42; The Seoul Of Love.

Because today's episode of Labarina is faya!!!! Oppression malam. I've never been this oppressed in my life.

They pulled her out of that whole she found herself in, letting her see the light of the day again. In just a day, they had the most fun she'd in a while, even though, they couldn't tick through quarter of what's on Benazir's list.

They dropped it an hour into the whole thing, even though Amina was certain Hunter took it and then pretended as if it was missing. He showed his disinterest in engaging in the activities there because in his words, it's all boring.

He had other plans, which mostly includes improvising but still. They ended up having the time of their lives, especially since it was the last day they'd all spend together as the guys had to go back to work.

When the next day came, she dressed up as usual for the first time in a while and went to the airport to see them off, which ended up being a little emotional than she expected. She wished she could give them a hug to thank them for the past few months worthwhile for her. But, she couldn't.

Instead, she sent them off with a warm smile and a wave, holding onto the little gift boxes they each got for her, as if her house didn't hold the fragrance of the flowers they got her already—including Bae Hyun who wasn't with them the night before as he had plans with his girlfriend. Besides, it was just an outing for singles so he and Ae Ra were nowhere invited.

They even have a Whatsapp group for just the four of them, which they named THE SINGLES, aside from the Jeju squad group they have wasn't enough.

To them, the group is more like a safe, and private zone for just them with no interruptions from the others. They have no idea when they will meet again, since it's back to nonstop work for the guys and both women are occupied as well. At least, Benazir is.

So, a means for them to stay up to date with each other is all they're left with.

They met as strangers, but now, a few months later, they felt like family to Amina. A second family that she's glad to have in her life.

"Try to stay out of trouble." She advised, her gaze set on Hunter because they all know, he's the one with the highest chance of doing just that.

He shrugged, his lips slanted into a wide, cheeky grin. "No promises, Noona." His earnest answer came, staring back down at the lady in front of him. "Try not to burn down Hallyu in the process."

He may be the youngest, but he's still taller than her. She really is short.

Amina could only roll her eyes, though she still sported a soft smile. "I'm not troublesome like you, chestnut." She has picked up on Benazir's endearment for him. It just rubbed off on her without realizing it.

"Maybe not, but we all know what you're capable of."

"Whatever." She dismissed it, knowing he was simply pulling her leg. She felt it wasn't the time to bicker with him. "I hope you learn to stop being annoying as well."

"Never happening. You're stuck with me for life."

"God, no."

Chris shook his head at their interaction. They don't bicker as always like he does with the others, but when they do, they make up for all the lost times. He decided to step in, before they end up doing just that and make them miss the flight.

His voice came, making her slant her eyes in his direction, giving him her undivided attention. "I know the past few days has been hard for you but don't let it hold you back. I'm certain he wouldn't want that as well." His voice was soft, but the seriousness behind it was hard to miss.

Amina found herself sucking in a deep breath discreetly. None of them had mention he whom shall not be named, and she believed they knew it was best not to. However, with Chris bringing it up like that, she was taken aback. It sent her heart racing.

He continued, "—you're doing well, you have your life on track. But, don't conclude it at that. If you feel something's missing, find the missing piece. Don't focus on proving anything to anyone else, focus on yourself. You are who matters the most."

Albeit a clown on most occasions, there's no denying that Chris is the most sensible of them all. So, in the few instances he chooses to be serious, there's no denying that he is being earnest. He has this ability of understanding everyone regardless of how much they try to hide it.

It was the same with Amina. He was right. She does have a lot on her mind. There's a particular thing that has been bothering her, aside from the whole Aahil issue. She was still yet to come to a conclusion, because she knows how important it is.

It's a decision that will decide the course and direction her life with go towards from that point on. A critical decision that will need her utmost certainty, because for the first time in her life, she was actually about to make a decision that would benefit her not as an impulsive decision, but for herself.

She'll give it to him. He knows just what to say and at the right time as well.

Her lips slanted into a warm smile, a genuine one. He had no idea just how much she wanted to hear just that. "Okay..." She nodded, "...I'll do just that."

It was his turn to smile, mirroring her expression. "Stay safe, kiddo. If you need someone to talk to, just ring me up. I'm a call away."

"I'll take you up on that." Chris is indeed the brother that she doesn't have. While Hunter, is like the male best friend that you need without knowing you do.

With Chris seemingly done with his own farewell speech just like Hunter, it left one person—the one Amina has no expectations from. Still, she slanted her gaze in Bae Hyun's direction, quirking a brow slightly as if asking 'what about you? Do you have something to say?'.

The man held her gaze, before scoffing lightly and shaking his head. "Don't bother my girlfriend. Else, I'll get back at you for that." Of course, what was Amina expecting from him anyway.

Bae Hyun can't say something nice to her to save his life.

She rolled her eyes, resisting the urge to hiss. She waved him off, taking a few steps back before turning around to look at them all. "You really should get going now." She dropped her hands in front of her, the paper bag with three small gift boxes from each of them in her hand.

With nods in agreement, the three men each donned black nose masks to conceal their identity in case they run into people that recognize them.

"Take care, kiddo."

"Laters, noona."


She offered them a wave back, watching as they turned around and walked away, each dragging their suitcases along. However, after a few steps, Hunter halted, turned around and rushed back to where she stood.

She watched him with slightly dilated eyes, wondering what could possibly be going through his mind. He came to stand in front of her, pulling the face mask down to reveal his face that held a grin, one that she knew was up to no good. "Give me your hand."

"What are you..."

"Stretch it out."

With her head tilted slightly, and brows drawn in confusion, she lifted her hand, with her palms up. He dropped a flash drive on it. "I was contemplating on whether to give it to you or not, but I think I should. Be sure to watch it when you get home. I have a feeling it'll help you come to conclusion."

Still confused as hell, she eyed the flash drive then lifted her head to look at him, however, he was no longer in sight. He had jogged and met up with the guys, taking his suitcase along and disappearing behind the security check point.

Her hand enclosed the flash drive, dropping it by the side as she released a small breath when they were no longer in sight. Admittedly, she felt sad seeing them off, but there was also this feeling that's hard to point a finger at—kind of like when you're closing a certain chapter in your life happily.

It's a wholesome feeling really.

It was cut short though when her phone pinged. Bringing it out to check what could be the reason behind it, she was met with the sight of a single statement, an address. She needed no further explanation, knowing what it's about.

Throwing the area, they disappeared behind one last glance, she released a breath and turned around, heading out. She flagged down a cab easily, then got in and gave the driver the directions to where she was headed to. When the car drove off down the streets of Seoul, she couldn't help but smile fondly at the memory of when she first got there.

To think she spent over an hour unable to get a cab. And now, she could do that in a matter of minutes. She could even speak Korean as well, although not yet fluently but enough to interact on a daily basis.

She's truly come a long way.

Soon enough, the car came to a halt in front of a hotel. She scanned the payment before getting off. She didn't bother to stop by the reception to inquire anything as she made her way directly to the elevators, tapping the floor that would take her to her destination.

About a minute later, it came to a halt, allowing her to step out. She walked down the hall, taking note of the room numbers till she came to stand in front of the one she was there for. Without so much as a second thought, she tapped the bell button and waited.

Seconds passed, then a minute.

A buzz sound came, just in time the doors unlocked, revealing a familiar face. "You're here." Taheera commented, giving the girl a onceover. She must've been satisfied by what she saw because she smiles, then nodded to herself. "Good to see you're still alive and well. Thought you'd show up here looking all miserable and dead."

Amina released a deep sigh, shaking her head in the process. She was really in no mood to say anything to the woman. She locked her out of her place for a reason before the woman could think of bothering her.

"—Come in." Taheera turned around and headed back further into the room.

Amina followed suit, closing the door behind her with a soft click. Taking off her shoes, she changed them then traipsed further in. She passed by the small corridor, leading to the spacious suite befitting of Taheera's taste. She had no doubts the woman was the one whom picked the place. It's everything she stands for—from the lavishness of it to the interior design.

Speaking of the devil, the minute Amina reached the living room, she saw her sitting beside a familiar figure, her voice following suite. "She's here, honey."

Honey? Amina nearly barfed in her mouth. Gross.

Unable to hold herself back, Amina's face scrunched up as she rolled her eyes at the sight in front of her. This is one of the reasons she leaves home. She cannot be seeing stuff like this, she refuses to.

She kept her gaze elsewhere, not wanting to witness another sight that wouldn't allow her to contain the food in her stomach. She didn't turn around till she heard footsteps departing the scene, with Taheera coming to pass by her side not before gesturing for her to go ahead and talk it out.

Amina waited until she was certain the woman was no longer within earshot when she turned around again, closing the distance between them and settling on the couch beside his, dropping the paper bag aside.

Silence ensued, with her throwing him a quick glance every once in a while. He sat cross legged, his expression hard to read. His bifocals were perched up on his nose, while his gaze was set on a newspaper—wherever he got it from and seeming invested in it. He made no move to acknowledge her.

Now staring at him for the first time in months, Amina could see her resemblance to him more than ever. She'd never given any heed to it, despite hearing it multiple times that she resembles him in more ways than one.

In his late fifties and standing around 5'8, she has no doubt she got her shortness from him. He's taller than her, but her mother was taller than him so obviously, it doesn't take a genius to know where she got the genes from.

His richly pigmented dark skin—another feature she inherited-- carries the wisdom of his years. The shape of his eyes, and the curve of his smile hints the shared genetics between him and her as well.

Although he wasn't particularly fit, he maintains a sense of self-care or grooming. His hair is neatly trimmed and well-kept. His sports a well maintained beard that adds character to his face. To be honest, seeing how good her father looks with a beard is the reason why she has a thing for men with beards. His lips that is normally slanted into a smile now sported a deep frown, a testament to his feelings towards her.

She pressed her lips together, her hands nervously clasping in front of her as she yet again threw him another glance, as if it would make him acknowledge her. She knows he would, he always does. She could see through his façade.

However, when the silence dragged and she found herself no longer able to hold herself back, she chirped in, trying hard to keep her amusement at bay. "The paper's upside down, Abuwi."

His brows shot up upon hearing her words. He then cleared his throat, and slowly turned the newspaper around all the while maintaining his earlier expression, as if he hasn't been caught red handed. He cleared his throat again, his eyes going over the words that weren't registering in his mind because his attention is elsewhere.

Amina folded her lips in to hold back her chuckle. Her dearest father, how much she missed him. She could see through him the minute she stepped in, the newspaper just gave him away easily.

When she tamped down her amusement, she turned around to face him. "I know your attention isn't there, drop the act." She stated softly, urging him to give up on the act of his.

He ignored her, pretending to be invested when he really isn't. his hand even shot out to fix his bifocals, as he drew the paper closer to his sight. 'Prices of apartments in Apgujeong rise higher than ever' the heading read. His brows drew in. Should he buy one there? The area is apparently known for its upscale shopping and designer boutiques. It's everything his wife and daughter love the most.

Amina seems to have taken an interest in the place, and might not want to go back. Taheera seems to be fond of Seoul as well. Should he just buy an apartment for them to stay in? He will there for a while as well, might as well find them a place to stay together.

Sounds like a good idea.

"Abuwi." Amina called out affectionately, hoping to get through to him. "I'm sorry, really. Can you drop the paper so we can talk?" She knows her father, he's not one to stay upset for long. If he really was, then she would've known.

He wouldn't even bother to allow Taheera to set the meeting up for them. Much less be acting the way he is.

Him being that way means he is upset, but not that much. She can get through to him if that's the case.

She was right. He was close to giving in, but held on still. He had been throwing her glances from the corner of his eyes as well, waiting for her to make the first move because he wouldn't.

She got her stubbornness from him no doubt. She's his daughter after all. Her mother, may her soul rest in peace has always pointed out the fact that they are way too similar, it's scary. As such, she never gets in between them if they have a fallout, else she'll be embarrassed.

Just leave the two as they are. They are the closest.

As such, Amina knew just the way to get through to him. "My beloved father," She started out, hoping to coax him, "my Abuwi, I miss you, really. I'm here to apologize, and correct my wrongdoings. Allah ya huce zuciyar ka. Kayi haquri, dan Allah. I've realized my faults now. I shouldn't have left like that." She stated earnestly, hoping to get through to him.

'I told you so.' Was at the tip of his tongue but he held himself back. He shouldn't give in that easily. He's the father, he's supposed to be stern and make her realize her fault. He shouldn't give in that easily.

But he misses his daughter. He really does.

It wouldn't hurt to just drop the serious father act, right?

No, he shouldn't give in. He has to correct her and show her that she has done wrong. His love for his only daughter shouldn't blind him of that.

However, he should've known she's his weakness. She has him wrapped around her little fingers and knows just what to do to get him to melt and drop the façade.

She feigned a sad face, as she sighed, her shoulders slumping. "—you're right. I cannot live outside your care. I know that now. It's been really difficult for me these past few months. I realized just how much you've done for me, and how I'm lucky to have you in my life. I'll forever cherish that." She could see his resolve cracking, so, she decided to add something she's certain he can't ignore. "I mean, even the man you trust to take of me, left. You're the only man that's a constant in my life." It did the trick.

He was quick to fold the newspaper, then used it to wave around as his response came. "This is why I've always told you, men are not to be trusted! There's no man that you should trust. You're my daughter, no one meets your standard. I've raised it way too high!" Yes, he's a hyper one.

Her mother was always the strict one. He on the other hand is the funny father that she gets in trouble with. Late night snacking? Outings to skip school on days she doesn't feel like going? And both getting scolded by her mother at the end of the day? He's always the partner in crime. He's been, from day one.

He wasn't a bad father, he's just one that loves his daughter way too much. His life revolves around her, she is at the center, the axis upon which he revolves. Some may claim he spoils her too much, but he's only strict when he needs to be. Else, he was her shoulder to lean on, her partner in crime, and the one who indeed raised her standards in men.

Since before she knew what the hurdles of life is, he's been treating her right. He got her flowers when he comes back from work—just like he does with her mother. He'd take her out on dates which he calls their father-and daughter dates and gave her all the candy her mother wouldn't give her. When she's upset after getting scolded by her mother, he'd be there to soothe her.

They said, the first born are always the most loved. In his case, she's his only child. He gave her all the love in his heart.

So yes, he may have spoilt her a bit, but he did it out of the love he has for her.

He can't bear to see her treated any less than she deserves, never.

"—That boy came looking all sensible, asking me to trust him, that he'd treat you right." He then scoffed, caught up in sharing her pain and anger towards the particular fellow. "Of course, I didn't trust him. But I had no one else to keep an eye on you so I thought he'd at least look after you, but look at what he did. He broke your heart! I'm telling you, if I see him anywhere near you again I will break his legs. How dare he break my princess's heart? Just who does he think he is?"

Amina watched with teary eyes as her father went on to ramble in what Nigerians would term carrying a fight wey no yours on top your head. He's always been like that, her worries were his, there's no denying that.

She hadn't realized it before, but seeing him then, she was certain that she misses him even more. There's no denying it, there's no man in the whole world that would love her more than he does.

Her Abuwi is the one constant in her life. He's never leave, that's one thing she's certain of.

Getting on her feet, she was quick to settle beside him and wrapped her arms around him, sniffing slightly. "I missed you, really." She admitted, the tears streaming down her face. "I'm really sorry I left."

"Shush." He wrapped his arms around her, "It's okay. I'm just glad you've learnt your lesson now." He wasn't going to hold it against it. It was wrong, but he's certain she'd realized it now on her own.

Besides, he could tell she was heartbroken. She needed him now more than ever.

Amina couldn't say a thing more, simply crying in the warm embrace of her father. That was her home, he is. For some girls, their father's aren't figures they are close to, some even detest them. But to her, he was the epitome of perfection. He is love in human form, and she couldn't ask for a better father.

She wasn't certain of other things, but she realized one thing at that moment. Everything will be alright, because her Abuwi was there with her. It'll all be well.

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