26; Lonely Melodies: sorrowful notes of a Seoul love story.
Cinnamon girl by Lana Del Ray. Play it as you read the second part. E get why.
Angry loud voices. People arguing. The voices getting louder by each second that passes.
Amina stirred awake, upon hearing the commotion outside. Her eyes jerked open, taken aback by the sudden commotion. She couldn't ignore it, not that she wanted to. Not when it didn't sound like it was planning one ending anytime soon, nor does it sound like one that's based on a friendly note.
Sitting up, she pushed the duvet off her body and took a few strides in the direction of the resting chair, where she had dropped off a hijab and a praying mat which she used during Subh to pray. She hadn't slept in Benazir's room, afraid that her ups and downs in the middle of the night would disrupt the woman.
Nonetheless, she picked up the hijab there and donned it, knowing she wasn't dressed to step out just like that. Plus, it would earn an earful she wasn't ready for and was not in the mood for as well.
Upon pushing the door open, she was instantly hit in the face by louder voices than how it seemed in her room, and the words were becoming more coherent. She padded her way to the staircase rail opposite her door, from where she could see everything happening down there.
Everyone seemed to be present, from the guys, to Benazir, and Kimura. It was quite a sight. Her brows instantly crunched over when her gaze fell on the duo that seemed to be at the center of the argument. The very last persons she expected to be involved because she couldn't think of a single reason that will draw them to that conclusion.
The two Tafida brothers. Aahil, and Dean.
She watched as Aahil pointed a finger at his younger brother, and uttered words she couldn't hear from there, however, from the looks of it, the words did nothing but to upset Dean even more.
The younger brother scoffed, his face red with rage. "You have absolutely no right to say that to me, none!" His tone, it held the same rage painted across his features. From what Amina could see, he felt nothing other than anger towards his elder brother.
The one that he adored from what she knows. Wasn't he the one defending Aahil just a few days ago? What changed?
Amina doesn't mean to be judgmental, but she could only guess the latter was at fault. He's always at fault. He's the one with issues. And to have someone as calm and composed as Dean lose that calmness and react that way towards him, he must've done something.
Then, his voice came yet again. Dean seemed to have thrown away any rational thoughts running through his mind then, for his words came without caring what the consequences would be. "You think you're so great huh? The great Aahil Tafida that everyone adores. Look around, you've lost that. You are no longer the man you used to be."
A warning voice came. "Dean--" It was only then that Amina recognized Amma's presence in the room. She wasn't chill like she always has been, she seemed upset as well. Only that she does well to keep it tamed unlike her children.
Her hand was wrapped around Dean's arm, to hold him back. Her warning voice was supposed to make him stop before he could say something he'd regret later on, but there was no talking sense into a man that had decided to let off what's on his mind.
So, he ignored her. "You are a loser, Aahil. A coward that can't even man up and face his problems head on. You are an imposter hiding behind your old glory when everybody knows you've lost it. You can pretend all you want, but everyone here knows that you're a goner, Aahil. You are--"
Amina had no idea what the conversation is about, or where it's headed, but she couldn't deny that even she felt Dean's words pierce something in her. The topic seemed to be a sore one for them all, and most especially, the one it's directed towards. So, she doubts it's something Dean should've said out like that.
Aahil said nothing to him. He simply stared at him with a blank expression, unmoving. He didn't give out any reaction as others expected from him, he simply maintained eye contact with the man and did nothing.
Or so it seemed.
Amina didn't miss the way he clenched his fist by his side, as if holding himself back from doing something he will regret. In that moment, he seemed to have more control over his emotions than Dean does, surprisingly.
But, his silence didn't subdue Dean. If anything, it seemed to have infuriated him more because he scoffed, then shook his head in disbelief. Raising his hand, he gestured to the man. "You see, pathetic. You still cannot face and accept it, can you? When it got rough, what do you do? YOU RUN AWAY LIKE A PATHETIC SON OF A--"
A loud, resonating slap cut him from finishing his statement. Amina's hand curled around the rail, her heart hammering behind her ribcage upon seeing the look that took over Amma's expression as she stared at her son with glaring eyes. The hand that she used to slap him curled by her side, her face contorting into that of fury. "Enough, Dean!"
Dean's eyes flicked close for a moment, his face tilted to the side slightly. Blowing out a low breath, an unsettling moment dragged on, silence reigning in the place. It seemed to have left everyone on edge, as they watched the family of three entangled in the incident.
A second passed on, before Dean parted his eyelids open and turned around to face the two, his gaze fixed on the man standing behind his mother. Still, he didn't relent as he uttered the one statement that seemed to have left the most impact compared to everything he'd said before.
"I wonder whom you got the attitude from."
That seemed to have the breaking point for Amma, as she rose her hand up, ready to swing it across his face yet again, and again till some sense knocks into him. However, before she could, Aahil extended his hand out, took a hold of hers, and held her back.
She tried to fight against it, but stopped when she realized he has no intention of letting it drag on. Blowing out a huge breath, she glared at Dean one last time, before shaking her head in disappointment then turning around to head out to the backyard, leaving the others alone.
They all exchanged unsettling gazes, each with a grim expression.
Aahil took a step closer to Dean, and uttered in a tone that was too calm for a person in his position to hold. "Get a grip of yourself." He didn't spare him another glance as he trudged further and took the stairs, leaving the rest to quietly file out, leaving Dean alone.
Amina blew out a shaky breath, her fingers lightly drumming the rail as she decided to leave the scene as well. However, as she turned her head around, her gaze met with that of Aahil whom had ascended the stairs before she could realize it.
She folded her lips in, suddenly unsure of how to face him after what happened. She isn't at fault, and has no idea what led to it in the first place, however, judging from what the saw and the other's reaction, he's the one that took a blow from the incident.
She hates to admit it, but she felt bad for him then. She wasn't sure how to face him, knowing how their encounters always end, leaving aside what happened the night before. It couldn't have changed anything.
He seemed to have other plans though. Because the closed the distance between them, his expressionless gaze leveling with hers. Then, he declared the last thing she expected to hear from him at that moment, if ever.
"We're leaving."
Her brows instantly drew in, confusion marring her features. "What?" She blinked, trying to make sense of what he just said. "What do you mean 'we're' leaving?" Is she hearing him right?
He certified her doubts. "Yes, we. You and I." He stated, like it's no big deal.
Amina suddenly couldn't care less what just happened, that aside, he seemed to want to continue with their usual banter because what the hell is he talking about. With lips slanted into a deep frown, she scoffed. "Excuse you." She scoffed. "I don't remember you being in charge of me or I coming here with you." She stated, unwavering. "You don't tell me what to do."
He flicked his eyes close, taking a deep breath. "Amina..." She couldn't remember one time she's ever heard him call her name, not ever. So, to hear it unexpectedly like that had her holding her breath for a second.
She blinked yet again, her lips parting for a second.
He exhaled, his eyes meeting hers. This time around, there was something about him that she's never seen before. "...this is not the time."
Yet, regardless of that look and the intensity behind his words, she wasn't willing to cave in because why would she? He has absolutely no right over her, and for him to speak like he does, it angered her regardless of what he went through.
So, she steadied her breaths and made sure she was calm enough before she replied. "Listen to me, Aahil Tafida. You don't tell me what to do. So, don't think for one second you can even think of bossing me around. You can't. You don't have that right."
He shook his head, seeming to be getting upset as well even though he keeps himself composed enough. "Would you for once just listen to me?" His tone showed there was more to this than him just asking her to return with him. There was more than he's letting on.
But unless he gives her a valid reason, she has no reason to comply. So, she stood her stance. "No."
"For God's sake, woman." His response came almost instantly, showing the last string of patience he's holding onto slowly slipping away. Running a hand down his face, he took a second to gather his thoughts before meeting her gaze again, this time, it seemed almost pleading. "Just...please." There it was, the one word Amina was looking for. "please come with me. I'll lose my mind otherwise." He admitted.
He wasn't as composed as he appears to be. He's barely keeping himself together, and the only person he could think of that will keep him from losing his calm is her. Besides, he won't be at ease knowing he'd left her there alone, even if Amma and the others are around.
But, he wasn't ready to admit all that. So, he was quick to add in added in a low tone. "You're leaving anyway. Let's go together, okay?"
She held his gaze with her blank ones, hesitating. She wanted to turn him down yet again, but there was something about his expression then and there. He was trying to hide it, but she could see that façade he was putting up, he wasn't alright.
And though they weren't the best of friends, she'd like to believe she owes him one. Besides, she's always believed in the law of paying one back what she owes them. After what he did for her last night, she could do this much for him.
So, against the thoughts trying to convince her otherwise, she sighed and nodded after long, dragging seconds. "My flight isn't until later at night." She stated in a low tone.
Her words seemed to have made him relieved, she could see it across his features. "Let me handle that." He could do that much as well. "Just get ready. We leave in an hour."
Her tongue darted out to swipe across her lower lip, then she blew out a small breath and nodded. "Okay." She gave in. "Let's leave together."
Amina tapped the handle of her suitcase as she looked around, her gaze settling on the man standing a little up ahead, speaking to one of the airport officials. Unlike most of the day she'd seen him outside, he didn't bother to wear anything that would conceal his identity. His face was bare of those shades, and face mask.
His facial expression didn't give anything away. To anyone that'd see him at the moment, he probably looks like he has no problem, that he simply just came back from a trip that he thoroughly enjoyed.
However, Amina could see beyond that façade he has on.
He hadn't said a word throughout their flight back home, not even bid the others farewell when they left the vacation home in Jeju. They didn't comment on it, no doubt knowing he had too much on his mind to even pretend as though he was okay when it's obvious that he isn't.
The only one he'd spoken to was Kimura, whom he exchanged silent words with only known to them. If Amina wasn't certain of them being close before, she could tell then. It wasn't in her place, but she believed Amma then when she said Kimura is someone Aahil could rely on for if he could speak to her then regardless of his condition, then he must trust her quite a lot.
Amina didn't say a thing to him throughout the flight as well, unless necessary. She didn't know how he did it, but she found herself flying business class beside him on the plane back to Seoul. The flight, although in a different setting reminded her of the first time they met, or more like reunited.
Now looking back, she couldn't believe she hadn't recognized him then. Yes, it's been so many years since they last saw each other, but he's still the same as ever. What were the odds of them meeting again though? A coincidence, or fate?
She's go with the former.
Nonetheless, the flight went by the smoothly, and this time around, she made sure it was the chair's arm she grabbed and not his. Regardless of the change of setting, she'd rather stay on the safe side when it comes to him.
The only exception, the lie she crossed regardless of the voice in her head warning her against it going haywire was when she tilted her head to the side to look at him. He was seated by the window, which contrary to most people would prefer—she doesn't. She would rather not be reminded that she's up Allah knows how many feet away from the ground.
She preferred not even staring at the clouds. It lessens her anxiety.
So, she wasn't sure how he realized it, but he took the seat this time around, or perhaps, it was just a coincidence but she didn't say a thing about it.
While he was seated there, his head was turned in the direction of the window, staring outside mindlessly. She had her airpods plugged in, as she always does when she's in public because it lessened her desire to interact with other people, not that she had any to begin with.
Don't do it. The inner voice warned, knowing the thoughts running in her mind. Just don't.
Amina ignored it, and without much of a thought, she took off one of the airpods and guided her hands to his ear, where she plugged the one piece. Almost instantly, Cinnamon Girl by Lana Del Ray filled his ears, just like it does with hers.
The sudden action had him turning around, caught by surprise to rest his gaze on her. Her hand stopped midair in an attempt to recoil her hand back, only to pause when their eyes clashed.
She wasn't sure why she did. Perhaps, it was the inner writer in her, but whenever she listens to music, instead of simply focusing on enjoying it, her mind plays out different scenarios for books. In simple words, it takes her mind off whatever is bothering her.
So, she's doing the same with him. Hoping it offers some sort of escape for him as well, even if it's just for a moment.
She would've felt like a fool for doing so, but seeing the look on his face at that moment, she found herself in a trance, they both were. It was as though time had stopped, and there was just the two of them.
Breaths held, eyes set on each other, and a song playing in the background. The world indeed came to a stop at that moment, and the air shifted in a way that hummed a chance in stance for their relationship, but neither of them acknowledged it then.
For she was the first one to look away, breaking whatever trance they were caught up in. She waited, for him to return the airpod or say something off, but none of that came. So, when she dared to peek another glance at him again, she saw that he had flicked his eyes shut, his arms crossed over his torso, the device still plugged in his ears.
Her lips slanted into a small smile, before she looked away as well. With that out of the way, she allowed her mind to wander, ideas floating in her mind all of which she couldn't wait for write down when she has the chance. And so, the flight continued that way, with various songs from her playlist shuffling from one to another.
Luckily, none ruined that little moment of theirs. The small one that mattered to one soul more than the other could imagine.
She suspired upon seeing he had rounded off his conversation with the official. He turned around, then made his way back to her, one hand firmly holding onto his black suitcase which matched his attire. A complete set of black outfit that without a doubt matched his gloomy aura.
She used that chance to get a good look at him, she hadn't done that earlier, in fear of coming off in the wrong way. Knowing him, even in that state, he would make fun of her no doubt. So, she'd rather stay on the safe side.
There was something about him missing, she came to a conclusion after the brief inspection. His eyes didn't hold that mischief flair it always does.
"Let's go?" His voice came, putting a halt to her thoughts as he came to stand in front of her.
She blinked, snapping out of the small trance before she nodded, offering him a small smile in the process. "Sure."
He gestured for them to get going, and when she made a move to do just that, she was halted when he extended his hand and took a hold of her suitcase, merging it with his before he pushed it ahead.
She remained planted in her position, only staring at his back as he strolled ahead, as if he hadn't done a single thing. It wasn't that he'd left her with butterflies or anything. No, the action just seemed unusual for it to have come from him.
Since when has he been that kind?
He must've realized her lack of presence beside him, because he came to a halt as well. Turning around, his gaze met hers, and then he popped the question. "You coming or not?" He inquired. "I don't mind leaving you here."
Whatever bit of empathy she had towards him earlier dissipated then. She rolled her eyes, scoffing lightly in the process. It seemed she didn't have to worry about him after all. He's still the same rude man she knows.
Good to know.
"Well?" He prodded.
She sighed. "Right behind you."
These twoooooo, there's no going back. The way I loved this chapter too ehn, especially that Cinnamon Girl part, see the way I was grinninggggg😂😁😁😁
Love people we, I go love oh😂💞
I promise, I didn't mean to antagonize Dean like that. It just happened and quite unfortunately, Aahil takes over from here. Sorry baby❤️
What do you think made calm Dean argue with Aahil like that? I mean Aahil is always the troublesome one and my guy is too calm. What went wrong??
What do you think of Aahil and Amina's moments?? Tis so cute!!!! 😭💕💕
Also, yall don't want to comment again so I'm hoarding my chapters after this because we're entering my favorite part. How am I to update with no motivation now?? Help my soul biko.
I'm eager to finish this book but ehn, I don't even know again. I'm just loving the whole soft story writing and all.
Za dai muga za zaa qare.
Toh, stay safe. I'm actually writing a chapter but decided to give you an update in between.
Question of the day, where are you from? I am from Bauchi. You?
Let's interact.
Stay safe.
Love, Jannah Mia ❤️
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