43; Romantic Seoulstice.
"We decided to dine out today with Hamoud and a few others, will you be joining?" Yu Ri inquired, as the group of three strolled down the vast campus, having ended their classes for the day and were planning how to spend the day. "Weekend has officially started. What's a better way to spend it than with a low-key party?"
Lana and Amina exchanged knowing looks with bemused smiles, before shaking their heads at her choice of words. Did she just say low-key party? Yu Ri and low-key do not belong in the same sentence, it probably never would.
She is a typical party goat. There's no denying that. She's the life of the party and always sticks to the principle, 'go big or go home'.
"I'm in. It's not like I have anything better planned anyway." Lana counted herself in, holding onto the few textbooks she picked out to read when she returns to the hostel.
Her statement was a sarcastic one, the second one anyway. Despite not seeming like it, she takes her studies most serious. She cares about it more than the others do and during any free time they have, you'll find her with her nose deep in a book.
So, her saying she has nothing planned is her simply being sarcastic, but she will join anyway because it's not a bad idea to be loose sometimes.
"—I need to de-stress after such a hectic week." Yet again, she can never be termed a nerd because she's anything but.
She may study all the time, but when it comes to partying, she's just as bad as Yu Ri, only a less hyper version.
Yu Ri grinned upon the news she's gotten, clapping her hands excitedly. "Yay!" She then shifted her attention to Amina. "Meena, what about you? You're joining, right?"
Amina's slightly widened gaze shifted between the two women seemingly anticipating her answer with hopeful eyes. She winced slightly, her face contorting into a form that showed they wouldn't get the desired answer. "Sorry, I have plans prior."
"Oh, come on."
She bobbed her head in confirmation, her lips slowly slanting into a wide smile. "I..." She dragged, "...have a date. Will be gone for the weekend actually."
Their mouths hung agape upon hearing the words fly past her lips. Yu Ri, being dramatic as always allowed her knees to give up on her, and she found herself collapsing into the arms of a stunned Lana whom did well to hoist her up before they could both end up on the floor.
"YOU HAVE A DATE?!" Lana exclaimed, getting over her initial shock when both she and Yu Ri steadied themselves on their feet, then turned around to give Amina their undivided attention.
Amina nodded, her smile never wavering.
Yu Ri held her hands up, "Hold up, hold up. You're joining this date of yours for a whole weekend?" She repeated, as if looking for the sense in that. If it was someone else, she wouldn't have been surprised but this is Amina.
Besides, isn't it against her religion to seclude herself with the opposite sex? Then why the hell is she planning a whole damn weekend with him?
"—I may support quite a lot of your stupid decisions, but not this one." She may not take her religion seriously, but she wouldn't let her friend go astray. Yu Ri shook her head, like a firm mother unwilling to give into the wills of her children. "Whoever he is, I don't support of this."
"Wait..." Lana shook her head, still looking confused. Blinking a couple of times, she lifted her gaze to meet Amina's. "I thought you have a thing ongoing with Hamoud? I mean, I'm a hundred percent certain he agreed to this dinner because he thought you'd be there."
"Exactly. What happened to Hamoud? He's a good man." Yu Ri joined in agreement, which is a rare sight because since when has she been a fan of any man that isn't a kpop idol? The only men she loves and will defend even at 3am in the morning is BTS. She's obsessed with Jung Kook in particular, said he's the one member that's shining the most at the moment.
"—you even went out on a date with him a week ago didn't you? Said you were giving it a try. I think it's a good idea. He's good looking, smart, a total gentleman and from a well off family. Plus, he is about to graduate. He's really into you." Yu Ri added, seemingly onboard the Hamoud train.
Lana even nodded in support. She's been a fan of him from day one. They've all been.
You can say he's worked his charm on them. He has that effect it seems.
"—tell me, how was your date? Are you two a thing now" They've been asking her that since she came back from the date, but they've gotten no response aside from a smile and a shrug of her shoulders.
They were hoping to get answers then.
"Or perhaps..." Lana's voice came, laced with suspicion as she narrowed her eyes at Amina. "...is he the one you're having the getaway with?" It can't be, right? Yu Ri clearly said he's joining so he must've confirmed it.
Like always, all they got was a shrug from the said woman and a smile a creepy smile that hid everything from then. Not bothering to give them their desired response, she took a few steps away from them. "I got to go and pack. Will be back Sunday night, in shaa Allah. Have fun on my behalf." She waved at them, their confused, stunned, and questioning eyes following her as she turned around and set out first.
Knowing them, they'd probably branch off somewhere before heading back. She on the other hand need to prepare for her little weekend vacation, and hence has no plans of wasting any time.
Their question still played around in her mind, her lips slanting in a warm smile at the thought of it. She would answer their questions on her stand with Hamoud when she comes back because indeed, there is something going on.
She didn't dwell on that thought though, as she carried on her short journey back to the dormitory where she instantly made her way to where her room is. She stepped in with a low salaam, knowing none of her roommates is Muslim and it's not like they know how it goes anyway.
She does it because it's the right thing to do.
Upon stepping into the room, the corner of her lips tugged upwards seeing the person in there. "Hey there, Ella." She offered the fourth roommate of theirs a smile, as she took off her shoes.
Daniella, the last member of their little group looked up from whatever it is she's watching on her IPad, pushing up her bifocals while her expression mirrored Amina's. "Meena, you're back early. Thought you guys would stop by somewhere after class?"
"Yu Ri and Lana are off for that. I'm preparing for the weekend trip I told you about." Amina shrugged off the coat she had on, putting it up on the coat hanger while she carelessly tossed the bag on her bed.
"Oh," Ella's lips parted in realization, before she nodded. "you have a delivery by the way, again." Her smile morphed into a small one, knowing Amina's reaction to it every single time is the same. Still, she nudged her head in the direction of the reading desk beside Amina's bed. "I placed it there."
Amina's smile fell upon hearing that. It wasn't like he was not expecting it, it comes it all the time, every single day unfailingly. With slightly hunched shoulders, she made her way towards it, coming into sight with a beautiful teal blue chocolate box laying there. Beside it is a bouquet of beautiful, fresh roses, alluring to one's sight.
Normally, it would make one happy, but not her.
Her heart clenched upon seeing it. She didn't like it, never once did.
Picking up the bouquet, she checked it to see the note attached to it but there was none. There was always one, with random messages that served enough testament to who is behind it. There was none there though, much to her astonishment. There was none attached to the chocolate box as well.
With a slight sigh, Amina picked both up and trudged towards Ella who watched her with curious eyes, ever curious as always who the mystery man behind Amina's everyday gifts is. It didn't seem to be someone the woman is fond of though, because her reactions to it has always been the same.
"Here." Amina dropped both the bouquet and chocolate box beside Ella, giving it out without a second thought as always. "Keep it." She offered her a small smile, before she turned around and made her way back to her bed to carry on with her earlier task.
Ella stared at the gifts, knowing that whoever is behind it has a history with Amina, one that runs deeper than it seemed on the surface. Yet, every time the gifts came, she gives it to them. It was left to them to take it or let it go to waste. So, in essence, they were the ones that enjoyed it rather than her.
And it's been going on since the day she joined university.
As far as they are aware, Amina wasn't talking to anyone—aside from Hamoud but that's a recent thing. So, who is this guy? An ex maybe?
"...Renowned footballer, AT04 expressed his thoughts regarding the upcoming World Cup Tournament taking place in three months. In his words, he looks forward to it because it's an important moment in his life.
A lot of netizens and fans have had their own share of qualms regarding the player's ability to bag the World Cup after his past history and struggles after leaving City United and joining Premier City Club as their top player. However, the player has showed his exceptional talents, leading the team to victory through every game they've had since he joined.
This has eased most of the netizens worries doubting his capabilities. However, uneasiness still lurks in the shadows as football fans anticipate the upcoming, biggest event in football history. Will AT04 take the Cup home? Or will his ever supportive fans be disappointed? Stay tuned to Sports News to find out..."
"Of course he'll win." Ella commented, her attention now set upon her IPad yet again, seeming engrossed in the news. So, that's what she's been watching. No wonder she seemed too invested. "He's the greatest player for the reason. My guy would win, no doubt." The trust Ella has in the man is nothing Amina had ever seen before.
Daniella is a die-hard fan of his. Her side of the bed contains posters of him and jersey with his initials on it, as well as other things most fans are in possession of. He is her obsession. She would kill for a chance to meet him.
At first, Amina was bothered by the fact that the woman was too obsessed with him since she was planning to leave him in her past. But, she's eventually grown immune to it, hiding under the guise of never hearing of him before as she isn't a football fan.
They all bought it. If only they knew the history behind them. Amina buried it since she made the decision to start a new life for herself.
"I want to go to university."
That single statement she uttered to her father was the turning point in her life. She thought long and hard before coming to that conclusion, making sure she wouldn't regret it before she shared the news with her father.
"Are you sure that's what you want?" Despite being happy she's come to a benefitting decision, he still wanted her to be certain. "You don't have to do it if you aren't interested. You love your current work, don't you? You can continue with that. I'll make arrangements for you stay here."
She offered him a warm, appreciative smile. It felt good to know he'll always have her back. She missed that, and is simply glad she has made up with him. But, she knew what she wants. So, she nodded to confirm her earlier statement.
"I'm sure, Abuwi." She certified, "I've thought it through. I want to get that degree." She's realized no matter how far she gets at work; she'll always be looked at as a dropout. She didn't want that, she wanted things to be in the right way. "I've spoken to Choi Ae Ra about my work. I can work part time as a model when the need arises, but I'm going for that degree."
He sighed, then nodded. "Okay. Have you picked a university and a course?"
"Pusan National University, Busan. English, Linguistics, and Language because I want to take my career in writing seriously. It sounds like the perfect course for me." She knows she doesn't require a degree to write, but she'd feel much better if she has one.
She could've picked a university in Seoul, but she wants to try living in Busan as well. Seems like a good place.
"Alright." He smiled, satisfied with her choice and willing to support her of course. "I'll prepare it for you so you can start as soon as possible." Seems her little independence trip to Korea didn't turn out bad. She has learned to be a responsible person.
That's the good side of it.
Amina could only smile, feeling as though a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. Voices from the TV left on caught her attention, making her slant her gaze from her father to it, watching it unfold.
"...Popular footballer, and key player of City United, Aahil Tafida, popularly known as AT04 involved in a fierce legal battle with City United, following his decision to leave the team. In a recent interview, the footballer admitted to sustaining an injury, hence why he's been away from the spotlight for a while.
He also expressed his intention of joining City United's rival team, Premier League once the legal battle has come to an end. He claims he has plans of taking the team to the World Cup and winning it as well, as a team.
While fans of the player were stirred by the news of his injury, which surfaced a few weeks ago causing turmoil, only to be covered by dating news of him and a non-celebrity, his sudden admittance to the issue left fans doubting his capabilities.
Statistics show he has lost fans following this debacle, to the point of getting for betraying his mother club, City United after all that they've done to him. The player hasn't made any official announcement regarding this, despite it being a tough moment for him no doubt.
Can AT04 overcome the crisis that's his messy life at the moment and regain his glory? Or will his decision lead to his downfall? Coach..."
Her father turned off the news, before it could go further. His daughter is finally having her life on track, by forgetting the man and growing in her own way. He wouldn't allow her to be dragged back into that dark hole she was in because of him.
However, Amina has heard the most important. She's heard all she needs to know, dampening her mood instantly. Her heart sunk, upon hearing of the difficulty he was going through. The feeling she had been trying to bury tried to resurface, as she longed to be there to soothe some of his worries.
She took in a deep breath, blinking and looking away. Her hands clenched by the side, while she pushed the words away from her mind. No, she shouldn't think of him no more. She was finally getting her life on track again, no long wallowing in her heartbreak.
She was about to start a new life, a beautiful one that she will love.
She tried to not dwell on him. Whatsoever he is going through, she will unpluck herself out of it. It's none of her concerns anymore. He isn't a part of her life, he deleted himself out of it and she would do the same.
She will forget Aahil Tafida. That's the best thing to do if she wants to live this new life of hers peacefully. She will leave him the past where he belongs.
And so she did.
This is the chapter where their relationship comes to an end. It ends with him, and her.
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