32; Hanbok Hearts.

For the first time since Amina joined Hallyu, she felt like a part of them. She felt important, and useful in all way she could possibly think of.

Taking charge of such an important project wasn't something she ever saw herself doing, nor could she believe she would be able to handle it and pull it off. If not that she has the guys with her.

If it were some people else, complete strangers that she is to coordinate and work with for the first time—she doubts she would've been able to pull it off. However, with them around, it felt more like a group work rather than a model-supervisor relationship.

Perhaps, it was the random moments when Bae Hyun surprisingly helped her coordinate the settings and finding the perfect way to organize everything without her asking or making her look dumb in the process. It was simply him offering help, in a way that makes her understand the field more.

It wasn't like she'd ever done anything like that, and with Choi Ae Ra trusting her with such an important task, she didn't want to do anything wrong. Luckily, the man seems to have more expertise in the element so he chirped in every once in a while.

Whether while going through the list of people needed for a successful production of the entire thing, he aided in picking out the production and post production team while she handled the creative team, comprising of the stylists, art director, and set designer.

Later on, she realized why he had more knowledge on the whole thing. Apparently, he did more brand ambassadorship than anyone else on their team. It made everything make more sense.

Then again, maybe it was the moments when Hunter gave her little headaches with the shoot. With how he normally is, she thought he'd give them a hard time by being goofy and all during the shoots but there was none of that. Surprisingly, he is dedicated to his work quite a lot.

It was baffling to see how easily he morphed into a serious individual in the shoots. Amina would've swooned as well if her mind and heart wasn't a jumbled mess, unable to decide whom it is she is attached to exactly.

Still though, his visuals doing the photoshoot was impeccable and swoon worthy. Amina could hear some of the female crew members gushing over the man. She could only chuckle, shifting her attention from the camera where the photoshoots were displayed to the man posing.

She shook her head, a small smile donning her lips as she focused her attention back on the current work at hand. He made her work easier without much effort because if anything, those women's reaction served as a feedback. Hopefully, the work will turn out to be a success.

Then again, there was Chris, whom Amina was starting to see as an elder brother amongst the men. Though they were pretty much of the same age, he was a few months older. But, it wasn't about the age, it was about how he effortlessly stepped into the role.

Of course, with her suddenly being made to helm such an important task, there was bound to be quite a number of her coworkers that will be against it. Though they couldn't do a thing about it, they still spoke behind her backs, and sometimes, even threw shade out in the open.

Amina could say she was used to it, because she's been facing such taunts since she joined Hallyu. And after all she's went through with Veronica, she promised herself to grow a thick skin and not pay any heed to them. Doesn't mean it didn't make her heart ache though. She simply chose to ignore it regardless.

Chris, bless his beautiful soul, though wasn't having any of it upon stumbling across the situation. It wasn't in his caliber to stoop low to their level, and he believe even more so that it wasn't in Amina's. Still, he stood for her in a way he deemed right, and a way that will make the others even more jealous.

Being a part of the guys meant he had ladies swooning over him as well. And though he wasn't easygoing and young like Hunter, nor as calm with that stay-the-hell-away-from-me-if-you-know-what's-good-for-you aura of Bae Hyun, he had a rugged look of those seemingly morally gray characters that some would kiss the ground for.

So, you can guess how much anger such women have upon seeing him personally get things coffee for Amina, somehow knowing the exact type she wants—cinnamon dolce latte, and casually stirring up conversations, and teasing the guys that always ends up with them howling.

Such moments always ends up with the guys joining as well. They tease each other, make jokes, laugh, and end up having their lunch breaks together regardless of how busy they were at the moment. They always make time for that.

Chris could sense Amina getting glares for being part of that circle, but they knew better than to keep throwing shades at her. She's beyond their level, it was as easy as that. That was them being her shields like they promised they would.

So, how could she not work well in such an environment when they all have her backs like that? It was a healthy working environment. Or, as healthy as it could get anyway.

Amina thought it would keep on going stealthily like that, and it was going just well, until it wasn't.

"We have a problem," Declared the talent manager, as he approached Amina with a look of worry marring his features.

Her brows drew in close, her gaze now shifting from one the stylists she was talking to, to rets it on him. "What's wrong?" She hadn't encountered a problem since the whole thing started, she wouldn't want to face one now.

He sighed, his shoulders slumping. "The female model can't make it. She's sick."

"What?" Amina was sure she personally checked in with the woman's team earlier in the morning to make sure she would make it. She didn't want to have any problems. And now this?

The man folded his lips in, his hands reaching out to scratch the area above his brow. "Apparently, she fell sick and was rushed to the hospital." He then casted a glance at the wrist watch strapped around his wrist. "We're running late; we don't have time to recruit an extra for such an important role. I tried to reach out to the ones I know but, none fits the aesthetic of the theme."

It was Amina's turn to sigh, her hand now resting on her forehead. She took in a deep breath, then exhaled it—repeating the action for a while. She needed to calm herself down and not get a high blood pressure at that very moment. She's so close to making it—her hard work is so close to pulling off. She was finally going to make it, and now this?

She then darted her tongue out and swept it across her lower lip, ideas running through her mind. "Let's use one of our models then," She met the man's gaze again. "Orchid can fill in, her aesthetic is just right for this. Let's get her onboard."

"Orchid has a shooting with Jimmy Choo today as well. You know she can't leave that for this." He pointed out. He'd thought of the woman as well. She's the top model they have at Hallyu, but that means she only works with renowned brands like Jimmy Choo. She'd been trying to work with the brand for the longest time, and she'd gotten it.

She obviously wouldn't abandon it for them. Even if it's the biggest project of her company that year. You just can't compare it to her.

Amina believed she was screwed. They had finalized everything, and so didn't even bother to get backup. She had tried that on her own, to avoid situations like that but every model she came across lacked something. She wasn't sure what exactly, but she felt there was something missing about them.

So, she ended up with no one. She should've just picked one though, then she wouldn't be in that situation.

"What are we going to do now?" She mumbled, trying to stay calm and take charge of the situation, but it's hard when she's seeing her work about to crumble right in front of her eyes.

"Well, I have someone else in mind." The man offered, sounding hesitant. He wasn't sure if she'd agree with what he has in mind.

She snapped her gaze to his, her eyes wide. "What is it? I'm open to anything right now."

"You." He stated. "You fit in perfectly. I can't think of anyone better."

Her mouth parted, before she instantly shook her head. "No, I can't." She took the work as the one in charge, not as a model. She can't just transition like that, can she?

But, he seemed to have too much belief in her. "Yes, you can. You know this better than anyone. No one captures the essence behind it all like you do. This is not the time to cower away, we need you."

Amina was silent for a while. She wanted to argue, but she knew he was right. She honestly wasn't at liberty to ague, not when she has no other choice. So, she nodded slowly to herself, getting her shit together. Blowing out a steady breath, she met his gaze with determined eyes. "Fine. I'll do it."

He smiled, nodding in approval and relief.


The concept was simple. Royalty in Joseon Dynasty.

Amina was to take up the role of the Queen of Joseon Dynasty, kind of like in saeguk dramas. The twist? A black Korean Queen. It was a union that has never happened, but that's the story they are trying to sell. To make a difference and break stereotypes—to become more diverse and inclusive. Korea has become more open to the idea, but racism still pretty much exist. At an Internationally recognized brand like Hallyu where everyone is welcomed, they aimed to make that difference and break barriers.

Amina had always been a fan of historical dramas the most, and so, has always been fascinated by the idea of wearing a Hanbok. Being dressed as such evoked some emotion in her that was hard to explain.

In the grandiose setting of the saeguk reenactment, Amina takes on the role of a queen effortlessly. Her crowning glory is her "cheopji and ttyoya meori" hairstyle, an elegant married women hairstyle that graces her head. Ebony strands of hair, meticulously styled, are artfully gathered and adorned with ornate hairpins, paying homage to the iconic symbol of royalty.

Her royal Hanbok, resplendent in its detail, enchants onlookers. Her "jeogori," the short jacket with wide sleeves, is a masterpiece of fine silk. Its surface is a canvas for intricate embroidery, where gold and silk threads weave patterns that tell a story of a noble lineage. This short jacket, although a costume, carries with it the weight of centuries of tradition and the embodiment of royal grace.

Draped over her "jeogori" is a "durumagi," a long outer robe made from the most luxurious silk. As Amina moves, it flows gracefully, creating an aura of majesty around her. This exquisite garment symbolizes the pinnacle of her elevated social status, even as she steps into a role for a moment in time.

As she moves gracefully through the reenactment, the layers of her royal Hanbok rustle softly, creating a symphony of silk and history. While Amina may not be a queen in reality, her regal bearing and the "mangjang" hairstyle bring to life a bygone era, captivating all who have the privilege of witnessing her presence.

"Aigoo!" Exclaimed the woman that has been acting as Amina's assistant throughout the whole thing—she's a Korean as well. She clasped her hands together, her eyes widen in awe with lips set into an adoring smile. "Yeppeuda, Wangbi-mama; You look pretty, Your Highness, Queen."

The lady beside her nodded in agreement, having being one of those that helped Amina get dressed. "You look so beautiful, Miss Amina." Complimented one of the stylists, her face in awe as she stared at the woman in front of her.

The few other stylists all rained their compliments on her as well. It wasn't the first time they saw a woman dress in a Hanbok, and not the first time they saw one wear that of the royals as well. However, it was the first time they saw the beauty of it in another light. It depicted a history that has never been there before, though it was all merely an illusion. But, it gave off a beautiful story that would've changed the course of history.

A black Joseon Queen. Now that would've been scandalous. With the way those olden Joseon people were, no doubt one of those council members—a Left State Minister or Councilor to be precise as they seem to be the most wicked—would've had her killed or plot something against her.

Amina, whom stared at her reflection in the mirror could only smile. There was something about learning other people's tradition, it was a wonderful feeling. She couldn't believe it was her at that moment—especially since it was the very Hanbok that gave her first resolution at work. She fell in love with it the moment she saw it at the Hanbok shop. Though they refined it, making an entirely new one similar to the original but so different and unique at the same time, it felt all the same to her.

She does look beautiful. It felt weird—and a bit heavier than she expected, but it fulfilled her Korean drama fan dream of trying to live or at least dress like those in Historicals. Even if she gets fired from work, or choose to leave the country, she's left with enough to even write a book.

Amina A Korea; Mutan Korea. That's probably what she will name it.

A knock on the door came, followed by a familiar voice of one of the production crew, pulling her out of her train of thoughts. "We're about to start shooting. Please, come out now." He announced.

Her assistant was the one that answered. "Coming!"

Amina blew out a deep breath, her shoulders slumping in the process. Digging her thumbnail into her index finger, she swallowed thickly and tried to calm herself. "Let's do this." She muttered to herself. Turning around to face the others, she offered them a warm smile. "Let's go?"

Some of them piled out first, while her assistant and the main stylist stood behind to help her walk out. It was the first time she was wearing a Hanbok, it wasn't like she was given time to prepare beforehand so she needs to break into the role and ace it. She managed to make it outside without tripping or embarrassing herself—though she felt self-conscious upon stepping out into the set, where everyone's gaze eventually yawed to her.

Suddenly, she was worried to make a fool of herself in that exact position. She felt there were too many eyes on her, and though most seem to be admiring, she could a feel being criticizing. Still, she kept her head up and continued with her calm, and collected strides with the help of the two women. It eventually slowed down though when they neared the first place where they would have the first shoot and where the main people were.

She suddenly felt more nervous than ever, even though she tried to hide it. Her breath was shaky. When her gaze met that of the guys giving her thumbs up, she offered them a small grin especially when Hunter cheered out for her. It was supposed to lessen some of her worries. It didn't.

Not when she could feel one particular pair of piercing gaze on her that made her question if she would be able to make it through the shoot alive and breathing.

Why? It was a co-photoshoot with none other than Aahil. She shouldn't worry right? What could possibly go wrong? She told her repeatedly, as she at last decided to yaw her gaze in his direction.

Her breath hitched immediately. This is going to be harder than expected.


Co-photoshoot, Amina and our dearest Aahil? Sounds like pre wedding pictures to me😁😂

I have this obsession with saeguk dramas! Like I'd always choose historical dramas over modern day dramas. I just can't help it.

You see that selection drama, the council members, Wangbi mama, halma mama, Jeonha and the others, it's the best!!! You see that royal family conspiracy, ha! Omo, I want to cook up one royal book for yall next year, it'll be good in shaa Allah, till we meet then kawai.

Also, did any of you notice I haven't written a royal book this year? Ikon Allah😂 me and royal books na 5 and 6. Uni happened and I threw it away.

Sha anywaysssss. When I'm done writing the book, which I'm close to, I'll upload it on Okadabooks for those that won't wait for updates. So, if you want to get the complete book asap and be spared of suspense, save up your money.

Yawwa, this author is a student. Say no to being sapanized in jamia😂

Also, Happy World Physiology and Anatomy Day to the physiologist and Anatomist we have here. I had fun at school today. Hope you did as well.

Question of the day: What's that one song that reminds you of this book? Like which songs are in your playlist for this book. Let me know. I might share mine with yall too.

Have a good night.

Love, Jannah Mia ❤️

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