28; Cracks In the Façade.
Should I leave, or should I stay?
Should I leave, or should I stay?
Should I leave, or should I stay?
Amina weighed those options in her mind repeatedly, like a broken cassette while conversations continued in the background. She tried to tune them out, resisting the urge to drown them with the cup of drink—the only thing she ordered despite being asked to order anything she wants.
She couldn't bring herself to stomach any of it. Not that she had any trust in what was served to begin with. It just didn't sit right with her, not when she has a bad feeling regarding the whole thing.
Did anyone care what she thought though? Not a single soul. Veronica's voice was the most heart, as she tried so hard to get on the good side of the guy with the creepy smile whom Amina eventually found a label for him.
Captain of Anyang Mavericks, the top Korean Football team.
From what Amina had gathered, Veronica is trying to get him to agree into allowing one of the team members—Amina has no idea what his name is—take the place of the guy Ae Ra had been trying to scout to avail. No one asked her to, she was simply trying to gain some good points for herself.
Truth be told, Amina had no idea why they keep pushing this issue any further. Whoever is the person Ae Ra had been chasing, clearly, it isn't going to work out—so why not just replace him with someone else?
After all, Hallyu has the power to get someone else to fit the concept so they can close the issue and get it over and done with. It seems to cause nothing but trouble for them. Because if it isn't for that, Veronica wouldn't have had the chance to push through with this sad excuse of a plan of hers because Amina could really see it crashing.
The Captain is a jerk that without a doubt is there just for his pleasure—he seems to enjoy seeing other grovel at his feet, making themselves look stupid in the process. He wouldn't agree to whatever she's proposing, that much is obvious. But the woman fails to pick up on the obvious, and kept on pushing with her pitiful attempts.
"If you agree to this, it'll be beneficial to us both, and you know it." The woman's voice came yet again, her gaze fixed on the man two chairs away from her. "Let us work together on this--"
"Enough, enough. Relax. Let's discuss this later on." Yet again, like it's been since the ridiculous dinner started, he cut her off with a slight wave of his hand. Reaching his finger up, he rubbed the space underneath his nose before shifting his gaze to Amina, whom hadn't spared him a glance or uttered a word since he seated herself down. "Agassi...how about a drink?" It doesn't take a genius to tell he's picked her as his target for the night.
Veronica is too annoying to be targeted, she would talk his ears off and she just seems like the clingy type. He wouldn't spare her another glance. The younger woman though...there's something about her that draws him to her.
For the first time since the dinner started, Amina slanted her narrowed eyes in his direction, her expression dripping lack of interest. Her legs were crossed, and so were her arms over her torso. "No, thank you." She forced herself to respond.
"Nonsense, just try it." He reached his hand out to pick up a bottle of whiskey which he had ordered, and then pushed his chair back with a screeching sound and got on his feet. Walking to the other side of the table, he nudged his head at Adam whom was seated beside her, a silent indication to scram.
The poor guy did just that, quietly relocating to the chair beside Veronica. The Captain grinned, and settled on the chair, pulling it closer to Amina, much to her dislike.
Her head whipped to the other side, upon getting a whiff of his cologne which is a bit too much, or maybe it's the alcohol breath that's making it stronger. The other guy he came with, seated on the chair beside her to the right. Her gaze rested on him for a split second, but just like he's been the whole night, he hadn't spared her or any of the others a glance.
It was like he had decided to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to what's happening. He doesn't seem to support it, but he wasn't against it as well. Amina couldn't tell what his position is exactly—an assistant? Or something else? She couldn't care less really. He's none of her concern.
Not when she has a seemingly late forties man seated to her left with a heavy breath of alcohol, hitting on her repeatedly. He can't take hints it seems.
And to make matters worse, there's a superior of hers that has no care or interest in condoning the man's actions, only supporting it even more.
"Let me pour you a drink," Veronica offered, plastering a fake smile on her face as she got on her feet.
He held a hand up to stop her midway. "No need." He kept his gaze plastered on Amina. Reaching his free hand out, he picked up her cup with the drink she had ordered and pushed it aside. Drawing out a champagne flute, he poured the whiskey in it and then placed it in front of her. "Have a drink, Agassi."
Amina pinched the bridge of her nose, huffing out an annoyed breath while she drew her lower lip between her teeth to stop her from saying something. Though, at that rate, she's honestly close to telling the man off since hints doesn't seem to get through him.
"Any time now." He prodded.
She suspired, then turned around to face him. "I can't." She stated, unable to even make herself muster a smile. "It's against my religion to take alcohol." She chose to state instead. If he has half a brain, then that should make him back off. It didn't.
Because he quirked a brow, then gave her a onceover that dragged on longer than she would've liked, his lips slowly curling upwards into a grin as he shook his head. "Oh, come on, Agassi. There's no need to pretend to be a saint." He then looked around the room, gesturing to the three others there. "We're all basically one and the same here." He pushed the glass cup with his index finger, his voice dropping as he added. "Just take it. I promise not to tell."
The man really is dumb—Amina thought. She decided to drop the honorifics, since they don't matter anyway. "No." She might as well turn him down directly. "I have no interest in taking it."
"Just a little." He prodded, "Han janman; just one cup. Hmm?"
She held his gaze, her lips curling upwards in disbelief. Deciding she had enough, she slanted her gaze in the direction of Veronica, then offered her the fakest grin she could muster. "If you'll excuse, I'll get going now since it seems we're done here." She didn't wait for their response as she pushed her chair back and picked up her bag.
Turning around, she stormed out, ignoring Veronica's voice that followed her departure, her name ringing loud and clear. Amina's hand curled into a fist, as her legs carried her as far away from the room as she can. The corridor was empty, which made sense because the whole floor is for VIPs, so there's little people there compared to the other floors.
Amina reached where the elevator is, and unfortunately had to wait as the elevator was coming up from the bottom floor. They were on the fifth, so it will take a little while.
Her ankle boot covered foot tapped the floor repeatedly, her hands crossing over her torso as she hoped it would reach her floor fast enough so she could be away from there. Luck doesn't seem to be on her side, because that voice that had been giving her chills the entire came then.
"Agassi." His greasy voice dragged the word, making goosebumps appear on her skin.
Amina's head whipped in the direction the voice came from, her gaze falling on him. One hand tucked in the pocket of his suit pants, he trudged his way towards her, that creepy grin never wiping itself off his face.
"How could you leave just like that?" He came to a stop in front of her. "You should've waited for me." He ignored the glare sent his way, or maybe it misinterpreted it. She couldn't care less. She just couldn't believe the intensity of his audacity.
Perhaps, being shameless is actually his field of expertise?
"--let me take you home." It was supposed to be a question, but the way he said it made it sound anything but.
"No, thank you." She slanted her gaze away from him, her gaze moving to check the floor the elevator is currently—the third floor. Good, it was close. However, it seemed to have stopped there, much to her dismay. She swallowed thickly, her thumbnail digging into her index finger. "I can get back on my own."
He chuckled lowly, the sound coming out gruffly. "Well, you see, Agassi." He took another step closer to her, slowly eliminating the distance between them. Leaning down to her height, he dropped his voice. "It wasn't a question."
Amina had no intention of sparing him another glance. If anything, she decided to ignore him. However, she could only ignore him up till the point he dared to reach his hand out and take a hold of her arm.
She whipped her head around, her eyes narrowed in slits. "Let go." She gritted out.
His grin widened if possible, his eyes giving her expression a long look. "There it is." His eyes remained fixed on hers. "That feisty look of yours. How I love it."
"Let. Go."
"Oh, come on, Agassi." He waved her warning off, as if it didn't matter. "I see the way you've been acting the whole dinner. You acting feisty and all. You know that's my type and all."
His type? Her sending him signals? Yeah, right. Amina was certain then that the man is in need of going to a hospital, a psychiatric for that matter.
When she didn't give him an answer, he took another step closer to her, using the back if his other hand to caress the side of her face, which instantly made her recoil and tried to step away but of course, he was stronger. She stood no chance against him.
"Stop acting all innocent." He gritted out, starting to become annoyed with her trying to fight him and all. "What was that you said earlier? Your...religion doesn't allow you to take alcohol?" He gave her another once over, before he chuckled. "Are you sure it allows you to dress like that as well?"
For the first time in Amina's life, she regretted her choice of clothing. Sure, she's never cared about covering herself up, though on most occasions, she was dressed decently. That day wasn't much different—even if it doesn't align exactly with a look that a Muslim would be identified with.
Then, a saying she'd heard one too many times crossed her mind. You dress how you want to be addressed.
Perhaps, he had the audacity to hit on her like that because she wasn't dressed in a way that differentiated her from others. Truth be told, she was dressed pretty much like any casual lady you'd see on the street of Seoul, even if it's decent on normal occasions.
Besides, the man is a jerk, and a pervert as well. It didn't matter what she wore. He would've acted the same anyway. Still, she couldn't help but feel his words struck in.
"—with you dolling up like that..." He chuckled, his tongue darting out to wet his lower lip before he met her gaze again. "...you're obviously begging for attention." He leaned down to her ear. "Why don't we head to my hotel and talk more there. That's what you want, isn't it?"
All the fed up anger Amina had tried to tone down the whole dinner erupted then. She wasn't sure how it happened. Perhaps, she caught him off guard, but she was able to push him away and rip her hand out of his hold as well. The minute she did so, her hand rose and then she swung it across his face, leaving a loud, smacking sound in its awake.
Her eyes blurred with unshed, angry tears. She felt so insulted. She had never felt that way in her life. Screw Veronica. Screw work.
She could end up without a job for all she cares but she refused to stand there and have him disrespect her like that. She'd tried to tolerate it but how can one tolerate something like that.
Her action angered him without a doubt, because he turned his head around to look at her—a look of fury taking over his features. He looked as though he could assault her then with no care whatsoever, but she didn't cower. Was she scared? Hell yes.
But, anger surged through her veins as well. Hell can raise at that moment, but she's had enough. He took a step towards her, his hand raising in an attempt to smack her. "Why you--"
A ding sound came, as the elevator came to a stop in that floor, halting their action. Neither of the two broke their glare, at least, until the doors slid open, then their gazes shifted to it.
Amina's eyes dilated slightly, her lips parting upon seeing the figure standing in it. Her shoulders slackened, her breath held. She wasn't sure why. Perhaps, it was relief, but her eyes welled up with more tears as their gazes met.
Aahil Tafida stared back at her with expressionless eyes, which shifted upon seeing the sight in front of him.
His gaze slanted to the man beside her, whom slowly dropped his hand upon seeing the third party in the picture. But, it wasn't just that. If it was someone else, he couldn't have given a flying shit. However, even he recognized that face, having being in the same field.
His mouth parted, like a gaping fish. "AT--"
Aahil pushed his feet forward, stepping out of the elevator as he shrugged off his black leather jacket. Once it was off, he came to a stand in front of Amina. His hands went behind her, as he carefully draped the coat over her—just like he did back in Jeju. She lifted her head to meet his gaze, trying to comprehend his emotions but she couldn't.
She couldn't read him even if she wanted to.
Once he was certain she's covered, he took off the p-cap he had on as well, and fixed it on her head, making sure it covered her face from the gaze of potential onlookers. Now satisfied, his voice came.
"Get in." He gestured to the awaiting elevator, his hands dropping by the sides. "Wait for me in the underground parking lot. I'll be there soon." His voice was low, as if meant only for her to hear.
She blinked back her tears, her gaze shifting to the man standing behind them, staring at them with a slackened expression. If he was hungover earlier, he seemed sober then. She then shifted gaze back to Aahil again, filled to the brim with worry. "But--"
"Go." He offered her a small, reassuring smile. "I'll be there soon, okay?"
She didn't seem convinced, but he left no room for further argument. Wanting to be nowhere near that place again, she turned around and stepped into the awaiting elevator, tapping the button that would take her to the underground parking lot. The last thing she saw before the doors close was his smile, one that promised everything will be alright. She chose to believe him. It would be. And with her gone, he turned around to face the other man—his smile disappearing.
So, I've updated this book's cover. It's cute really, been aiming for this particular element and now, it's perfect! 👌❤️
How are yall doing? How is life??
Aahil in his protective era, aitttt😂😭❤️ I'm in love, irrevocably so.
Omo, for certain scenes in this book I'm convinced I thought say I was writing a movie or kdrama because ah ahnnn😂😂 give me my own kdrama now.
But really, the chapters to follow are so sweet, be prepared. Singles, buy face mask! The love in the air stinks o.
Also, yall after Aahil should calm down. Amina dey o, she's prepared to fight una. Me I'm sitting by the side, observing.
Allah a mai rabo saa.
Question of the day, if you're to live as a book character, whose life would you choose and why? It can be from any book, even school text book😂 If you want to be Sembulingam ma it's also allowed.
Toh, take care singles. I love, since bakuda me gaya muku 😂 goodnight❤️
Love, Jannah Mia and Iyalawo, yes, she's sending her regards to you (and also telling the people using her name in their books as reference to stop because there's only one Iyalawo and she belongs in Jannah's world, ehen😂 no copy copy abeg. Why am I seeing my Iyalawo in someone's book now😂 you no say she be witch? She wee disturb una. Just wait and see.)
Oya, bye for real this time. Take care.
Love, Jannah Mia ❤️
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