
Sans was shocked at what he had just heard. He turns around, conveyed at what it is that Kerin had just said to him. What she said...it made no sense to him.

"What...what do you mean by...did you even here what I said?! I am too shy, scared, and I am not that strong! I am not strong to save them, even if I have tried!!"

But Kerin smiled, as she than spoke out to Sans.

"That is where you are very wrong, for you do have strength within yourself, Sans. It is just that you have no idea if the potential that you have."

Sans looked confused, as he had than looked down at himself, as he began to think of what Kerin had said to him.

"When...when have I ever showed potential, Kerin? I have no idea of my real potential, because I always do the best I can to not get involved in violent situations!!"

But then, Kerin spoke out back to him.

"That is because I don't need to see it in action. Because the truth is...I can feel it."

This made Sans even more confused, as he than turned around and looked at Kerin in the eyes, as she than spoke out to him.

"I can feel it, the power inside of you, it is strong enough to combat even against the most dangerous rappers in a rap battle. The only reason that you are not aware of this, is because you did not have bravery to fight against the Rappers, and instead, your pacifist nature prevents that from ever happening. We need to make your stronger, to make you more confident and braver then of what you are right now."

Sans...he feels so...so lost and confused. He looks down at the ground, at the grass, his hands clenched a little tightly...before he then spoke out.


Kerin gawked her head to the side, as Sans than spoke out.

"H-How...how can you have...why...would you have so much...faith in someone such as...such as me. I...I'm just a shy, timid monster that is too scared to do anything. How...how can you be so sure about me, about me being able to save Boyfriend and Girlfriend whenever the others are unable to do it? I..I don't understand. Papyrus, he is brave enough to do it, he is even stronger than me."

But Kerin shook her head, as she than spoke out back to Sans.

"No, Sans. Papyrus, he may have unlocked his true power, but you...you didn't. You have not unlocked the seal that has held back your power all this time. I can sense it, trying to break out in order to bring down the ones that had kidnapped bout Boyfriend and Girlfriend."

Sans than looks down at the side of the ground, as a rather sad expression is present on his face. He could not understand how and why Kerin, a goddess, someone stronger than an Angel or a Demon, be so certain of someone such as Sans, who has no experience with doing any of those sorts of stuff whatsoever. It is so confusing in his eyes, due to the fact that this is something that he has never done before. And Kerin...she sounds way to sure about Sans, and it...it makes him feel ashamed, because he wanted to prove that he is strong, only to prove that he is weak. Than, Kerin took Sans by the hands, and Sans looked up at Kevin's face, with her eyes closed, but her smoke being able to brighten even the darkest and blackest night in all of creation.

"If you don't believe me...then let me show you. Let me help you in being able to learn how to rap battle."

Sans's eyes widened at what she said. She...she said that...she will help him? She will help him with rap battling? Sans than looked down at the ground, and...he than remembered the dream that he had always wanted to do. He wishes that he can rap battle against Boyfriend...and this....this could be his only chance. He looks down...before he then looks up, with a look of hope on his face.

"You...you really want to...to teach me how to sing in a battle of a rap battle? With me...of...of all the Monsters of Sound?"

Kerin nodded her head, as a sweet smile is present on her face, and it was too beautiful to almost make Sans lose his composure a little, and she than spoke out.

"Of course, and besides, I am very well aware of the dream that you have, Sans. I am very well aware that you want to go into a rap battle against boyfriend, which would be your biggest dream yet. So I figure that this can make your biggest dream come true, which is always what you wanted this whole time."

Sans' eyes widened, he turns around, and looks at Kerin, his eyes were now beginning to twinkle like stars, as his eye lights than turned into upside down musical notes.

"I...I don't know what to s-say..please...please do reach me, Kerin! I...I'd really love it! And...if wha you say about me is true...I...I'll do it!!"

Kerin sighed and chucked, as she sees the cute look on his face. But she than smiled, as she than spoke out.

"That's what I want too see before my very eyes, Sans. You being willing to go and find both Boyfriend and Girlfriend in order to rescue him."

Kerin than looks around, as she than realized that there was something missing, before she than spoke out to Sans.

"Do you have a speaker, like Girlfriend has?"

Sans shook his head, no, and she than remembered something that Sans has. She than spoke out.

"Do you have those...what are those dragon skull heads called?"

This made Sans perk up, as he than spoke out.

"O-Oh...you mean the...G-Blasters. Wh-What about them, Kerin?"

Kerin smiled, as she than spoke out to Sans.

"Do you think you can...summon them for me?"

Sans was a little bit unsure, but he than spoke out.

"Summon them...Umm...o-okay."

He than held out his hand, and than,

the G-Blasters had been summoned in thin air, and when they did get summoned, they saw Sans, and made sounds of happiness of sorts, with one of them nuzzling against Sans, happy to see his owner again. Sans smiled, as he than looked at Kerin, and she seems to be very interested in what she's seeing before her very eyes. She has seen them before, but she has never seen them entirely in person. Sans than turns around to look at Kerin, and spoke out.

"S-S-So, what...do you want to use the b-blasters for."


"I...I had to ask."

Sans said in dismay, as he grabbed onto his headphones and shook his head with a very embarrassed and distressed expression now present on his face. Kerin is sitting on top of the blsster at the top middle, as her head bopped to the left and the right. Kerin smiled, as she spoke out.

"That is much more better. Now I can watch over you and see you see how you progress in singing."

Sans looked down, a look of embarrassment is present on his face. He has no idea wha to say, as Kerin, she seems to have so much faith in him. But Kerin...she is putting all of her faith in him, and he...he cannot let her think that she is a foolish goddess. He needs to make her proud. And plus, he feels a strange, yet pleasant warm feeling in his very soul, as he looks at Kerin, and he than spoke out.

"I...Is there anything else that I n-need, Kerin?"

Kerin puts her hand on her chin, as she thought of why it is that she is missing, before snapping her fingers, and realized what she is missing."

"Oh...I almost forgot. Here...take this."

Kerin than manifests something in her hand, a microphone, which resembles Boyfriend's, but it is purple in color, at least at the handle, and it is as purple at his jacket, and it is Sans' favorite color, and she threw it at Sans, who than catches it quickly, and he than looks at Kerin, before she than spoke out.

"Just follow my lead, okay? If you can follow my lead...we will sing 2 songs together, and see if we can get your confidence a major boost. Okay?"

Sans looks down at the Microphone, and clenched it. This was his chance...his chance to prove that he can prove himself wrong, and can be just like the rapper that he had idolized. His chance to finally have some form of confidence in his life. He looks up at Kerin, and he nodded his head, as Kerin smiled, as she then spoke out to Sans.

"Alright, than, let's get started.

Sans grips onto the microphone that Kerin gave to him, and he than held the Microphone in front of his mouth, as he waits for Kerin to give her tutorial. Kerin smiled, seeing that Sans is beginning to feel confident at what he needs to do. She thought to herself.

"It seems like the shy skeleton is becoming a little bit brave. But his shyness is still way too cute for me to extinguish. I think I'll keep it."

And than, after a minute, the tutorial began to start, as Kerin than started the music with her powers.

Left Pose: Sans steps back, his left hand's fingertips touching his chest, as if trying to feel the beating of his soul or looks like he is going to pass out. Sound wave lines appear inside of his eye socket, which turns purple. Sans will look slightly confident, but still shy.

Up Pose: Sans stand up his toes, as Sound-wave lines appear in his eye sockets. The sound waves turn green when that happens. Sans will have an even more nervous expression on his face.

Down Pose: Sans crouched down a little bit, and holds the mic with one hand, as his other hand puts his arm over his eyes, looking as if he's going to crying. A blue glow is coming from the eye sockets.

Right Pose: Sans steps forward, and holds out his hand, as if telling someone before him to come and dance with him. The sound wave lines turn red. The expression's the same as the left pose, but with not as much of a confident expression on his face.

(Also, Sans' will sound just like Dust's vocals, except that it is slightly more lighter pitch, and a shaky tone to reflect on his shy nature)

Than, music from the G-Blasters began to pour out, their mouths opened, except for the one that Kerin is sitting right on top of.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sans has his left hand on the microphone still, as his mouth is covered by the scarf, and his right hand is simply gripping onto the edge of hid coat's zipper. A nervous expression is shown on his face, but he tries to be brave and not let the fear within his mind take over. And instead, he tries to suppress that fear of his in order to make himself try and feel braver. Kerin smiled, as she than spoke out.

"Left, up, left, up."

She made finger gesture with her hands, as she did a left with her thumb, and pointed up with her pointer finger, both with her left arm. Sans did as she instructed him to do, and while he did hesitate for a little bit, he was able to successfully catch all of the notes, as his might rose up from the scarf, which would have muffled the way he speaks. He was able to do the Left, Up, Left, Up pattern, as Kerin held her hands out and used Index Fingers and thumbs on both hands to make a heart shape, as she spoke out.

"That's so amazing!"

Kerin than spoke out the next 2 notes to Sans, and gesture with her right hand instead with her left hand, which is unlike from before.

"Down, right, down, right."

Sans hesitated again, but he was still able to catch the notes that were coming up and reaching the empty arrow. He was able to sing those parts as quickly as he could, before he missed them.

"That's much better!"

Kerin said, as she made a heart gesture with both of her hand again. She than bobbed her head to the sides a little bit as she than spoke out.

"Left, right, up, down."

Sans, and this time, with very little hesitation, began to sing the notes that are coming to up.  He quickly got the arrows before he could miss it, and he feels himself getting more and more used to the song, as Kerin made a heart gesture again, as she than spoke out to Sans.

"You're getting braver."

She than spoke out again.

"Up, Up, Down, left. Down, Down, Up, Right."

Sans, feeling a line bit more bravery, was able to get the arrows and the notes, as the notes. He can see his health icon going down and pressing against Kerin's icon.

(Kerin' is white with closed eyes and antlers, lacking nose and mouth. The appearance of the losing of a contented and blushing Kerin.)

(Sans' icon is a the color of his jacket, and has a nervous expression in his eyes, with the headphones present. The winning icon is that of Sans looking slightly more braver, while still keeping a shy expression present on his face, and is also blushing on the incoming. Losing icon is of Sans' eyes sockets filled with swirling lines.)

Sans was able to get all of the notes, and all on quick succession, though it was also because he does not want Kerin to look bad, as she than spoke out with a heart symbol again.

"That's how it's done!"

Kerin that does the last notes, in order to make sure that Sans is ready for the next section.

"Up, left, up, down. Down, right, down, up."

Sans, without any time to waste, was able to get the icon to the winning part of his side, as Sans was able to get all of the notes, and all without braking a sweat. Well, maybe he did sweat, due to being very nervous, and still maintains a shy attitude. But he was still able to get the job done, and he looks at Kerin, who's eyes are still closed, but she has a blush and a contented smile on her face, as a cat smile is now present, seemingly very happy with what she had heard. She than looks at Sans, as he than spoke out.

"H...How was it?"

Sans said, as Kerin smiled, as she moved her head from side to side.

"It was beautiful, especially with the fact that I am hearing your cute voice."

Sans' face made a purple blush present, his eye sockets being filled with the sound wave lines again, as he hides his hands in his face.

"C-Cute? M-My voice is not cute, K-Kerin!"

Kerin smiled, as she than thought out to himself.

'Ahh, man. His confidence is gone, and the shyness is back in the surface. But he still as potential. And besides...he is actually someone that I think is deserving for my taste. I just need to make sure that he has come form of courage permanently at the surface.'

Kerin moved her head to the sides a little bit, as she than spoke out to Sans.

"Well...we are not done just yet, Sans. Because now...we are moving onto the next part, and that is testing yourself against an opponent's song. And I...I will act as the opponent."

Sans flinched, and seems to be a little bit scared, but than, Kerin spoke out.

"Shhh...it's okay, Sans. Or believe in the strength that you have. Now believe in yourself."

Sans, hearing the word of encouragement, looks down at the microphone, he feels his hands wobbling. But he than calms down and controls himself. His hands stoped shaking, he than looks up. And he looks a little bit braver, and he than nodded his head at Kerin, signaling that he is now ready.

Kerin smiled, as she than spoke out.

"Great. Now let's get started. And thankfully...this song should be simple for you to do in singing."

Kerin than started up singing the first song, called the White Song. The theme of the song sounds uniquely cherry and playful, which is actually what fits Kerin's personality, and is over 2 and a half minutes long. Sans sang to his heart's content, and while it was a little bit difficult, due to the fact that the notes of the song's now moving more faster than in the tutorial, but he was able to get through to the end of the song, and was able to keep up with the fast notes, while sweating a little bit. And it almost made it bette the the fact that Kerin's singing was so...beautiful, and even when Girlfriend had sung her song when on stage, the singing was nothing compared to the singing skills that Kerin had.

Sans was a little bit out of breath, but he is still as fresh as ever, and Sans spoke out.

"H-How was...i-it, Kerin?"

Kerin smiled very widely at Sans.

"It was very good, Sans. But it does not mean that it is over just yet. In fact, there is still one more song you need to do, and it will be much more tougher than the last one."

Sans was nervous, as he felt sweat going down his face, but he than rubbed his skull with his sleeve, before he than looks up and spoke out.

"Well, l-let's do it."

Kerin smiled, as she nodded her head.

"That is what I want to get hear. Now let's do it."

She than began her last song, and this song is called, 'The Goddess' Voice'. And it is very different from the 'White Song', as this one has a more tragic theme to it, as well as a theme that is much more divine and godly. Kerin did not hold back most of her strength, and unleashed almost all of her strength, and the notes became more and more faster, so much that Sans could barely keep up. And he almost lost it, had it not been for one thing. During the song, his 2 white eyes began to disappear, and his left eye began to flicker a light purple iris, something that Kerin notices, as Sans now began to act more faster, and is no longer getting far behind, thought Sans does not seem to realize this, as he is too busy singing. He does sense that there is something different about him, it is just that he is way to busy with singing. After about 3 minutes, he was finally done, there was sweat going down his face, as he held his skull, before he than spoke out.

"Did...how did I do?"

Kerin had an excited smile, while speaking on a calm tone.

"What you did is amazing. I mean...you did start to fall behind...but you manage to save yourself when we got near the end and put yourself back on track. I am very proud of you, Sans."

Sans than looks down, and he felt a strange power from his left eye. But he does not have time to wonder about it, as he than spoke out.

"Well...now what? And...will Papyrus join in on us?"

Kerin shook her head, as she than spoke out.

"The meeting is going to actually force your brother to stay away from you for 2 months. And it is enough time for you and I to finally do what we are to do...

...We will save Boyfriend and Girlfriend."

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