My Days Are Ruined Four Times, Then Once More Just To Be Sure
24 hours in:
Torture like I have never known is the only thing I can focus on as I lay in bed as still as possible. Every time I move I can feel my skin bulging with the blood that's pooling inside. Every breath is a dagger to my heart, which is no longer beating. I need a fucking shower, I smell like death but I can't bear the idea of anything touching me right now. Cuts and gouges and scrapes are all over my skin, and I'm so terrified I can't function right.
My mom tries her best to soothe me, even reading more chapters from my book until I pass out from exhaustion. I can't respond right now to say thank you, I just hope that she knows I'm grateful for her.
When I wake up again, the irony almost makes me laugh. Of course on the day I become an official adult I get a baby monitor installed in my room.
"Mom?" My voice is raw and scratchy. I really sound like a demon now. Yippie. I'm sure Steven will love this.
Almost immediately I hear her running up the steps. "You're awake!" Wow mom, way to sound like you thought I was going to die. That makes me feel so much better!
"What's the damage, ma?" I know I must look ghastly, like a swollen corpse washed ashore.
"You're as beautiful as you've always been. Just a little..." She trails off and the mask slips. "How are you feeling?"
"Right now? Like maybe attempting suicide should be seriously contemplated."
She frowns deeply at me. "That's not funny."
I shift as little as possible so I can look at her. She looks disheveled and stressed. The bags under her eyes are so dark it can't possibly have been from losing a single night of sleep. Was she this tired yesterday? I don't remember. "I dunno, it was kinda funny. Gallows humor."
My mom cracks a tiny smile. "I meant relative to–,"
"To yesterday? Like I could run a triathlon. Comparatively this is a paper cut as opposed to being doused with acid, set on fire, and kicked down a mountain top after being forced to drink bleach and ammonia." My words come slow, but my mind strings the words together easily and she's patient. She laughs and I find the strength to try a smile. "I'm okay."
Her expression softens. "You know we love you, right?"
"Mom, please don't start." I groan.
"Okay, fine," She chuckles. "Are you hungry?"
My stomach gives me a nice little taste of what'll happen if I so much as put food in my general direction. "No, thank you."
"Alright. Do you want me and dad to come and sleep in here with you tonight?"
I can't help it, I burst into tears. It's an ugly cry, I can feel it on my face because of the agony. I guess I kinda hoped that I would only be able to be drop dead gorgeous at all times from the get go. "Please. I... hate when you leave."
I cringe and gag at the sudden loud noise and she gasps in guilt. "I'm so sorry," She whispers. "I'm gonna go and get him to help me blow up the air mattress in our room and bring it here. Is that okay?"
I almost nod, but I can't. "Okay."
When I wake up it's completely dark and I almost think I'm blind. Great. A blind succubus, everyone will be just thrilled. The steady breaths of my parents beside me instantly makes everything better.
A soft alarm goes off and my mom snaps awake instantly like she hadn't been sleeping at all. "Connie? Wake up. We've gotta get you to the bathroom."
"I can't–," My arm lifts painlessly. Slowly, I try more and more until I'm sitting up. The pain is gone but I still feel gutted. "What time is it?"
And just then, my stomach gives me a very clear two second warning.
48 hours in:
I spend the next 24 hours puking and shitting my guts out. You think that's funny? Remind me to laugh next time your organs pass through the other ones on the way out of your ass. Think that's gross? You don't know the half of it.
My dad holds my hair back the whole day, even though he's squeamish about throw up. To put him through this particular version of the stomach flu that is 100% going to kill me just seems cruel, but he insists. He's pale and clearly struggling to keep his cool, but in between intervals he rubs his hands over my head and shoulders and it feels incredible.
He perks up instantly. "What's up, kiddo?"
I turn to face him head on and grab his hand. "Did you know about the message?"
"It's a prophecy."
Oh. I guess it sounded pretty prophetic in retrospect. Very cryptic and creepy, while also being unhelpful in explaining anything but the suffering that'll happen if it's not fulfilled. Oh joy. "Is... is it about me?"
He nods slowly as if in a trance. "Yeah. It's about you."
"Do you know anything about it?" I plead with him because my mom isn't here to shut him up and I'm definitely my father's daughter. Maybe if I sound weak and pitiful enough, he'll tell me everything.
"I would if I could but I don't know anything else. It sounds like you're destined to right a wrong, but as far as I know your birthday was supposed to do that in and of itself."
I'm so disappointed I can't respond. I know it's not fair to be upset with him, but I had hoped they would've prepared more.
"We got the message at the same time as you did, Connie," He murmured. His hand found my head to rub against my horns. Sometimes I forget they see through the mist and can actually touch them. It feels like I Love You. "It's literally all smoke and mirrors to us."
My dad really does make the best of the worst dad jokes ever.
This time I did respond. "That's ok-," And then I threw up for an indeterminate amount of time. My stomach felt like it was turning inside out and jumping right into my throat.
72 hours in:
I'm already awake. In fact, I'm already standing at the door. Except it's not really even a door anymore. Jagged nails stick out through the walls from the outside in an indistinct pattern that tells me I may have been boarded in. My door has gone from a lovely shade of white with various stickers and pictures on it to the literal door of a safe. There's nothing to grab onto, save for the nails. I very quickly learned the hard way what happens when I touch the nails.
Iron is not really our thing, us sex demons. It burns on contact like fire would if we weren't... fireproof. I learned that by touching it six more times with various parts of my body. And apparently, the door does the exact same so now I have a bunch of blisters on the palm of my hands and they don't seem to be healing immediately like I thought they would.
"Connie? Are you in there? Doug!"
"I'm in here alright. Not like I have a whole lot of options," I finally reply as dryly as I can. "Care to explain?"
"E-explain what?"
My jaw drops as my temper flares. No way is my mom playing games right now. "Mom! You locked me in my room! We didn't talk about this! What is going on?!"
For a moment I think she's left. I can't hear any movement or sounds at all.
"Oh, Connie. This next part is going to be really dangerous for us to be around. You understand right? That we can't be here?"
Leave it to Priyanka Maheswaren to answer a question that wasn't asked and then ask two more. "Why?" I feel defeated and afraid. I don't want my parents to leave, they are all I have right now. If Steven was here... "Oh my stars~," I hum as my skin explodes with desire. The lusty feeling threatens to close my throat and now I couldn't be happier they were getting lost.
"C-Connie, we need to go. We'll be back at Midnight, okay?"
"Okay," I try to sound as normal as possible, and fail miserably. I'm breathless as I think of him, and then suddenly starving. Physically starving, my entire body craves food. "M-mom wait! Mom I need something to eat! Mom? Mom!"
The conviction dies and my mind drifts back to Steven again. God, what a handsome human man. So big and strong, those hidden muscles coming to life while he drives his cock into my pussy just to see if he can make me scream.
I pull out my phone as it buzzes in my back pocket, moaning at the sensation. Everything feels so good, every touch is wildly satisfying and yet leaves me hungry for more. "Oh fuck, St-Stevens typing a message to me! I can see a picture of that gorgeous rod." My mouth starts watering at the thought and I squeeze my thighs together. My bed beckons me and I answer the call. The sheets and blanket are so cool against my skin, so lustrous and smooth that it makes me wet instantly.
Thinking of all those times my parents went on dates and Steven and I broke in and fucked on this very bed gets me to moan and shove my hand in my pants. He's still typing but I can't wait.
As soon as my fingers starts circling my clit my hips are rocking to meet them. Pleasure spikes through every atom in my body and I drop my phone to yank my panties down. I need more, more. Fuck it feels so good but I'm so close already. I don't want it to end. I've never been this horny before, I've never grinded on my hand like this, frantic for release despite my urge to edge myself. I orgasm with an intensity I didn't know could be reached and my fingers grow slick with my cum. I stick them in my mouth and suckle until every last drop is gone and pant out the afterglow.
My phones still on our chat, but Stevens still typing. After another minute I scroll up to our last conversation to distract myself.
Biscuit: For your birthday, I will grant you any wish you choose within my power.
Me: Hmmm... any wish? ;)
Biscuit: Come on, be creative. I already give you enough dick you greedy girl.
Me: FFfffinnnneeeee... Hmmm.
Me: Okay, I have one wish ready.
Biscuit: ?
Me: Love me and only me
Biscuit: Asdfghjkl dammit!
Me: What?
Biscuit: That was just... wish granted. It's been granted since the day we met. I couldn't love anyone else like you if I tried. You're my everything, Twilight.
God it's fucking hot in here! I can't tell if it's Steven being sweet or the heat but my body is ready to go again. It demands more stimulation this time so I grab my wand and go again.
And again.
And again.
My body is aching for more but my arms are so tired I can't possibly use them anymore. In fact, my whole torso is starting to feel a little sore. Of course, that doesn't stop my body from rubbing my thighs together again for more friction.
I feel embarrassed, like an animal in heat. I need something to grind on. I need... I need...
Oh god.
I grab the pillow under my bed and sigh as I bunch it up between my legs. "Lilith, forgive me." The second I graze against it I know this is right. Every thrust against the pillow makes me whine and groan as it takes me to cloud nine and then to cloud 90. I'm grinding on it so hard the bed is thumping against the wall but I can't even be bothered to care, I'm a drooling horny mess and this feels so fucking good.
I end up zeroed in on grinding on that damn pillow, so close to cumming but not able to get there. I try to put my wand under its fold so it'll vibrate too, but the only thing it succeeds in is adding to the pleasure until I'm screaming out in ecstasy. I can't stop, I can't stop working my hips and I feel so fucking beautiful. So pristine and sexy and desirable. I watch myself in the mirror of my vanity and smile through the bliss. "I'm s-so fucking pretty~. So many people would kill to see me d-do this, oh– oh my fucking– Lilith below I just want to cum!" I'm so desperate to cum, the buildup is relentless and it's making me so frustrated I want to cry. "P-please, Lilith. Tell me h-h-how to cum! Please!"
I don't expect any answer, but to my muted shock, the candle lights again.
I feel like I'm being lifted now as everything increases by a tenfold but I'm still not over the precipice. What am I missing? I've never had a problem getting off before but now it's like Lilith is actively blocking me... "Lilith, O Mother Of D-Demons. Take this pleasure as– Oh FUCK!" My thighs, my pillow, my hands, my bedsheets; everything is drenched in my essence and so am I. It feels so good I giggle. A squeaky, tinkling laugh pours out of me as I toss the pillow to the side and face plant into the mattress.
I'm able to get my bearings again after a few minutes enough to realize the sky is dark again. I just spent my entire day violently masturbating like some sex addict. "You're specifically bred to be a sex addict, Connie," I remind myself.
I grab my phone again and frown. Steven still typing and now, I'm worried something is wrong.
Me: Is everything okay? You've been typing for actual hours.
Me: Just send me an emoji at least so Ik you're okay.
"This one wasn't so bad. But I could definitely go again."
By the time I'm done, Stevens still typing.
The final 24 hours:
"Good morning, regular door!" I pretend to boop its nose and skip downstairs to see where my parents are. "And what have we here? A note!"
I'm extra chipper today since it's supposed to be my last day of captivity, and my last day of transformation. I feel good, fresh and exhilarated. I want to run, I feel the urge to move pumping through my blood. The jog in place I'm doing slows as I happen to glance down from the 'We'll be back tomorrow!' note to an envelope below it.
It's a plain envelope, though the script is quite fancy. A fanciness I know belongs to Pearl. I know it's wrong, but I'm a demon so what the hell, why not? It looks like it was already opened actually, just resealed recently even.
"Dearest Priyanka,
As you know, the time has come when we must permanently separate Steven and Connie. It will do them no good to be together after their birthday passes,
and we would prefer if Connie ceases all contact with Steven. He will be doing the same.
This is a very unfortunate time upon us and I sincerely hope you will cooperate in keeping our children safe lest other measures have to be taken."
Bile rises in my stomach and I puke into the sink four times before I can catch my breath. "No! No, no, no! They can't– they can't." I slide down against the cabinets, my tears already near drenching my face. "They can't take my Steven away."
And then, because Lilith was moved by my emotional pain and is ever gracious, I was then gifted the fun of my skin beginning to bulge. "No, w-wait I'm not ready! Give me time to grieve!"
My back makes a fleshy tearing sound when it's ripped through with horns and then something much bigger that weighs my body back. The very tippy top of my butt starts hurting too around one second before I can feel... something slithering from the point. A quick reach around shows me a tail. Oh boy. Nail beds are not usually something I pay attention to, at least not until the nail is being ripped from the skin as new ones are forced out. My heart is torn through as I realize I won't ever seen my Biscuit again.
It's excruciating. Everything is excruciating. To live is to suffer, and to be without my Steven makes me sob even angrier cries as my body goes through painful awkward changes I did not consent to.
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