We Make A Pit Stop For Some Bacon
"Here, it's this exit!" I squeal and swerve off at the next exit, unfortunately grabbing the attention of a cop. "Shit. We've got a barnyard animal on the loose." I sigh and turn on my blinker. Running from the cops probably won't do me any good and it might even potentially get the attention of something worse. "Brief me. Obviously a white woman, but what do I need to look for?"
Steven scratches at his scruff thoughtfully. "Wedding ring, yes or no? Height, generally men prefer shorter women. It's a protective instinct unless he's short, then go for taller. Tits up and out, never show fear or your powers will go out. The other stuff should be general."
I pull the car over and press my head into the headrest. "Okay. I should be okay. As a brown person, I've got plenty of experience talking down police."
"Connie?" I turn and Steven looks right into my eyes. "I'm not the jealous type, at least not verbally. But if you let him touch you I'll kill him just for the Hell of it." He's so serious it makes me smirk.
"Is that "good guy" behavior?"
He reclines his seat and tucks his hands behind his head. Lucky bastard doesn't have to shapeshift to not potentially get shot, he only gets the Misting I give him. "No one said we had to be the good guys. We just have to be better than the bad guys." He glances in the rear view mirror and sees the cop getting out. A swishing sound makes me glance down at his hands to see his razor sharp talons.
"Whoa there, hotshot." He meanmugs at me and his image quivers a bit, which means I succeeded. At least that's what I'm assuming happens because it's colder in here too. I look in the side mirror and analyze as much as I can:
He's a white male, around 6'2, broad and muscular, no wedding ring that I can see and carrying himself highly. "Hello ma'am, this is just a routine stop."
Disgusting. He's already being skeezy, his eyes dipping to glance at my cleavage and creamy white skin. "What's a guy like you doing in a place like this?" I smile and lean closer, draping my arm out the window a bit. "Don't you know the nickname of the city?"
He copies my body language against the car, dipping his head closer to eye level. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Why don't you tell me?"
I lick my lips. "Sin City~." I can't help the tinkling giggle that escapes at how easy this is. He starts putting out that mana that brings an orgasm flush to my cheeks. I suck all that energy for myself and my toes are starting to tingle at the energy boost.
He glances past me briefly but can't seem to look away for too long. "That's quite the big doberman you got there, almost can't believe I didn't notice it before but you're so damn pretty."
A doberman? I must have been thinking guard dog boyfriend stuff. I meant to hide him completely. "Is that right? He's such a good boy, but he's a little protective of me." Somehow knowing Steven is listening intently gives me a confidence boost. "I hope he's not too distracting."
"Fuck, you're so gorgeous, baby." Ew, ew, ew. He reminds me of that one creep Steven and I ran into at that rave. "Maybe I'll have you get out of the car," He teases lowly.
Wait, I'm not about to do that. A flicker of doubt tries to take hold of me. "Aren't you just doing a routine stop?"
"I think you need a full body search." He tries to give me a sexy smile but I'm pulling so much energy from him he's blotchy and it's shaky. The desperation sends me into a low frenzy. My hands, trained to stay visible, tighten on the wheel so hard it creaks beneath my grip. Oh my gods, it's so fucking good! So sweet and delectable and he's so vulnerable... I can't stop looking at how red his face is, he's practically glowing with all of that blood... and it's all because of me. I commanded that blush and that tent in his pants. I'll know his bloods that sexy red color and that alone makes me wetter than him opening his mouth ever could. I just want to drag my claws down his throat, open my mouth and– No!
I have to control myself, I can't.
But it's so potent and such a downright a sexual power trip that I adjust my top openly, huffing under my breath when I receive more essence from his lust. "A full body search? Don't you need reasonable suspicion? Or are you just dying to touch me that badly?" I flick my hair over my shoulder and he nods.
"I want to run my hands over every inch of you. Gotta make sure there's no paraphernalia. Then I'll make you mine."
Steven lets out a sound that's very much a warning (and it's not directed to the cop either) but all it does is spur me on. I'm not fully myself, I can feel the chaos charging around inside me. I want the absolute destruction of this man.
The cop groans and glances around before leaning in so close I can smell the coffee on his breath. "Yes, I'm desperate. I want to fuck you better than you've ever been fucked."
Better than the actual sex demon sitting next to me? Ha! It's so funny I almost laugh in his face. I can sense how little his dick is, and I can smell his insecurity as he lies to my face. There's so many nasty quips I could make but I settle for a simple, "Cute."
"What's the matter? You got a boyfriend?"
I giggle and bite my lip. "Why? You wanna ask me out on a date?"
His eyes drop to my lips and then lower, shamelessly ogling my blonde hair, big breasts and curves. I suppose it doesn't help that I'm wearing a Hooters crop top and basically denim panties so there's so much skin it'd be hard not to look even if I wasn't magically beautiful. "Maybe. Do you have a boyfriend?" He brushes his finger under my chin and starts to lean in. I take the moment to take even more, so much more I can feel the way my panties drench.
Just before his lips brush against mine, I feel the chaos give birth to a wickedness I didn't know I possessed. "Yes," I hiss, and dodge the oncoming attack of my royally pissed boyfriend.
The force of his pounce fucks up my hair something fierce. I brush it frantically out of my face and witness the most morbidly sexy sight I've ever seen in my life.
Steven De Mayo, Son of Lucifer, beating the ever loving shit out of that rapey motherfucker. The man can only lie there and take it, and after a minute I remember the way his skin went grey after my last pull had tapered out when I'd taken everything.
I'd already nearly killed him before Steven had even put his hands on him, and there's no way he didn't already know that.
"Steven? You've made your point, I get it." He doesn't seem to hear me so I yell a bit louder. "We've gotta go!" His swings don't stop and I scoff. No fucking way is he ignoring me right now. I start honking the horn at him, not caring who might drive by. "Steven, I'm serious you need to–," My metaphorical blood turns to ice as I see a splash of red across the pavement and he laughs lowly.
What the Hell did he call it? It doesn't matter. I open the door and grab onto him, but he's stronger than me and doesn't react past a tiny demonic snarl that terrifies me. "Steven, stop! You have to stop it!" As a last resort I sharpen my teeth and bite down as hard as I can into his shoulder. The movement of his body is frantic so I barely get a good enough hold but when I tug he freezes mid swing, panting like a real dog.
I let go and try to give him space but trip and fall on my ass like the gracious savior I am. "Steven?"
"I'm... okay." He doesn't sound okay. He's not looking at the blood on his hands like he's okay.
I crawl back to him. "It's okay." I can't think of anything else to say, so I squeeze my eyes shut and hold him close.
"I'm sorry you had to see that," He whispers.
I shake my head sadly and press a kiss to the bite mark. "I'm sorry I had to hurt you. I'm here."
He nudges me off and stands, looking down at the blood covering his clothes and hands, then at the flesh underneath his claws. They resheathe and some falls to the ground.
The policeman is barely recognizable as a person. He's more of a splatter from the waist up honestly. His... stuff is everywhere. The sight makes me turn away before I can throw up or worse, get aroused by it.
Steven reaches up to touch his shoulder and tugs his shirt down. "Ni!"
"Yeah?" Anything for a distraction. "I'm so sorry I had to... bite you?" I scramble up to my feet and grab him to inspect the area covered in his ichor. But there's nothing there, even when I scrub it away.
He takes such a deep breath I almost think someone's coming to attack us but then he whoops at the top of his lungs and scoops me up. "Connie, you have healing kisses!"
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