35; Tangled in Norigae Threads of Fate.

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"I'll take you somewhere."

That single statement somehow made her cave in, not without throwing a questioning look in his direction before she joined him off to God knows where. By the time they all left the Karaoke bar, Chris was pretty much hammered and surprisingly so was Ae Ra. You'd think Hunter will be the one in that situation but the man surprisingly knows how to handle his liquor well.

Bae Hyun took his girlfriend away, bidding the group farewell while Hunter took the drunk Chris that could barely stand on his two feet home as well—or at least, to the place they decided to stay for the days left.

Benazir of course wanted to tag along with her friend, she even made preparations for a sleep over. However, upon hearing the words her cousin uttered, she was more than excited to leave them alone, offering them a thumbs up and a wide grin before she disappeared off as well, heading back first.

There was still some time left before it was really late. If the two wanted some alone time for a date, who is she to object? She's pretty much the president of their fan-club, she supports it fully.

Amina was honestly baffled with how calm headed and supportive Benazir was being over the situation. Shouldn't she be against anything brewing between them? She's being the exact opposite.

Still, she held her questions to herself, making a mental note to drill Benazir for answers when she gets home later on. Being the gentleman he was feigning to be, Aahil even did the honor of opening the passenger seat door for her, as if he wasn't the one that was so much against letting her in his car a few months ago.

How time seems to fly fast was beyond her.

Nonetheless, she settled in the cozy chair and held back the urge to ask him where he was taking her. She didn't want to give in and go along with him, but something propelled her to do so. It was hard to explain.

He didn't say anything as well, and made little move aside from reaching out to lower the conditioning when he noticed it was starting to bother her. To lessen the awkwardness in the air, he turned on the radio, a random song humming in the background.

She seemed to know it though, because she began to hum to it almost immediately. She recognized Confess To You by Lim Kim, it being a recognized OST of a kdrama she watched not long enough—King The Land. She could recall how obsessed she was with the soundtrack. It has pretty much imprinted itself in her mind, she was wired to get sucked into that moment immediately she hears the song.

The ride continued that way, with the songs changing seamlessly—from the ones she knew, and those she'd never heard of before. Soon enough, the car came to a halt—signifying their arrival at their destination. Out of instinct, she looked out to see if she could recall the place.

She did.

Namsan Tower. One of the many places she was planning to visit having rounded up the project. Only a few days prior, she discussed it with Hunter and the others, she didn't think Aahil paid any heed to it because he didn't seem to care about their conversation—being caught up in his own world with his phone.

Perhaps, he truly wasn't paying attention and simply choose the place by chance, she tried to convince herself into not getting any false hopes. However, when she heard him utter a statement then, her mind became a jumbled mess.

"You wanted to come here, didn't you?" He inquired, taking off his seat belt as he faced her, sporting a warm smile. "Wait, give me a minute." He held his hands up to stop her before she could make any move to go out or reply.

She couldn't have done that even if he had given her the chance. She was too stunned, trying to wrap her mind around this whole new side of Aahil Tafida she'd never seen before. And it seemed she was in for a long ride because that was only the beginning of that side of his. He had a lot more to show her from where that came from.

He picked up something from the backseat, before he made his way back to her side, pulling the door open. Still slightly dazed, she turned around to look at him, making a move to step out only to be stopped by him. He then leaned down, crouching low.

He dropped what he'd gotten from the backseat aside, making her gaze yaw to it. "We're hiking up there." He explained, opening the box of Nike Max Air Dia, revealing the beautiful pair of shoes. Her mouth parted in surprise, taking in the beauty that's the shoes.

It was one of the advantages of being a fashion expert, she tends to recognize the good stuff at first sight and hell does she know the shoes are good. They're limited versions actually; the dust pink color he'd gotten for her that is.

Not giving her a chance to recover from the shock, he made a move to take off the heels she had on, followed by the other before placing them aside. "You've been walking around in these all day, I'm afraid you'll hurt yourself at this rate." He mumbled, his brows drawing in upon imagining how difficult it must be to walk around in heels all day long.

She seemed to be used to it, as he'd seen how effortlessly she strolled around in them around the place with little care. However, he didn't miss the moments she stopped to take a break, massaging her soles to get rid of the pain there. He couldn't understand why she choose to make herself suffer by wearing that.

Picking out the Nike sneakers, he slipped them on, tying the shoe laces up perfectly into a small, cute bow. He did the same for the other leg, his attention focused on the task in hand unaware of the dazed woman staring at him.

She was pretty much gaping like a fish, at loss for words. Remind her again whether he's the same man she knows, because she's finding it hard to believe. What happened to the old Aahil that she knows? He seems so different. She was worried for a split second whether he had a doppelgänger and she was meeting the fake. Or perhaps, he's playing a trick on her—she wouldn't put it past him.

However, when he lifted his head to meet her gaze, those ridiculous thoughts were tossed out the window, upon seeing the sincerity in his eyes. "There. It's all good now." Once again, he flashed her that smile that had her stomach filled with butterflies, her breath nearly being knocked out of her.

He placed her heels in the empty box, keeping it away in the backseat before he gestured for her to step out with a slight nudge of his head. She cleared her throat, blowing out a few breaths to steady her breathing before she stepped out, instantly feeling the comfort that came with the shoes. They were so soft! It felt as though she was walking on clouds.

Her lips slanted upwards into a small smile, the nervousness from earlier disappearing as she looked up to settle her gaze on him. "Do you know what it means to give a girl shoes in Korea?" She tilted her head to the side when his attention yawed to her, her smile widening. "It means she'll run away from you."

It's a belief that Koreans seemed to hold dear. The superstition is rooted in the phonetic similarity between the word for 'shoes' being 'shinbal' and the word for 'breakup' being 'silranhae'. Since the words sound somewhat alike, it's considered bad luck or inauspicious to give shoes as a gift, especially to a romantic partner. It's believed to symbolize the relationship coming to an end or the girl 'running away' from the giver.

Due to this, Koreans try to avoid giving shoes as a gift to their partners. Instead, they go for gifts with more positive or auspicious connotations to avoid any potential negative symbolism.

He was aware of that, yet he feigned ignorance. His brows drew in, lips slanted into a frown. "Really?" He quirked a brow.

She nodded.

He mirrored her action, coming to terms with it. "Then it's a good thing I'm an athlete. Even if you run away, I can catch up easily."

This time around, it was her turn to quirk a brow. "Oh, really now?"

"Really." He offered her a small grin. "On that note," He turned around to face her fully, "I thought that applies for couples?" He knows it does, he was simply pulling her leg on how she casually brought it up like that into their conversation. He knew her reaction would be priceless, and that was what he was looking forward to.

Much to his surprise, she clasped her hands together in front of her and then shrugged. "We're already playing House. Might as well play the role for tonight." If it wasn't that he's been catching her off guard, she would've been able to play his game well enough.

She's had enough of him teasing her and leaving her flushed like that. Even if it's nothing official, she'd play his game as well, seeing how he'd react to her being calm about his advances as well. Two can play the game.

And he was surprised by the action. She could tell from the slow curl of his lips that she was in for a crazy night, luckily she came prepared. "Okay then." He nodded slowly, agreeing to the plan. "But, if we're doing that, you might need this." He pulled out a face mask and handed it out to her.

She eyed the black face mask. "Don't you think we'd draw even more attention with this?"

"Would you rather be on tabloids again?" He was aware that it would draw more attention to them. However, with the news of them dating only dying down recently, it's better to go around like that than to go around without one. Then, more people might just capture her pictures and it would be harder to make the rumors die down like the last time.

Concealing one's identity came with the price of being with someone like him. If they were actually in a relationship, then it wouldn't be a bother—they could go around without any care. However, since it wasn't the case yet, it would best be safe.

She weighed the option in mind as well, before she kissed her teeth and handed it back to him. "If I'm playing the role of a celebrity girlfriend for the night, might as well enjoy it to the fullest." Screw the tabloids and rumors, they should take a hundred pictures if they want.

He was stunned, wondering where she got such confidence from. Truth be told, even she was wondering where it came from. She just hoped she wouldn't regret it later on.

He didn't argue with her on it. He simply nodded, giving into her wishes as he placed it aside. Not before picking out something else as well, closing the door behind him. "You should take this at least." He took a step closer to her, placing the p-cap on top of the hijab she's wrapped to cover her hair.

He donned a matching one, deeming it enough disguise. Even if their pictures were to be taken, at least it wouldn't be so obvious. He can't have her playing with her identity like that. He could only compromise that much. Nothing else.

She didn't argue thankfully, agreeing with that much. Nodding to herself, she fixed the cap well then looked up to offer him a wide grin. "Shall we?"

He nodded, his expression mirroring hers. "We shall."


She saw a whole new side of Aahil that she'd never seen before. What started with her wanting to make a fuss about him making them stroll up to the tower when they could've taken the easier route—the cable car, and enjoy the view of the City up high while at it, changed gradually.

She would admit. It did look enticing to ride the cable car instead, and besides, that meant less being tired. However, it seemed scary as well, and with her underlying fear of height, strolling seemed like a much better idea.

Besides, it gave them time to interact and funny enough, ended up interacting on their way there. The conversation was left light, casually discussing about the things that others would deem irrelevant. It wasn't any major conversation about life decisions, or any move to address their current relationship status. They kept all that aside and focused on the most important thing.

Spending time with each other in that very moment, while keeping the past where it belongs. That was all that mattered to them at the moment.

The first thing they did upon reaching the top was enjoying the night view because that seemed to be the most important fact of being there. Amina thought the view from Han River was perfect—till she was at the Namsan Tower. It was breathtaking—demolishing any negative thought she had at that moment.

It was all her problems packed their loads and slowly sneaked out upon seeing her enjoying that moment of hers. They realized they had no space in her heart, at least, not in that moment.

Truth be told, Amina had a few worries when her sense started to dwell in—after she spoke big about playing the role of a celebrity girlfriend for the night. What if people actually recognize them? What is the scandal becoming bigger than the last time? What if he is unable to handle it? Would she ask him to go through trouble because of her?

Those questions played in her mind repeatedly, till they actually reached the place and realized there were too many people there that none seemed to care about them. It was like they were nobodies—or more like, he was a nobody that no one cared about.

They attracted no attention to themselves, even with the p-caps.

After enjoying the view, they decided to shop for souvenirs. He offered that they buy something, so they can keep as keepsakes as a reminder of that night. Perhaps, it was because she was too caught up in the moment, but she didn't bother to buy much. She simply stuck to a keychain with the tower picture, and the date surprisingly engraved on it as well.

She could've picked something else, but nothing enticed her more so she gave up. That was more than good enough for her. Aahil went back though after they'd left, saying he'd forgotten something. He took quite a while to come back, and truthfully, for a moment she wondered whether he ran and left her like that one time at that stall.

However, he demolished those thoughts when he returned sporting a smile that earned him a slightly narrowed gaze from her. She didn't trust him. He has to be up to something. She didn't prod him though, upon spotting else that caught her interest.

Somehow, she ended up dragging him to the Love-Photo zone. It just looks so cute when others do it, that she couldn't help but want to try it. Surprisingly, he wasn't against it like she thought he would. Even when she made him wear some of the props and pull ridiculous faces, he gave in.

By the end of it, they were all laughs with a bunch of pictures—most of which are silly to say the least. No doubt if the others see it, they will need to get their eyes checked because it couldn't be that Aahil and Amina were that close, enough to be acting so goofy around each other.

To think it was the second time they were having a photoshoot that night. The first time was a professional setting for work and all. This time around though, it was an impromptu decision where they simply let loose, letting out the childish side of theirs out.

"You look so stupid here." Amina threw her head back and laughed, showing Aahil one of the pictures where he was caught off guard, left with a silly face that was captured just right on camera.

They decided to return to the first place they were earlier, to enjoy the view but in a less crowded place. Besides, there was a small café beside it where they had little refreshment as they weren't hungry. They ate to their fill during the dinner with others later.

Now, they were simply enjoying the moment. Well, she was enjoying annoying him anyway.

Aahil glared at the picture with distaste. He doesn't care about the others but that particular one, he detests it. He had been trying to get her to get rid of it but the stubborn woman wouldn't cave in. "Discard that one," He grumbled. "what will you even do with that?"

She didn't bother to spare him a glance as she continued observing the picture, thinking of ways she could make his life hell using it. "No way. I'm printing this out and making it a huge poster." She chuckled to herself, already planning it all out in her mind. "I'll hang it up in the office so everyone can see their beloved idol's silly face. I bet they will all love that."

He scoffed, his lips slanted into a deep frown. Turning away, he found himself mumbling. "I don't understand why you will keep that when there are plenty other good ones."

Perhaps, he didn't mean for her to overhear but she did. And it only made her chuckle again. "I'm keeping this one in particular because," She turned around to face, holding the picture up with a warm smile. "It's a side of you that people don't know. The man in this picture isn't AT04. He's just...Aahil."

She didn't realize it before until these past few weeks she'd spent working with him. Of course, to try to do a good job working with him, and to understand him as a client and as a person, she decided to do some digging on him.

She found herself watching countless matches he had participated in before, and looked up most of the information on him. For the first time in her life, she found herself falling in love with the sport that's football the more hours she spent stuck in front of the TV watching his matches.

The awards he'd won, the events he was invited to, the places he'd represented his team in and the glory behind the name of AT04. She'd seen almost all of it.

She understood why they claimed he's a big deal because he is. He earned his name. He earned that name with his blood, sweat, and tears. That was pretty much evident.

Still, she could tell from the current life he's living that the name came with a huge weight on his shoulders that had been dragging him down. That being AT04 came with more than just the fame, and the glory.

Behind it, is Aahil. Just Aahil, whom seemed to have given up a lot just for that name of his.

She could see his expression soften upon hearing her words. But, she wasn't done. So, she continued. "—the man in this picture isn't the one people idolize, he's not the man I saw on TV. Instead, I see a man whom is being dragged by the weight he carries and I fear, he wouldn't be able to handle it anymore." Her voice softened as well.

She contemplated on whether she add what else she had at the tip of her tongue, on whether he'll feel offended by her intrusiveness or not. Still, she decided to just ask and get it over with.

Sighing, she dropped the picture and put on a serious front, because she wanted to speak of something serious with him. "—I know it's not in my place to say this but," She sighed, her shoulders slumping. "what is going on with you really? I'm seeing a different side of you, the good side and from what everyone has been telling me, this is the true you. What made you change before? Why did you leave AT04 behind?"

Silence, long silence that stretched into the abyss of discomfort. That's what she got in return. She feared she asked the wrong this, judging from how quickly his expression changed. It seemed he had instinctively put his walls up, and the man, the Aahil she was getting used to had disappeared.

Then, his lips parted and he gave her the answer that's been long overdue. The story behind what happened to AT04.

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