12; The Seoul Connection.
Yall should thank Amiiyraah_x for this. Her comments made my day fr❤️
Amina has always believed in the law of paying everything back whatever it is someone owes her regardless of the situation.
If you owe her, she pays you back and you have to accept it for she wouldn’t take it back.
So, she believes she owes Aahil one now for last night’s dinner. She was the one that asked for it anyway, because she was in desperate need of it. It still doesn’t change the fact that they hate each other’s guts though, even more considering what he did for to her afterwards.
She owes for the food, or so she wanted to believe till he ran way and ditched her. Now, she owes him a piece of her mind.
She couldn’t get to do so the night before as by the time she returned, it was actually quite late and she didn’t have the energy to argue with him. The small energy she had managed to muster was spend on wishing dishes and mopping the floor to pay back for the food she'd eaten.
“Work and earn what you eat.” Said the stall owner lady. She said it in Korean, or more scolded it in to Amina’s mind whom used her little knowledge of Korean to translate it.
She couldn’t even argue with the woman. How could she when she’s holding the short end of the stick?
She could do nothing other than hang her head low and scrub the floors clean to avoid getting scolded. Her outfit, of designer brand, got tainted by Kimchi water and she doesn’t need a genius to tell her it wouldn’t easily come out, if it would.
It's ruined anyway. And she adored that outfit with everything in her.
All throughout, she was cursing out Aahil’s entire generation and making a mental note to give him a piece of her mind. She’s so sick and tired of him. Every time he gets involved, every single damn time, something bad always happens. It’s like trouble follows him around like that.
When she was done scrubbing and washing dishes, something she’d never ever done in her life before, she was finally allowed to leave. She was in a rush to disappear and never been seen there again.
She’d need another shower to get rid of that stench, and to think she took one just before she went out.
Damn you, Aahil.
She was stopped by the owner, the woman Amina had grow a fear of because God, can she scold. Her loud voice was enough sent divers down one’s spines.
She brought a pack of something wrapped in a silk an pushed it into Amina’s arms. “Here, take this home and eat it. It’s bad to stay without anything healthy. Don’t depend on those junk food of yours.” She said in Korean, and yet again, Amina managed to translate and put a meaning to it.
She stared down at the small lunch boxes that have been piled to make a tall pile. Her eyes widened, and then she instantly shook her head. “No, I really can’t take this…” What follows after she’s taken it, a part time job where she’ll wash and scrub stalls? No, thank you.
That’s the last thing she wants. The horror.
The woman was quick to wave her hand and cut her off. “Nonsense, take it, it’s free. And don’t worry, I didn’t add anything that’s not permissible to eat.”
Even with that said, Amina still wasn’t willing to accept it. Yes, she definitely needs it especially now that she’s broke, but how could she take food from a random stranger without paying? It doesn’t make sense.
“I really can’t take it.” She shook her head. “”Thank you, but it’s too much.”
“Nonsense. A friend of Aahil’s is a friend of mine. I’m not taking back.” She the gave her a stern look, before offering her a ghost smile. “Why are you acting like that? Is it because I gave you a hard time earlier? Isn’t it you that said you wanted to learn how to work?”
“You wanted to learn how to work.” The woman repeated, though this time it sounded like a question seeing the confusion on Amina’s face. “That’s what Aahil said.”
“He said what?”
“Oh, I see what’s happening here.” Realization dawned on the woman’s face as she chuckled slightly. “He pulled one of his numerous stunt in you. I should’ve known.” She then shook her head. “It means he’s slowly recovering of the things he doesn’t speak about. I’m glad.”
The last thing she said and the way she said it made it seem like there’s more to the story than one knows, and Amina would be lying if she says she wasn’t inquisitive regarding it. But, she didn’t prod.
“Regardless. I really cannot take this, it’s too much.”
“Then share it with him, problem solved.” The woman shrugged as if her suggestion would really fix everything. Not giving Amina a chance to argue, she took a few steps back. “I’ll be expecting you two again soon.” She turned around on her heels and left Amina standing with a armful of food that will without a doubt last her over a week.
She doesn’t eat much anyway. She would just refrigerate it and eat when hungry.
And that was how she ended up with free food, but a furious heart as well. As early as 6:00AM the next day, she dressed up and was ready to head to work, but not giving him a piece of her mind.
That’s why she came out really early, so they can finish everything up and she wouldn’t b late for wok.
In her hand, an umbrella rested upon seeing the weather forecast yet again predict a rainy day about to take place. So, she came out prepared.
Matching to stand in front of his door, she reached out and tapped the bell the waited eagerly. When she got no response, she reached out to press the bell again, then again, and again up until the door swung open, and the he made an appearance.
She hadn’t expected it, but when she saw him swing slightly like he was about to fall forward, she was quick to step back and extend her umbrella, putting a safe distance between them and holding him up with it, or so her feeble mind believed.
Aahil regained his composure, his red and drowsy staring at her through his slightly blurry gaze. Even if he couldn’t make out her face, he could tell it was her.
Who else would nudge him with an umbrella.
“Five feet apart, brother.” She warned, in a fake Arabic accent. It wasn’t intentional, just a random action that unexpectedly had the corner of his lips tugging into the smallest of smiles.
This girl seriously needs to get her brain checked. She’s not okay.
He shook his head, painfully blowing out a breath as he forced himself to stand straight, though every nerve in his body was screaming at him to lay down.
Amina didn’t miss the action. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and when she inquired, her tone as laced with curiosity and seriousness. “What’s wrong with you? Are you sick or something?”
“I’m good.” He cleared his throat as his voice came out hoarse. “What do you want? Why are you here again?”
“To send you to hell, but it seems some virus is already doing that in your body.” She retracted her umbrella, and held it by her side. “Don’t you think you should go to a hospital?” he looks bad, like he’s really sick, that much is evident.
His head tilted to the side, and though there was no amusement plastered across his features, his tone still held a it of humor. “What? You worried about me or something, shortcake?”
Her face scrunched up. “First of all, never. I’d rather be worried about a dog. I just don’t have to have a corpse next door because he refuses to go to a hospital and two, ew. Never call me that again.”
He blew out a breath, then shook his head. He wasn’t in the mood to joke around with her. “Just go about your day if you have nothing else to say.” He made a move to close the door, but a foot shooting out and resting in the little space in between halted his actions.
He pulled the door open again and gave her a blank look. “What do you think you’re doing?” she just doesn’t know when to take a hint, does she?
“Saving your ungrateful ass, that’s what.” She retorted, her lips puckered slightly. “Come on, let’s go to a hospital.” If not that she has compassion for sick people, she wouldn’t bother, especially not after all that he’d done to her.
But it seems, he is determined to diminish that kind part of her. “Get lost.” He on the other hand detests hospitals. He wouldn’t willingly carry himself there no matter what, even though at the moment, he was feeling light headed.
He was determined to stay home till his body miraculously cures itself of whatever is wrong with him.
Amina parted her lips to say something. It sounded like she was scolding him, or so it appeared judging from the Furious look masked across her features and the incessant wave of her hands in various directions.
No word she uttered made any sense to him though, it sounded muffled, for the loud ringing in his head overtook it all.
And then, his gaze completely blurred out followed by his whole system shutting down. Everything became black as he blacked out.
Aahil awoke with an ache in his neck side; a side effect of falling on the floor or more like fainting only to awake and find himself in a hospital room.
The first person his eyes fell on was the last person he wanted to see them. He grumbled, his throat hoarse from being parched. “What happened?”
“You stupid stubborn ass fainted. That’s what.” She sassed, her eyes narrowed at him from where she stood, a few feet away from him, typing away on her phone. She then lifted her eyes to meet his. “I had the manager help bring you here.”
“The manager?”
“Yes. You didn’t think I would carry a grown man all the away here right? No can do, brother.”
He looked around the room, taking note of him being the only person there. The room seemed good as well, so he didn’t had to worry about seeing his face on some tabloid about being seen sick in a hospital.
Hopefully, no one noticed when he was brought there. Or so he hoped.
He didn’t miss the lack of presence of another person there as well. “Where’s the manager?”
“He went to settle your bills. In case you haven’t realized, the VIP room happens to be quite expensive. I don’t know why he insists on getting you one but…” her lips slanted into a wide smile that he couldn’t point on whether it means good or not. “… you should prepare to pay him back. I think I saw him noting down every money he’d spent on you. Being miser won’t help you this time around, I’m afraid.”
Aahil choose to ignore her, because if he plays along, they’d end up arguing and he couldn’t have any of that. His head still throbs anyway, he wanted more rest.
So, he flicked his eyes close again, hoping the pain will subdue.
Upon noticing the action, she straightened her spine, and then voiced out in a low voice. “I’ll go get the doctor.” She stepped out with a new mission in mind.
And so, she did. She returned later on with a doctor prodded into a bit more than Aahil would like, much to his dismay.
“He fell sick because of his allergies. Did he perhaps take anything he’s allergic to? Or doesn’t he know that he has allergies?” Inquired the doctor in charge of Aadil, staring at Amina who stood in front of him.
Her brows furrowed, before she slanted her gaze to the man now on a hospital bed. “I don’t know. Do you have any allergies?” She couldn’t answer that, because well, how could she?
It's not like she’s close to him or something.
Aahil refused to meet her gaze, she’s been acting like a mother scolding her child since he woke up a few minutes ago. He couldn’t do a single without her complaining.
His gaze landed on the doctor, then he answered. “I have a mushroom allergy.” He admitted, already knowing what was wrong with him. He’d known from the beginning. “I took an allergy pill though.”
“What did you eat with mushroom in it?”
Aahil shifted his gaze to the woman standing beside the doctor for a brief second, before cursing in his head. Why is she still there again? Doesn’t she have work or something?
Upon realizing he has two people waiting for his response, he sighed eventually and then answered with little hesitation. “Bibimbap.” He knew very well there were mushrooms in it and still ate it
That stubborn woman wouldn’t eat it unless it’s proved there was nothing wrong with it. Hence, why he did so. He made sure to eat as little as possible though, hoping it wouldn’t leave much effect.
He even left the minute he felt the side effects kicking in before he could suffer then and there. On getting home, he took his allergy pills before collapsing on the couch, where he ended up sleeping only to make up in a worse situation.
Amina’s eyes dilated almost instantly. “Wait…what?” The only thought running crossed her mind was how he knew of his allergies and still ate it. “You knew, and still ate it. Are you stupid?” She couldn’t help but ask.
How could he play with his life like that? Jokes aside, she doesn’t believe in anyone kidding around with their lives like that as if they have extra stashed away somewhere.
He shifted his blank gaze to her, unamused by the light scold. “Well, I wouldn’t have done so if someone didn’t create such a fuss on eating.” He threw back. “You should be glad I didn’t leave you hungry. Also, why are you still here?”
“Oh, for God’s sake.” She mumbled, looking away for a brief second. If not, she’d punch him in the face because how the hell does he still manage to be so annoying even on a hospital bed.
God, she hates him.
The doctor, upon seeing their banter has come to a halt cleared his throat, and then spoke. “Well, you need to stay a couple of hours but you should be fine afterwards. If it all goes well, you should be discharged before the day ends.”
Aahil nodded, the offered the man a small smile. “Alright, doc. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” The man dropped his hands that held a clipboard by the sides, then stared at the two before lightly making a comment. “Also, you should be glad your girlfriend is here with you. It means she truly cares about you.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
“I am not his girlfriend.”
The two responded at the same time, then shared a glance because of the timing was too correct. But, it only lasted a second before the were both quick to look away, unwilling to stare at each other.
While he was hoping she’d just leave, he would actually prefer being alone than in her company. The woman seems hell bent on annoying him to no ends, and not to mention, all these small encounter will only bring them closer at the end of the day. He would rather avoid that.
She on the other hand, couldn’t find it in her to do so, no matter how annoying he is. She wasn’t built to leave those sick just like that, it wasn’t in her nature to do so.
She has a bad experience she couldn’t let go of.
So, ultimately, they were stuck with each other.
Seems it’ll be a long day.
No ANs today since someone said they're too long.
Love, Jannah Mia ❤️
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