17; Melodies Of K-Love?

"You brought a cat." Benazir stated, staring at the fuzzy little demon as Amina likes to call it in the arms of Aahil, whom casually strolled in with it with little care.

One of his hands held the white coated creature, while the other hand caressed it. To express its appreciation for the action, it curled into the man's arms further, seeking solace and comfort from being petted.

Aahil continued the action, almost subconsciously as h made his way further into the kitchen, where the others were with little care. "And so?"

Benazir shifted her gaze from the creature, to Amina whom stood behind her, as if seeking protection from the cute little being. Truth be told, anyone who does a double take at the creature can tell its harmless.

Amina was unwilling to see that though. In her eyes, it was a devil that will ounce on her any chance it gets. She could never see her overcoming her fear of cats.

It was obvious from the repelled look she pulled, glaring at the being from behind the protection of Benazir.

Benazir sighed, and tilted her head in the direction of Aahil, whom made his way to the refrigerator, pulling it open and looking for God knows what.

She remembers the promise she made to Amina, but she didn't bother to let anyone know because she hadn't expected anyone to bring a pet, especially not a cat and especially not Aahil.

He was never a pet person. What changed.

"How were you even allowed to bring a pet along? I thought you guys flew here as well." She knew it was possible since some do so, but she doubt with the way Aahil was petting it that he allowed it to stay in a cage for an hour flight.

He seemed to be treating it a little too much, maybe even better than he treats some people.

One of Dean's friends, and team mate, Hunter, chuckled from the side as he picked up a grape from the bowl on the table, and popped one into his mouth. "He's Aahil Tafida. Does that answer your question?" He slanted an amusing look in the direction of the man whom remained unfazed by the statement.

He acted as if he didn't even hear it. He casually went on to pull out a bottle of juice he wanted to take, before closing the refrigerator. Placing it on the counter, he shifted the cat to his other hand before pulling it open with his right hand.

Benazir casted an annoyed look in the direction of her cousin, "Yes, we get it. He's a celebrity and all, big deal."

"He is a big deal." Stated another of one Dean's team mate, Chris, the blonde with a knack for dark humor. Though his tone was light, there was no trace of amusement on his face.

He has always been the one that takes things a bit serious amongst them all. Safe to say, he's the sensible one. And the one with facts.

Benazir blew out a fed up sigh, hands akimbo. She just can't throw anything against Aahil in the presence of these guys, they are always quick to defend him. Makes one wonder what he does to earn this much solidarity from them.

And to think they are supposed to be opponents.

They get along well. Always have.

"Since when have you had a cat?" She resorted to asking instead, her lips slanted into a deep frown. "I don't remember you being the pet type of person." It wasn't like he can't take care of it or anything, heck, he can take care of them all if it comes to that.

He's responsible, in spite of the character and all. There's no denying he would care for the pet well.

However, he doesn't even have any interest in it in the beginning.

Aahil didn't look up, as he rummaged through the cabinets in an attempt to find the cat food he placed earlier on. Amma did the task of placing it aside for him, so, he wasn't sure where exactly she placed it. "Since I decided I want a partner." He casually stated.

Benazir's brows furrowed. What is he taking about now? "Huh?" Upon realizing she wouldn't get an answer, she shook her head and the inquired yet again. "Never mind. Where did you even get that thing?"

On the third trial of rummaging a cabinet, he found the can of cat food and then reached out to bring it out. Turning around, he placed it on the counter, then looked up to meet her gaze. "This thing has a name. She's 'shortcake'."

If possible, Benazir's brows furrowed even more. She couldn't help but wonder what has gotten into Aahil. He's always been weird in his own way, but he's simply drifting out of the way now.

He's acting way too weird.

"Who the hell names their cat shortcake?"

"I do."

She folded her lips in, then nodded despite not understanding one thing about this whole thing. Kissing her teeth, her hand reached out to scratch the nonexistent ache on the side of her forehead. "Okay I have just one question. Why?"

Aahil slanted his gaze in the direction of the woman behind her, whom now sported a glare direction towards him while she planned all sorts of murderous thoughts in her mind when it comes to him.

She felt as though he did it intentionally. He has a knack for doing things she detest just to get on her nerves. And boy does he know it.

He could read the anger painted across her features. It was evident it was directed towards him, and he enjoyed it.

When his mirth filled eyes and her fury filled one's clashed, the corner of his lips slanted into a slight smirk, annoying her even more.

When he gave her answer, his voice was soft, almost as if he was telling a story.

"Because she's feisty," if possible, Amina's glare had him adding something else. "but cute as well." He looked away, pulling open the can and dropping it in the corner for the cat. Leaning down, the pet jumped out of his embrace upon spotting food and devouring it.

Getting on his feet again, he then added "-she's short as well." He picked up a tissue paper and wiped his hand clean. His gaze met Amina's for a split second, and if looks could kill, he'd be ten feet under.

Is he kidding her? Because those descriptions sound oddly familiar. It was almost like she's heard it before.

Benazir parted her lips to say something, but the sound of Amma's voice calling her came, so she had to excuse herself from the scene, hastily stepping out. Amina looked as though she wanted to follow her as well, just so she could be anywhere but there.

She hasn't even been in the house for two hours and yet she was already regretting it. She knew from the beginning when she heard of his presence that it might not end in her favor. It made matters worse when she came to realize exactly whom AT grew up to be.

Who would've thought.

She knew from that exact moment that he'd make her days hell. That seems to be his life's mission.

She fully intended to stick to Benazir like glue, but she couldn't do that then-not when it was Amma calling out for her. So, she's stuck with him in the same room. Great.

Upon Benazir's disappearance, Hunter's voice came almost instantly, reminding her of their presence. "Yo, bro. You coming with us?" he directed his question to Aahil.

She's only interacted with them for a while, but she had a feeling Hunter will be her favorite. He seemed nicer, and more outgoing. Chris is nice as well, but he's a bit too serious. The third guy, a Korean by the name Kim Bae Hyun seem to have something against her. She can't point what exactly.

And then, there's Dean. She'd rather save him for later.

Aahil rounded the counter, Making his way to dining table where Amina stood by, his gaze on the guys outside in the backyard. They weren't far away though, so they didn't have to raise their voices to interact. "Where are you going?"

"Horse riding." It was Chris that answered. "The girls are tagging along as well. Wanted to make the most out of the weekend. So, you coming too?".

Aahil didn't think twice before he shook his head. "No. You guys go ahead. I'll stay back." Interacting wasn't exactly something he was looking forward to. He'd rather stay home, it's a good chance to catch up with Amma anyway.

He hadn't been home in long. They are due for some mother and son bonding moment.

"Thank God." He heard the woman beside him mumble not so lightly. It was almost like said it out loud intentionally.

And she did.

His brows furrowed, then he slanted his gaze in her direction. "Excuse me?"

Her eyes dilated slightly, as she looked up. Meeting his gaze, she offered an apologetic smile, or so she feigned. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just expressing my profound joy to not spend another minute with you. Sorry."

He quirked an unamused brow. "That gives you joy, doesn't it?"

She grinned. "You have no idea." At this point, they've made it their life's mission both to express their dislike towards each other.

He hummed, his expression mirroring hers as he gave her a fake smile as well. "At the end of the day, you'll still come back home to me anyway so..." the smile widened, as fake as ever. "...enjoy it while it lasts."

Her smile faltered for a second, upon realizing the truth behind his words. She will come back home and see him, unfortunately. Pushing those thoughts aside, she plastered a tight lipped smile. "I'll make sure to revere every second of not being anywhere around you or that devilish cat of yours."

"What? You scared of cats or something?" He teases.

She glared at him, but kept her lips sealed.

That served as an answer. It had him chuckling lightly. "Well on that note, you should watch your back." His voice dropped. "it can recognize people hostile towards me and it of course. She'd attack without a second thought. We don't want you two running around the house now do we?"

She gritted her teeth, her side curling by the side. He was simply pulling her legs, but she took it seriously. She meant it when she said she detested cats. This time around, she didn't bother to put on a fake smile. Instead, she gritted out, "I'll be sure to enjoy every single moment of being away from you."

"You do that."

"I will."

He nodded slowly to himself. A second passed, before he took a step closer to her, leaning so he could whisper and only she could hear. "I'll be anticipating your return then, shortcake."

His voice suddenly near her ears made her overly aware of his presence. From his breath, to the sudden close of gap though there was still a reasonable space between them. Still, she was engulfed by his cologne.

He seemed to have taken a shower like the others. They needed it after sweating like earlier.

Now he oozed or a manly cologne, something along the line of musk, oud and a woody scent impossible to get out of one's sense. The longer he spent in her space, the more the scent imprinted itself in her mind.

He suddenly pulled back, and she would be lying if she says she doesn't miss the intoxicating scent. Taking a few reasonable steps away from her, his voice came yet again, his expression no longer larking. "Also, wear something more covering. It makes you look less ugly." He stated, referring to her now open hair.

For some reason, she had decided to rid herself of the scarf and leave the hair open like that. It ticked him off, he'd been meaning to say something.

"-and for your information. It wasn't a suggestion." It was enough she waltzing around the house with Hunter and the others around like that. Going outside is just pushing the limits.

He's usually calm and likes to keep to himself, staying out of other's hair. But she, well, she makes him do stuff he didn't see him doing before. Everything he'd built his beliefs on, slowly crumbling like that.

He was already breaking the boundaries and bending those beliefs anyway. Why not go all the way?

She scoffed, coming back to her senses and finding her voice. "You don't tell me what to do."

He nodded. "Let's see if you can go anywhere like that then." His gaze pinned her down, the seriousness behind his gaze was impossible to miss. "Not even Benazir can get you out, trust me."

"You wouldn't dare." She glared at him. She knew he was older than Benazir, and regardless of the jokes they tend to have and all, she still respects him.

If he says no to something, she doubt the girl will go against it.

"Try me, shortcake."

He didn't give her a room to protest as he picked up his juice, and casually strolled out, his cat in tow as if having known he was about to exit as well.

Amina glared at the direction the two disappeared off to. She hadn't realized how long she stared for, but eventually, a familiar manly and soothing voice sliced through the chain of thoughts.

"Hey...you ready to get going?"

She painstakingly tore her gaze from the direction, then turned around to offer Dean a small, forced smile. "Yeah, just give me a second." She swallowed down a lump. "I'll just get a veil and come back."

In the end, she gave in.


What happened to comments? Abi I offend una? Biko comment now.

I'm getting far ahead in the book and the comments make me update faster here. Abeg, motivate your girl.

Honestly I'm just feelu g empty today. I don't want to do anything again. Sigh. It's just one of those days.

I've got nothing more to say so goodnight.

Love, Jannah Mia ❤️

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