27; Whispers of Discontent.

Who said being in the labor market is fun?

Amina whole heartily disagrees. In fact, if you see the person who said so, bring him to her-she'd give him a piece of her mind because she regrets ever stepping into such a world. She's rethinking her decision of leaving Jeju as well.

Because after staying there for two days, it was the best weekend she had in a very long time. You'd think since she came back on Sunday, she'd have time to rest before she gets thrown into another work episode the next day.

How wrong was she?

It was as if the woman knew when she arrived back in Seoul, or maybe it was just coincidence that it happened that way. But, the minute she settled in Aahil's car-which she is yet to know how it appeared in the airport, but she didn't get the chance to question. How could she?

She would rather enjoy the luxury that came with Aahil Tafida-even though seeing the car reminded her of their encounter a while before, but she chose to keep it tucked away. It didn't matter, at least, she would rather keep it behind her.

She couldn't even get the chance to revere in the comfort of being in the car, before her phone chimed, indicating a message came through. Fishing it out of her pocket, she was instantly swamped with regret.

Why hadn't she ignored it? Doing so would lead to another case entirely but why hadn't she done that? Perhaps, it would've changed what happened later on. She wouldn't have been entangled in such a situation hadn't she checked that message. What if she faced Veronica the next day for not doing as she was asked? It couldn't have been as bad as the situation she was placed in, right?

A string of what ifs couldn't have changed it regardless. What had happened had happened. No one can tell. That was what Amina held onto as her resolution.

She could still remember the message at the moment she saw it. Veronica's message came in not long after she'd arrived back in Seoul.

Haeundae Heights Hotel. 7pm tonight.

Be on time. We have a client we need to get on our side. You better be there. I want no excuses whatsoever.


Amina had to check the date again to be certain she hadn't mistaken that day for Monday, because she was sure Sundays are not work days. Veronica couldn't possibly work on a weekend, could she?

She couldn't ponder on that even if she wanted to, knowing the woman well enough. She's already made her life at work hell, she can't imagine what she would do to her if she gets on her bad side even more.

So, she checked the time again and saw that it read 2:43pm. She had a little over four hours before the dinner she has no interest in attending but was rendered no choice. A sight left past her lips, as she tucked her phone away upon hearing the driver's door open, and Aahil sliding in.

She tried to not her mind wander back to the dinner, choosing to keep it aside for that moment. However, no matter how much she tried to ignore it, she ultimately found herself in one the VIP rooms in the hotel's restaurant alongside Veronica, and Adam as they were about to welcome whoever it is Veronica dragged them there for.

Amina didn't put any effort to hide the fact that she had no interest in being there, her lips were slanted into a deep frown, her fingers intertwined behind her back while her eyes were narrowed in annoyance. All she wanted to do was to head back to her apartment and do anything other than being there.

She came back from a trip for God's sake. Not to mention, she didn't get enough sleep the night before, so, she was in desperate need of catching up on some lost sleep. She had to hold herself back from sleeping earlier on, knowing if she does, she might not have made it on time.

Not to mention, the place was far from where she lives, she had to get ready early and depart else she would've been late. For a second, she contemplated on asking Aahil to drop her off, but then she remembered his attitude earlier on.

He wasn't rude to her or anything, he just seemed too caught up in his worries that she didn't want to burden him. So, out of the little kindness she could muster, she ordered two take outs. He didn't strike her as the type that would bother to feed himself. She couldn't remember him eating anything during their trip home-she doubts he had anything before they left.

She knew he could cook for himself, but something about him then showed he really wouldn't care to cook anything. Well, whether he does or not, she fetched him take out as well and hung on his door's handle along with a note. If he sees it on time, fine. If he doesn't...well, that's up to him anyway.

All she knows is, her conscience is clear for not ignoring him in a time like that.

"He's here, straighten up." Veronica's annoying, screeching voice came, putting an instant halt to Amina's train of thoughts. Amina slanted her bored gaze in the direction of the bright hair colored woman whom had dolled herself all up-one would think she's there on a date.

On normal occasions, she's always been well dressed. If Amina's being honest she's always dressed well, it's just that she seemed to have more effort that very day. It was so obvious.

She suspired, yawing her lips into a small smile while the guy beside her, Adam does the same-except his looks more genuine than hers does. Regardless, they both looked representable, and that's all that matters.

Amina's inquiry about whom they were there to welcome only spiked up even more when the man came into sight, or more like two men came into sight. She gave them a onceover, then came to a conclusion that the man on the left is the one in charge, whomever he is.

Luckily, she kept her lips zipped and hadn't said a word that upset them at that moment. Before she could do so, Veronica was quick to step forward, extending her hand out for a handshake which was returned. The three exchanged a few words in Korean, a little of which Amina picked up like the greeting and not so relevant information.

After the small exchange of pleasantries, Veronica turned around and gestured to the team members, "These are my team's interns, she is Amina, and he is Adam." She added, this time around in English.

The two men slanted their gazes in their direction, before they nodded. The one on the left, whom Amina assumed to be the one at the helm reached his hand out and with no warnings whatsoever, took hers and brought it to his lips to place a chaste kiss there.

Her eyes dilated slightly, her skin crawling at the contact. As if his touch burnt her, and in a way, she felt as though it truly did, she was quick to snatch her hand out of his hold, her eyes now narrowed.

The actual...

As if sensing the change in her attitude, Veronica was quick to jump in before she could say something that would ruin this for her. She didn't work hard to set up this meeting just so the stupid girl can ruin it for her.

"Mi-anhaeyo. Geunyeo-neun a-jigae saero deureon georaseoyo; I'm sorry. She's still new an all." She added a slight chuckle at the end to lighten the mood as it wasn't sour enough.

The man slanted his disgusting gaze in Amina's direction, his lips curling into a grin that made her stomach in knots, and not the good kind. There was something about him that doesn't sit right with her, not in the slightest.

Then, his gravelly voice came, the intention behind it hard to miss. "Gwaenchanayo; it's okay. I have a feeling we'll get along just well," He held her gaze, that smug look imprinting itself on his face as he added. "Urineun an halgeoyeyo? Won't we?"

Amina blew out a small breath, her gaze never leaving his. Her blood was slowly boiling. Perhaps, it was due to the exhaustion, or maybe her annoyance towards Veronica was slowly piling up. Or maybe, it's because the man made a move without asking for her permission but she could feel her composure slowly slipping away.

She hated that smile on his face. It was unsettling for so many reasons. She tried to block it, but it reminded her of a certain moment in her life she had forced herself to try and block out because it was anything but appealing. She had been doing so well keeping it locked and tucked away.

However, just one look from the man had the box rumbling, the key slowly slipping away.

Veronica must've sensed trouble slowly brewing from Amina's end, because just like she did earlier, she tried to jump in and lessen the tense air. Stepping closer to Amina's side, she tried to steer his attention from the woman to her. "Of course. We'll all get along just well--"

"I wasn't talking to you," He cut her off, his gaze slanting in her direction for a brief second. His voice dropped, almost in a warning tone. "zip it, will you?"

Veronica was stunned for a moment. She blinked, her mouth parted like a deer caught in headlight. She recovered quite quickly though, for she was quick to chuckle lightly and lightly clapped her hands together.

He flicked his eyes shut for a brief second, as if being in the woman's mere presence annoyed him. Good to know, Amina thought for a while, before he fixed his gaze on her again-that creepy smile slowly making its way on his face again. "Shall we?" He gestured to the table already set behind them.

He didn't wait for her response as he side stepped her and made his way towards it. The other guy he came with seemed more reserved, for his gaze was expressionless. He simply spared them all a splitting glance, before he turned around and went ahead to pull out a chair for himself.

Just as Amina blew out a breath, hoping to calm her racing heart, a hand wrapped around her arm. Startled, she whipped her head around just in time the culprit, Veronica leaned closer to her-her acrylic fingers digging into her arm.

"I don't care what is wrong with you but tone it down. He is an important client and we need him. You screw this for me, I screw you." She met her gaze with narrowed eyes, as if daring her to do something wrong. "So, you better think twice before acting out of place." With that said, she released Amina's arm and turned around, making her way to the table as well.

Amina swallowed thickly, releasing shaky breaths repeatedly. She could feel her heart racing behind her ribcage, adrenaline surging through her veins. Her feet felt cold-the kind of emotion you feel when you could sense something bad about to happen. Her stomach was in knots.

She had to close her eyes and clench her hands by the side-it was the only thing that slowed the racing heart. Even that didn't work for long, because the man's gravelly voice came yet again-shattering her mirror of thoughts like a bullet piercing through it.

"Agassi; miss," He called out, making her lift her gaze to rest it on him. He then gestured to the seat beside his, "Ol geoya? You coming?"

Her gaze instinctively shifted to Veronica whom was situated across him. There is an empty chair beside her, and beside the other guy as well. Of course, the former was on board with her sitting beside the creepy guy as well, in fear of upsetting him but Amina couldn't care less.

God knows what will happen if she sits beside him.

So, against the small voice in the back of her mind reminding her of the consequence of disobeying Veronica, she sighed and then made her way to settle on the empty seat beside the other, less creepy guy-ignoring the glare she got from the woman and the look of disbelief from the man.

The man by her side didn't even bat an eyelid in her direction, pretending as if she doesn't exist.

Amina sighed. At least he seemed less of a problem. Now, all she could hope for was for the damn dinner to come to an end so she could get the hell out of there.


Well, well, well... We've got drama incoming!

What do you think would happen? Is the guy giving you creeps as well? Or is it just dearest Amina?

Vivi, Veronica is trouble itself. What do you think would happen to her?

Give me your guesses on how this book will end, we're halfway through anyway.

Question of the day, Of my books, which is your favorite? Favorite character as well and why?

Also, what course did you study in Uni or are you studying? I'm studying Physiology.

Stay safe. Goodnight.

Love, Jannah Mia ❤️

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