13; Mi Chin Saeggi.
Keep the comments coming in. I love them!!
"I'm hungry."
Amina lifted her head up from her phone, seated on a couch opposite him. She had asked for a day off, or more like permission to do her work online for the day since it seemed she wouldn't leave the hospital before the day ends.
By some sort of miracle, Veronica agreed with little qualms.
Her lips slanted downwards into a frown, her eyes narrowed at the man now seated on the hospital bed. He had been awake much to her dismay, but they seemed to have arrived at some sort of unvoiced agreement that they wouldn't speak to each other.
It's been like that since the doctor in charge of him left. At first, it was a bit awkward, but they quickly grew out of it when they both engrossed themselves on their mobile devices—his, which the manager fetched along with everything he wanted based on Aahil's request.
Amina could only watch in wonder, seeing the way the manager was acting as if he would kiss the ground Aahil walks on. The obedience was too much.
And what does Aahil do? He seems unbothered by the action, almost like he was used to it.
Just who the hell is he?
"You're hungry?" She repeated, her gaze now on him despite having heard him as clear as day.
He nodded, his expression blank. "Yes."
"What do you want me to do then?"
"Buy me food."
Why is he telling her that again? She wondered whether he was kidding her. Did he forget what happened last night? She's in no position to get him food. Is he doing this intentionally to mock her or something? Because he seems to be pretty good at doing so.
She blew out a breath to calm herself before saying anything she might regret. Upon releasing the deep breath, she met his gaze with a plastered, fake wide smile. "Well, Mr. Whatever your last name is, I guess you've forgotten what happened last night, but," her fake grin widened. "I'm in no position to buy you food."
He didn't respond, neither did his expression give him away. There was no look of surprise, not that there is a reason for that, he knows already, and no mocking look as well to show he was kidding.
He simply stared at her with a blank look, unwavering.
She waited for him to take it back after one second, then the one after that, and another. Eventually, when she got no response, she found herself looking away for a brief second and then exhaling slightly before she met his gaze again.
"Listen, whatever it is you want to eat, I'm sure it's nothing you can't order online. It'll just take a few seconds to do so, I'm sure you know better than I do." He didn't seem like someone who's there for the first time, and even if he is, she's sure he's spent long enough to get acquainted with most people there.
The stall lady from last night, a typical example, she seems to know him well.
It means he knows his way around the place better than her, no doubt.
Why is he intent on making her suffer then? Because it seems he derives pleasure from seeing her all distressed.
"The place I want from doesn't do deliveries," he stated casually. "And I need it to eat that. You heard what the doctor said earlier, I need to be careful about what I eat. Do you want me to get sick again?"
She pretends to think for a brief second before she offered him a fake wide grin. "Actually, I don't mind." The grin disappeared. "You'll be doing the world a favor, actually. No one wants to stay around someone like you." He had gotten on her last string of patience. He was taking her kindness for granted.
Besides, it's not like she's forgotten all that he'd done and was willing to forgive him. Ah, no. That's another matter entirely, and they'll settle it once he's out of the hospital. She was sparing him the trouble only because of the injury.
"So, you're comfortable allowing me to starve?"
"I'm comfortable when I'm not constantly disturbed by you," she corrected, her gaze still pinned to her phone. She wonders how her work keeps piling up despite all she's done. She's starting to regret that she's not a quitter statement.
"Fine, I'll get it myself then."
"Great." She lifted her head from the phone for a brief second. "Make it two."
It's not like she doesn't pity him, she wouldn't be there if she doesn't. But, the man has been pulling shots on her, and he's trying to do the same at that moment.
What? They don't do deliveries? She doubts it.
If he wants it so badly, he can get it himself and get her as well.
He stared at her blankly before offering her a sarcastic smile that didn't last a second upon seeing hers widen, obviously unfazed by the obvious sarcasm behind it.
Pushing the comforter covering his lower limbs aside, he slowly swung his legs over the bed to slip into the flops there, his eyes briefly glancing at the device in her hand, which she had shifted her gaze to get again.
"What are you doing?" He couldn't help but ask. He's been curious for a while now because she has been staring at the screen nonstop while typing away. It can't be healthy to stare at the screen for that long.
It has been a little over three hours since she started after the doctor left, and she's been staring at it.
"You work?" Sure, he's been seeing her leave pretty much every day at the same time he takes his tea on the balcony, a tradition he has started courtesy of a free show he got from her.
He wouldn't admit it, but it's become like a routine or something, watching her get a cab to leave every morning. He was simply glad the company Dean shared their details with him seemed to be efficient.
She's been using them ever since, meaning she no longer needed to make a fool of herself on the street.
Why did he do that? It's simple. She looked at two stupid on the streets then, he couldn't allow her to repeat the same thing. Then, it'll seem even more pathetic.
But even with all that, he still couldn't picture her working.
Upon hearing the judgment in his tone, she dropped her phone, her eyes narrowed and lips downturned. "What is that supposed to mean?" She was offended. It wasn't the first time someone undermined her; if anything, she's supposed to be used to it.
However, there was something about the way he said it. She doesn't know why, but it felt more offensive. She was easily irked.
His expression didn't falter, even when presented with such a glare. He simply shrugged, unbothered. "You seem like the pampered type," he stated matter-of-factly. "You don't look like the type that would work."
"You don't know me."
"I know a pampered princess when I see one," he dismissed, getting on his feet. Leaning down, he picked up the cardigan on the chair beside the bed and donned it over the hospital uniform he was forced to wear.
He hates it almost as much as he hates fashion companies' outfits. Maybe
, a little bit less since it doesn't have that dramatic flare they do.
Not to mention, he was feeling a bit cold. He needed something to keep him warm.
When she didn't reply, he continued as he shrugged the cardigan on. "—what?" He spared her a brief glance, not missing the glare still sent his way. She truly seemed upset. "Does it hurt when someone tells you the truth?"
"You're being unnecessarily rude," she admitted, losing any ounce of lark in her. It truly wasn't funny. The way he spoke casually and still managed to undermine her hurt her.
He has no idea how much effort and mental will it took her to reach there.
Still, he was unfazed. His expression held no ounce of remorse, neither did he take back his words. If anything, he went on to speak, sprinkling salt on her wounds.
"I'm not being rude. I'm stating facts." Being straightforward has to be one of his many flaws. He wouldn't sugarcoat it for her; he would lay it out as it is.
"Facts that you have no knowledge of."
For the first time since she met him, his lips slanted into a smile, but it wasn't a genuine one. It seemed mocking. "Let me guess." He dropped his hands by his side, having worn the warm clothing. His eyes met hers. "You had an argument with your parents, and the pampered princess decided to leave home and live halfway across the world with no relations, no supervisors whatsoever. Am I wrong?"
He wasn't, and they both know it.
She couldn't even deny it, despite how desperately she wanted to. He was right, he was too accurate even.
She wouldn't believe it if he told her he only said that upon observing her and coming to a conclusion.
It's easy, really, it was obvious from the way she has been living.
Also, in a Nigerian home, unless she is pampered, he doubts she would dare leave home like that. Leave that attitude to children of Mommy and Daddy. Mama and Baba's kids dare not try that else their village people will be the least of their concerns.
Amina couldn't understand how easily their conversation had escalated to this. It couldn't simply be because she refused to get food for him that he's acting this way, right? That would make him a gae saekki.
She held his gaze, anger brewing in her like molten lava. She wasn't one to easily get offended, but she couldn't figure out why she was being picked on like that when she's done nothing to deserve it.
Even as she stared at him, one question ran through her mind. "What have I done to you?" She questioned softly, her voice low. "Why are you doing this to me?"
He tilted his head to the side slightly. "I just have a thing against spoiled kids," he shrugged, like it's nothing. "As for you, I don't know why you left home, but I'll tell you, it's not a good plan. Sure, you may not listen now, but you'll soon realize the outside world is harsh, especially outside the beautiful clutches of your parents' care."
"Your opinion means nothing to me."
"Then why are you getting upset? I'm simply stating facts here." To him, that was a normal conversation. He could only be as brutally honest with her. "I've seen girls like you. The end result isn't always good. Wake up, this isn't a movie. It's real life."
He doesn't have anything against women going abroad alone or anything, it's a personal preference. However, in her case where she ran away from home and traveled to the other side of the world, it's a bad idea.
"—You're too naive, that's the problem. Look at you now, in the same place with me, a stranger. What makes you certain I'm not a bad person? Is that the way you'd be with everyone too?"
A humorless chuckle left her lips, unable to help herself. "I'm here because of you. Forgive me for trying to do something good—"
"It's not being 'good.' It's being naive and stupid. And it's exactly that attitude that'll be the fall of you out here." He cut her off before she could go further. "Also, being good won't take you anywhere. Look around, there are a lot of bad people out there, and it's fools like you that always end up being victims."
His words, they felt like daggers to her. So much for trying to do a good deed. She gets insulted instead to her face. The thought had her lips slanting into a bitter smile.
"You know what…" She pushed herself on her feet, putting her phone in the pocket of her jacket while she glared at him, her face red with fury.
Going to stand in front of him, she dismissed how she looked so small in front of him. Instead, she tilted her head up, then gritted out the words hoping they would sink into that stupid head of his. "Ggeo jyeo, mi chin saeggi; go to hell, crazy SOB." Turning around on her feet, she stormed out, not bothering to turn around even for a second and spare him a glance.
She was so done with him. He can go to hell and screw himself there.
So, you hate Aahil? Can't relate since he's a sucker where I'm writing🤭😭 I'm getting the butterflies and the giggles and the...urgh!
Can't wait for yall to meet th Jeju squad. They're the best🥺 Who are they? You ask. You'll meet them in 4 or five chapters.
Za devil is tempting me to end this book at 35 chapters but I shall not cower! It won't work anyways so, yeah.
Have a good day.
Love, Jannah Mia ❤️
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