50; From Seoul To Home.
Such a wholesome chapter. You owe me comments for this. If you enjoyed the book, at least drop a comment. I'm not even asking for a long review. Just thoughts on the chapter.
Also, it's a long one. And it's emotional. Enjoy.
Love, Jannah Mia ❤️
Amina had never run as much as she did that day.
She already knew from the beginning that she wouldn't make it on time, because it takes about forty minutes from her campus to the airport, and yet, she still chose to go there and see for herself. She wouldn't forgive herself is she lets him leave without them talking at the very least.
God bless Dean for stepping in at the right time. She has no idea how he knew of what's going on between them, but his message came just when she needed it. It came at the perfect time, making him act like a bridge between them.
She found herself seated in the cab, praying she would get there on time by some sort of miracle. She felt restless, tapping her foot repeatedly on the floor as she hoped the car would increase its speed so she could see herself there.
Luckily, she remembered something that served as a distraction for her at the moment. She hastily fished her phone out, scrolling through her gallery to find the particular video she'd never paid any heed to it before.
It was the one Hunter gave her on a flash drive the day they left Seoul. She had never bothered to check it. At least, not after she'd transferred the file from the flash drive to her phone and kept it hidden. She didn't feel the need to go through it, till then.
Tapping the video, she tilted her phone and increased the volume, as it began to play. It seemed to be taken in secret, for the angle seemed weird at first. Still, she could make out the face of the person in it.
He was seated on the couch, clutching a pillow while sporting a wide, seemingly giddy grin. Amina doesn't recall ever seeing such a look on his face. Sure, she'd seen his smile countless times but he always manages to look manly then.
The man she's seeing in the video, and the look he pulled made him seem younger, like a giddy kid that's been given candy.
"What did you just say?" Hunter's voice came, no doubt being the culprit that took the video in secret without the man knowing.
If possible, Aahil's grin widened as he leaned back on the couch, throwing his head back. "I'm going to wife her." He chuckled, seemingly elated by the idea alone. "I'm going to marry her, just you wait and see."
This time around, it was Hunter's turn to chuckle—no doubt from his tone, he'd been pulling the man's leg for a while. "Dude!" He exclaimed. "You two just had a photoshoot together, stop thinking much into it. I'm sure it hasn't even crossed her mind again since it ended." Judging from those words, Amina would say the video was shot on the day they concluded the photoshoot.
The day he left. But, before the dinner perhaps.
"Doesn't matter." Aahil shrugged, pulling out his phone to stare at it, his grin never disappearing. "Just look at us! This could totally pass as a pre-wedding picture. Forget, I'm definitely wifing her. She's going to become my wife, just you wait."
"Yeah, right." Hunter snorted, as if he doesn't believe it will happen. "You're being delusional. Who says she even likes you enough to marry you? You've been disturbing us with conversations about her since you met again."
"I have enough love for the two of us." Aahil threw a glare at Hunter, as if to warn him from ever saying stuff again. "I love her enough for me as well. And can't I even talk about the woman I love again? Ah ahn, see me see wahala."
"Amina's bringing out the Nigerian in Aahil, y'all." Hunter teased, even though it seemed it's just the two of them that's there. The others seem to be missing from the whole debacle.
Aahil waved him off. "You're just jealous because you're single." He looked away from him, sinking back in the couch as he continued to stare at the phone. "It's my new wallpaper, see." He turned the phone around to show Hunter it, and sure enough, his wallpaper is a picture of them. And when he locked the phone to show him the phone screen, it's just a picture of her, one he bribed the photographer into giving him from the photoshoot. "My wife is so fine, Masha Allah. Believe me, it's not easy to be this fine wallahi."
"Aahil is a goner, period." Hunter concluded, giving up on swaying the man because it's obvious it wouldn't work. "And that, ladies and gentlemen is Aahil Tafida in love."
The video ended there, with Hunter zooming Aahil being the lovesick puppy he is.
Amina dropped the phone aside, her heart racing behind her ribcage. She could see why Hunter said it'll help her come to a decision. And, it did. There was no reason for her to keep denying it, to deny what they have. She can't even use the excuse that he doesn't like her that much when she holds evidence of his love for her.
It's been with her, just a click away. If all that he's done up till that point hasn't moved her, then there's nothing that would because Aahil Tafida has done everything, and more. He's always gone all in for her, pulling away only when things go beyond his limit.
This time around, she wants to take the initiative of going towards him. She actually wants to put effort even if it may seem like it's too late.
Much to her misfortune, they encountered traffic just as they were a few minutes away from the airport. She looked out the window, trying to see if there's any hope of them getting over it any time soon but the traffic seemed to drag on and on.
"Everyone's in a haste to go home because it might rain." The driver explained to her, as he too looked around, looking for a chance to overtake someone so he can drop her off and get back to his own family. "The traffic is long though. I doubt we'll get out in five minutes."
Amina sighed, shaking her head as she made an attempt to open the door. "It's fine. I'll just walk there. Thank you." Having already made the payment, she simply opened the door and rushed out. Her feet carried her as she ran, almost as if she was being chased ignoring the curious looks she got from the people there.
It's not the first time she'd gained attention to herself anyway.
She pushed herself further, breathing heavily as she ran in the direction of the airport. She didn't stop as she rushed inside, then halted to catch her breath. She was gasping for air, her lungs burning and her breathing ceasing but she didn't mind it.
Taking deep breaths, she jogged further to the departure terminal, looking around amidst the crowds of people there to see if she can spot him. The time read seven minutes past nine thirty, and she knew there's a chance that she'd missed him since his flight leaves by 21:30.
Still, she looked around, feeling as though the world is spinning with how much she ran around, checking the face of any guy that even has the same figure as him, and yet, after searching for what felt like forever, she dejectedly came to an acceptance that he's gone.
Her eyes burnt with unshed tears, her hold around her tightening as she fought hard to keep the tears at bay, the feeling of emptiness slowly filling her in. Her limbs felt heavy as she dragged herself outside the airport against every fiber in her being screaming at her to stay and keep on looking for him.
The further she walked, the heavier her limbs felt and the more tears that crowded her vision. Or perhaps, it's the drizzle that began to fell, slowly soaking her fit which she couldn't care about.
For the second time in her life, she found herself crying because he'd left her. And under the rain as well. She should make crying under the rain her thing, because she seems to have a thing for it all the time.
What started as a light drizzle eventually turned to a full on rain by the time she reached the nearest bus terminal, the street bare of people like her. Everyone else seemed to be in pairs, either running to seek shelter or walking around with their umbrellas. And then, there's her, soaked.
And to make matters worse, upon reaching the bus terminal, she was welcomed by an advert by none other than the man behind her tears. He was advertising for some brand Amina couldn't care less about. All she could do was stare at his smiling face in the commercial. She glared at it, the kicked the advertising display as if to vent out her frustration caused by the man.
"Stupid poster." She mumbled, sniffing. "Stupid Aahil. Stupid me." She lifted her head up as if to hold back her tears but it's pointless for it kept pouring like the rain. A sob escaped her parted lips, and yet again, she kicked the display for it did a bit to lessen her pain.
The drizzle falling on her came to a halt, accompanied by shadow of an umbrella protecting her from the rain. She was too caught up in her moment to realize it, till a familiar voice came.
"Damaging that's going to cost a lot, you know." His deep, husky voice came, halting her actions instantly.
Her heart beat spiked up, her stomach in knots upon hearing that voice she desperately yearned to hear. Unable to help herself, and wanting to verify to herself that she isn't dreaming, she turned around, coming face to face with Aahil. Her lips parted, and for a moment she began to wonder if she yearned for him so much that she's began to hallucinate.
He's not the real Aahil, is he?
While she was worried about something ridiculous, Aahil on the other hand had his brows furrowed when he realized she was soaked. "Give me your hand."
Still dazed, she extended her hand out. He placed the umbrella he held in it, leaving her no choice but to grasp it. He was no longer shielded by it, since she wasn't exactly holding it high and she's short like he likes to point out all the time. He didn't seem to mind though.
Rather, he seemed more focused on shrugging off his trench coat. Stepping closer to her, he draped it over his shoulder—an action she's lost count of how many times he'd done. "When you go out, wear something warm and covering." He scolded, for the nth time because she never seems to listen. He flicked his eyes up, narrowed at her. "Will it kill you to listen to me for once?"
Holding his gaze, her eyes suddenly blurred with tears again as another sob escaped her lips. She wasn't hallucinating, she thought. He's real. He's actually there, with her.
Letting go of the umbrella she had in her hand, she stepped closer to him, her arms instantly going around him while she rested her head on his chest, seeking more testament of him being there—afraid that he will disappear if he stands there and keep staring at him alone.
She could feel his heart rate, it was fast, thumping loudly against his ribcage. She's certain hers wasn't any better. However, there was this warmth that came with being close to him, and the familiar cologne that she missed oh so much.
Another sob escaped her slightly parted, as she flicked her eyes close and cried her heart out, unbothered by the rain. She'd worry about being sick later on.
It seemed he was hesitating, because for a while, he just stood there, stiffly, taken aback by the action. However, just when she was starting to think she'd made a fool of herself, she felt his arms wrap around her, holding her in the warm embrace.
"God, I missed you." He breathed out in her ear, for his head rested on her shoulder. "So fucking much." It was the first time she's hearing him curse, but she couldn't care less about that.
Rain, and potential sickness be damned. She's reunited with him, that's all that matters.
He took her to a boutique, where he bought her warmer clothes to change into so she wouldn't catch a cold. He did the same, knowing he couldn't stay in his wet clothes though his wasn't as bad as hers.
By the time they were both changed into warmer and fresh clothes, they wordlessly got back into his car where he drove her to where she had no idea. She didn't bother to ask though, too exhausted after everything that had happened. Besides, she trusts Aahil even if they are yet to say anything to each other.
They eventually pulled up at what seemed like a small eatery. It wasn't anything big or fancy, but it seemed cozy, and that's what both of them need at the moment. Upon him getting out, she followed suite, quietly traipsing behind him inside.
He pulled the door open, stepping aside for her to get in first. She did just that, instantly welcomed by the warmth of the diner and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Though she isn't a fan of it, she loved its scent.
The diner was empty, save of a grey haired older looking couple that seemed to be too caught up in their own little bubble to care about any other person. Amina stared at them for a few lingering seconds, admiring them for making it that long together, and still looking in love like it's their first few days of being together.
Before he could pull out a chair for her, she did the honors, settling on it. He didn't comment on it, he simply pulled the wooden chair opposite her and settled on it as well and instantly, they were graced by the presence of an older looking woman that came to take their orders.
Briskly checking the hand-made menu there, they unanimously gave their orders.
"A bowl of Ramen."
"I'd have Ramen, thank you."
Their gazes clashed the minute they heard the coincidence, and without much thought, they each broke into small grins, lifting away some of the tension between them. The middle aged owner of the small eatery whisked herself away to bring them their ordered meal, leaving them alone yet again.
Amina could feel his gaze on her, but she felt too awkward and embarrassed to say a thing to him. So, she resorted to looking anywhere but him instead, even if from the corner of her eyes, she's well aware of him.
Aahil leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his torso. "Why were you there at the bus stop like that?" He took it upon him to ease the tension, since she seems to have no plan of doing that. "Aren't you supposed to be with your friends celebrating your engagement or something?" He didn't bother to hide the fact that he knows, or the bitterness in his tone.
He isn't about to pretend as if he isn't hurt and that he's alright when he's not. It may not seem like it, but he's a mess internally. He just kept himself collected for her sake.
Amina reached out to scratch the area above her brow, clearing her throat. "What about you?" She inquired, her voice low. "Aren't you supposed to be on the plane instead?" She was looking for ways to avoid giving him answers.
He pinned his stern gaze on her. "I asked you first. Stop trying to dodge, it won't work." There's nothing amusing in his tone. It's the most serious she's ever heard him be since she's known him. "It's late, and you're out alone. Won't your fiancée be worried?" The word fiancée left a bitter taste in his mouth, but he pushed it down.
She awkwardly cleared her throat, thinking of ways to break the news to him. "There's uhm..." She cleared her throat yet again, briefly looking up to meet his gaze. When she saw the serious look on his face, she found herself responding in a small voice. "There's no fiancée."
His brows drew in, his heart beating wildly behind his ribcage. "What?"
She repeated herself, clearly this time. "There's no fiancée." She suspired, holding his gaze this time around. "I turned him down."
He blinked, relief filling him in and yet, he still held up his serious, unbothered face. "Why did you do that?"
Her tongue darted out to swipe it across her chapped lips. "Why do you think I did that?" Her answer was merely a breathless whisper, one that he got. "Or rather, who did I do it for?"
He held her gaze for what felt like eternity, not missing the look of anticipation in her eyes. She was waiting for him to cave in. He didn't. Instead, he crossed his legs, his hands resting on his knee. "My flight got cancelled because of the weather." He responded. "Got rescheduled to tomorrow so..." He explained why he is there.
"Oh." Her lips parted slightly, disappointment filling her in. That wasn't what she's expecting, and he doesn't seem to be interested in giving out more information as well.
The woman came back with two bowls of their Ramen, placing one in front of them each. They devoured it in silence, too many unsaid things lingering in the air. When they were done, he placed cash on the table for the woman as payment, then made an attempt to get up.
"Let's go. I'll take you back to your dorm." He made an attempt to move past her.
Amina reached her hand out to hold his wrist, stopping him from going. She blinked back the tears stinging her eyes, then lifted her gaze to meet his. "Seriously?"
He nodded, unbothered. "Seriously. Let's go." He walked away, before she would be able to hold him back.
Amina sighed, feeling another tear slid down her face which she reached out to wipe away, sniffing the tears back. Blowing out careful breaths, she calmed herself down and got her emotions in check before she followed after him, taking her earlier seat in the car.
This time around, she turned away from him throughout the drive, silently weeping. She tried to keep it down, but she was sure he could hear her sniffs which he totally ignored. She wiped her tears away, putting on a brave face by the time they reached her campus, and he parked his car.
"Thank you for bringing me back." She muttered, making a move to open the door. "Have a safe flight back." She pushed the door open, stepping out without sparing him so much as a glance.
She was afraid if she does, then she wouldn't be able to handle it and would come undone. She would rather save the small face she has by not looking back. Only a few steps into walking away, she felt her phone vibrate as a call came.
She brought it up, confusion lacing her expression upon seeing the caller ID. She wanted to ignore it, and yet, she couldn't bring herself to. So, on the very last ring, she tapped the answer button, and brought the phone to her ear.
She remained silent, and so did he on the other end.
The sound of him sighing came, followed by his voice, thick with emotion. "You know..." He started, "...I walked away dejectedly just like that earlier when I thought you'd given your heart to another."
Amina took in a sharp breath, hearing the depths of pain in his tone that wasn't in there earlier. She felt the tears she had been holding back gleam in her eyes again, for she could indeed feel his pain. He must've tried to hide it all night and could no longer do that.
She sniffed.
He continued. "—I thought to myself, 'you should let her go now. You should let go of the one woman you'd ever loved, and have loved for more than ten years'. I thought I could do it." He paused, taking in a shaky breath.
Amina couldn't believe it. Is he crying? Unable to hold it in, she turned around to look at him, their eyes clashing from where he remained seated in the driver's seat, holding the phone to his ear while she stood outside.
He wasn't crying, but she could tell his eyes were red, and pain was painted right across his features.
His next words came with great default, his voice hoarse from the tears threatening to choke him. "Do you know how much that hurt? To see the person, you love with someone else and feel as though you stand no chance?" He waited for her to answer, but she had no words, so, she could only shake her head no. "I felt my heart chipping away slowly. I felt battered, and bruised. I've never felt this much pain before in my life." His next words were nothing but broken whispers from a broken hearty. "I thought I'd lost you."
The tears Amina had been holding back came cascading down her face. She sniffed, looking down, unable to hold his gaze anymore.
His own sniff could be heard from the other end. He then took in a sharp breath, clearing his throat in the process. "I know I've hurt you a lot in the process. I can't help but feel as though this is what I get for causing you pain. I don't think I've ever properly apologized; I am sorry for everything. I really am. For leaving...everything."
Amina shook her head, no longer wanting him to blame himself for such things. She'd forgiven him, she really has. She met his gaze again, hers soft.
"Don't." She whispered. "Don't say that, I'd forgiven you. I should be the one apologizing--"
"Let's agree to forgive each other then?" He suggested, with a small, barely visible smile.
She nodded almost instantly, unwilling to stay in the past.
He looked down, his shoulders slumping in relief as he breathed out, before lifting his head up to meet her gaze. "I've wasted years already; I no longer wish to wait for the right moment to say what I've always wanted to you. Tonight, I will do so. I'll finally put an end to this circle of ours."
Her brows drew in, lips slanted into a frown as she watched him end the call, the stepped out of the car. She remained rooted in her position as he closed the distance between them, coming to stand in front of her.
He offered her a small smile, though it seemed shaky. "Amina Ibrahim Muhammad." He started, his eyes gleaming with unshed tears.
She dropped her hands by her side, her heart beating wildly against her ribcage.
He held her gaze as he uttered his next words, wanting her to see the sincerity behind them. "You are the one whom my heart beats for, you are the one I crave to be in the presence of. My life is nothing but a hollow, lonely path without you. You are the one I wish to walk down the path of life with till we have grey hair and lay on our death bed.
Even then, you are the one I wish to hold the hands of in Jannah. You are my reason for existence, the axis upon which my life revolves, and the owner of my heart. It's yours, exclusively yours." He confessed, taking in a deep breath as tears began to choke him. He swallowed thickly, blowing out a small breath as his lips slanted into a warm smile.
"—what I'm trying to say is, I love you, shortcake. I have loved you from the very minute I've set my eyes on you. And I will continue to do so until I take my dying breath. I will love you even on days you don't love yourself. I cannot imagine my life without you in it."
Amina's hand flew to her mouth to cover it, tears streaming down her face like waterworks.
He was quick to pull out a handkerchief from his pocket, taking a step close to her and wiping the tears away, a crease forming between his brows. "—don't cry, please. It breaks my heart to see you cry. I've made you cry countless times already." He said that, and yet, tears stream down his face as well.
He was quick to wipe it away though, clearing his throat as his lips slanted into a small grin. "So, Amina. I dare not dream of another second in my life without you in it. I want you to be by my side always. Will you do me the greatest honor I'd ever be bestowed for as long as I breathe, will marry me and complete half my deen? Will you be my other half?"
Amina's lips parted, as she stared at him with wide eyes. She heard his correct, right? He finally confessed? She's not dreaming.
She hadn't realized how long she took to give an answer till another oddly familiar voice came.
"Girl, you better say yes."
She whipped her head around so fast, she nearly got a whiplash. A sob escaped past her lips upon seeing the familiar faces standing behind them. Benazir sported a warning glare, as if daring her to turn him down.
"You should, Noona. I didn't just fly all the way here to see my guy get rejected like that." Hunter stated, looking oddly serious.
Chris, as always chirped in after him. "Normally, I'd encourage you to make him suffer a bit more but well, he's gone through enough. It's time to say yes, kiddo. You know you want to." He offered her that warm, brotherly smile.
"Or you can turn him down and we'd have to live seeing you two be miserable. It honestly sounds like a good idea to be as well." Bae Hyun, the one antagonist as always, shrugged.
"Oh, shut up, you!" A scolding voice came, one that Amina wondered where it came from because she couldn't spot the owner of the voice.
To answer her unvoiced question, Bae Hyun turned his phone around, to show Ae Ra whom he's on video call with. She sported the widest grins out there.
"Babe, you better say yes. I've been yearning for you to get together. We all have. Time to let us see you two as a couple." She encouraged, like the fan of theirs she'd always been.
"And I didn't go through the trouble of getting them all here on time just so I can see my brother get turned down." Dean stated, from where he stood beside Benazir. There was no malice in his tone, not in the slightest. "Kimura would lose it as well because she particularly had to suffer in order to get them all a few days off from Coach. She's a bit occupied, but she sends her blessings as well. So, shorty, you better say yes."
Amina felt her heart swell, seeing the members of her Jeju team turn up for her in such an important moment for her. But, if she felt that was heart touching, then the light chant of 'say yes' that began from another set of familiar voices was the finishing deal.
Her roommates, Ahn Yu Ri, Lana and Daniella emerged from the direction of the dorms, changing the same words with wide smiles on their faces. What started with just them grew, and before Amina could realize it, there was a whole echo that no doubt ran across the whole campus as those in the dorms looked out through the window, witnessing the sight only to join in.
A huge crowd of people collectively joined together, she stood no chance against them.
She finally shifted her gaze to the man in front of her, her face breaking into a wide grin as she nodded, more tears streaming down her face. "Yes." She agreed. "Yes, I'll marry you, Aahil Tafida."
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