48; Farewell To Forever.
Three long weeks, that's how long Aahil has been groveling for so far.
It didn't matter what he chooses to do and how he chooses to do it, she wouldn't budge in the slightest. And with Abuwi leaving only a day after the whole debacle, Aahil doesn't exactly have anyone to help him win her favor—not that he believed he needed any help at first.
He thought he would be able to win he rover easily, but it's proving to be a formidable task—especially because she's pretending as if he doesn't exist. And his biggest obstacle yet, the one person he chose to undermine.
A certain Hamoud guy.
He had underestimated Amina's affection for him, believing it's nothing more than a mere fling that she would forget about once he come back into the picture. And yet, the more he pushes, trying to get on her good side, the more she seems to grow tender care for the guy.
Aahil's rocket high confidence has really been depleted to smithereens. He was starting to wonder whether she's the same woman he fell for or not, because the cold shoulder he was getting is simply beyond words.
He tried everything he possible can, while staying clear of people's sight anyway because the last thing he needed at the moment is another scandal about them—especially not when he's currently in the limelight.
He wasn't sure of things anymore, but he's certain she wouldn't take that lightly. So, he steered clear of pretty much everyone's sight, except hers. Flowers, gifts, showing up at random places she's alone to get her attention, acts of service...whatever, you name it. He'd done it all, only to be ignored.
He was no longer confident, not knowing what to do either.
Plus, he had other issues to worry about which he had been putting off aside because of her that he can longer do so no matter how much he wanted to.
"I really don't get what's going on with you, AT. I gave you one week break, and you spent what? Three weeks!" An exasperated voice came from the other end of the call, making Aahil reach his hand out to massage his temples.
Making his way to the balcony of the penthouse he was currently staying in—courtesy of the club making the top notch reservations for him, he flicked his eyes close, taking in a breath of fresh air to clear his mind. His hands wrapped around the rail, his fingers clenching shut as he thought of what excuse to give, only to come up with none.
"I'm sorry." He knew he's at fault, there's no doubt there. He was indeed granted just a week, and yet, he extended it that much without letting them know, because he's well aware he wouldn't get what he seeks. "I really am, Coach."
"I am not seeking your apologies, young man. I am not interested in your excuses as well." On most occasions, the Coach is akin to a father to them all on the team—Aahil had grown a close relationship to him over the past year as the man welcomed him with open hands.
However, that to say doesn't mean he feigns a deaf ear and blind eye to the things the man does. He doesn't accept it in the slightest.
"—Are you forgetting that the World Cup is in two months? This is not the time for you to be slacking around. You know what this means for you, your whole career depends on it. This is the only chance you've got to redeem yourself, need I remind you that?" His words may sound harsh, but it really is the truth.
It's the one thing Aahil cannot deny even if he wants to. Not that he plans on doing that.
He sucked a breath, slouching forward slightly as the words hit him in the gut. He's well aware that he's wasting time like that, precious time that needs to utilize if he really wants to win.
"—your teammates are here, pushing themselves to the core and though I know you're doing your part as well, you need to be here. This is precious time, Aahil, you hear me? You don't have the liberty to waste it away like that. Every second of every minute counts for you, I'm sure you're well aware of that."
"I am."
"Then that means you know you need to do the needful. I've been lenient on you, but I can't keep doing that."
Aahil's eyes flicked open as he released a deep breath, his lower lip drawn between his teeth for a second before his voice came. "I know that Coach, I really do. But..." He sucked in another deep breath, his heart heavy as he felt burdened to speak on that which he has been holding to himself. "...I need to get my mind straight if I want to give it my all and at this moment, I really am a mess."
By that, he means he need to be on good terms with Amina before he can fully give it his all. He needs to be with her, he need her to become his, or at least be on good terms if he actually wants to get his head straight.
He cannot leave again and risk seeing her all around him, imagining that which isn't real. What if he does that in the middle of the match? What if it affects his mind because he's slowly running crazy because of that? He cannot have that, can he?
He knew it would be difficult to convince the Couch, but he was hoping to sway his mind—at least, for a few more days. It wouldn't hurt to add a few days more, right?
If only wishes were horses.
"Aahil." The Coach's stern voice came, one that had Aahil flicking his eyes close yet again because he knew what that tone meant. "Tafida." The man called out yet again, his tone grave.
"Yes, Coach." Aahil's voice was low, dreading what will follow.
And he did. "I've had the next flight back to England booked for you, and it leaves at 9:30pm tonight. I want no excuses from you, I want you on that flight back without failure. I've been protecting you from the club during your absence but I can't do that anymore. I didn't want to tell you before, but as much as they've invested in you, they need a desired outcome. You have too much on your shoulders; you don't have time to spare around like that."
Aahil's free hand went to his head, running it through the short hair in need of a trim—an action he's fond of when he feels cornered and at the moment, he felt that, more than ever actually.
That moment is one of the few instances he hated being back into the football field, he hated being bound yet again by rules and contracts expecting him to give it his all. For a split second, he wished he could call it all off. The contract and the World Cup as a whole.
As if knowing what's going on his mind, the Coach's voice came yet again, bearing just the right advice he could be given. "—Remember, this goes beyond just you. Your entire team's efforts are on the lie because of your actions. Don't let their hard-work go to waste. You are a team, and they've stood with you through thick and thin. Don't let them down now."
Aahil folded his lips in, followed by a suspire as he straightened his spine, no longer slightly hunched. He found himself swallowing thickly, though it felt as though his heart was in the base of his throat, and the truth became his bitter pill he had to push down.
He couldn't argue with that even if he wanted to. He was blinded by his own wishes for a brief second. The game is a result of the whole team's hard-work, not his. The faces of Dean, Hunter, Chris, Bae Hyun and his other teammates flashed before his eyes, along with how they stood beside him when he joined their team regardless of other people's thoughts on him.
He still believed in him, and accepted him as one of their own enough to even trust him with a very important position. He couldn't let them down, else he has no idea how he'll be able to face them.
"I'll come back." He resigned, in a small voice. "I'll be there for practice tomorrow, in shaa Allah." Considering the time of his flight, he would be sure to make it even if he's jetlagged.
"Good choice." Coach sounded relieved. "I'll see you tomorrow then."
The call got ended with that, leaving Aahil holding onto the device that suddenly felt heavier in his hand. Perhaps, he came back at the wrong time. It's a crucial time for them and he just upped and left like that. He thought he was doing the right thing by trying to clear his mind before then so he could perform better but in reality, he was being selfish without considering the others.
A sigh escaped his slightly parted lips yet again. Bringing the phone up, he tapped the screen to check the time. It read 19:38pm. He had a little over an hour to his flight, he came still try to see her one last time before he departs. This time around, he wouldn't make the mistake of leaving without informing her.
Without so much as a second thought, he turned around, rushing back into the living room. Passing by the couch, he leaned down to pick up his car keys before he hurried out, not before changing into another pair of shoes fit for an outing since flip flops wouldn't do it.
The elevator ride to the underground parking lot where his rented car is felt like an eternity, but the minute the door opened, he made a sprint towards the direction of the car, hastily getting in and revving it to life. Then, he moseyed his way out, with one destination in mind.
Considering the cold shoulder he's been getting for the past few weeks, he knew he might just be hit with the same rejection yet again. And yet, he was still willing to try again one last time.
Following his just concluded phone call, he made up his mind that if it doesn't work this time, if he leaves without sorting things out with her, he'd give up for his own peace of mind. For if he still holds on to her, his mind would never be in a good place to do a good job.
The best thing he could do to himself is to let her go, given he hits a dead end again that is. Until that happens though, he would use this one last to confess and prove to her how much she means to him, he would give it his all this one last time.
The drive from his place to the campus was done in a haste, he was surprised he wasn't fined for such a reckless drive. He would probably have it follow him, despite it not being good for his image but he still risked it.
It took him over twenty-five minutes to reach there. Upon nearing, he'd tried to call her number several times but it wasn't working. Briskly donning his face mask and p-cap, he stepped out of the car outside the dormitory and tried to contact her yet again, but it wasn't going through.
He tried to ask around, if by chance someone knows her and us aware of how he can get to her. Albeit he was given suspicious looks from countless reasons—and he understood where they came from, he was still unbothered. His actions proved to be a futile attempt, till he met a lady that claimed to have seen her head out with a few friends of hers, her roommates apparently.
Thanking the woman, he jogged up in the direction he was given, looking around the crowds of people he keeps passing by to see if he could spot her anywhere. He spent a short while doing that, and at one point found himself huffing out breaths from running that much. He hunched over, blowing out ragged breaths while his hands rested on his knees.
He brought up his phone to check the time. It read 20:44pm. Unknowingly, he'd wasted over an hour from his drive to scouring the campus in search of her, and yet, she was nowhere in sight.
As much as he wanted to keep looking, as much as his heart was trying to convince him to keep on looking, he knew he couldn't. He made a promise to go back, and he couldn't go back on the promise.
So, reluctantly, he got up again with the intention of leaving with slumped shoulders when his eyes fell on the face he'd been yearning to see a little up ahead, in what seemed to be a basketball court. She had her back facing him, but he was a hundred percent certain she's the one. If he wasn't certain, then her turning her head to the side to look at the small group of people there proved it to him.
His feet carried on forward, suddenly relieved to see her. His hand reached out, prepared to take off the face mask as he approached her. He wasn't worried about people seeing her with him, nor of the rumors that might sprout up from it. Screw it all, she's the only one that matters.
That determined resolve he has came to a screeching halt when he saw the person standing in front of her—another familiar face he unfortunately has etched to his mind. His competition that he somehow stood no chance against.
He wasn't stupid, all he needed to do was take in the sight in front of him to know what was going on. The man's voice came, confirming his most dreaded thought.
"Will you marry me, Amina?" Hamoud inquired, getting down on one knee while the small circle of friends they have 'awwed', as they captured the moment with their phones.
The balloons and flowers set up served pretty much as a backdrop for a proposal, he knew that and yet, he still hoped otherwise. Those words thought, they served as the final blow. He felt his knees weaken, his heart heavy. It felt as though an arrow had pierced into it, leaving it battered.
His stomach was in unfortable knots, a bitter taste left in his mouth.
Was he jealous? No. The word jealous is too small to encompass what he felt as the moment.
He felt hurt, bruised, and battered. Jealousy meant you knowing you have a chance, as if the person belongs to you in a way. If he still had confidence in himself, he would claim he was jealous but he wasn't.
As much as he wanted to deny it, he was well aware that he stands no chance against this man, this new individual she has found abode in her heart. He'd seen them over the past few weeks, what they have is special beyond compare. He saw the way she looks at him, and the way her body stiffened upon hearing the sudden proposal.
He need not hear it.
He stands no chance with Amina. Her heart belongs to this man asking her to marry him. She had given it to him, and he stood no chance at gaining it back.
Swallowing down a painful lump in his throat and the tears threatening to cloud his gaze, he lifted his suddenly heavy feet and turned away from the sight, unwilling to listen to the response that would leave him broken beyond repair.
The further he stepped away from the sight, he could feel small bits of his heart chirping away slowly. He could feel it bleeding. He could feel himself feeling pain unlike any he'd ever felt before.
And yet, ultimately, he knew and accepted one thing in mind.
He no longer stood a chance with Amina.
Perhaps, their story was never meant to have a happy ending after all. This is the end of it, of them. It's not the best ending out there, but that is indeed it for them.
Chapter closed.
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