46; Under The Cherry Blossoms.

Complete book available on Selar for half price. Get Sincerely Aishatu and Fof at the same price on Selar using the link in my bio.

Amina walked past him, her gaze set on the figure standing a few feet behind him. She could feel his gaze following her, surprise no doubt lacing his features due to the sudden action but she paid no heed to him. She pretended as if she didn't see him there, for he is nonexistent to her and she meant that.

A part of her wondered whether he's really the one. However, as she walked in his direction, although her gaze was set on someone else, she made sure to sneak a peek at him, which only certified her thoughts.

He is the one. There's no questioning that fact. Even if the question that followed is, what was he doing there exactly? She discarded it aside.

She had someone else in mind when she walked in that direction, despite knowing he might mistake he r for going towards him.

She came to a halt in front of the familiar face, with a wide smile while he mirrored her expression. "Hamoud." She called out fondly, still feeling those piercing gaze on her. She ignored it. "What are you doing here?" Rather, she focused her undivided attention on the man standing in front of her.

Hamoud's smile was warm, like the spring. He had this laid back and warm aura that followed him around, like sunshine, casting a glow whether he goes. There was nothing about him that raised any alarm.

If there were any, then it must be from the lens of the person viewing him as so, for he has no such worries.

"I'm here to see my girlfriend." Hamoud, her boyfriend, answered honestly, his hand moving to the nape of his neck, an action he's fond of when he's nervous.

Amina couldn't help but chuckle at the moment. He's cute, she thought. It was times like that where he reminds her of Dean. Perhaps, it was the resemblance she sees in him that made her take an interest in him from the beginning.

Her head tilted to the side, "Well, boyfriend, I thought you were having dinner with the others." She said, remembering what Yu Ri said about them having dinner altogether. So, it makes sense for her to not expect him there. "Don't tell me you're missing the fun to come here."

He shrugged, "I thought you were going as well, that's why I agreed." He stated earnestly.

"How did you even find me here?" Her brows drew in, though she couldn't hide the smile that graced her features. She couldn't help it. There was something about being in Hamoud's presence.

He had a knack for lifting her mood without much effort.

He pulled out his phone, "Your streaks." He pointed out, like it's the most obvious fact.

It is. She shares almost everything on her streaks. And to think she had no interest in it before only to become addicted.

"—I took the next bus here and well...here I am."

"Don't you have something to do tomorrow? I thought your family is coming over." Over their now daily conversations, he said something about his family visiting the next day, and they have an early flight. So, with that, she doubts he had the time to stay the night there if he wants to pick them up on time.

There's no early bus back. He could take a cab back, but it would take longer.

"—you shouldn't have come all the way here when you know that." She lightly reprimanded.

He playfully narrowed his eyes at her, feigning a serious face. "So, you aren't happy to see me."

She was quick to shake her head, holding her hands up in the process. "No, it's not like that. I just...I was considering the pros and cons for you and--"

"Relax," He cut her off softly before she could go on to ramble. "I was simply pulling your leg." He was never one to get angry easily. Now, thinking about it, it is one of the many facts about him that she liked.

He glanced at his wrist watch, taking note of the time. "The next bus back to Busan leaves in an hour. So, I can spend roughly 45 minutes with you." He dropped his hand, meeting her gaze. "Let's have dinner together. I want to spend time with you." There was no ill thought behind his words, he simply came all the way there to spend some time with his girlfriend.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Amina already had dinner with Abuwi, and she wasn't feeling hungry but she wouldn't break that to him. The least she could do was entertain him. So, she smiled and bobbed her head in agreement.

Extending her hand out to him, she waited till he placed his in hers before she held it firmly and softly pulled him away. "Let me take you to this place I was with my dad earlier. Their food is great."

"Let's go then."

They had dinner as planned, she even had a few bites that wouldn't hurt all the while they talked about everything and nothing. She loved talking to Hamoud like that, it was nice for they never seem to run out of things to say.

She's known him since she joined university, and though their relationship only escalated to what it was, a stage of mutual agreement to recognize themselves as a couple a week ago, she felt as though she'd known him her whole life.

And by that, she meant she could see a future with him, a beautiful one.

She was yet to break the news to the girls, simply because she planned to hogging the beautiful news to herself for a while before revealing it to them. They'd been waiting for it, shipping the two for as long as she could remember.

She can't imagine their reactions when they finally find out that she's with Hamoud.

After the dinner, they took a stroll around the cherry blossom park for a while, admiring the beauty of it and simply enjoying being with each other before the time for him to leave came. He insisted to walking back to her hotel, but she reminded him that he'll be late if he does that so she forced him to leave before he could miss the bus.

He begrudgingly left, not before she made him promise to call her when he gets back, so she can know he's returned safely. She waited until he was out of sight before she strolled back to the hotel quietly.

In only about ten minutes, the hotel came to sight. All she had to do was cross the street and get in, retiring for the night but something held her back. It's a nagging feeling, one that's been there the whole night and impossible to shake off no matter how hard she tries to.

She thought she could ignore it, but it kept bothering her.

Amina sighed, coming to a halt. She blinked, her hands fisting by the side for she could no longer hold it. She could pretend all she wants, but it's starting to get on her nerves, she couldn't hold it in anymore.

So, she folded her lips in, her eyes flicking close for her a moment. Her voice followed, low, going along with the breeze. "Why do you keep following me around?" She inquired, her eyes flicking open. Turning around, she wasn't surprised to come face to face with him—she knew he's been there since they crossed paths earlier.

He'd been following them around, she's well aware of that fact. She just chose to feign a blind eye to it. However, it was becoming annoying, and she could no longer hold it in.

Aahil stood a few feet away from her, his hands tucked in the pocket of his trench-coat. Now staring at him up close, Amina couldn't help but notice how he's changed even if it's only been a little over a year.

He seemed older...more mature. Sporting a light beard that seemed to be well taken care of, he exuded that manliness that he wasn't lacking before, but did shone bright in that moment.

His eyes, those familiar obsidian orbs held hers in a stare off that he seemed to have no intention of backing down from. Then, the corners of his lips tilted upwards slightly. "You..." He blew out a breath, shaking his head slightly. "You look beautiful, as always." He stated earnestly, for he couldn't bring himself to say anything else.

Amina held his gaze, unmoved by his words in the slightest. She sported a deadpanned look, the pores of her resolve seemingly impossible to permeate. "What are you doing here?" She asked instead, ignoring his compliment.

He could only smile sadly upon hearing her words. It didn't take a genius to know she's holding strong grudges against him, but he wouldn't hold it against her. She's right to do that. He deserves it after all the pain he put her through.

He came back knowing that well enough.

"I'm here for you." His gaze never wavered from hers, wanting her to see the sincerity behind his orbs. "I'm here to see you, I couldn't hold back any longer." If he was to wait another second to see her, he might've lost his mind.

That strong resolve he had to stand his ground, he couldn't keep up any longer. He needed to be with her, to breathe the same air she does, to see her smile in the way that makes his heart clench, in the way that no other woman in the world is capable of making him feel. He needed that, for he was lost without it.

And yet, despite the intensity in his eyes drawing her close, to cave in and allow her walls to crumble, she stood firm. Her expressionless façade remained the same, her lips straightened. "You should head back." She gestured for him to get going. "There's nothing for you to do here." The last thing she wants is to be in his presence. She wasn't up for that, nor is she interested.

He remained rooted in his position, unmoving.

The action annoyed her, for it had her huffing out annoyed breaths. "Leave." She gritted out, annoyance slowly filling her up.

"I missed you." He confessed, his words raw, unfiltered. He meant it from the deepest depths of his being where his feelings originated from. "I miss you, so, so much." His voice, although heavy with emotion still cracked slightly when he let out a small chuckle—happy to see her again. "You have no idea simply seeing you like this makes me feel." He had yearning to see her again.

He had to hold himself back one too many times from booking a flight back and running back to her. He had to remind himself what it was for. But, that didn't stop him from seeing her virtually everywhere he'd went to.

You'd think he's hallucinating, and he really was. During interviews, during football practice, and in moments he was left alone—he sees her sitting beside him, smiling and giving him advises in terms he needs it.

He could be in the midst of an interview, watching the reporters and he'd see her amidst them as well, offering him a smile that silently tells him it'll be alright, and that he should calm his nerves.

During practice, especially the early days when he found it difficult to step into the shoes of the man he was, when he collapses on the ground, he'd see her beside him.

When he's gone back home, retiring for the day and wallowing in being all alone, she'd be there, walking towards him with a soda can and words of encouragement.

He's gone nuts, hasn't he? That's what Hunter told him when he mistakenly opened up about seeing her. He didn't argue, because he knew the man is right. He has gone nuts enough for him to picture her like that for months.

So, he had no words to explain to her just how much he yearns to be in her presence, to actually see her and not hallucinate.

Still, oblivious to his turmoil, his words did nothing to shake her, and if it did, she didn't show it. She simply stared at him, dead in the eyes with her head tilted to the side slightly, waiting for him to pay heed to her request of disappearing from her sight.

He sighed, looking down for a brief second before he met her gaze. He reached out to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I'll leave." He caved in. But, his following action contrasted his words. He moved towards her, eliminating the space between them only stopping once within arms-length.

He reached out to remove the scarf he had around his neck to protect him from the chilly night, for it was considerably cold that night. Once he had it in his hold, he extended his hands out to place it around her neck, wrapping it up in the loop style.

"—How many times do I have to remind you to wear warmer clothes when you go out?" He scolded lightly, as he folded it.

A voice in her head was screaming at her to push him away, to ask him to stay away from her and to take a step away. And yet, it was like her feet were glued there. She couldn't bring herself to move despite wanting to.

She was rooted in that spot, feeling herself being pulled to him like a magnet to metal.

She couldn't find her voice that she could use to ask him to stay away from her. She was tongue tied, and with no vocal cords.

Seemingly satisfied by his work, he offered her a warm smile then took a step back, giving her space. "You should get in." He gestured to the Hotel across the street where she's staying. "It's late. I'll leave after you get in."

Her lips formed a small pout, while her eyes narrowed at him. It was one of those situations where you want to be angry at someone, but then they constantly do something nice leaving you feeling complicated.

As if you're a bad person for staying away from them.

It's really unfair. She was hoping to stand firm and make him suffer, and yet, he goes around doing stuff that leaves her mind a jumbled mess.

"I don't want to see you." She mumbled, her glare still very much prominent.

Aahil found her cute though he didn't voice it out. He could see it. She was trying to stand firm and yet, he was making her resolve crack. His smile only widened slightly, and she hated how safe it felt to see it. There was something about his smiles, there is this comfort that accompanies it.

She could be in the worst mood, and when she sees it, she'll melt away softly. The weight burdening her would evaporate into thin air.

"And you won't." He didn't miss the frown that adorned her face the minute those words came out. So, he added. "You just need to get inside first."

Her frown deepened. "And then you'll leave?"

"For tonight, yes." He nodded, tucking his hands into the pocket of his coat. "I'll be here tomorrow as well, don't worry. And the day after that, and the ones that will follow in shaa Allah." He said, answering the other meaning behind that question of hers. He knew it had a double meaning, how could he not?

He knew he's at fault for making her have such worries. He left her before, so, it only makes sense she feels conflicted.

She looked away, rolling her eyes slightly in the process. "That's not what I meant. I asked you to leave." She mumbled under her breath, before meeting his gaze again, still spotting a frown.

He chuckled. "I said that because I know what's going on in that mind of yours." He stated, as if a hundred percent certain of his words. "I know you better than you know yourself, shortcake. You know that."

That endearment. She hadn't heard it in so long, she was starting to forget how it sounded coming from his lips like that. It sounded familiar, like it's actually her name. As if he'd call it out while she's in the midst of a crowd, and she'd turn around subconsciously.

She scoffed the minute those words left past his lips, before rolling her eyes again. "As if your sweet words will work on me again."

This time around, it was his turn to tilt his head slightly, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "So, it worked before?"

Her eyes dilated instantly. "Don't flatter yourself." She shook her head, holding a firm stance. "It didn't before, it wouldn't now. Your flirting won't work to me, Tafida."

He nodded slowly, pressing his lips together as if agreeing with her words. "Maybe not. But, I'm not back to flirt with you anyway." He shrugged, his expression serious.

She wasn't sure why, but those words of his irked her. "You're here to play with my feelings then?"

"I'm here to wife you." His response came almost immediately, like it's an instinct.

She could swear her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach the minute those words left past his lips. Her breath hitched, her eyes dilating even more. Her poor heart still raced, faster than it had ever done in her life before. Since when did he have such influence on her?

She swallowed thickly, clenching her hands by her side when she finally found her voice, forcing the words out. "I have a boyfriend."

"I don't care." He really didn't seem to care, or so he feigned. "I know no man can make your heart move the way I do, and no woman holds power over me like you do."

"Don't you think you're being too egoistic?"

"Only with the woman I love."

He took no pity on her poor heart, letting out more strings of promises that were too grave to be termed merely words.

"--I'm here to make you mine, rightfully so, for I cannot imagine a single moment of my life without you in it. I'm back to make you Mrs. Tafida, Aahil Tafida's woman, and believe me, I have no intentions of leaving without that happening.

I've lived without you for way too long, it's time to have you by my side where you rightfully belong. So, you better brace that heart of yours, for it will be mine to love, keep, and cherish.

No stubborn resolve of yours will keep me away, I'll make those walls crumble. That I assure you. So, no. I'm not back to flirt with you. I'm here for the real deal. I'm here for our forever. Just you, and I, shortcake."

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