Bonus Chapter.
Bonus Chapter: Just Married.
“Ladies, Gentlemen, and uhm…Chris.” Hunter cleared his throat, ignoring the glare that got sent his way from the addressed man. He chuckled along with the others instead, before he continued. “I’d like you all to put your hands together for the latest couple in town. I present to you, Mr. And Mrs. Aahil Tafida!”
The backyard of Amina and Aahil’s matrimonial home which they had turned into a small dinner setting erupted with claps, despite not being much of them as the couple made an appearance hand in hand. Grins adorned their faces, as they were welcomed by the sight of their closest friends turned family.
It's the very day the knot was tied, and they’ve all agreed to a small, intimate dinner together, nothing else. They weren’t fans of crowds, nor were they in the mood to host a very big event of any sort. Instead, they will make do with the small gathering with the only people that matter the most to them.
Aahil and Amina made their way to the table set for them, facing the others. Aahil, like the gentleman he is, pulls a chair for his wife whom offered him a warm smile before setting down. He took his sit beside her, and as if dissatisfied with the distance between them, pulled her chair closer to his so there was no space between them. It instantly reminded Amina of that day he took her out for dinner in a run down stall in Seoul, and albeit a sour memory for her, the rerun had butterflies erupting in her belly.
The action of course earned them a round of awws and oohs from the others but Aahil remained unfazed. He casually took her hand in his, intertwining it before dropping it on his thighs.
Amina, faced beetroot, placed her head in his shoulder, buying her face there to save her the embarrassment. Thankfully, it’s just the Jeju Squad there plus their two best friends, Aadil Kari and Inaya Sa’id—whom gracefully made an appearance together in this beautiful tale contrary to their rugged, tense filled one.
She eventually got over the embarrassment, when Hunter, whom tasked himself the job of an Emcee, continued on from where he stopped. He extended his hand out to pick up a champagne flute from a waiter passing by, then turned around to face the others. “I want you all to raise your glasses before we begin to make a toast to the newly married couple.”
They all did as he asked, including the couple with their undivided attention set on the man.
Hunter fixed his gaze on Amina, offering her a warm, but underlined with mischief smile. “Noona, it’s a great honor to see you two finally settle down, and how he managed to get you at long last. We all know he would’ve been sulking and shedding tears still had you turned him down.”
Aahil glared at him, upset to have his secret laid out like that. But, the man is right. He would indeed be sulking and acting like a teenage girl that got her heart broken by her first crush.
Hunter seemed immune to the glare, because he has a feeling he’ll be getting a lot of it that night. Still, he carried on. “—let me let you all in on a little secret.” He chuckled, already amused by the thought of it.
“Hunter…” Aahil warned, already regretting giving the guy a microphone. He’s screwed, he knows that now. Hunter will expose his secrets like that. They will all see him finish.
And he was right, judging from the wicked smile sent his way.
“—during the year you two were apart, especially during the early days, I’ve caught him not once, not twice, listening to sad songs late at night and wiping his tears.” Hunter erupted into fits of laughter, just like everyone else did except a red faced Aahil. “He listened to break up songs so much that I’m certain he can sing them up head. Bro, you can sing Heartbreak Anniversary by Giveon, right? You listened to it the most.”
“I’ll be more than willing to sing it at your burial.” Aahil threatened.
“You’ll sing it anyway so I don’t mind.” Hunter waved him off, shifting his attention to Amina. “Noona, I have a few videos I’ve secretly take just like last time. I’ll be sure to air drop to you.”
“I’ll appreciate that.” She mouthed, her lips curling into a grin.
Aahil tilted his head to look at her, his eyes now narrowed. “Last time?” He repeated, the questioning lacing his tone hard to miss. When she turned around to meet his gaze, he pinned his playful glare on her. “What last time is there?”
She shrugged, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. She didn’t reply, because she was yet to let him know that she has a recording of him from Hunter saying he’ll marry her, and casually calling her his wife.
She thought of telling him on more occasions than one, but she likes the feeling that comes with him being unaware of her knowledge of it. She finds it cute, and she’ll rather keep seeing it that way even if his flushed face upon realizing would be a Hella cute sight as well.
He didn’t press on it, not that he had any chance to because Hunter continued. “This is going to be a long night everyone, I hope you’re prepared…”
He wasn’t kidding, it was a long night indeed because he and Benazir seem to have a lot on their list of things to do that night. It reached the point where everyone was so exhausted and Aahil had to chase them out of the house, or specifically, chase Hunter out.
The others had all bid them farewell and left, except the said man whom claimed he was staying for the night because he had no other place to be. He even took off his shoes and made himself comfortable on the couch. Aahil folded the sleeves of his shirt, and all but threw him out.
In his words, he said, and the author quote, “Una no wan allow me to be with my woman again. Leave jorh, I’m tired of seeing your face.” Then he threw a pair of Hunters shoe out through the windows after locking the house so the man wouldn’t get in.
He was about to head upstairs where Amina had left to freshen up when he realized Hunters suit jacket is there as well. So, he picked it up, opened the windows where he saw the man whom looked hopeful upon seeing Aahil again, as if he’d changed his mind and would let him in. Aahil flashed him a sarcastic smile, then tossed the jacket out before smacking the windows close and pulling the curtains.
With that taken care of, he went to another room to freshen up as well, knowing Amina would need the privacy and he wasn’t about to disrupt it for her.
And he was right, she needed the privacy. However, the longer time passed, the longer it took for her to make an appearance. He even went to the room to check up on her.
Amina suddenly felt nervous. She knows it’s normal to feel so, but she tried to convince herself otherwise. This is Aahil, her Aahil. There’s nothing to be worried about.
No matter how many times she tries to put those words in her mind, she still couldn’t shake off the nerves. Flicking her eyes close, her fingers curled while she took in a deep breath, then exhaled it. She repeated the action a couple of times, trying to steady her breathing.
The action got ceased when a knock came on the door, coupled with a voice laced with worry. “Shortcake.” Aahil’s warm voice came, sinking into every pore of her being and evaporating the worries eating her up. “Are you okay in there?”
Amina’s eyes fluttered open, as she breathed out heavily. She tilted her head in the direction of the door, where he stood on the other side of. “Yeah…” She cleared her voice, upon realizing how horse it sounded. “…I’m good. Everything’s okay?”
“Are you sure?” He didn’t sound convinced in the slightest.
She nodded, forgetting for a second that he couldn’t see her. “I’m sure.” Her lips slanted upwards into a small smile. “I’ll be out in a few.”
He still wants convinced, but he didn’t prod further. “Okay…”
Amina stayed in there for a few more minutes, giving herself all the pep talks she could possibly muster at that moment. And with one last glance at herself in the mirror, satisfied with how she looked, she exhaled and then stepped out.
Her brows drew in when she didn’t spot him anywhere in sight. Wasn’t he just there? She took further steps into the room, her eyes looking around as if he would miraculously appear.
And in a way, you can say he did.
Hands snaked around her waist, pulling her close to a warm body had her breath hitching for a moment, before her sense were overtaken by that familiar cologne she can recognize anywhere.
She relaxed slightly in his arms, while he rested his head in the crook of her neck, his arms still wrapped around her securely. “You had me worried for a second.” He mumbled earnestly. She could feel his breath there, as he took a whiff of her cologne. “You smell really nice. I love it. Lavender?”
She shrugged, sinking into his embrace. She still wasn’t wholly relaxed, at least, her heart isn’t but she was slowly getting used to it. How the hell is she supposed to remember what exactly she scents of? She’s been using quite a lot of scents that she’s lost count.
One of his hands reached up to caress her arm lightly, goosebumps arising there. She swallowed thickly, her stomach in knots.
“What’s going on in that mind of yours?” He inquired, his voice low. “Speak to me, what’s bothering my woman?”
She folded her lips in, holding back the urge to glare at him though he couldn’t see it. Still, she somehow managed to find her feisty side. “I don’t know. What’s there to worry about when I’m now living with a man? It’s not like this is something to be nervous about or anything, yeah?”
“You’re living with your man, not just any man.” Unbelievable. He completely ignored everything else she said. He even dared to sound amused when he said that. “It’s me, your Aahil. The guy that used to annoy you since secondary school, the one you cursed out after I’d pushed you to the wall. The ‘rude, mean and sometimes considerate Aahil’. Or do you still believe this version of me is an alien?” He chuckled lightly, the action making his chest vibrate.
She chuckled along, her tensed shoulders relaxing while she rested her hands on his that’s still around her waist. “You’ve changed too much. I’m starting to get suspicions again. Anya ba alien bane kai? Tell me the truth, I never kiss and tell.”
He scoffed, reading her with his next words. “Madam, just say it, you want to kiss me.”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s a phrase.” She didn’t even realize when she said it. “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“Umhm.” He hummed, before pulling back. He turned her around gently so she’s facing him with her slightly narrow eyes and his amused expression. His hand reached out to soothe the wrinkles between her brows due to the action. “See, you aren’t so nervous anymore.” His words were low, his eyes dropping to give her a once over before he met her eyes again.
And hell do they do the exact opposite they are supposed to do. Her stomach was in knots, and her throat suddenly felt parched. She darted her tongue out to swipe it across her suddenly chapped lips.
“Relax, okay?” His voice was comforting, as his hands rubbed soothing circles on her arms. When his eyes met hers again, it was filled with every ounce of seriousness he wants her to see. “There’s no need to rush anything, we have all the time in the world. We’ll go at our own pace, see where the world takes us. So, stop bothering this little head of yours.” His hand reached out to lightly tap her head.
His words, it made her shoulders relax even more, her heart rate slowly.
He smiled, calming her down even more. “Stop worrying yourself, okay? I’d hate to have you stressing like this.”
She offered him a smile, nodding her head.
He seemed satisfied with her answer, for he leaned down and pulled her into his embrace, her arms wrapping around him as well as they enjoyed the feeling of being in each other’s arms.
Her heart warmed for she was yet again reminded that she made the right decision of choosing Aahil Tafida as her husband, the one to walk down the tunnel of forever with. There’s no other man like him, that much he’s certain. There will never be another man that will love her, and she’d love like Aahil no matter what.
He’s her better person, her soul mate no doubt.
Just as she was becoming a bit too comfortable being in his embrace, he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I’m still taking that kiss of mine tonight though. You owe me that much.”
Blood suddenly rushed to her cheeks, and she found herself away from him to swat his shoulder with narrowed eyes. “Aahil!”
He feigned a serious face, though deep down they both know he’s faking it. “Let’s change that name as well, shortcake. How can you be calling my government name like this, ahn ahn!”
“Aahil Tafida.” She warned.
“Na’am, matar Aahil Tafida.” He grinned, wiggling his brows at her. “Mrs. Aahil has a nice ring to it? Aahil’s woman and the mother of his kids. Ah! I’m starting to like this government name again. If you don’t mind me calling you Aahil’s baby in front of the elders then continue calling me that.” She’s certain of one thing, if he said he’ll call her that, then he would.
There’s no doubt there.
So, she mustered the little courage in her and stepped closer to him, earning a wide eye and a what are you doing exactly look from him.
She met his gaze, letting the endearment roll off her lips. “My love.” She called out warmly.
His eyes slowly widened, before he held a hand up as if to stop her. Turning around, he settled on the chaise lounge, picking up a pillow and burying his face in it like a shy kid before his chuckle came.
Amina couldn’t help but roll her eyes. She married a kid, really.
He looked up, his eyes lit up with excitement. “Say it again.”
She crossed her hands behind her, her lips slanted into a grin. “My love.” She called out again fondly.
“Wayyo Allah na.” He threw his head back happily laughing away while hugging the throw pillow close to him. When he calmed down, he met her gaze, his grin impossible to wipe off. “Omo, married life sweet ehn! I go oppress people walai tunda nayi mata.”
Amima shook her head, her cheeks about to hurt from grinning that much. She’d long forgotten what she was worried about again. He’s lifted her mood like that.
He seemed serious though, as if meaning every word he said because he does. “I’m telling you, the moment I wifed you ehn! It has been over for everyone. Ai an shiga uku da ni.”
She face palmed herself, remembering the message he sent her the moment the knot was tied. She would remember it even in her sleep. Aahil is a clown, she can’t be convinced otherwise.
-You’re finally mine, shortcake. There’s no escaping this…or me. You’re stuck with me, hehe.
Also, I go oppress people die! All these single people, I’ll oppress them!
Matar Aahil tawa ta kaina. I have eyes for you alone, forever. That I assure you.
My wife, my woman, mine alone. God it feels so good to say that. I love you, shortcake. Now, and forever.
The message was as cute as it’s funny. If not Aahil, who would type that please? It’s clear he knows what he’s been doing, oppressing people that is. He no doubt did it intentionally.
He suddenly got in his feet, walking towards her and gently taking her hand in his, dragging her out.
Her brows furrowed. “Where are we going?”
He turned around over his shoulders, his grin plastered permanently. “What else? I’m feeding my woman. I noticed you didn’t eat much. I need to feed you now, don’t I? Ban son matata ta zauna da yunwa. Kafin Abuwi yace ban riqe mishi ya ba.”
Amina was certain at that point that Aahil would send her to an early grave before her time comes, no doubt. She wouldn’t have chosen it any other way though. She loves him just like that.
“Will you ever tell me how you managed to convince Abuwi into getting on your side?” It has occurred to her, and she’d forgotten to ask, but she’s always been curious.
Just how did Aahil get her father on him side.
He smiled, one that showed he was hiding something. “No,” He shook his head. “it’s a secret between the two of us. But perhaps, one day…”
She didn’t prod further, knowing he clearly has no intention of letting her in on that little secret, and if he wants to keep something a secret, he would.
Soon enough, she found herself seated on the counter while he walked around the kitchen, preparing food for her. Amina still doubted his cooking capabilities because what does he mean he’s cooking Indomie for her? Abi all he knows how to cook is noodles?
If not that he made food for Abuwi and her the other time, she would’ve believed all he knew how to cook is noodles. She’s learnt to cook over the past year as well, though she’s not perfect but she’s decent and perfect in making some dishes.
She hasn’t told him yet. She’s planning on surprising him one of these days.
Still, she really needs to know what’s his obsession with noodles at night?
“You know…” Her voice came, from where she remained seated on the kitchen island. She didn’t hoist herself there, unfortunately, she doesn’t have the height to that. He on the other hand effortlessly hoisted her up. “…I’m starting to think you’re a Masterchef at cooking noodles alone.”
Aahil looked over his shoulders, jokingly narrowing his eyes at her. “There’s nothing here to cook other than noodles. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s our first day here.”
She frowned. “Oh, really? I thought we’re celebrating our ten years anniversary or something.”
He shook his head, mumbling something along the lines of “miss sarcastic” under his breath. He placed two noodles in the pot of boiling water, adding the ingredients they have present before covering it.
Turning around, he covered the distance between them, coming to stand between her legs while his hands went to her sides, resting on her waist. He was getting a bit too comfortable on the whole skinship thing, he stepped into it effortlessly.
“Ramen’s our thing.” He responded, now close to her. His face mere inches away.
She rested her hands on his shoulders, shrugging at his answer. “I guess.” He’s right, noodles is their thing. Especially late at night.
He stared at her face for a few seconds, as if etching every inch of it in his mind before he met her eyes again. “Tell me,” He breathed out, his eyes never leaving hers. “When exactly did you start to have feelings for me?”
He's always been curious, when did she fall for him?
“What about you?” She redirected, despite having an idea already. He already made it known, though he didn’t exactly say it to her face.
He need not think twice. “Since the day I first laid eyes on you.” He confessed, his thumb rubbing invisible circles in her lower back. “I’ve been in love with you for nine years, nearly a whole decade. Nayi degree, masters, harda Ph.D ma.”
They both chuckled.
“No, but really.” He shook his head. “I’ve loved you, and only you for that long. It’s you, it’s always been you and it’ll forever to be you for me till Jannah reunites us in shaa Allah.”
She couldn’t help it, his words had her smiling. “Awww.” She found herself commenting. She couldn’t resist it. It’s the girl in her. She nearly added ‘God when’ at the end only to realize she’s actually living the life.
“What about you?”
She thought about it. When exactly did she start to fall for him? When was it that she felt her heart move because of him?
“That night in Jeju.” She admitted, her mind going back to that precise moment. “The night you met me in the beach. I saw you in a different light there for the first time. Weirdly enough, I only came to actually realize my feelings for you in the day you left.” She blinked back to the present, meet his gaze. “That was the day I realized I love you.”
His eyes dilated slightly. “I’ve never heard you say it before.” He muttered, all trace of lark gone from his expression.
She frowned, confusion marring her features. “What? That I love you?”
He nodded.
She smiled, her hand moving to the side of his face to caress the trimmed hair there. Leaning down slightly, she uttered the words he'd yearned to hear for as long as he can remember.
“I love you, Aahil Tafida. I may not say it often, but I do. My life without you in it isn’t one I want to live. And in case it isn’t obvious already, I want this with you. The marriage, the commitment, the growth and all. I want it all, as your partner. I want the good, and the bad days. I’ve loved you for years now, I want them all.”
His lips slowly slanted upwards. He slowly leaned down, reclaiming the kiss he promised to take. It carried every weight of emotions that couldn’t be expressed in mere words.
Breaths mingled, and warmth seeping from the pores of their being, the found themselves in each other’s arms with an unvoiced promised of forever, lost in their own little world.
At least, till Amina remembered and exclaimed, “The noodles!”
It was a chaotic mess afterwards, really. Trying to make sure the noodles wasn’t burnt, thankfully it’s just right, and to regain control of their senses and make everything work.
Amina was a laughing mess, watching Aahil run around the kitchen trying to turn off the electric cooker and salvage his noodles he bragged about. When it died down, she found herself smiling fondly at the thought of her life with Aahil being like that from the henceforth.
And it was.
From sneaking into her classes in university to attend it with her on days she feels like she has no zeal of taking notes, to running down the hallways with hands intertwined after the students realized who he is and tried to swamp him.
To moments she attends his games, and gets princess treatments, moments where they eventually sit to watch a movie they promised to watch one too many times, and he’d pull her to his lap, his arms caging her in its warm embrace, moments she’s stuck when writing and he brings her a warm cup of tea and helps with the chores.
Moments where she’d read her novels, and he’d ask her to tell him about it, wanting to know all these characters that she treats as if they’re real and he’ll listen attentively while she teaches him how to be the perfect novel guy.
The little, intimate moments they spend together with him seated on the couch watching TV, her head in his thigh as she reads a book and they individually do their own thing, her feeding him her snack in between and many more.
Her life with Aahil has definitely been one to forever cherish.
Every single day, he reminds her of how right her choice of picking him is.
They lived their forever fully, loving every moment of it.
6 Years Later: Then we grew, older, and wiser, together.
Walking into the backyard with a book in her hand, the hard cover glimmering under the rays of the sun, the name in bold, cursive font stood out stark due to the glossy cover, she made her way towards the carpet that was spread out. From Seoul With Love was written on it, and underneath, the author’s name, Amina Muhammad, tagged with the best-selling novel that showed just how far the book has went and the success it came with.
Her maxi dress flowed as she strolled, her hair covered with a turban. She didn’t much effort into the dressing up, because she wasn’t feeling like it but even after years, her fashion sense didn’t fade in the slightest. She’s still a fashion icon, and will forever be one it seemed.
The closer she got to where the carpet is, with two people there, the clearer the voices become. A Macbook was set out in front of them, as they chatted away with the person on the other end, no doubt a video call.
Amina’s lips slanted into a small smile when Aahil looked up, sensing her presence. He hastily got on his feet, and covered the distance between them. One of his hands took hers, and the other rested on the small of her back, to aid her in settling down.
However, she couldn’t help but laugh once he was within arm’s length, her eyes resting on his growing hair, now adorned messily with colorful hair bands. “Your hairstyle looks good…as always.” She chuckled even more when he sent her a small, playful glare.
Leaning towards her, he vocalized. “At this point, I don’t know whom she learnt how to terrorize me from,” He sighed, shaking his head. “Hunter’s a bad influence, I just know it’s him.”
Amina waved him off, “Don’t blame the poor man, you enjoy your little tea parties and princess makeovers.” Her eyes dropped down to the pink t-shirt he wore, sporting a inscription that says, ‘Princess power!’ along with a pretty pink tiara.
The shirt made Amina laugh, they only get more ridiculous it seems.
Aahil shrugged due to her words, “Well, I can’t deny spending time with my princess.” His hand went to her protruding belly, “And I can’t wait to meet the little one as well. Fingers crossed he’s a boy, else I’ll die as a princess.”
“You’ll survive.” Amina had lost count of how many times he had complained of the whole Princess parties and stuff, and yet, five minutes later you’ll see him hosting another one with his princess—who is a certified daddy’s girl, no doubt there.
He helped Amina settle down on the carpet, before taking the spot beside her and the aforementioned little girl on his other side, whom was still engrossed speaking to the other person on the other end.
Amina upon realizing whom it was chirped in her greeting, that came in front of a tease. “Hunter, we know you’re single while everyone else has a love life, but you need to stop calling us five-times-a day.”
Hunter gasped dramatically, his hand going to the spot where his heart is. “That’s harsh, Noona. Your husband said the same thing.” A much older looking Hunter said from the other end, even though that boyish charm of his never fade despite aging. His chestnut hair, that was always left in a tousled manner was now trimmed by the sides, and the front slicked back to perfection.
Aahil gave him a dead panned look, the same he’s been giving him since he decided to call. “You should get a life and stop disturbing my life.”
“Hey, you’re the one who decided to whisk your family away to Seoul, and avoided the rest of civilization unless necessary.” Hunter pointed out. “And in case you didn’t notice, I have a niece I need to keep checking up on which is something you can’t understand Princess Aahil McTiara Face.”
Aahil glared at him, his lips tugged into a deep frown. “She’s my daughter.”
“And she’s my niece, right Princess?” Hunter shifted his gaze to the giggling girl beside her father, seemingly enjoying their banters as always. She’s not old enough to understand most of it, but she found it funny nonetheless.
Ihsan, Aahil and Amin’s four-year-old daughter nodded, sporting a wide grin. “Yes…” Her cheeky grin then widened. “…but I’m only daddy’s princess.” She leaned closer to her father, whom wrapped his arm around her, placing a peck on her forehead.
Aahil darted his tongue out at Hunter in a childish manner which had Amina rolling her eyes because she doesn’t know when the man will grow really.
Hunter scoffed, no doubt offended. “Man, even your prodigy has the same attitude as you.” He shook his head. “I’m going to settle down as well because the way you all have a family and I’m the only isn’t funny. Even Chris is getting married, imagine, Chris!”
Amina laughed at the way he said it, like it’s a task that no one saw happening. “The wedding’s in a month, right?” Chris managed to find himself a beautiful bride that was none other than Daniella—Amina’s university dorm mate, and the one person that’s always been obsessed with their team.
Who would’ve thought she would end up marrying one of them? They’re so cute though, Amina can’t help but swoon whenever she’s with them, as if her story isn’t swoon worthy enough.
Hunter nodded, “Yes, you’ll be coming though, right? It won’t be the same with you all.” It’s been a while since the crew were all together, having all grown up and gone their separate ways only being there when the team has matches and trainings and stuff, but overall, they weren’t together much as before.
Aahil gave the response, “I guess. We’ll see though if she’ll be allowed to travel.” She’ll be due in two months, but they’ll see. “Did Bae Hyun and Ae Ra confirm their presence?”
Hunter sighed exaggeratedly, “Well, yes. The love birds decided to grace us with their presence. Ae Ra would round up her work and would take an annual leave, and Bae Hyun will take a break from being a baby sitter. Between you and I, Ae Ra said he’s still yet to learn how to put on diapers for the little one.”
This statement had the two laughing, imaging Bae Hyun taking care of a baby. The two welcomed their child a few months back and safe to say, birth has changed them—especially Bae Hyun whom has become a baby sitter for the little one.
“—Dean said he’ll check his schedule and make time as well.” Hunter piped in.
Aahil waved it off, “Abeg leave that one. It’ll be a miracle if we see him, except he’s bringing his wife along.” Unfortunately, his and Kimura’s love story wasn’t fated to be. They loved each other, and even gave it a chance but there were complications from the beginning—arising from differences in religion and others.
He ended up married to someone else he wasn’t particularly fond of in the beginning, but now sticks to like a glue. Their love story is for another day.
“Benazir can’t make it, unfortunately.” Amina stated, her lips slanted into a small smile. “Her husband…” She met Aahil’s gaze, not needing to elaborate.
He sighed, “Allah ya kyauta.” He muttered instead. “Kimura’s bailing as well.”
“Well, whatever it is, I hope to see you all.” Hunter’s name was called in the background, no doubt needed by someone so he was quick to round it up. “Later.”
“Bye, Hunter.”
“Bye Uncle H.”
Aahil and Ihsan kicked off from where they stopped, carrying on with their tea parties while Amina picked up the Macbook, about to start scripting a new story because there are so many tales she couldn’t wait to share with the world.
Even in the Jeju Squad, there’s a particular someone she has in mind whose story she felt needed to be shared with the world. And as her fingers move adeptly on the screen, scripting the new beautiful tale, with her husband and daughter in the background, she couldn’t imagine life to get any better.
This is her perfect ending. Hers and Aahil’s.
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