40; Bonds Beyond Borders.
I'm alive. Got caught in university web, badly. Sha, include me in your prayers, I'm close to shutting down at this point. My brain is tired!
"I let you be unsupervised for a while, and this is what you've become." A familiar voice, etched to Amina's mind rebuked lightly, before tutting in disappointment.
A mug of warm tea, brewed to perfection with a bit more of cocoa powder just as Amina likes it was placed on the coffee table in front of her—the steam from it dancing above before disappearing into thin air.
Amina, now showered again and dressed in a warm clothing, extended her hand out from the heap of throw blanket wrapped around her to take the mug into her hold. To avoid getting burns, she pulled the sleeves of the oversized hoodie to cover her palms before wrapping it around the mug.
The warmth from it seeped into her palms, providing much needed warmth. That, along with the blanket and hoodie would've made her hot and bothered had it not been for the air conditioning that was left on the low, providing the perfect balance for her.
Everything had been set to her liking, even she couldn't deny it.
And yet still, she kept her lips shut and refused to acknowledge the other person present in the room, whom now took the position beside her on the couch, facing her. She simply kept her gaze on the table in front of her, while she took small sips of the tea.
"—What would you have done had it not been I've arrived on time? Would you have stayed under the rain like that and fallen sick, huh?"
Amina ignored the person, pretending as if she couldn't hear a thing. Instead, she blew out a small breath before bringing the mug to her lips again.
A sigh came from beside her, and from the corner of her eyes, she could see the person shaking her head. "Don't tell me you're acting this pathetic because that boy left you." The distaste in the woman's voice was hard to miss. She then scoffed. "Please, you may be a disappointment but you can't be that pathetic, right?"
Upon hearing that, Amina's head instantly whipped to the side, settling her steel gaze on the woman with slightly narrowed eyes. "What do you know, Mrs. Ibrahim?" She inquired, because she was sure as hell from the woman's tone that she knows quite a lot. "Do you have a hand in this?"
Taheera Ibrahim, Amina's step mother and the reason she left home in the first place stared at her as if she'd grown two heads, before she scoffed, looking away. "Oh, please. Save those questions for your father, not me." She threw a quick glance at her nails, to examine the new Henna she'd gotten on her nails, one of the few things she actually worries about.
Amina could only scoff as well, rolling her eyes in the process. She didn't need to press further; she could tell the woman was telling the truth. She may be a lot of things, but a liar isn't one of them. However, it doesn't make Amina detest her any less. How could she not?
The age difference between her and the woman is only eight years old, but if one sees them together, you might even mistake them for being siblings. It was one of the reasons Amina detested her quite a lot, because why would her father marry someone that young to be her mother?
She refuses to accept it. Call her childish, but she cannot fathom the thought of someone like that filling in the shoes of her late mother. For Amina who'd only ever known life through the lens of her parents, whom she needed the most after the death of her mother is nothing short of a motherly figure to fill the gap in her heart.
However, Taheera is anything but a step mother. At least, she doesn't look the part.
She's chic, all about the latest fashion trends and designer outfits. Amina dare say the woman knows more about fashion than she does, and to think she's the one in the industry. Wedding parties? She's there. Fundraiser events for the rich and famous? She's there. Anything that involves elites? She is definitely there.
Amina hated her for so many reasons really. She focuses on everything but what actually matters.
She wasn't exactly wicked to her, but she was everything except the mother figure she wants in her life. They have never gotten along since the woman was introduced to her as her mother, a term Amina had never used to address her before because God Forbid! That name belongs to her mother alone and no one else.
Taheera wasn't entirely bad. Despite being only worried about her own little social bubble, she had nothing against Amina as well. Despite the strained relationship between them, she knew more about the young lady than even she realizes it, and she cares for her without vocalizing it.
What made their relationship strain though was the fact that Amina's father seeks her advice in everything when it comes to Amina. And the ideas she has for the young lady is nothing like how she plans her life to be.
Attend a well-known, reputable university abroad and study Engineering. Get a Master's Degree in another country then return to Nigeria to work in a reputable company. Finally, get arranged married to one of Taheera's rich friends' son and build a 'beautiful' family together.
That was Amina's perfect life portrayed by Taheera. Amina begs to differ.
Engineering, her? Does the woman know she can't even draw a straight line? The only thing she can draw is a pot, and even it will look like a basket, or a bowl, or something.
It just isn't who she is. But, they keep on forcing those plans on her. It even reached a point that she was about to be married to one of Taheera's well connected, and well off family son. That was the last straw. Amina couldn't handle it no matter what.
Had it been they forced her into university, she could manage and graduate even with third class. But marriage? No. That's a lifetime thing. She doesn't see herself being forced into it just like that. She couldn't stand it in the slightest so she made an impulsive decision to leave home and to live for herself.
Which she still doesn't regret by the way. She would've still made the decision again than to get married off just like that. It wasn't freedom that she wants exactly—at least, not in the definition that everyone believes.
Rather, all she wants is for Taheera to stop dictating her life and to stop trying to get her married every second of the day. If she meets someone she wants to settle down with, she will get married. Until then, they shouldn't think of marrying her off just like that.
The fact that they've been silent since she left, unbothered to seek her out made her believe she got what she wanted, that they were finally out of her hair.
She should've known they were keeping tabs on her though.
Doesn't mean she appreciate it though. "What are you doing here to begin with?" Amina mumbled, bringing to mug to her lips.
Taheera sighed, flicking her bored gaze to Amina. "What else? To finally put an end to this childish act of yours. The so called 'search for freedom'." She air quoted the last statement, making bunny ears with her fingers. Dropping her hands by her side, she flashed the woman a bored look. "Just drop the act and come back home. You've played around long enough. Tis' time to put an end to all...this." She waved her hand, gesturing to the place.
Amina remained unaffected, folding her legs up and leaning back on the couch. "Sorry to say, but you're wasting your time by being here." She casually stated lightly, not sparing the woman a glance. "Since you're here though, why don't you take a look around the country? Travelling and sightseeing is one of your many hobbies, isn't it?" That was her nicest way of telling the woman to screw off, that she's fighting a losing battle.
Taheera quirked a brow, her head tilting to the side slightly. "You think you don't need me?" She may oblivious sometimes from being too caught up in her own bubble, but she wasn't stupid to miss the girl's innuendo. She then scoffed lightly. "You think you could've survived all on your own without my help?" She pushed.
Amina ignored her. And that annoyed her, as it always does.
Turning around to face her completely, Taheera inquired yet again. "Who do you think secured you a well-paying job and all this?" The exasperation in her voice was hard to miss. Amina has a thing for getting under her skin, and she does it so easily.
Taheera sighed internally. Having a step-daughter is hard, really.
Amina's hand that was bringing the mug to her lips halted for a second, as the words registered in her mind. Now that the woman has said it, the pieces suddenly fell into place. It made sense how easily certain things came to her, like securing her job, and getting such an apartment.
She knew there has to be someone involved, and a part of her thought it was her father because regardless, she knew he still had her back but she didn't bring Taheera into the equation. She didn't seem like the type that would care how she lives her life.
If anything, she should be celebrating having Amina out of her hair. And, she did—for a short while before worrying about her as well set in her mind.
Taheera had the connections to get much for her, and many more as well, even she is aware of that. The woman didn't just marry into money, she came from money and affluence as well. Getting a good apartment and job is not a difficult task for her, even if it's in a foreign country.
Blinking, Amina kept her expression bare of any emotions. Playing around with the cup in her mind, she hesitated for a few, dragging seconds before she found herself asking. "Why would you do that for me?" As far as she's concerned, they weren't that close.
In fact, it was the first time they're having a calm conversation—one that lasted that long. It never lasts five minutes before one of them storms out of annoyance. So, with that type of history, Amina would of course be taken aback to be hit with such news.
Taheera shrugged, crossing her legs gracefully one over the other. Her face, despite being littered with lines of annoyance and exhaustion, still managed to look as though if she were up for a photoshoot then, she would ace it.
Amina hates to admit it, but the woman does play the role of rich housewife well enough. She would've fit in well if she didn't marry a man twice her age.
"Figured giving you a comfortable life would mean you getting out of my hair sooner." The woman answered dismissively, earning an eye roll from Amina. She didn't miss the action. It had the corner of her lips tugging upwards slightly.
That was the answer she'd been telling herself as well, or more like trying to convince herself. However, deep down, she knew there was another reason. She cared for her. Perhaps, not like the way a mother would, but more like how the first born treats their younger siblings. It's hard to explain.
Amina on the other end couldn't see that, she couldn't see beyond that which is obvious to her. So, following her eye roll, she sighed and then mumbled not so lowly. "How typical."
Taheera was quick to wipe away the small smile tugging the corner of her lips when something crossed her mind yet again. "Speaking of comfortable lives. I didn't do that much for you just so you can ultimately bawl your eyes out over a man. In 2023 for that matter!"
Amina flicked her eyes close, upon hearing the woman's voice raise slightly. She's always been a little too energetic for Amina's liking. She's always going extra. But, it wasn't just that, the woman was reminding her of something that still made her heart ache.
She may be holding up that conversation, but it doesn't mean she had forgotten what had happened a little over an ago. She even bawled her eyes out during her shower earlier, hence why she ended up spending more time than she's supposed to.
A part of her was still in denial. If she was given the chance, she would take a cab and run to the airport hoping maybe, just maybe, she would see him there and he'd tell her that he changed his mind—or at least, decided to see her one last time before leaving.
Another part of her, the rational part though knew it was all wishful thinking. Just the knowledge of that made her heart ache even more. However, she was trying to keep it tucked away in the back of her mind because else, she'd lose her mind and be a crying mess again.
"—I'm telling you, if you'd married that boy I set you up with, you would've been so much better. His family is slowly taking over the oil business in the country. Oil magnet is what he is. Look at him now, his wife is even expecting."
Amina's brows drew in, her brain trying to do the math. It has only been what? A little over three months since she'd bailed out on their wedding and left. And what? How did he find a replacement so soon that they're even expecting?
That would've been her, wow. The thought doesn't sadden her, she's just even more glad she isn't the one. She's still a baby as well. How could she expect to mother another infant like her?
Taheera's scoff came, snapping Amina out of that trance. "—That boy of yours, as if he isn't the one speaking big to your father about taking care of you. Where is he now? I'm telling you, young men these days aren't to be trusted. If you--"
"Wait, wait, wait." Amina held up a hand to stop her, as she lifted her head to meet the woman's gaze with her slightly widened eyes and taken back expression. When Taheera halted with curious eyes—wondering what had her cut off, Amina voice out the question in her mind. "What do you mean he spoke to my father?" That was all she could pick up.
Aahil talking to her father about her. The two men in her life meeting and conversing about her.
Taheera blinked curiously, the innocence behind her expression hard to miss. "Didn't you know?" She inquired earnestly.
That question, Amina was starting to hate it. She would lose her mind if someone asks her again. Why would she ask them if she was aware? And most importantly, why is everyone aware while she's the only one seemingly left in the dark?
"Know what?" Amina's hold around the mug handle tightened. She could feel her heart hammering behind her ribcage in anticipation.
Taheera head tilted slightly, then she found herself answering in a light, and still confused soul. "He contacted your father shortly after you'd left. Your father was in Busan for business not long after and he went to meet him. Told him of his intentions towards you, and that he would care for you during your stay here so there's nothing to worry about."
He did what? Amina could only hear those words repeating in her mind like a broken playlist. Just what the hell did Aahil do that she wasn't aware of? How much more is there to know?
"--But, you know your father, the thought of someone caring for you—a man no less landed him in his bad books." She tsked, shrugging dismissively. "Eventually, he agreed though you know him, he still throws a fuss about it but the boy was truly the best option he had." She waved it off with a dismissive wave of her hand. "He still doesn't like him though, especially not now. I mean..." The woman went on to chat off about Amina's father and Aahil's not so good relationship despite being convinced that Aahil really did care for his daughter.
Amina zoned out. All she could think about were the things he'd done without her aware—just how much he'd done for her without realizing and the extent to which he took it all. And at the end...he left just like that. For the nth time that day, her eyes welled up with tears, her lower lips wobbling. She hates to admit it, but it seemed Aahil had broken her. Damn him!
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