of having been attacked and dueled in a rap battle against a scarecrow.

Sans gasped for breath, as he felt a little bit tired from that, and looked to see that the scarecrow is a little bit angry, but he smiled a little bit suppress the anger, as he than spoke out.

"Huh...not bad. But that does not mean that I am through with you yet, child. I am still going to keep on fighting, and make sure that you are beaten."

Sans clenched his fist, as he looked up at the tall Scarecrow that is before him, as he than spoke out.

"Y-Y-You can t-t-try and b-beat me, Mr. Scarecrow."

This made the Scarecrow unhappy at being called that, but he says nothing, as he than looks at Sans in the eyes, before he than began to sing.

2nd song: Bushwhack

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

And the instant he began to sing, plants from the ground began to grow up at an accelerated rate, and tried to wrap themselves around Kerin, much ti Sans' horror. But Sans was relived when Kerin was gone and untouched, as she than bent the moonlight into a solid wall, which she than used as a shield when she looks at Scarecrow. But the Scarecrow was way to focused on Sans, as the both of then began to go into a rap battle. Sans was sweating with fear, but he does not give up, and persists to the end. He kept on singing, and as he did, when it was the Scarecrow's turn, he would then summon large vines to hit Sans, only for Sans, out of pure fear, to avoid getting hit by the vines, before it would than be his turn and he had would than began to sing again. As he kept on progressing through the song, the scarecrow became more and more faster and more and more desperate and violent to take him down. But eventually...the song ended, and Sans won. His icon pushed the Scarecrow's icon to his end, resulting in the loser being the Scarecrow for Sans to take the win. The Scarecrow did not shout out in a rage, though, as he than spoke out.

"You have done well...not that it matters."

It than turned away, as he than began to walk into the stocks of corn that are in the field.


Sans said, as the Scarecrow vanished from his sight, almost as if he became the earth itself. Sans hesitated to go into the stocks of corn, as he stopped himself. Kerin than jumped off of the G-Blasters, and went up to Sans.

"Sans...let's go."

Sans nodded...as he than grabbed Kerin by the hand...as he than began to walk away with Kerin, before the both of them goes out of the area, and away from the territory of the Scarecrow. But as that happened...Sans than spoke out.

"You know...I think I'm gonna sing against no one, just singing for myself...and you, Kerin."

This made Kerin confused, and before she found question on it, Sans began to sing, with his microphone out and close to his mouth.

3rd song: Azurelovania

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sans than began to sing the song, while also holding onto Kerin's hand, as the both of them went through the night sky, as the G-Blasters blasted in their direction, the music that is coming out of them. Kerin was surprised, but this song was making her smile, due to how the song was so cheery when Sans sings it, with his eyes closed, as he wanders into the direction of where Boyfriend and Girlfriend are at. Clearly...this is perfect monster that Kerin had chose well...especially when he will one day be able to earn the love that she has towards him.

When he finished, Kerin has a light blush present on her face, as she had moved her head a little bit, before she than spoke out.

"Sans...I won't deny the fact that your magic is not as strong as my godly power, but...your music, it feels like it has much more magic than even the magic I alone possess."

Kerin than hugged Sans' arm very tightly, as Sans blushed a little bit than Kerin has, though his blush is much more deeper, as Kerin sighed happily, as she than thought to himself.

'Perhaps I might have chosen the right monster to be the one that I might love as dearly as I'll ever.'

Unknown location...

A pair of footsteps than appeared in the hallway...as a voice spoke out.

"Umm...we appear to have some trouble coming. apparently, there are 2 people that are searching for the 2 that we had captured, and they are heading in our direction."

Another voice than spoke out.

"Is that so. Than go and take care of them. Kill then if necessary."

The first voice spoke out.

"It will be done."

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