8; My Love from the Hanbok Rental Shop.

Amina’s first few days at Hallyu Heritage weren’t as she expected. Perhaps, it was because she’s feeble minded, but what she got as a job wasn’t what she expected.

She got a job as a model, so naturally, she thought she’d go straight to being well, a model. She’d get to don all those beautiful outfits she’d seen when she first got there and pose, take pictures and with a snap of her fingers, get money.

She was wrong. So wrong.

First of all, she wasn’t working directly under Ae Ra. Indeed, she’s the manager for that brand, and that makes her the highest position there. Her job wasn’t to handle models directly, she was to coordinate those in charge of them and that’s where the problem came.

She introduced Amina to the woman in charge of her and we’ll, let’s just say, she got the short end of the stick.

A bunch of paperwork enough to block one’s view was dumped on the table, and then a hand slammed on it, belonging to the one in charge. “Read through it and sort out the orders. I want them shipped out by today.” Declared Veronica, the one whom Amina was placed under.

Her eyes were hawk like, crimson lipstick painted lips slanted into a tight line as she pinned her gaze on Amina, dating her to go against her words. Her brunette short lob hair stopped a little above her shoulder, straightened to perfection.

Amina whom stood on the other side of the table stared at the ton of paperwork, before lifting her eyes to meet the woman’s gaze. She could already see herself pulling another all nighter, doing tasks that weren’t meant for her.

She’d seen the other models hired go about, doing what they were actually hired for. While they were training, all trying to get picked for the show rumored to take place not long after, she was buried under a pile of paperwork.

She’s never worked in such aspect before, and so, made a lot of mistakes and was still making it. She’s tried to complain to Ae Ra, because she was damn sure that wasn’t her job but she hasn’t seen the woman.

Apparently, she was trying to get a very important client. The person is anonymous, but rumor has it, other brands are trying to scout the person as well, so, Ae Ra is giving it her all to get him—going as fa as handling the issue herself.

Knowing that, Amina couldn’t bring herself to complain seeing as the woman had issues to deal with herself. Besides, she’s no quitter or loser, she refuses to give up just like that.

“I want no mistakes this time around, you hear me? The last report you turned out was all too wrong. Hades had to clean up after you.” Veronica scolded, referring to the guy she had bring up the paperwork whom stood quietly by the corner, shifting on his feet uncomfortably.

Amina couldn’t blame him. Unlike her, he’s an intern and actually needs to do his job well. She on the other hand was made to do all sort of works that weren’t hers to begin with.

He's a nice guy, a quiet one as well. She’s noticed he’s not much of a talker, he rather follows instructions wordlessly. She doesn’t blame him really, no matter what he was made to do against her.

And that included the so called paperwork she didn’t do well. She’d admits she isn’t a pro, she never claimed to be one. However, she knew she didn’t stay overtime till the moon was out, being the last to leave the office to compile it just to submit rubbish.

It may not have been perfect, yes, but it still wasn’t as bad as it was made to sound.

She didn’t protest. She simply offered the woman a small, barely visible smile and nodded. “I’ll handle this as fast as I can.”

“It’s not about the speed, I want you to do it well so others wouldn’t have to clean up after you. No one here works for you, the others can’t be doing your job.”

Amina has realized one thing since the minute she met Veronica. The woman hates her guts, that much was evident.

She never said a thing to her about it though, she was holding onto patience for the sake of peace. She believes there are things that just aren’t worth creating a fuss over.

So, even in that position, she only nodded. “Alright.”

“Good.” Veronica turned around on her heels to head out, leaving a clank sound at its awake. However, she suddenly stopped and turned around. “Also, we’ve had an issue with our Hanbok supplier. I want you get twelve good ones, and make sure it’s of good quality else you’d pay for it. I want them here by 2:00PM for the photoshoot.”

Amina’s brows furrowed when the realization dawned in, and then her gaze snapped to the IWatch strapped around her wrist, before her gaze snapped to the woman again. “Wait, it’s 11:27. I don’t have much time.”

Veronica offered her a fake wide smile. “Exactly. So, you better get going, fast.” With that said, she turned around on her heels and walked out, Hades, the poor intern in tow.

Amina hastily picked up her belongings and headed out, knowing she had to abide by the instructions else she wouldn’t hear the end of it. Simply finding a way to get it would be a hassle on its own. StIll, she was quick to order a cab before she stepped out, glad to see it was only five minutes away.

So, instead of simply standing outside the building waiting, she decided to surf through the internet in an attempt to find the nearest Hanbok shop. A few popped up, and she instantly marked them. She’d check every one of them if she has to, she has to meet the time frame. She just has to.

While she was doing so, she spotted a group of three approaching her, or more like, making their way into the building. She lifted her gaze and rested it in them for a split second, which she regretted upon seeing who it was.

She rolled her eyes, and shifted her gaze back to her phone to continue what she was doing, then their not so hushed whispers reached her eyes.

“Is that the girl that got in through connections?” Inquired one of them, pretending to be asking a question when they all know it really isn’t.

It was a taunt, one that Amina had gotten used to and have been ignoring.

“Of course, the girl Miss Choi Ae Ra introduced to Veronica.” Stated another, before huffing out a mocking breath. “You all know how Veronica hates all these favored kids. We’ve seen tons of them come and leave. She wouldn’t last long.”

Another say said something in Korean, which Amina could only understand snippets of. Unlike the other two, she’s the Korean amongst the three.

The thing is, Hallyu comprises of people from numerous places. It being an international company meant it had various people working there, to maintain a balance instead of it being Korean dominated.

The official Medium of communication there was English though, much to Amina’s luck but ever language was welcomed as well. So far, she’d seen Americans there, Veronica a typical example, a few from the Middle East and the most being Asians. No surprise there.

“I heard the company even rented a five star hotel for her. Clearly, she’s got strong connections.” That statement, Amina has heard it too many times that it’s engraved in her mind.

She thought it was weird as well, but now that she realized she was the only one that got such treatment, even she couldn’t deny there was something fishy about it.

But, she couldn’t even make an inquiry about it as well since the only one friendly to her, Ae Ra has gone head hunting. No one else has treated her right, they all treat her like the plague simply for having “connections”.

Which connections please? Even she wants to know.

As far as she’s concerned, the only one she has is the woman she’d spoke to when she was looking for a job. Amina knows the woman is kind, but she doesn’t believe in preferential treatment as well. She wouldn’t have her treated at different.

So, there’s no one Amina’s mind came to. She couldn’t think of a single soul, and the thought alone is driving her crazy.

Nonetheless, she’s been trying to ignore it, at least for a while. She wanted to focus on doing a good job first, perhaps, it would leave a good impression of her on them and would change the narrative they have about her.

Till then, she made the decision to ignore all those side talks, knowing it wouldn’t benefit her in any way.

“Well, connections or not, Veronica is unfazed. She’d give her a taste of her own medicine. We’ll see how long little miss connections would last.” They all snickered, and walked past Amina into the building.

Those three were models as well, Amina had been seeing them round giving her side eyes since she arrived. They took no liking towards her as well, but she didn’t care, not in the slightest.

A sigh left past her lips once they were out of sight, her shoulders slumping in the process. Her lower lip was pulled between her teeth, before she released it.

She told herself internally not to let their words get to her. Whatever trouble Veronica will throw her way, she’ll handle it.

She can handle it. She would.

Just then, the an pulled up in front of her, and she was quick to hop in, giving the man the location of the first shop she had found, 15 minutes drive away.

She sunk in the seat, and scrolled through the others, glad to see they weren’t far away from each other. If she doesn’t get it at one, she would trek to the others and check there instead of going through the hassle of booking another cab.

It’s not exactly cheap, and she only has so much money left in her account. She’s already spent enough, for the first time in her life, she was learning to save money.

And that was how she found herself jumping from one shop to another, never once finding the one she wants. She rummaged through the streets of Seoul, at least, in the area she was, under the scorching sun just to find the right one.

No matter how hard she looked through, she couldn’t find the one that sits right within her. She’d seen quite a few, but none captured her attention and gave off the right feeling, and time was quickly running through.

At one point, she was so close to giving up. Her throat was parched, and her legs were sore from walking Allah knows how many miles. And when she checked then time, it was already five minutes past one meaning she only has 55 minutes to find it, and get back on time.

She sighed, burying her phone in the pocket of her pants, exhausted and exasperated that none of the places she found on the internet were of use. It all seemed to be missing something, though she couldn’t point a finger on it.

Aimlessly walking around, she found a bench by the road and settled on it, before opening the sandwich she’d gotten from a supermarket and munching on it. Her stomach had been growling, she needed to feed herself.

Nearly about to finish it and while looking around, her eyes fell on something that caught her attention almost instantly, it was from a shop in the far corner, a small one that seemed overshadowed by the big, fancy stores around it. But, it wasn’t the size that caught her attention, rather an article of clothing that felt as though it was calling out to her.

A Hanbok.

She hastily got on her feet, and all but rushed towards the direction of it. She reached there faster than she expected, with a half eaten sandwich, a crumb sticking to the corner of her mouth and a dress staring back at her through the show glass.

Her lips curled into a wide grin as her feet carried her into the shop, the sound of the bell above the door signifying her presence there.

She was instantly welcomed by the warm scent of cinnamon, as weird as it sounds and fresh coffee. God, she could already feel her mouth salivating at the thought despite having an unfinished sandwich in her hand.

She pushed that thought aside though and made her way towards the Hanbok, still entranced by it. If she was in a movie, the outfit without a doubt would’ve been highlighted by some background lightening, to enhance its beauty.

It was pretty much the same as the others she’d seen, but there was something about it, it was hard to put a finger on.

That’s the one. It has to be.


She blinked, and snapped out of whatever trance she found herself in. Turning around, her gaze fell on the owner of the voice, a guy with olive skin stood there. “Huh?”

“The Hanbok.” He gestured, before meeting her gaze again. “It would look beautiful on you.” He complimented earnestly,

Amina’s stomach was instantly filled with butterflies, and she could feel blood rushing to her cheeks. She’s never been good with compliments, especially not when it came from good looking men and God, is he handsome.

Standing a little over six feet, he easily towered over her figure. His beautiful olive skin showed he wasn’t Korean either, not to mention, that face. On God.

“I…uhm…” She cleared her throat, not knowing what to say. She’d never known how to respond to complements. “…thank you?” She mentally smacked herself for stuttering.

He chuckled, unbothered by her nearly making a fool of herself there. “You have a little something…” He gestured using his face as an example to the area beside her lips.

Her eyes widened, as she hastily reached out to wipe away the crumbs, all the while feeling as though the earth should open up and swallow her. She’s successfully managed to make a fool of herself three times around him.

Great, just great.

Her hand dropped by the side once she was sure she’d gotten rid of the crumbs there, or so she hoped.

While she looked like she was close to hiding away in embarrassment, he found her cute. There’s just something about her. So, he found himself asking.

“Can I know your name? If you don’t mind?”

She was quick to shame her head, “No, I don’t mind.” Her lips slanted into a nervous smile. “I’m… Amina.”

He nodded to himself slowly, his smile widening. “Well, Hello Amina.” His pearl white teeth were on display, and God did the way he said her name made her stomach do flips. “I’m Dean”


And then you've met Dean!!! Our second lead or so I wanted to believe😩 trust me, I don't even know what's going on in the part I'm currently writing🥲 the characters have taken over and they're writing their own story leaving my guidance out.

This is why I can never be an outliner. It just isn't it for me.

I like Dean tho🥺🤭 Amina does too apparently. Alright, I'm loving this😂👍

This was actually my favorite chapter when I started writing the book. I don't even know why it just was. Now, I have more chapters I'm fond of and can't wait for you to read!

Abeg include me in your prayers, I haven't been writing these days😭 kdrama da cdrama sun ruqo ni. Currently watching mu hadu a rayuwa ta ta goma sha Tara aka See you in my 19th life😂 and can I just say I LOVE Ji Eum's confidence? Ah, where she get that kind of confidence abeg. She should share it with me.

And Seo Ha😭 Dispatch has ruined this for me. I can't watch without remembering he's dating Jisoo from Black pink in real life. I mean whyyyy, let me enjoy my drama first before dropping that reality. *sighs* all is well.

If you don't watch kdrama everything I wrote above probably seemed gibberish to you but well, all is well. Sorry if you felt left out.

Anyways, I'll leave you all to be now. Oh and btw, do share this book with others please. Feel free to tag them in the comment section or just share it on your social media platforms. Thank you as you do.

Toh, na barku lahiya. A wannan gaba nakawo mu karhsen wannan pejin na takardan nan. Sai nan gaba kuma.

Love, Jannah Mia ❤️

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