Humans in danger/ A new autobot

( It has been a couple of weeks since the Shifter and Windblade defended the military base. Since then, Shifter and  Windblade have begun to question their partnership with the military. Once the two returned to base. The only person they told about what they saw in the military base was Aurora. Knowing that if they told any of the others, the bond and partnership between humans and cybertronians would be challenged. Currently, Rekkasha was driving through Jasper Nevada. Getting the lay of the land the way her partner  Bulkhead sees it)

" ( Drives through Jasper Nevada desert highway while playing Slash Monkey on her radio). I'm really loving my new life. I no longer have to watch the smackdown from afar. Now, I can actually be a part of the smackdown. ( Drives into a nearby town and then spots Three cars that look strange to her). Hmm, those cars, they're driving too perfectly to be a normal human. ( Watches as the two sports cars and the one police car make a left turn. But then spots the decepticon insignia on them). Ah, so that's the why. Guess I get to have a little fun after all. It's time to show those cons how this wrecker does business." Drives after the three decepticons and then slams into the two sports cars. Before quickly driving off, once she knew that three decepticons had spotted her autobot insignia.

( Decepticons that  Rekkasha is fighting)

( Barricade)

( Oscura)

( Revant)

( As Rekkasha drives through the town and then transforms once she's reached a construction sight. However, as she transformed into her robot mode. She neglected to check her surroundings. For as the decepticons transform into their robot modes and begin their fight with her. Neither group noticed two teenage humans that were hiding behind a brick wall)

" ( Kicks Rekkasha ten feet back as Revant and Oscuria tag team her). Foolish autobot,  what makes you think that you can defeat us by yourself? I thought you autobots were supposed to be smarter than this." Said Barricade. " ( Dodges a kick from Revant and then punches him in the face hard In order to stun him. Then transforms her left hand into a mace similar to Bulkhead's and then activates her right-hand shuriken. Before throwing the shuriken at  Oscura in order to knock her bow out of her hands).  I can handle you guys just fine. ( Smacks Revant with her mace which knocks him to the ground). Besides, Wreckers don't call for backup, we call for clean-up. So I'm about to wreck all three of you." Said  Rekkasha until she heard the sound of a female scream.

( When both sides heard the scream, they looked in the direction to see the two teenagers that were in the area with them. Rekkasha then recognized them as her old classmates before her transformation. The two teenagers were her old classmates, Sierra, and Vince)

" Well looky here Revant, a couple of humans  to squash." Said  Oscura as she moved toward  Vince and Sierra. Only for Rekkasha to grab her and then yank her away from the humans. " Back of Oscura, you're fighting me. Leave them out of this." Said Rekkasha as she she goto into a fighting stance. " ( Sends a message to Aurora, through the mother and son/Carrier and  Sparking bond that they shared and then glares at Rekkasha). You moran, why are you so fixated on the fight? Grab the humans and run. ( Sighs when he sees Revant pin Rekkasha in a grappling power struggle against a wall. While Barricade and Oscura walk toward Sierra and Vince). Scrap, I need to move now. Rekkasha's going to get an earful from Optimus when we get done here." Said Shifter as he quickly sped toward the battle.

( As Oscura and Barricade walked toward Sierra and Vince. The two decepticons, Revant, Rekkasha, Vince, and Sierra. All stopped moving as they heard the loud sound of an engine. It was at that moment that a black with orange underbelly Chevy stingray came flying out of nowhere. The stingray then quickly performed a left hard turn drift as it used its left rear bumper to trip up Oscura and Barricade the two decepticons as they then fell backward. The car then quickly came to a stop right next to Vicne and Sierra. The Stingray then opened its doors as it waited there for them)

" ( Hears a male voice tell them to get in and quickly). Wait what, what's going on?" asked Vince as the voice repeated itself. " ( Hears the voice yell louder for them to get in). No time for that, let's just get in before those other two get back up." Said Sierra as she and Vince quickly got into the stingray. Once the two humans were inside. The Stingray quickly closed its doors and then sped away from the area, Barricade and Oscura soon transformed into their vehicle modes and gave chase.

( Back at autobot bot base)

" (Receives the message that  Shifter sent to her through their bond and then glares as she turns to look at Ultra Magnus and Optimus). Optimus, we've got a major problem. Shifter just contacted me through the bond that we share. He says that Rekkasha messed up and has just put two humans in danger." Said Aurora." What, how the spark did she do that?" Asked  Moonracer as she and Chromia walked into the main room. " ( Asks Shifter what happened through the bond and then growls). She spotted Oscura, Revant, and Barricade during her patrol. Got their attention and then lured them to an abandoned construction site that's right across from an empty facility. Shifter just so happened to see her slamming Barricade as the three cons chased her through the town.  She stopped at the construction site and then began to fight the three decepticons. Not even looking to quickly check her surroundings. Says that the two humans are their old classmates Sierra and Vince. Sierra screamed and that is what got Barriade and Oscura's attention while Revant pinned Rekkasha to a wall. The two were in a grapple struggle last time  Shifter checked." Said  Aurora. 

" What is he doing now? ( Looks at the team). Ironhide, you'll help Rekkasha with Revant, Jazz, you're on Barricade. That'll give Shifter enough time to do whatever it is he needs to do." Said  Chromia. " Wait a second,  What about the humans?" Asked Causeway.  " ( Asks Shifter to explain what he's currently doing ad then looks at Ratchet). OPEN A GROUND BRIDGE NOW! SHIFTER'S TRYING TO GET THE KIDS TO SAFETY, BUT BARRICADE AND  OSCURA ARE ON HIS TAIL!" Yelled  Aurora. " It seems we will be having a long talk with the young Wrecker." Said Ultra Magnus as  Jazz, and Ironhide transformed into their vehicle modes and then sped through the groundbridge.

( Play this song for this part of the chapter)

( As Jazz and Ironhide sped through the ground bridge. Ironhide quickly got to work by  Blasting  Revant off of  Rekkasha. The two Wreckers then got to work fighting together against Barricade. Jazz was able to catch up with Shifter, Barricade, and Oscura. He then quickly rammed into  Barricade and knocked the Decepticon off course. The two then transformed into their robot modes and began their fight. This allowed Shifter to get some more breathing room. He then found an empty warehouse and smashed through the glass windows as he drove inside)

" ( holds onto the handlebar next to her driverside window as the stingray drives through the facility. Then looks at the dashboard). Excuse me, thanks for saving us. but what exactly is going on here? ( Watches as a digital screen pops up to reveal the autobot and  Decepticon insignias. Then watches as the words good guys and protectors appear under the Autobot's insignia. While the words Enemy and maniacal conquers appear under the decepticons insignia. Before spotting the autobot insignia on the steering wheel).  Oh, ok. So the robots that have tried to hurt us are the bad guys. While the female robot and the one that has your insignia, along with that white race car are the Goodguys. ( Watches the word yes, appears in places of the previous words and insignia). Ok then,  thanks again for saving us." Said Sierra as the words, not done yet then appeared.

( End song here)

" ( Makes a fast turn into the empty facility). Ok, this is getting dumb. You two, hang on ok. When I transform, you two need to run. ( Swerve skids to a halt and then quickly opens his doors, with  Vicne and Sierra both falling out and onto the ground. Then quickly transforms into his robot mode and gets into a fighting stance). Ok  Oscura, let's have some fun. " ( Drives toward  Shifter at full speed and then transforms into her robot mode). MY PLEASURE AUTOBOT!" Yelled  Oscura as she quickly dove at  Shifter and tackled him. This caused the two of them to go rolling away from Vince and Sierra who quickly ran from the area. 

( As Shifter and Oscura continued to roll across the ground. They continued to try and gain the upper hand while punching each other in the face. Until  Shifter was able to kick Oscura off of him.  This sent Oscoura into the air and then back down onto the ground hard. However, the minute Oscura got back up on her feet. She sent out a human-sized female robot from her cheast area and then intensified the energy string of her bow. The human-sized robot then quickly ran after Sierra and Vince. Oscura then jumped at  Shifter with her energy bow facing backward. Only for Shifter to block it with his energy sword. This caused the two energies to clash as sparks flew out from both weapons)

" ( Senses a familiar energy that she hasn't felt since she left her home planet of Caminus). Then notices the craftsmanship of the energy sword). That sword, where in the world did you get it? That craftsmanship can only come from my home planet of Caminus. So how do you have one?" Asked  Oscura as she and  Shifter clashed weapons. "windblade made it for me as a gift. She said that it was made specifically for. Because of my grandmother being Solus Prime and my grandfather being Megatronus Prime." Said Shifter as he and Oscura jumped away from each other. " Windblade, here, then that means Chromia is here as well. I guess I can have some fun with them instead of you. They may not see it this way, my prime hier. But I still follow our traditions and beliefs of the original thirteen. You being the grandchild of Megatronus. Makes this all the better." Said Oscura as she sheathed her bow.

" Even though my grandfather is against what Megatron is doing. Especially since, to my grandfather. Megatron is desecrating his name and legacy." Said  Shifter as he sheathed his energy sword." So Megatronus is against  what  Megatron is doing hu, then that means that Megatron's inspiration is standing against him." Said Oscura as she ran at  Shifter and began to throw some punches and kicks at him. " ( Blocks and counters the punches and kicks that  Oscura was throwing at him). The only Prime that actually agrees with what Megatron is doing is Leage Maximo, the fallen Prime and the traitor to his brothers." Said Shifter as he grabbed  Oscura by her left arm that she had tried to punch him with. Before quickly through her ten feet across the floor. 

(Meanwhile, an explosion goes off in Sierra and  Vince's location. which causes  Shifter and Oscura to look in that direction. Only to see an extremely injured  Sierra. Draggin behind her the deactivated body of the female robot that had attacked her and Vince)

" ( Tosses the female robot towards Oscura and then falls on one knee while still in extreme pain). There's your pet, now leave me alone." Said Sierra as Shifter knelt down next to her to check on her. " ( Picks up her minicon minion and then looks around to search for Vince, but doesn't find him). Where is the male human that had been with you, did he die?" asked Oscura. " NO, HE LEFT ME AS SOON AS THAT THING HAD INJURED HIM! IT WASN'T EVEN A FATAL INJURY LIKE MINE IS!  ( Rubs her left wait area and then grunts in pain). " ( Soundwave, I need a bridge to my location).  ( turns toward the ground bridge as it appears and then walks toward it. Before quickly stopping right in front of it. Then turns to look at  Shifter and Sierra). Great fight, both of you. Oh and human, I hope you survive, It would be fun to challenge you and test your strength myself." Said  Oscura as she walked through the groundbridge.

" ( Gently picks up Sierra as Jazz walks over to them. Then looks at him with a sad and yet enraged look). She's been badly hurt and is possibly barely holding on. We need to get her to base now. I think my mom can heal her." Said  Shifter. " Wo, Prime's not going to like this. (Contacts Ratchet). Ratchet, we need a bridge, oh and tell Optimus and the others that Rekkasha has just gotten a human nearly killed. Shifter has her but the little ones barely holding on." Said  Jazz as he and  Shifter walked through the ground bridge.

( Once the two autobots were through the groundbridge. They came to see  Elita and  Ultra Magnus both repremending Rekkasha and giving her two earfuls. Before everyone stopped what they were doing to see Shifter carrying Sierra in his hands.  Once Aura saw this, she decked  Rekkasha in the face and yelled and her for being reckless and foolish. Before quickly running over toward Shifter as he places Sierra on a medical bed)  

" ( Quickly scans Sierra and then sighs in worry and despair). You got her here just in time hun,  she was nearly at her limit's end.  But what happened to Vince,   I don't see him with you." Said  Aurora. " Oh, that coward. Apperently, while I was dealing with the Caminus decepticon known as  Oscura, he and Sierra were dealing with Oscura's little mini decepticon partner. The man left as soon as he received a not-life-threatening but still fatal injury. Let Sierra to fend for herself. Sierra did exactly that and dragged the minion toward me and Oscura. Before finally falling to one knee due to her injuries. Oscura then left saying that she hoped Sierra so that she could test her strength herself. Then she left after calling Soundwave for a groundbridge." Said Shifter as he received a message from Solus through his spark. 

"( Walks over to Shifter and Aurora). That sounds like Oscura, but what else did she say?" asked  Chromia as  Windblade walked over to them. " She said that she still follows your traditions. She just finds it joyful that the prime that megatron got his name from is my grandfather. In other words, she seems to no longer want to fight me. She'll only fight you two and Sierra." Said  Shifter as he quickly looked at Sierra. " That makes sense, but you were talking to your grandparents as you said that weren't you? I felt the energy of a prime flow through you just now. Perks of being a city speaker." Said Windblade with a smirk as Chromia laughed at the way she made her statement. Arcee on the other hand only glared at her.

" We both were, he was only able to answer you because I spoke for us both when my parents wanted to talk to us. ( Turns toward the near-death Sierra. Then opens her cheast plate while  Shifter opens up his). They say that we can help her,  but we'll be turning Sierra into one of us in the process." Said Aurora. " ( Weakly looks up at  Aurora and then nods her head). It means that I get to continue to live. Then you should do it." Said  Sierra as she laid her head back down. " Sierra, if we do this.  You will never be able to go back to your normal life." Said  Shifter. " I know that it's just that. I feel as if this will be doing me more good than when I was human. My life then wasn't so perfect. Oh, and after this is over. Tell  Miko or  Rekkasha,  whatever she's calling herself. That I will get her back for putting me in this position." Said Sierra as  Shifter and Aurora held out their two matrixes.

( Shifter's Matrix of Honor )

( Aurora's Matrix of Hope)

( As the heirs to the primes held out their matrixes. Two beams of energy shot out from the matrixes and toward  Sierra. This caused a glowing white light to shine in front of everyone. After twenty minutes, the light began to dim until a female cybertronian with lighter pink highlights than Elita, was left in Sierra's place. Shifter and  Aurora then placed their matrix's back into their cheast and then closed up their cheast once the matrix's were secure)

( Sierra's Cybertronian form AKA: Streamline)

" By the Allspark, two new Matrix's. Those must have been the bright light that we saw within Shifter and Aurora's cheast when they first turned into their original cybertronian forms. But for them to be able to do that." Said Causeway. "Optimus's matrix could never do that, so how come yours can?" Asked Ratchet. " Actually, ours can't do that. My mother just wanted to try and save her life. As well as try and make it easier for her to live a better life. She even gave  Sierra an alt mode, which this already in her processor. Just like she did me and Shifter. I'm not counting  Rekkasha and  Hiwire because from what Mom said. The Allspark created their forms and alt modes based on their type of character." Said Aurora as  The new and improved cybertronian Sierra woke up. 

" ( Opens her eyes as data flies across her optics and then looks around once the data goes away). So, this is what it feels like to be one of you guys.  I gotta say, it's a lot to take in." Said Sierra. " You'll get used to it, but we need a different name for you." Said  Shifter. " Oh, I have an idea for that one. ( Looks over toward Hiwire and then recognizes him). Wait is that Rafiel? Hey there, I didn't know that you were involved in this. I'm sure that you must have been very scared at first." Said  Sierra. " Yeah, but my partner Bumblebee, the yellow and black striped bot over there. Helped me get through it, oh, and call me Hiwire. You already know Miko, or as she's now calling herself Rekkasha." Said Hiwire. 

" Yeah, and I'm going to punch her later, once I learn how to fight. ( Looks at  Aurora). I'm guessing that means your Jack's mother June, by your voice. ( Looks at shifter who smirks at her). Then that just leaves you, Jack. Honestly, I almost didn't know who you were until your mother talked about her mother and then I heard you call the same woman your grandmother. As for my new name,  you can call me Streamline. " Said Streamline. " Well, it suits you. Welcome to the team Streamline." Said  Shifter with a smile. " Why don't Shifter, Aurora, and Hiwire take you to the training room and then get you all squared away in a room." Said Elita. "That sounds good, come on Streamline. We'll show you the way, oh and could Windblade and  Strongarm come with us? They could be a big help?" Asked  Shifter. " Sure, we'll come with you guys." Said  Windblade as she and  Strongarm followed the group out of the main lobby.

" ( Looks over at  Arcee). So are you not going to join them at all Arcee?" Asked Chromia. " Windblade and  Strongarm can handle something like that. it's just training." Said  Arcee as  Elita walked over to them. "That's not what she meant and you know it. You barely even say a word to Shifter. The only time your guys ever talk is when he's on the base or when you're out patrolling together.  But you never let your true feelings out. We saw the glare that you were giving Windblade. You care for Shifter even more than you did when he was human. Yet you hold yourself back. If you keep this up, Windblade will be the new daughter-in-law to Aurora and you'll just be a family friend or a bot that they know.  Either get your act together and get your man or be ready to sit on the sidelines as someone else steals him from you." Said  Elita as she walked over and gave  Optimus a hug who then returned the hug.

" ( Turns to Chromia only to see her kissing Ironhide and then looks over toward  Rekkasha to see her and Bulkhead hugging and kissing each other. Before finally singing and walking toward the hallway toward the training room). I guess they're right, I mean. I've been thinking about something like this ever happening. " I just go for it, but I also need to be careful with how I go about this." Said  Arcee as she neared the training room.   

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