The Traitor Exposed/Enter the Titans

(It has been a couple of days since the Autobots learned about Angel. Since then, Arcee has been hard at work. Trying to rebuild her bond with Shifter)

" ( Sits on the roof of the base, looking at the blue sky as the clouds slowly move overhead. Then lays down on his back to enjoy the peace and quiet). This is the life,  with no decepticon sightings at all. We can finally relax." Said Shifter. " ( Waits until the elevator reaches the roof and then spots Shifter lying down). So, this is where you've been. ( Walks up to him and then sits next to him. I guess this place can now be considered our private spot, hu partner." Said  Arcee. " The jury is still out on that  Arcee. You know this, so you can't really call me that right now." Said Shifter. " Please can we just act civil for now? I'm trying to make up for it. What will it take to make you see that?" Asked Arcee. Don't really need to, but maybe you can start by spending less time with Scrapgate and more time with everyone else.  You know that he's alive, so quit acting as if you'll lose him again. We all lose people that we care deeply about. ( Sits up and then looks up at the sky). Mom and I lost my human dad to a car accident after all. So don't ever think that you've lost more than anyone else." Said Shifter as  Arcee looked at him in shock and sadness.

 " Shifter, Jack, I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I guess it just felt so good to see Tailgate again." Said  Arcee. " What and you think Mom and I don't spend every day thinking that he was still with us? Plus remember, Optimus lost someone he called a brother. That brother being Megatron. Now I'm in the same boat as him. Because my best friend since childhood is on the same side as said fallen brother. So I will say it again Arcee, you aren't the only one that's lost someone dear to them." Said Shifter as they took the elevator back down to the main lobby.

" ( Looks to her left after hearing the elevator coming down to see  Shifter and Arcee). Hey, you two. The cons are attacking another city, Optimus and the others are already on their way there. Shifter, your team, and the Torchbearers are the only ones still at the base with us." Said Elita as said teams walked over to them. " Ok then, let's head over there and join them." Said  Shifter as everyone quickly ran through the groundbridge. 

( As Shifter and his group arrived on the battlefield. They quickly got to work with assisting  Optimus and the others. In their fight against the Decepticons. Shifter and his team made a B-line for Havic and his group with the Torchbearers and Arcee joining them)

"  You may have won our last battle Shifter, but you will not win this one. This city will be ours." Said  Havic as he and his team along with  Flamewar and the Stunticon fired apon  Shifter, his team, the Torchbearers, and Arcee. " That will never happen Havic. You and your team may have given up your humanity to gain power, but this is still our home. So my team and I will fight to protect it." Said Shifter, unaware that someone was watching the battle from up high.

"That's my Jack, Alexel is a fool to think that he can beat you. But this war will provide you with a stepping stone for you to grow stronger. For the day that you will soon face me. Until then my Jack." Said a female cybertronian as she transformed into a cybertronian jet and flew off.

" ( Jumps back from Optimus and then activates his sword). This world will be mine Optimus, for I not only did I call apon the  Stunticons. But I made a call to another decepticon and a titan. TidalWave, Trypticon destroy the Autobots." said Megatron as a combiner-sized ship and a large battleship. Began to transform behind the battle.

( TidalWave)

( Trypticon)

 " ( Looks up at TidalWave and Trypticon, then looks at Megatron. Then it's a good thing that Elita and her team didn't come to Earth alone Megatron. Contacts their autobot titan and the ship that brought Elita and her team to Earth). Omega Supreme, We need you to occupy  Tidalwave. Metroplex, Trypticon is all yours." Said  Optimus as an autobot ship and an autobot battle cruiser slowly floated down and then transformed into their robot modes. 

( Omega Supreme)

( Metroplex)

" Metroplex heads the call of Optimus Prime. ( Looks at Trypticon). You shall not be permitted to permitted to interfere, Trypticon." Said Metroplex as he engaged Trypticon. " Tidalwave, our battle begins again. This time, you will be stopped. " Said Omega Supreme as he engaged Tidalwave. 

" ( Looks at the battle taking place on the otherside, then looks at the Stunticons). Motor Master, it's time your team got in on the action." Said Havic. " Indeed you're right Havic. ( Looks at his team).   STUNTICONS, IUNITE TO FORM MENASOR! Yelled  Motor Master as he and his team combined to form the decepticon combiner Menasor. Havic soon ran toward a different part of the battlefield.

( Menasor)

" (  Spots Havic running somewhere and then turns to look at Pyra Magna). It's your time to shine, take down Menasor. I'm trusting you and your team with keeping my mother safe. I need to go after Havic." Said. Shifter as he ran after Havic. " It will be done Shifter, the future prime. ( Looks at her team). Torchbearers,  combine into Victorion." Said  Pyra Magna as her team combined into the female combiner known as Victorion.

( Victorion)

" ( Draws her sword with her right hand and then points at Menasor). You shall go no further Menasor. You will be stopped right here." Said  Victorion as she and  Mensor engaged in a duel of swords. " ( Catches up to  Havic and then tackles him to the ground). You're not going anywhere  Havic. This is stopping, right here." Said Shifter as he and Havic rolled across the ground while punching each other. Before Havic kicked Shifter off of him. "  You will not stop me here Shifter. We will conquer this world and the humans will either bow at our feet or be destroyed. " Said  Havic as he punched  Shifter in the face, then grabbed him, and then threw him into a building.

( As Shifter came crashing through the building. He noticed how the supports of the building that he and  Havic had taken their fight to were unstable.  Shifter at first found it strange but then has to refocus on his battle with Havic.  However, he did keep the bond that he had with his mother open. This allowed  Aurora to see what was happening on Shifter's end and thanks to her sparkbond with  Shifter Windblade could see it too. It was then that both  Aurora and  Windblade spotted Tailgate in the background. With this in mind, Windblade alerted Arcee and  Elita on what Tailgate was doing while Shifter was still fighting Havic. So the two Autobots  quickly made their way to the location)

" Drives as fast as she can to the given location and then spots Tailgate with a detonator).  WHAT, WHY DOES HE HAVE THAT? ( Looks at where Shifter is fighting Havic to see explosives on all of the supports on the building. Then remembers what Windblde had told her, and knowing that those of a sparkbond can never lie. She transforms and aims her blaster at Tailgate). Drop the detonator Tailgate, and put your hands in the air." Said Arcee as she walked towards him. Elita hovered above them in the air.  Making sure to keep her weapons primed on Tailgate. " ( Looks at Arcee with a salum look). I didn't want you to see this Arcee. so just stay back and let me do this." Said Tailgate. "THAT'S NOT HAPPENING, SHIFTER IS MY PARTNER AND I WILL NOT LET YOU ENDANGER HIM! TELL ME WHY YOU'RE DOING THIS!  WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL SHIFTER?" Asked  Arcee as tears of energon went down her face as she continued to walk toward Tailgate.

" I can't tell you that Arcee, now  just stay where you are." Said. "  I TOLD YOU THATS NOT HAPPENING, NOW DROP THE DETONATOR, NOW!" Said Arcee as she primed her blaster. " I don't do this, I will never be able to rest in peace." Said  Tailgate. "  Looks at him confused and then remembers his statement on how he came back). You never told us, which of the Thriteen brought you back. Then there's the notion that neither Shifter nor Auroa gave you any recognition, except for when Shifter and you had that argument. So who was it Tailgate, who brought you back? " Said Arcee now angry with herself for ever thinking that she could have her friend back.

" ( Kicks Havic away and then hears a couple of screams. Before looking to his left to see a familiar family. Before realizing that it was Hiwire's human family. Then quickly contacting the rest of the autobots). This is Shifter to all Autobots, Hiwire's human family is currently in the building that I was thrown into, and am currently engaged in a fight with Havic. ( Hears a beeping sound and then looks to his left to see an explosive on one of the building supports). I that an explosive? Why the heck are there explosives in this building?" Said Shifter as he quickly went back to engage Havic, but this time. Shifter did what he could to keep the fight away from the family.  

" ( Hears what Shifter had said then then glares at Tailgate). PUT THE DETONATOR DOWN TAILGATE RIGHT NOW, THERE ARE HUMANS IN THAT BUILDING!" Yelled Arcee. " Why do you care about some measly humans? They are just casualties of war." Said  Tailgate as he armed the detonator. " Arcee if you do not shoot him then we will lose Shifter and then humans. Do you really want to be the one to tell  Hiwire that you could have saved his family?" Asked Elita.

" ( Slams Shifter into a wall and then stabs his sword arm into the lower right side of Shifter's cheast as Shifter screams in pain). You couldn't stop me from blowing up that home full of bullies and You can't save the humans that are caught in the war. So why don't you just accept that?" Said  Havice as he pulled his sword out and then slashed  Shifter deep across the cheast. Then watched Shifter fall to the ground). I trusted you with my life once, and you abandoned me." Said Havic. " And I trusted you with mine. Until I saw what you were becoming. I swore that I would never let myself become corrupted by what injustice we were heading towards. So I left,  vowing to always do what was right.  BUT YOU, BECAME A MONSTER OF YOUR OWN TWISTED DELUSIONS, HAVIC!" Said Shifter as he sprang up and hit  Havie with a hard uppercut. Knocking Havic into one of the structures that had an explosive placed on it. But as he did that, Shifter missed the blue and clear object that had flown passed him. Revealing itself to be Chromia's shield which landed on top of the Equizel Family and protected them from the falling debris. 

( Tailgate then goes to press the button on the detonator. Only for Arcee to blast him in the cheast and then destroy the detonator. However, due to Havic crashing into one of the building structures. The explosives went off anyway but by this time. Megatron had already ordered a retreat. This allowed the rest of Team Prime to try and make it to the building that Shifter was in. Only to watch as it collapses with the Equizel family, Shifter, and Havic inside)

" SHIFTER, JACK, NO!  ( Quickly runs toward the collapsed building and then gets to work with removing the ruble). Come on shifter where are you? "Said  Aurora as she and Windblade got to work with removing the ruble. " ( Walks forward towards the ruble). Stand back lady Aurora. I will remove the ruble for you. ( Uses her polarity power to lift up all of the ruble and then sends them flying far away. Then looks down to see a large piece and then grabs it).  This will not get in the way. ( Tosses the large piece of ruble out of the way. Which reveals a badly damaged Shifter holding up  Chromia's shield while the Equizel Family is safely crouched underneath). It is good to see you, young prime." Said  Victorion as she watched Arcee and Windblade quickly help Shifter stand up. while Bumblebee and Hiwire check on Hiwire's human family. 

" ( Stabs Tailgate through the back using her left sword arm and pierces his spark chamber). This is what you get for betraying us to Liege Maximo." Said Aurora as Chromia pressed a few buttons on her left arm. Which brought up a digital screen. " You didn't even try to resist him. ( Plays every meeting that Tailgate had with Liege Maximo. Then plays the one where Tailgate told Maximo, about his plan to divide the team). When you didn't disclose the prime that brought you back. Then neither Shifter nor Aurora acknowledged your statement." Because the one that we want to stop is the one that brought you back. You tried to divide the team, in order to make it easier for the cons to destroy Shifter and Aurora. Without them, Solus and  Megatronus wouldn't be able to help us in this battle." Said Chromia as Arcee, Windblade, and  Aurora glared at Tailgate. 

" I hope you rot in the darkest pit for what you tried to do to my son." Said  Aurora as she shifted part of her left arm and activated her blaster while her arm sword was still out. Then fires an energon bolt that hits Tailgate's spark and destroys it from the inside. " ( Watches as Tailgate's body slides off Aurora's sword and then looks back toward Shifter). Hey partner, are you ok?" Asked Arcee. " Oh you know, trying to save your best friend's family from being casualties of war.  Watching as your old best friend once brother escaped through a groundbridge while badly damaged. Then having debris fall on you. ( Sighs and then grunts in pain). but yeah, except for the extreme pain, I'm fine. "Said  Shifter as Victorion disengaged and then walked toward  Shifter and in her separate components. " Glad to see you ok Shifter. Now let's get you back to base." Said  Pyra as Arcee and Windblade helped  Shifter stand up. Bumblebee, Elita, Hiwire, and  Optimus had finished explaining everything to Hiwire's human family.  Once everyone was ready,   Bulkhead called for a groundbridge. Then everyone walked through it and headed back to base, with the Equizel's riding inside Hiwire and Bumblebee.  

( Twelve minutes later, in the autobot medial bay)

" (  Works on repairing the major damage done to Shifter while Minerva helps. Then looks at  Aurora who is currently scanning Shifter). It still amazes me how you two are the only ones in your group that have a more durable metal armor/plating. Much of the energon damage done to Shifter would severely damage a normal cybertronian. But for the two of you, it's a normal  blaster damage." Said Ratchet. " Makes you wonder how much damage you guys can really take if a building doesn't fall on you." Said  Arcee with a laugh. " Very funny Arcee.  how bout you test and see how far I can have Victorian throw you." Said  Shifter with a smirk as  Arcee raised her hands in defeat. Before they, Windblade and Aurora began to laugh. " It's good to be hanging out with you again Arcee. I've missed this. The first person that I ever saw as my adopted daughter. ( Looks at  Windblade). Now I have two people that I see as my adopted daughters." Said Aurora. 

" ( Looks at each other and then smiles before looking back at Aurora). And we promise to make you proud Aurora." Said  Arcee and  Widnblade as they walked over to  Shifter and then gave him a tight and kissed him on the cheek. 

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