15; Heartstrings in Hangul.
I don't want to resume school. I don't want to resume school. I don't want to resume school!!
"Amma bakida mutunci. You've forgotten everyone since we graduated. Haba, Amina. Ordinary calls every now and then ma ya gagara?"
Amina sighed, looking away for a brief second. She didn't know what to say to the woman seated beside her, knowing everything will sound like an excuse. So, she chose to say the first thing that came to her mind. "It's nothing personal really, Benazir. You know how I am, sometimes I hate interacting in general."
Benazir Bello Tafida, Amina's high school best friend and the one friend she genuinely appreciated having back in the days sent a glare her way, one that she'd grown used to when they were younger.
Now, even though a little over five years has passed, and they've all changed, Amina could still see the traces of resemblance between the Benazir from five years ago and the woman seated in front of her.
The old Benazir was young, cute and just the sweetest soul to be around. She was one of those friends that gave it their all with no questions asked. On days Amina detested secondary school days, Benazir understood her troubles and stood by her side.
She truly was a good friend, one that Amina would've held close in her heart even if their paths never aligned again.
The woman sitting in front of her though seemed older, no surprise there, and more matured. Gone were the braces she wore during their last year in high school and the highlights she'd gotten, which drove her parent mad every single time.
Though her hair was covered with a vintage scarf, Amina doubted she was still into the hair highlights. It has to be had left behind in the past along with that childish image she seemed to have shrugged off, and instead, embraced this image of a woman others would envy.
In response to Amina's statement, all Benazir gave was a hum, one that in Nigerian terms would be 'I hear you', the sarcastic statement that shows one doesn't exactly agree with you, but will let you have it anyway.
"Five years, AIB, five years since we last saw or spoke to each other." Benazir stated as a matter of fact. "There's so much to catch up on, you know. It's like you'd disappeared off the face of the earth."
"You're exaggerating."
"I'm not. You even changed numbers. No socials as well. No one knows the university you went to, heck your family even moved. Buya kikayi kawai abunki." God knows she's tried her best to look for her old best friend, but all efforts proved futile.
It was like she never existed.
"I took a break from social media." She casually shrugged in response, like it's no big deal because to her, it really isn't. "I needed to do it for my mental health."
In this era, how can one even survive without social media? Especially someone of their generation.
It's possible, and Amina did it for a out two years. It was one of the best decisions she'd made really.
See, she was never particularly fond of her secondary school. It was a stage in her life that she never wishes to go back to, not even in her dreams.
She wasn't bullied or anything, it just wasn't the best stage in her life. It was toxic, and mentally draining. How could she still keep ties with anything that would remind her of it?
Sure, she ghosted everyone, including those that were good to her. However, to her, it was part of the healing process. And that led to another reason she did just that.
At one point, it wasn't the people around her that were the problem, she was. She knew she was toxic to some at one point as well without intending to do.
So, a detox from everything to start afresh was the best way she could think of to move on. It's harder than she says it to be, but she still did it nonetheless.
And she has no regrets. She'd do it over, and over again as well. She comes first, her mental health comes first. It was a lesson she learnt then. Though she wasn't particularly up for that concept then.
Benazir gazed at Amina for a short while before exhaling softly. Having been friends with the woman since they were young, she understood the silence and the story behind words she doesn't utter.
She could understand perfectly well. So, she chose not to prod further down that lane.
She simply nodded, then reached out to pick the soda she has ordered as they waited for the food they ordered to be delivered. They stopped by a small eatery to catch up, nothing fancy about it.
Just a warm, cozy place to catch up on the past.
"So..." Benazir started after taking a sip of the soda, placing it on the table. Lifting her head up, she offered the woman seated across her a warm smile. "... how have you been? How are you here? Are you here with your parents?"
From what she could recall, Amina has always been wrapped up in the arms of her parents. They were a happy family of three. Benazir wouldn't admit it, but she used to envy the close-knit three they had. It was such a rare kind of relationship, it was beautiful-the kind one would aspire to have.
She could recall everyone believing Amina had it all. She was beautiful, kind, and well off. Given, she was never the smartest student, but she was social and outgoing, which made up for the academic parts she lacked.
Amina's lips slanted into a slight frown, a crease marring her forehead. She lifted her gaze from the unopened soda can in front of her, the second she wished to take that night, so God help her health, then met Benazir's gaze. "I'm here alone actually." She voiced out, her tone low. "For work."
"You're working? That's amazing. As a writer? You working as a famous anonymous writer or something?" She could recall that being the girl's passion since back in the days, and how she hoped to pursue it though her parents seemed to have a different idea.
They wanted her to be a doctor or something. Typical.
Amina shook her head slowly, her fingers drawing invisible lines on the table between them. She was hesitating. "No," She swallowed thickly. "With a fashion brand." She elaborated. "Hallyu Heritage."
Benazir's eyes dilated slightly, excitement brewing in them. "That's a renowned international brand, it's so cool you're working there. Makes sense actually, your fashion sense is impeccable. You have an eye for it."
Amina could only offer her a smile, wondering if Benazir would still say the same thing knowing precisely what her work was there and that she's bad at it. She thought it'd be as easy as when she worked as a model back at home, apparently not.
She's actually a bit surprised Benazir, whom she'd always known to be obsessed with the latest fashion trends and all, not to have seen her in one of the outfits she'd modeled for. The brands were pretty big as well.
She dismissed the thought. The world is too big anyway. You'd always be oblivious to certain things.
"-Wait though, Mommy allowed you to travel all the way here alone?" Benazir quirked a brow, finding it hard to tamp down her surprise. How could she not? Amina's case wasn't like others.
While most lived with strict fathers that guarded every little thing they do, her mother does that instead while her father was the one always helping her out.
She wasn't particularly strict, but she didn't spoil Amina too much though people don't see that.
At the mention of her mother, Amina felt a pang in her chest, almost like someone slammed it with something.
She swallowed thickly, her lips slanting into a sad smile. "She uh..." she darted her tongue out to wet her suddenly chapped lips. She met Benazir's gaze, then added. "... she passed away three years ago." She couldn't remember the last time she uttered that statement.
She avoided it at all cost, pretending it didn't happen.
However, she couldn't hide it from Benazir. She was the closest friend she has, after Inaya.
Benazir's expression instantly morphed into that of remorse and pity, her lips curling into a deep frown. She felt as though she was hit by a truck, and the breath was knocked out of her.
Mommy was like a mother to her, she'd been nothing but kind to her for as long as she'd known her. To think she passed away without her even knowing....
Benazir blew out a shaky breath, her mind grappling to find the right words. "I..." She blinked, shaking her head to clear her jumbled mess of a mind before meeting Amina's gaze again. "...I'm sorry for your loss. I had no idea-"
"It's okay, it's been a while already." Amina was quick to cut her off with a wave of her hand, hoping she'd allow the conversation to die there.
The last thing she needed was another thing that would sour her mood. She's been trying to keep that part tucked away in her mind because God knows if she were to unlock and revisit the memories, she might not be able to handle it.
Thankfully, Benazir got the memo and kept her lips sealed, though the mood has already been soured. Their food arrived and saved them both from the uncomfortable silence that reigned between them.
They ate in silence, each too caught up in their worries to even stir up a conversation. They couldn't think of the right thing to say, especially Benazir, who could tell from the beginning that Amina is going through a tough time.
When they were done, before Amina could make a move to make the payment, Benazir jumped in and did the honors, telling the former that their reunion dinner is on her.
Upon rounding it all up, they casually walked around in silence, making their way to the bus terminal where they would go their separate ways. It was already late, and Amina doubted she would get a cab early.
Besides, she's near the bus station already. Might as well take one.
"Hey, my family and I are spending the weekend in Jeju Island, you can come with us if you want." Benazir offered with a warm smile "I'm sure they'd be happy to see you."
"You're here with your family?" Benazir hadn't said much about herself, Amina noticed then.
"Kind of. My Uncle's family is here, so I occasionally drop by to see them." Benazir explained, before adding a fact she hoped will jog Amina's memory. "AT's family. You remember him, right? My cousin from our secondary school?"
Amina let out a small scoff under her breath, upon remembering a piece of information from back then. "Of course I remember him." Her lips slanted into a deep frown. "He bullied me every chance he gets." How could she forget the one person that constantly gave her headaches back then.
He was annoying, and everything more.
Benazir chuckled upon hearing those words and seeing the look on Amina's face. It didn't take a genius to know she doesn't like him, never did. He perturbed her every chance he gets, constantly making fun of her and all.
"Yeah, that one." The amusement in her tone was hard to miss. "I'm spending the weekend with his family. Join us, you have the weekend off, don't you?"
"Yeah... no." Amina shut it down without a second thought. "I'd rather not." The last thing she wanted was an encounter with someone that would only make her life unbearable.
Besides, why would she join when it seems to be a family affair? She'd feel as though she's invading a private thing.
Benazir's lips slanted into a deep frown. "Oh come on, join us. Would you rather stay all alone here and waste the weekend or come with us? You'd love the air and environment in Jeju. It's therapeutic."
"Still no." Sounds tempting, but she'll pass.
"Join us."
"Pretty please."
"No. And 'pretty please?' Really, what are you? Ten?"
"Call me whatever you want but join us please." Benazir hooked her arm with Amina's, offering her the cheekiest grin she could muster. Her dimples stood out, making her look cuter than intended. "Don't you want to catch up with me? We could rekindle old relationships over this. Just picture this, a nice relaxing weekend in a scenic place simply catching up with your good ol' friend with no work stress whatsoever. Just let everything go and enjoy the moment."
Amina glared at her, though it didn't last for long. It fell upon seeing the look flashed her way. How could she say no to that face, please?
Her lips slanted into a small smile that she tried to hide with a frown. "Alright, fine. Just stop with that face. You look ugly."
Benazir's grin widened if possible. "Whatever, you just agreed." Her index finger shot out, a serious look marring her features. "No take backs!"
"I know."
"Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow at eleven. You better be ready by then." She let go of her arm and hastily exchanged contacts with her as they had reached the bus station.
After exchanging the contacts and were about to go their separate ways, Amina suddenly called out to her, upon remembering a very important detail she forgot. "And Benazir!"
"Huh?" The woman whom had started to make her way in the other direction turned around with furrowed brows.
Amina gave her a stern look. "No cats." She stressed out. She hates those fuzzy little demons.
Benazir gave her the okay sign. "Got it, Ma'am. No cats."
What's easiest way to drop out of uni without getting disowned by your parents please😂 For the first time in years I don't want to resume.
Sha, I no get choice so we moveeeee.
Benazir is... Well, you gerrit😂
You see another fated tie pulling up? You seeing the pieces slowly fall into place? It's getting more interesting, huh??
Yall should lack your bags, we're going to Jeju Island!!! My ghana must go, wait, scratch that. My Jeju must go is ready and set! Na to set out first thing tomorrow morning.
Let's meet za Jeju squad!
I just love Amina and Benazir's friendship. Who missed Aahil? You'll see him again soon.
It appears we have two teams here. Are you team Aahil, or not?
I'm currently watching tale of the nine tailed 1938 and let's just say, it's chaotic but funny😂 them people are clowns. I recommend if you're into fantasy and comedy. Watch the first one though. This is the second season.
Wait seffff, are you sharing this book kuwa? Does your reader friends know about it? What about your whatsapp contact? Your Ig people? Your village people kini???? Ah ah, share am with them nowwww.
Feel free to tag me on ig when you do. Handle is same as my username here.
Love yall. Stay safe.
Love, Jannah Mia ❤️
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