41; Blossoms In Busan.

Also, this is my last book here this year. Enjoy.

41: Blossoms in Busan.

One Year Later.

Spring is officially Amina's favorite season in Korea, it has to be. The land awakens after the passing of winter to a burst of colors and fragrances. It is also the time cherries blossom, known as 'sakura', turning parks and streets into an enchanting realm.

It's a time when every step beneath the cherry blossom canopies feels like s troll through fairytale. Just like how it felt to Amina in that exact moment.

She reached her hand out to fix the shoulder bag she has on, her lips slanted into a wide smile as she strolled with one direction in mind. In the background, people moved about—each with a destination in mind for such a busy day.

She had tuned out their noises though thanks to the Airpods she had plugged in, Love, Maybe by MeloMance—her favorite OST from Business Proposal kdrama blared through, filling her ears with the nostalgic song that was enough to elicit a smile from her.

The air is filled with the sweet perfume of blossoming flowers, and vibrabt azaleas and magnolias join the symphony of color. Tress that once stood bare now wear the freshest shades of green, creating a lush tapestry against the backdrop of clear, cerulean skies.

The entire scenery was just a beautiful sight to behold, and each time she finds herself strolling down that path, regardless of what issues she has in mind, it automatically formats itself out of her mind being in such environment.

Not wanting to run late amidst getting caught up in her own moment—not that it has never happened before but to learn from her past mistakes and be on the right path this time around, she threw a quick glance at the wrist watch strapped around her wrist, taking note of the time. She still has a little over thirty minutes left. Good to know. She'd make it with time to spare.

With that thought in mind, she dropped her hands by the side, and carried on with her strides. Her journey to her destination came to an end much faster than she would like it to, for she soon found herself traipsing around the campus with various people roaming about with different destinations in mind. She tuned them out as well, her feet carrying her in the direction of a specific place she was needed at the moment.

She soon reached there, casually strolling into the lectures hall. Her eyes fell on a familiar spot that has somehow become a personal space, her gaze falling on a few familiar faces that had her smile widening.

Reaching her hand out to plug out the devices in her ears, she closed the distance between them before sliding into the empty seat no doubt saved for her. She turned around to face the two ladies there—one seated on the chair in the row in front, and the other on the chair beside her. "Sorry, I almost got late." She dropped her bag aside.

The lady beside her shook her head, waving it off. "No worries. The lecturer isn't even here yet." She explained, gesturing to the empty podium where the guy was supposed to be.

"Well, he better gets here early so I can sleep early." Stated the other seated in front of them. She had turned around completely, facing them instead of facing the front as she is supposed to. She yawed, using her hand to cover her mouth. "See, I'm lagging behind on my sleep. I need the dose of his boring class to sleep."

That statement earned her a quirked brow from the lady beside Amina. "Is there a class where you don't sleep, Lana?"

Lana's eyes widened, her hand moving to where her heart is while she gaped, feigning being offended. "Yes, there is! Yu Ri." She stressed the woman's name in return, like she always does whenever they bicker. Which is always.

They're constantly bickering. Every single day, every hour, and every hour.

Amina was used to it really. You become immune to it when you're stuck with the same circle for over a year. Certain things just become a part of your everyday life.

Lana and Yu Ri are both Amina's roommates and course mates as well. She was lucky to have two roommates that she shares the same major with. There's another lady, a student of International Relations that's the fourth member of their room, and she just happens to be the only quiet one amongst them. She's the nerd as well.

The three of them are studying Languages, Literature and Linguistics, a common major that's both extremely stressful and yet, one that they all believes fits them best. In all honesty though, Lana—the Lebanese, said she randomly picked the major because she wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her life exactly.

She couldn't exactly find any strengths in herself, and so, picked a major at random—intent on making it work no matter what.

Ahn Yu Ri on the other hand, the Korean amongst them on the other hand picked it up because apparently, the major sounds good when pronouncing it. When asked what she studies, she can simply and fancily say 'Languages, literature, and linguistics'. It's of help when handling her annoying extensive family members that do not understand the concept of minding one's business.

So long as she learns to speak fluent English, with that American accent as well, she's certain she'll be able to handle them well enough since they value that quite a lot.

Basically, the only one who picked the major because she actually has passion for it is, Amina.

How did she end up in university years after dropping out and convincing herself that university isn't for her?

Well, it's a long story that mostly has to do with her actually sitting down and thinking of where her life is headed to exactly. She thought long and hard about it because she didn't just drop her promotion to a higher position at work, with a good salary as a permanent worker for that just to move to another city and suffer in university for a few years before hitting the labor market again.

It goes back to when her father came to Seoul a year ago, shortly after Taheera's appearance.

A mess. That's what Amina was the first few days following Taheera's arrival in Seoul. Following their short moment of heart to heart conversation, Amina was quick to send her away before she could see her as an even bigger mess than she was at the moment.

She doubts it would've been that bad had it been she didn't find out most of the things he'd done for her without her knowing. If he knew he was going to up and leave like that, why did he do all that for her? He should've let her be the way she was.

What's the worst that would've happened if he hadn't showed up again? For her to fail at the whole independence thing, and ultimately end up dragging her sorry self home? If that was it, then she would've so much preferred that than to be in the condition she found herself in.

She shut everyone out, including Benazir whom instantly saw through her façade behind which she was trying to hide. Benazir may have been exhausted from work and was looking forward to nothing but their girls' night, but she knew there was something amiss the minute her gaze fell on Amina whom found permanent abode in the couch in the living room.

The woman tried to put on a smile and pretend she was alright, already having cried her eyeballs out a few prior however, Benazir could tell something was wrong and she didn't let Amina off the hook till she narrated exactly what was bothering her.

Benazir had no knowledge of what Aahil did. Last she was aware, he had no plans of returning to Manchester much less the football world. It appeared the guys kept it from her, he kept it from her for valid reasons.

She would make a fuss, not because she is against it, but because he had no plan of telling Amina before doing that. She agrees it's a good decision, that's what they all want, for the old Aahil to return and for AT04 to return to the football world where he belongs.

However, she was more than willing to give him a piece of her mind for what he did to Amina. And she did, only after he picked up about a month after his departure. He had been ignoring her calls, knowing very well what it was about only replying to her messages once in a blue moon. She still gave him a piece of her mind though.

Amina on the other hand, although grateful for Benazir's presence was still relieved when the woman left and went back to her own apartment as Amina's was far from her work place, she couldn't stay for a while as they originally planned rather than staying alone individually.

It gave Amina the space and time to fully delve into her heartbroken era. She used up the holiday given to her by Ae Ra burying herself in her apartment, living off take outs and listening to sad songs and watching sad movies.

On more occasions than one, she found herself watching the video he left behind to the point that she had memorized everything in it, including the dialogues. She wasn't proud to admit it, but she was heartbroken and has no idea how to handle it rather than in such way. She ignored everyone and everything, leaving her phone in flight mode the whole time.

A week later, she decided to stop wasting her time in such way. It wouldn't change anything. She's already wasted so much time and energy in such way, falling behind in life in the process. If she was being honest though, it wasn't just the moment of self-realization that drew such action from her.

It was Hunter and Chris.

They dropped by a day before they left as well, not leaving the confines of the corridor of her apartment till she came out. They rang the bell incessantly, disturbing the little moment she wanted to have. At one point, when she couldn't handle the action no more, she pulled the door, intent on giving them a piece of her mind.

She was moody, and they weren't making it any better.

However, when she opened the door, seconds away from blowing up in their faces, she found the words stuck in her throat upon seeing the sight in front of her. Bouquet of flowers, chocolate boxes and as enough junk food to last her at least two weeks welcomed her sight. If it wasn't enough, they held up a huge handmade banner with the words 'SCREW HIM, I'M BETTER THAN THIS' written on it. Underneath it, in a tiny handwriting, they added 'Aahil is an asshole. But you, you deserve better...but don't tell him' written as well.

Amina could swear she had no intentions of swooning at the sight. But when they both held up each end of the banner, Hunter, being a clown as always, screaming the words out in what he feigns as a Gen Z teen voice, she found herself chuckling, tears instantly welling up in her eyes.

Chris added a little dance at the end of it, before pretending to whip back his nonexistent hair over his shoulders, lightening the mood. Benazir emerged from behind, coming to stand beside them, sporting a crisp white shirt with the word 'Relationship' written on it.

Amina's brows furrowed in question, which ceased when the guys dropped the banner, revealing identical shirts only with different words written on it. Hunter has the word 'Help' written on it, while Chris had a big question mark on his.

Benazir held up another matching shirt, her lips slanted into a wide grin as she held up Amina's gaze. "We have one for you as well", she declared, before unfolding the shirt, revealing the word 'Who' written on it. Benazir then gestured to the spot beside her. "You come before me. It's in such order."

Amina blinked, trying to put the words together. She imagined herself standing beside Benazir, wearing the shirt and then tried to read it all together.

Who relationship help? That's what it read.

Her hand reached out to cover her mouth as Amina chuckled, her heart swelling at the sight. "You got us matching t-shirts?" She finally found her voice, sounding hoarse.

Benazir bobbed her head, "Yes, just like in King The Land. Only this time, we're the Jeju squad sailing through singlehood because after all, who relationship ep'?" Benazir let her Nigerian accent make an appearance when saying the last statement.

Amina understood the reference the minute she saw it. Benazir wasn't obsessed with the drama for nothing. Even after so much time, her obsession still peeked out. Her statement though, it had Amina chuckling lightly. Darting her tongue out, she swiped it across her chapped lips. "It looks stupid, really." It's not like she doesn't appreciate the gesture; it just looks ridiculous. They look ridiculous. "It's embarrassing. Certainly, you don't plan on making us go out like that, are you?"

"Hell yes, I am. You should be glad I didn't make plans of us going on a vacation with it as well. I'm thinking Lisbon would be a good place. But, the guys are leaving tomorrow so...no vacation for us." She shrugged. Though it isn't what she initially hoped for, they would make a day work. "Worry not, I have a small list..." She slipped her hand into her bag and pulled out a ridiculously long list, spreading it out, "...of fun activities to do in Seoul for a day so, we'll have a good time. That, I assure you."

Amina could only quirk a brow, her eyes slightly widened in horror upon seeing the list. She's written enough to last them their whole life, no doubt. And yet, she still called it a 'small list'? Wow. Just wow.

Hunter's expression mirrored Amina's. Only difference is, he had no plan of keeping his mouth shut. "I'm certain even your great grandchildren won't be able to tick off everything in that list. It's enough to last a whole damn generation." He stated, his eyes still fixed on the paper.

Benazir offered him a wide, fake smile. "There's another list."

"Shit." He cursed out loud, groaning as he threw his head back. "I knew I shouldn't have let you decide on what to do today."

"And I knew I shouldn't have let you be in charge of getting the t-shirts."
Chris pipped in, sounding annoyed as he flashed Hunter a glare. "Tell me again why the hell am I a goddamn question mark? A huge ass one for that matter." That's the one thing that's been getting on his nerves.

Why, of all things, is he a damn question mark? They even made the question mark so big it ran from his neck down to the hem of the shirt. It's beyond embarrassing really. If it wasn't for Amina, nothing in hell would make him wear such a thing.

Hunter's lips slanted into a smile, finding interest in the man's annoyance. Clearly, he did intentionally. "What? Would you prefer an exclamation mark instead?" He then clicked his tongue, gesturing to the spot behind him with his thumb. "Mr. Exclamation mark, go behind. Is that what you want?" He asked, quoting the drama they are reenacting.

Chris glared at him.

Hunter reached his hand out and tapped the man's arm, which was instantly shrugged off.

"Sucks to be you, Mr. Question mark. Just suck it in, and endure it.

"You're lucky I'm doing this for Amina, else..." He would've given him a piece of his mind otherwise.

"Enough of that," Benazir clapped her hands together, gaining their attention. She slanted her gaze in Amina's direction, throwing the t-shirt at her, which the girl caught just in time. "change and come out. I've had enough of you wallowing in that hole of yours. You have no choice, we're going out today and having the time of our lives. Today, we will put an end to your sad days. The Jeju squad is here to turn your day around."

Amina's lips slowly slanted into a smile, her head tilted to the side. "I'm not sure..." She joked, putting up a serious face.

Benazir gave her a stern look.

She chuckled, dropping her hands by the side. "Give me five minutes."

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