25; Love's K-Drama Script.
Comments for an update tomorrow.
Amina retired for the night soon after the little Ramen moment, leaving with an awkward farewell hanging in the air.
She couldn't help it. After they were done, it suddenly felt as though they were back to square one, and the whole interaction between them earlier one didn't happen. So, she washed her bowl and his as well before he could offer to do it, then hastily bid him farewell and disappeared off upstairs to her room, leaving him alone.
Aahil could only stare at the spot she'd disappeared to for a while, before shaking his head and leaving a small, whispered "goodnight" in the air as well.
He was suddenly left alone, and though he was used to solitude, he didn't like it any more at that moment. If he wasn't feeling sleepy earlier, he wasn't any less then, only even more alert of his environment.
So, he fetched himself a soda can, despite knowing it's unhealthy to take one at night—its one of his bad attitudes, an obsession with sodas which he doesn't seem to plan on letting go of any time soon and then made his way to the living room, settling on one fi the couches quietly.
He had no plan in mind, nothing to do to keep him entertained. Not that he was interested in anything in particular. He was just there, waiting for some sort of miracle.
Now, he doesn't know if he can term what he got then a miracle, but not long after, the sound of soft footsteps padding down the stairs reached his ears, and he found himself whipping his head to check whom it was without a second thought.
A pang of disappointment rushed through him upon seeing the sight of Benazir, seeming slightly sleep induced. Her squinted eyes looked around the place, and as if he couldn't make out whom it was, she reached her hand out to wear the glasses she brought along with her.
Aahil shook his had at the action, the corners of his lips tilting upwards slightly as he was suddenly taken back to a moment in the past when she used to trudge around back in secondary school with glasses perched right on her nose.
Good days.
"Aahil?" She called out in a small voice, upon making out his figure. Her lips contorted open as she yawned, using her hand to cover it before it died down. "What are you doing here awake at this hour? Do you know what time it is?"
"Quarter past two in the morning." He answered without a second thought, leaning back on the couch and throwing his head back. He knows because he checked after Amina left. "Why are you awake?"
Benazir rolled her eyes, even though he couldn't see it as she reached the last stair and then trudged in the direction of the kitchen. "Turns out eating a lot of meat and then going to sleep soon after wasn't a good idea." She grumbled, a hand placed on her tummy.
Aahil could only hum.
Tue sound of her rummaging the poor refrigerator reached his ears, followed by the sound of it closing and then she made an appearance, coming to settle beside him on the couch comfortably.
She popped the soda can she'd picked out open, the action making Aahil turn around to look at her.
"Soda on an upset stomach?"
"Let me be abeg, I'm a Nigerian. Small disease no dey kill African pikin." She brought the can to her lips and then took a gulp from it.
Aahil shook his head, "You should take a medicine before going to sleep. Else, I won't take you to the hospital tomorrow morning if you fall even sicker."
"Good thing the guys are around."
"Good luck waking them up early in the morning now that they're on break." Unless they wake up on their own, getting them out of bed is impossible.
She didn't comment on it, knowing he was right. She can't argue with that. Leaning back as well, she took a pillow and placed it on her thighs, before resting the cold soda can bottle on it. "Were you alone? Thought I heard voices here."
"The little fool with short memory was here as well." He stated casually, before taking a sip of his soda as well. "Left shortly before you came."
Benazir threw him a glare. "Would you stop calling her a fool?"
"Why? She doesn't seem to mind." Lies. He knows she minds it, she just got tired of exasperating herself over him. He isn't worth it.
Benazir huffed, "You know she does. You're just impossible to deal with."
"True that." He couldn't argue with her on that. He didn't know how else to address her to Benazir though. He couldn't call her shortcake without giving himself away and just calling her name doesn't sound like something he'd do. Anyone knows that.
"You should really stop bothering her though," Benazir pointed out, intent on stepping in for her friend against him. "I didn't invite her here just so you can make her life hell." She then brought the soda to her lips, mumbling "She's already going through a lot." Under her breath, before drowning the liquid down.
Her words, they piqued his interest—which he didn't bother to hide. She didn't mean for him to hear it, but he already did. And, he wasn't willing to let go of it. So, he tilted his head around to pin his gaze on her, his lips slanted into a frown. "What is that supposed to mean?" He knew from his conversation with Amina earlier that something is indeed going on with her.
He just didn't ask knowing she wouldn't tell him. They're not that close. It's a miracle she decided to open up to him to begin with.
Benazir pressed her lips together, wondering if she should tell him or not. He may be annoying, but he isn't inconsiderate. She doesn't have to worry about him adding up to Amina's worries. She knows she shouldn't share the woman's personal problems out like that, but Aahil could be of help.
He's trying to hide it, but it's obvious he cares for her. Benazir could tell, especially during the barbecue earlier.
Still, she couldn't bring herself to lay out the woman's worries out just like that. "Can I ask you for a favor?" She decided to ask instead.
He nodded slowly. "Of course." She could ask him for anything. He'd never turned her down before, he wouldn't start then.
Benazir tapped the soda can with her fingers, her gaze seemingly far. A second passed, followed by another, before she met his gaze. "You two live beside each other, right?"
"Then can you..." She suspired, her shoulders slumping. "...can you keep an eye on her? She may seem tough and all but she's still a child in an adult's body. I think she ended up growing faster than her age." You might wonder what led to this conversation, right? It's easy. Benazir grew up with the girl.
She knows her best.
"—she may seem pampered, but she really isn't. She knows how to take responsibility for herself, and for others as well. She knows when to hide her feelings so she wouldn't affect those to her. Sometimes, when looking for an excuse to cry, she'd eat something spicy." Benazir chuckled at the memory. "So, when she does cry, she'd blame it on the spice."
Aahil's lips slanted into a small, ghost smile. That surely sounds like something the girl is capable of.
"The point is; she can be a little reckless sometimes. I think this is one of those instances. I'll feel much more at ease knowing there's someone looking out for her."
She didn't need to elaborate, his answer came in a split second, meaning every word of it. "I'll look after her, always. Don't worry." That has been his aim from the beginning, even if it didn't seem like so. He'd always looked after her, every single time.
His answer seemed satisfactory to Benazir, because she smiled and nodded slowly in relief. It's good to know she can count on him. He looked away, sinking back in his position and revering in the silence.
She suddenly paused, allowing the silence to reign between them though there was a thought dangling in her mind. She lost mindedly played with the can in her hand, her mind contemplating on whether to voice out the thought in her mind or not.
Eventually, she decided to just screw it and ask.
So, shifting around in her position, she slanted her body to the side, turning around to comfortably stare at him with knowing eyes.
Though he wasn't staring at her, he could still feel her gaze on him. It was impossible not, especially not when she had turned around like that, focusing her sole attention on him.
"Spit it out, Benazir." He eventually grumbled out, his gaze never shifting to her. "Say what's on your mind." She seemed to have made up her mind anyways, he was just giving her the little push she needs.
Benazir narrowed her eyes at him skeptically. One second passed, then another, followed by the third. Upon entering the fourth, painstakingly dragging second, her voice came—holding a statement with deep rooted suspicion.
"You like her, don't you?" Though her voice was low, it was clear she's certain already.
He didn't bat an eye lid. "What makes you say so?" He kept his expression and tone neutral.
She shrugged, "I don't know. You're Aahil, that's why." Crossing her legs, she went further on to express her suspicion and observation. "You are nice to those you have no feelings for, women especially." She pointed out, before he could make out a snarky remark.
And she was right. He had one at the tip of his lips before she added that last statement.
He kept mum, and allowed her to continue.
"—When it comes to her, you are mean, straightforward, and annoying as hell. You being this way to her could only mean one thing." Her voice dropped further, "you have feelings for her." Her tone held unmatched certainty.
And what did he do in response?
His lips slowly curled upwards into a smile, as he brought up the soda can to his lips. Taking a dip of it, he tilted his head in her direction and tipped it. "You're smart. Good to know." He didn't bother to deny it.
Benazir could only stare at him in disbelief, and the huff. She shook her head, blowing out a low breath. "I can never understand men." She mumbled. "Seriously, you have feelings for her and you make her upset all the time?"
"I make her life entertaining." He corrected. "She needs someone to keep her on her toes. She seems to have a lot ongoing."
"One of these days you'll make her have a heart attack." Benazir stated as a matter of fact, knowing better than anyone how frustrated he makes the poor girl. The only thing left is for her to pull her hair out. "You frustrate her one too much."
"I'm not sure about her getting a heart attack because of that reason, but other reasons, maybe." He shrugged, that which Amina termed a stupid but attractive grin still plastered right across his features.
Benazir realized he's a hopeless case then, he really is. "I don't even want to know what that means." She shook her head. Keeping aside the throw pillow that was on her thighs, she then signed, and added. "I'm not supposed to be taking sides here, and I won't, but I'm certain you know Dean likes her as well."
Aahil simply nodded, though it didn't a change a thing from his demeanor. He seemed unbothered by his brother being his rival in love. It was almost as if he doesn't see him as a threat.
And he really doesn't.
"—she seemed to have taken an interest in him as well. So, things aren't looking so good for you now."
"I don't mind." He tipped his head back and finished the leftover soda left. Placing it on the nearest coffee table, he met her gaze with a confident smile. "I have something he stands nothing against."
Benazir have him the blank look, hoping he wouldn't say something stupid. Her lips slanted a sarcastic smile. "What? The handsome features or what?"
Aahil chuckled, shaking his head in the process. Sure, he would've said that on normal conditions but of at that moment. It was too serious to kid with. "No, Benazir."
Getting on his feet, he picked up the empty soda can, intending to throw it away on his way out. "I have prayers. His advances are nothing against my duas, and that's it." Turns out, the affection ran deeper than Benazir thought.
She tsked, shaking her head in the process. "If you really like her though, I suggest you stop with the bullying and all. It's childish." She stated earnestly. She felt as though she needed to remind him of that fact. "You need to man up, else, you will lose her."
He didn't give much to her words then, or maybe, he just chose not to show it. Instead, he flashed her a warm smile and then turned around, taking steps away from her. His response followed, light like the night breeze.
"Goodnight, Benazir. Don't forget to keep this between us."
e have a confession yall!!! He admitted it!!!
Aahil is in love!! Talk about swoon worthy.
Because I owe you an update. Mistakenly updated an incomplete chapter, so I had to take it down.
On that topic, so there's so much of you here and you don't comment. See the way you were in my dms like this, okay.
Wrote a wholesome chapter of Amina reuniting with her dad earlier and brooo, it's so sweet❤️❤️
This is downright the sweetest and softest book I've ever written, no qualms.
Also, Presido and Sumayya aren't end game again, wehooooooo. But the way people are hyping this Abba is getting on my nerves like we get it, he's a big deal. Move on.
Sha, I hope you have a goodnight and oh, drop comments!
Love, Jannah Mia ❤️
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