37. The Trio In Charge
Recap: Abhiram at Meenakshi's house - The midnight walk - friends again.
At Night
"Meenu, you cut the call first. Go to sleep. Good night." Abhiram said while walking through his empty balcony with phone in his ear.
"Why can't you end the call first? Why should it be always me?"Meenakshi asked back.
"Oh this girl. Ok I want to listen to you till the last moment while you end the call."he said.
"Oh then I am not ending."she said.
"You are mad. Then talk something else."he demanded.
"Dont behave like you are seeing my madness for the first time."she warned.
He laughed while turning back only to be freeze at his position. He became pale seeing his mom standing at the door while leaning on the wall. She had a smirk on her face that felt like a teasing smile for him. She raised her eyebrows and he grinned back.
"Meenu, mom is here. I will talk to you tomorrow. Good night."he said on phone.
"Wait. Is your mom watching you? I need to talk to her."Meenakshi said.
"Not now. Go and sleep now."he warned.
"Aunty, your son is in love with a mad girl." She shouted from the other end audible enough to hear in the entire room. He was shocked and his mom's smirk has increased. He cut the call immediately.
"Mom she was just..."he didn't get words to speak.
"Wait. What was she saying? I didn't hear it completely." His mom said coming near him.
"She is mad."he said.
"Oh I was thinking about which mad girl she was talking. Now you confirmed it."Dhana Khanna spoke in an authoritative tone and he had to try hard to hide his smile.
"Wait. Are you blushing?"she asked.
"Mom. Dont tease me."he screamed.
She bursted into laugh.
"Now tell me. Are you in love with your Meenakshi?"his mom asked making him skip his heart beat.
He was frozen for a moment and then nodded his head slightly.
"I can't believe this eventhough I had some doubts. Abhi, do you really love her?"Dhana was excited to know her son's mind.
"Yes mom. I love her. I love her more than any man can love his girl."he replied.
His mom was wondered for a moment and then she slowly made him sit on the couch. She sat beside him.
"Meenakshi she is just a rare creation of God. I don't know how to describe her. She can make us forget all our worries without our knowledge. She can make us smile and laugh. Above all she can make us think. She changed my perspectives about life. It is only because of her I am now alive physically and mentally. You dont have any idea how much crazy she is. But beyond that craziness she is hiding a wonderful personality that only people close to her can realize. She is amazing mom. If I ever wanted to fall in love with a girl, I wanted it to be someone like her. She is more than what I can describe about her."he rested his chin on his mom's shoulder while she embraced him into her arms.
"More than love, I respects her a lot. For everything she is. I don't want her to be out of my life. She can make us feel blessed with her presence. How can I stop myself from falling in love with her?" He said looking at his mom's brightened face.
"Does she love you?" His mom asked hopefully and his face changed.
"What happened Abhi? Didn't you confess your love till now? Then what was she shouting in phone?"his mom looks confused.
"Mom, I confessed my heart infront of her. But she..."he paused without knowing how to proceed the rest.
"She...did she reject you?"Dhana was curious and little bit tensed.
"She neither rejected nor accepted me."he replied.
"So I think you are in the waiting list. Good. You still have a chance boy. Dont worry."his mom consoled him by moving her hand through his hairs.
"No mom. She is very tough to understand. I am sure she loves me. She reciprocated my feelings many times during the span when I was staying with her. She was ready to confess too. But...."he stood up moving towards the railing.
"Then what happened?"His mom stood behind him.
"Then everything changed. She started ignoring me and moved away from me. I became a liar infront of her. She didnt like I hided things from her. That was the reason."he said.
"Come on she is still your best friend. Didn't you say that she forgot everything and became your friend again? Then why are you saying this?"his mom was confused and doubtful.
"Yes she still treats me the same after we talked and solved everything. But about her love. I dont know where it has gone."he stopped abruptly and Dhana bursted into a long laughter much to his surprise.
"Mom are you laughing after hearing my tragedic love story? This is so cruel."he said and she looked at him in wonder.
"Abhi, you don't know anything about love. Her love didn't gone anywhere. It's still with her. May be in thousand folds more. I am sure."her mom's words made him surprise.
"How do you know?"he asked excitedly.
"If a girl truely loves a boy, she can't forget him easily. His face will be carved inside her heart. She can't hate him completely even if he do some mistake. In this case you are still her best friend. I am sure she will be hiding her love. May be to test you or tease you. Since it's Meenakshi she can do anything to make you mad. Or may be she is waiting for right time to accept her love. Girls can hide their love more smartly than boys." She spoke making new hopes in his mind.
He smiled hugging his mom tightly.
"Thank you mom."he kissed her cheeks.
"Abhi you are madly in love with her."she chuckled seeing her son's happiness.
"So would you mind if I bring a weird daughter in law for you?"he asked giggling and she smiled.
"I think you will be her most craziest choice."she told making him laugh.
"I am so excited to meet her again. So tell me. When should I tell your dad about your love?"she asked and he thought for a moment.
"Mom, I don't want to hurry up. First of all let me make her confess and reveal her love for me. Only then I can think about marriage and that too will depend upon her choices. As long as she is with me I am happy. As a friend or lover or wife. I dont care. Her presence and care matters for me."he declared.
"Not only you, Meenakshi is too lucky to have you in her life. You both are made for each other. Dont hesitate to ask me any help if you want." His mom said before kissing his forehead.
He felt so happy.
Another Day
Abhiram entered into the restaurant looking at his both sides to find his friends who are waiting for him.
"Kooy...." He heard Meenakshi's voice and turned back shockingly to see her whistling in loud sound causing all the people in the restaurant to turn their attention towards her. Beside her Daksh is sitting with a shocked and confused face seeing her whistling. When she was about to whistle again Daksh immediately covered her mouth with his palm. And then she bit his hand making him scream. Abhi couldn't help but laughed. He moved towards them and took a seat opposite to his friends.
"Hai guys. I hope you didn't wait for me for a long time." Abhi said earning a glare from Daksh.
"Not so long. Just an hour only."Daksh said.
"Hello I am the managing director of a company and I can't just leave my work like you guys do."Abhi said.
"I was also MD of the same company for many months. But I could make time for you whenever you wanted. It's not about having time. It's all about finding time for our priorities. Now dont tell that your work is more important for you than your friends. We will kill you together."Daksh said bumping his shoulder on Meenakshi. But she kept quiet.
"Ok I am sorry. By the way why are you wandering like a free bird? Your old post is still vacant in our company. Join back before you have to face strict actions."Abhi said sternly.
"I am not in a mood to do any work. Leave me for a while."Daksh pleaded.
"I didn't request or advice you. It was an order. So be a good staff like our Meenakshi" Abhi said looking at Daksh and then at Meenakshi.
He noticed that Meenakshi is quiet and sitting with a big pout on her face.
"Meenu, what happened to you? Did anyone bite you?"Abhi asked making Daksh chuckle.
She didnt reply instead glared at him.
"Hey let me know too. What happened?"Abhi asked again.
"Hahaa...it is because Meenakshi lost a burger eating competition with me. She could only eat 3 while I finished 5 of them. Congrats to myself."Daksh laughed proudly.
"Oh that's a bad news. After all Meenakshi don't have an habit of losing." Abhi giggled making her more angry.
"See it's because your burger friend have cheated me with the restaurant waiter. He brought your friend small light burgers while I had to eat big and bulky ones. Not fair."she complained.
Daksh and Abhi bursted into laughter hearing her.
"Only you can make this type of excuses."Abhi said.
"I wont talk if anyone of you remind me about this competition again."she warned and both of them agreed.
They ordered some fresh juice and started having it.
They were chit chatting while Daksh decided to bring them back into the most awaited topic.
"So Abhi I heard that your parents are looking for good proposals for you. Good it's the right time to settle down man. They even called me to ask about your concepts regarding your future wife. What should I tell them?" Daksh asked with a smirk.
Both Meenakshi and Abhiram choked their drink. Abhi looked at his friend with big eyes and Daksh winked at him. Meenakshi felt that she have been captured inside some cage. Both Abhi and Daksh didn't fail to notice her confused state.
"I have no such concepts. Infact I want someone who are not ready to follow any concepts or rules."Abhi replied looking at Meenakshi. He couldn't stop smirking at her. She remained calm as if she is not existing in this world.
"Meenu, you tell me. What kind of a girl suits our Abhi? Dont you think that he needs someone who can control him and if necessary someone who can beat the shit out of him?"Daksh asked.
"Control? For what? I don't think Ram needs someone to control him or scold him."she said making them wonder.
"Infact marriage is not an establishment to control each other or changing them. It's all about love. Love have the power to make everything right. It's a commitment between two people that is more important than each other's differences and flaws. It's giving up your right to be right in the heat of an argument. It's forgiving another when they let you down. It's loving someone enough to step down so that they can shine. It's friendship, trust, understanding and more than all being confident about the other and motivating each other. Dominance and controlling doesn't come anywhere in marriage."she paused seeing the surprise in their eyes.
She looked at Abhi who smiled at her. She smiled back making his heart flutter.
"You will be such a good wife Meenu. What do you say Abhi?"Daksh asked.
"Well. I already found out my girl. So you dont need to worry about me anymore."Abhi said looking at Meenakshi and she smiled slightly.
They continued their conversation. It was then Abhi noticed that Meenakshi's eyes are glued to the table next to them. He turned back to see a man scrolling through his phone and he felt strange seeing her continously looking at him.
"Hey where are you?"he shook her making her relieve from her thoughts.
"Look at that pervert what he is doing."Meenakshi said to both of them. They turned their face to see that man still busy in his phone.
"I think he is watching a movie in his phone." Daksh replied.
"Useless eyes. He is taking video of that girls sitting at the next table."Meenakshi shouted.
They carefully watched the scenario. He have his mobile camera opened. At the next table two girls in school uniform are eating ice cream. His camera is focusing on their body.
"Disgusting."Daksh shouted.
"Moron" Abhi commented.
They looked at each other and turned to see Meenakshi is missing. Before searching for her they heard a loud scream from behind. They saw that man standing with his both cheeks covered with his hands. Infront of him Meenakshi is standing with her face reflecting a volcano. She was about to slap him again when they both suddenly jumped into the scene. Abhi stopped Meenu while Daksh had already pushed the man down on floor.
"Hey rascal. Dont you have sisters in your house? How cheap you are?" Abhi kicked him on his stomach.
The man stood up angrily and glared at three of them.
"Who are you to question me? What did I do now?"he asked.
"Dont you know? Give us your phone. We will let you know what you did."Daksh was about to snatch the phone from him but he cleverly tugged it into his shirt pocket.
"Hey moron. Dont try to hide the phone now. We clearly saw what were you doing till now. Give us the phone or get ready to face the consequences." Abhi shouted while holding his collar.
"Whom you are trying to scare? You don't know anything about me. Do you really think that you can trap me? Go and save yourself if you want to live more. Go away." He smirked while trying to escape.
"You don't know anything about us too. Daksh, this is the reason why I always tell you to wear your uniform. Now did you realize it's importance?"Meenakshi asked and Daksh looked at her in shock. Abhiram bumped his shoulder onto hers and she gestured him to keep quiet.
"Which uniform?" Daksh asked confusingly.
"Arey your police uniform. Hereafter don't remove it during the sleep time too."she warned him.
Daksh and Abhiram looked at each other with an opened mouth.
"Hey moron he is the deputy commissioner of police here. Now do you want to scare?" Meenakshi asked looking at the man and he was scared.
It already became an issue and now all the people in the restaurant are looking at these four. Meenakshi winked at them to continue the drama.
"Yes I am the deputy commissioner. Where is my handcuff? I can't wait to arrest this pervert."Daksh announced.
"Dont over act. If anything goes wrong, she will simply escape and you will be really gifted with handcuffs. Mind it." Abhi whispered into Daksh's ears making him shock.
Meenakshi nodded adding his fear.
"I didn't do anything wrong. I was just looking at the way that girls were eating ice cream. That's all. You can't arrest me for that." He declared in a polite tone.
"Oh do you really like ice creams?"she asked and he nodded.
"Then I can solve your problem easily without a phone."she declared while walking towards the restaurant counter. She took huge bowls of ice cream and came back. When everyone was confused about her next move, she applied that ice cream on his face one by one. He couldn't react because he was not able to see anything. Daksh and Abhi contributed their part in it.
"If you once again think about taking videos/pictures of girls without their permission, I will dig your both eyes out. Mind it." She shouted.
"Take your phone out and give it to us. You can collect it back from the police station." Abhiram threatened.
"No sir please don't. It's not even working."the man requested.
"Oh is it? Then you don't need to keep a not working phone with you. I can help you. Believe me. I have solution for all your problems."Meenakshi forcely took the phone from his pocket and next second she threw it on the floor. It broke into many pieces. Daksh and Abhi wanted to run away now. They glared at her. But before that the man ran away escaping from them. Meenakshi laughed when he vanished from their sight.
"Meenu, what did you do?"Abhi asked.
"Thank God. He ran away." Daksh sighed in relief.
"Let's go" Abhi held her hand.
"Wait. I will come soon."she moved towards the girls and stood infront of them crossing her hands across her chest.
"In which school you both are studying?"she asked them.
But they didn't reply since they are afraid. She maintained a stern expression.
"Do your parents know that you both are eating ice cream here?"she asked and they shook their head.
"Do you want me to inform your parents or principal first?"she raised her eyebrows.
"Please dont...Please. They will kill us."the girls pleaded.
"Are you not aware about the dangers that are waiting for a girl in this society?"she asked and they lowered their head.
"Go now. Dont repeat this. Dont believe any strangers....sometimes your best friends too."she said and they turned back to go after agreeing.
"Wait. Read the newspaper daily. Understand?"she asked and they nodded. With that they left.
Abhi and Daksh came towards her.
"That last dialogue was an epic one."Daksh commented while Abhi took her palm into his hands.
"You are a stupid to think that you are stupid. Actually you are great Meenu."Abhi said.
"What?"she narrowed her eyes at him.
"Nothing Come let's go." He dragged her while she stopped them.
"Wait. Who will pay for the burgers and ice cream?"she asked.
Daksh immediately held Abhi's hand.
"Dont worry Meenu. We have a managing director with us." Daksh said and with that three of them bursted into laugh.
Precap: Meenakshi at Abhiram's house.
Thank you for all the love you are showering on me and my stories.
37 chapters, more than 3.9 k votes. Infinite number of comments. A lot of PMs. I am feeling blessed.
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