33; Love In Hallyuwood.

I'm done writing this book yall!

In the grandeur of the royal court, Aahil played the role of the King of Joseon.

He is adorned in a resplendent Hanbok that befits the majestic role. The centerpiece of his attire is a deep crimson "jeogori," the short jacket with wide sleeves. Crafted from the finest silk, this regal jacket stands as a testament to the opulence and authority that his role as a king commands. The rich red hue symbolizes his royal lineage and the power he holds.

Beneath the "jeogori," Aahil dons a pair of wide-legged trousers known as "baji." These trousers, although practical for the demands of the royal court, are fashioned from the same luxurious silk, ensuring that even in the simplicity of his lower garments, his regal status is unmistakable.

Drinking in the grandeur of his attire, one's gaze is drawn to the "durumagi," a long outer robe gracefully draped over the "jeogori." The durumagi, like the "jeogori," is made from the most exquisite silk and mirrors the deep crimson hue of the jacket. As Aahil moves, the flowing garment adds an additional layer of dignity to his presence, leaving no doubt about his royal stature. It was accompanied by a jade belt.

Aahil's head is adorned with a traditional Korean royal hat known as a "ikseongwan." The hat, fashioned from black lacquered bamboo and adorned with silk ribbons, is a symbol of his authority and a crown that signifies his role as the monarch.

Completing his royal ensemble are his feet, adorned with traditional Korean shoes known as "Jeogori." These shoes, while elegant, are also practical, allowing him to navigate the demands of the court with grace and ease. At least, roam about the place to be used as the palace and the court.

In every detail of his attire, Aahil embodies the magnificence and authority of his role. His regal Hanbok, awash in crimson, stands as a visual representation of his lineage, power, and the majesty of his reign. In this attire, Aahil commands respect and reverence, not only from those who serve him but from history itself—the one they are trying to create.

How is he able to pull off the look was beyond Amina—way beyond her. Truth be told, the role was given to him as it was the most important and he was most befitting of it. However, at that moment, all she could think of was how the hell he managed to pull it off that well.

Seriously, who does the man think he is? He has no right to be this perfect! He lacks in so many aspects, and yet, there were way too many things that would make one's heart sway for him. And hers was no different at that moment.

It was the Director's voice that came, a silent reminder for her to breathe before she drops dead at that moment. She took in a deep breath, looking away to regain control of her breathing and to calm her racing heart.

Goddamnit. This is going to be way too difficult.

"Are you two ready? If so, we can start with the shoot."

Aahil must've given his consent, because the attention shifted to her, as they await her response. She cleared her throat slightly, then nodded—not trusting her voice at that moment. She'd rather not do something stupid then.

The director nodded, as she covered the distance between them, going to stand within earshot as expected. The man went over the little details. "...We're already done with AT's solo shoot; we'll do yours now while he rests. And afterwards, we'll take that of you together to sum it all up. Is that okay for you?"

They both nodded, though Amina tried her hardest to not spare him a glance. With that done with, they carried on with her solo shoot. They decided to do the shooting that day at Gyeongbokgung Palace located in Northern Seoul, which was known as the main Royal Palace of Joseon Dynasty built in 1395.

It seemed to be the perfect place for the shoot, so they decided to do it there.

At first, it felt weird for Amina—especially since it was the first time she was modeling in a long time and the whole concept was different from what she was used to. This is the actual deal, the landmark of her modelling history. It felt too important, almost unbelievable.

But, it was just that. It was also because she could feel a familiar pair of eyes on her—it made her utterly conscious. Eventually, she broke out of it and got into character, doing her own thing.

It lasted longer than expected, but soon enough, it was time for the time for the co-photoshoot with the devil himself. He joined her, coming to stand beside her. She wasn't sure how, but his cologne was the first to greet her—and she hated how familiar it scented. Almost as if she was used to it.

Still, she refused to meet his gaze, despite being overly aware of his presence beside her. How could she not? He took control of the environment, commanding it with his presence without much effort. It was startling how much affluence the man has.

She hadn't realized it until these past two weeks they spent working together. She couldn't help but stare in awe, watching how people treated him—like he was some sort of King or something. It was beyond that which she expected.

And to think it's the same man she has known since she was young and seen as a shitty person until recently. The others weren't exaggerating when they said he's a big deal because hell he is. Almost all the crew members were at his beck and call—ready and willing to do anything he wants.

And boy does he take charge of the situation. She hadn't seen him exploiting them, or using the position to his advantage. Much to her surprise, they got along—even going to the extent of providing food and refreshment for the entire crew member every single day since the work started. High end food to be precise.

How would the crew members not be team Aahil? It baffled her greatly.

Still, she didn't allow herself to be swayed. Why? Because she made it her life mission to avoid him throughout—only meeting him when necessary to discuss work. She couldn't help it. She avoids him like the plague, and luckily, he hadn't brought it up—not that he'd gotten the chance to do that.

Till then. Much to her dismay.

"What now?" He muttered, leaning down to her height so only she could hear him. "You've got nowhere to hide today." The shoot was about to start. Though they seemed to be doing last minute cross checking—leaving the two a few minutes to chit chat and catch up.

She blinked, turning her head to the other side, refusing to make the mistake of meeting his gaze. "What are you talking about?" She chooses to play dumb.

He quirked a brow, unfolding to his full height. "You know very well what I'm talking about." The trace of lark in his tone disappeared. "Tell me, why have you been avoiding me the past few days?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She vehemently denied, still refusing to meet his gaze. She will deny it for as long as she could because she doesn't know what to tell him. She had no intentions of avoiding him. She just started unintentionally and found herself repeatedly doing it just so she can avoid him.

She thought he didn't care. That it didn't bother him because there was no need for it. Clearly, she thought wrongly.

Aahil nodded slowly to himself, "Don't play dumb with me." He didn't have the energy to have the conversation drag that long, nor does he intend to let her just weasel her way out of it. She needs to give him a valid reason.

There was something about his tone. It sounded like a light warning of some sort. There were a few instances where she'd seen him being that serious, and each time, she felt compelled to give in. She tried to fight it that time around though. She wasn't willing to give in, despite knowing she was in the wrong.

She did ditch him with no reasons whatsoever.

"Was there anything for us to talk about?" She mumbled instead. "In case you didn't notice, I was too occupied and we interacted when necessary."

"So, you didn't avoid me like the plague because of some other reason?"

"What other reason could there possibly be?" She knew there was one, she was intent on avoiding it though. She'd rather not pay any heed to it.

"Do I look stupid to you?" He turned his head, looking down to set his gaze on her. Though she wasn't staring at him, she could only guess he was holding up that serious look of his. "Why won't you look at me then?" Or perhaps, it was one of his teasing looks. She couldn't tell.

She set her gaze anywhere but. He's trying to corner her into giving in, but she wouldn't give in that easily. "There's no need for that." She prayed they would round up the last minute cross check so they can get this over and done with.

She felt him take a step closer, though he still left reasonable distance between them. Silence followed for a few seconds that felt longer than they actually were, then his voice came in a low tone. "Look up." He urged. "Eyes up here."

She swallowed thickly, her tongue darting out to swipe it across her lower lip. Thankfully, she didn't ruin the rouse she had on, else she'd have to get it fixed before the shooting started. She clenched her hand by her side, resisting the urge to give in to how coaxing his voice sounded.

It was already enough that she was feeling nervous to be there with him, he didn't have to make it worse by stepping closer, his cologne wafting and diluting the air with it's strong, yet relaxing fragrance. Not to mention, the voice luring her into the abyss only he knows of.

He tilted his head to the side slightly, observing her features for a few seconds before he suddenly chuckled, the sound sending her mind in a frenzy. What is this again? She had no plans of letting him mess with her mind even further, but he's doing just that effortlessly.

He must've seen the effect he had on her, it was way too obvious to not notice it. His voice came yet again, this time around laced with certainty. "I make you nervous." He muttered, loud enough for her to hear clearly.

That did the trick. She whipped her head up instantly, meeting his gaze without a second thought. "What?" Her eyes were slightly dilated, like a deer caught in headlights.

He slanted his gaze to hers, his lips slanted into a knowing smile. He then repeated, slowly this time so the words sink in. "I make you nervous." He repeated.

"What nonsense are you spewing now?" She hated how low her voice came out. She intended for it to come out strong, so he wouldn't have anything to hold against her again. But, that pretty much confirms his thoughts.

He wasn't offended by her words. If anything, it amuses him even more. He turned around to face her completely. "Your voice is shaky when you speak to me," He pointed out. "Your eyes are a bit dilated, and your face is flushed. You won't meet my gaze, until I said something you know deep down is true. I make you nervous, don't I?"

She took in a sharp breath.

His gaze then slanted down, falling on her hands by her side. "--You're clenching your hands a bit too tight. Might want to release them. I'm afraid you'll hurt yourself at this rate." His eyes met hers again, and when he spoke again, his voice came out low. "Don't do that."

She blew out a shaky breath, her eyes pinned on his. She couldn't look away even if she wanted. It felt as though she was compelled to hold up the eye contact. "Do what?" She hated how right he was, her words did come out shaky and breathless.

"Don't hurt yourself." He elaborated, any trace of lark disappearing from his tone. "I don't do well with that." His eyes as if they were boring into hers, escaping the depths of them seemed impossible.

There it was again. Those words and that look of his that makes the butterflies appear in her stomach. It was a damn circus show at that point. What is the meaning of all this? Does he enjoy making her lose her mind like that? Because in a short time she has no idea how it happened, he has managed to alter the chemistry of her brain.

Everything she'd known and was certain up to a while ago, Aahil Tafida has sunk into the pores of her brain and changed it. She was no longer certain of the things she knows, and what she's always believed to stand by. She would've believed she's going insane because no way is he making her feel that way.

What has he done to her? And what game is he playing exactly? What is Aahil playing at? Where does he intend to take this? Is it fun to mess with her? Is this what it's all about. Is it what he's after?

If so then God help her, because he's slowly taking over and she has no idea just how long she can resist it. The heart and mind can only do so much.

Luckily, the director's voice came, putting an end to that eye stare that seems to not have a day of ending. "We'll begin in two minutes!"

Amina blinked, slanting her gaze away from him. She blew out a small breath, looking anywhere but him in fear of ending up doing something she'd regret, or at least, saying something stupid. He seems to have brainwashed her if possible, because ain't no way is she about to succumb just like that.

But, it seemed he has no plans of making things easier for her. This time, in the form of a casual conversation, he brought up something else. "Do you know what the dragon shaped cheopji and ttyoya meori hairstyle mean?" He inquired, referring to the hairstyle and the hair accessory she has on.

Amina wanted to ignore him, because it's obvious what it means doesn't it. She just wonders where he aims for with such question.

Despite her silence, he continued. "It's for the married women in the palace. In your case, that means you're the King's wife." Did he bring this up to tease her? Yes, he did. So, he leaned down slightly to add, "that makes you my wife, jagi. My woman. It's starting to feel normal at this point, isn't it?"

Amina slanted a warning glare in his direction, her lips slanted into a deep frown. It served like her warning to him to not pull her legs any longer. The action did the opposite though. Because he burst into fits of laughter at the face she pulled, the action lasting a few seconds longer.

He didn't care if the others were looking at them wondering what she could've said to drive such a reaction from him. She minded though, because she could see heads whip in their directions especially with the cameras now set on them.

She nervously looked away, and threw him another glare. "You should really stop that." She muttered, so only he could hear.

His laughter died down slowly, though he still sported a small grin. "Stop what?"

She lifted her head to look at him, eyes narrowed in slits before she gritted out. "Stop flirting with me." She didn't want to say it out loud, in case she gets it wrongly. However, he keeps doing it repeatedly. She has no choice but to lay it out.

Besides, she really needs him to stop for the sake of her poor heart. He's messing with her mind and she wasn't liking it. She wouldn't like to be led on. It's better he just stops.

His lips slowly slanted into a soft smile, as his amused eyes met her narrowed ones. "I'm glad you know I'm flirting with you then." He didn't seem bothered by her glare one bit. If anything, it amused him. "I was worried I wasn't obvious enough."

Her mouth fell open, surprise crashing upon her like water waves. "What?"

He gestured to the camera crew that were set to start taking the pictures. "Smile." He met her gaze, just as the Director announced they would start then. She couldn't tear her gaze form him though, because she was trying to decoded the mystery that's Aahil Tafida. But, he confuses her even more. "We'll need a good 'How I met your mother' picture. So, smile for me."

With her confused, and taken aback eyes set on his, and his determined and amused eyes on her—the two lost in the depths of each other's orbs and a whisper of promises of the future lingering around them, they heard the camera click.

And so, their 'How I Met Your Mother' picture came to life. The beginning of a promising relationship meant to last centuries. A story unlike any other. The beautiful melodies of brewing Love in Hallyuwood.


Me sha I know I'm not a yam, someone go love me too😒😂

Ah ahnnnnn, Aahil why are you oppressing me like this iye???

They are so cuteeeeee😭 really!

Sha, I feel like today's episode of labarina will be lit, so before that happens, here's a little something from me.


It'll be available on Okadabooks by Sunday in shaa Allah.

Omo, I get test lined up so, bye!!!

Love, Jannah Mia ❤️

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