I Ramble On About My Life, And You Take It Like A Good Little Bitch
There is a veil between the human world, and the magic world that prevents them from seeing us as monsters.
Wait, I guess I shouldn't call us monsters, that feels derogatory, doesn't it?
Here, let me just start over.
My name is Connie Mahaswaren, and I turn 18 in a week. My mom and dad are humans who prayed to a goddess for help conceiving, but as a payment from Lilith for being able to conceive, I was born as a half human half succubus. The contract states that at my 18th birthday, my body will start to finally go through changes as my extended puberty tapers out and I'll be able to begin grasping for more of my power than ever. Every succubus or incubus has a few skills that differ from others depending on their personality, and I'm so excited for it!
I never really was an... orthodox child. At age one and half the same day my dad found teeth poking out from my gums and cried, he found my stubby little horns beginning to grow too. That made him cry harder. I guess they'd hoped Lilith would forget and I'd be born human.
Regardless of that though, my mom took it very seriously to teach me everything she could about demonology and my role in it. My childhood was relatively normal since the mist obscured me, and I was allowed to go to school until 15. The main reason being that when puberty first hit, it hit really hard. My mom did her best to give me The Talk, but how do you tell a succubus teenager about the complexities of human sex when their heritage is so tied into it and you don't understand exactly how? I would be lying if I didn't say me and my boyfriend have gotten caught fooling around more often than not.
Oh! My boyfriend! Steven Lucy De Mayo. Weird name, I know. Apparently his mom was really picky with names, hence the De Mayo part. He's been my best friend since we were kids, and sometimes the only thing keeping me going past all of the phantom aches of limbs I don't have yet that started to get in my early teen years. Steven is the most handsome human I've ever met. He's brave and kind and passionate, just the way Lilith made me. We even were born one year apart exactly (August 14th) and he'll be turning 19 at the same time I enter adulthood. This will be the first one we don't share entirely since we met as he always goes all out for me and we do joint celebrations. Those brown eyes always make me fall in love, and when they get darker, in lust. Lately we can't seem to keep our hands off each other even more often than normal. His dad thankfully is filthy rich, strangely understanding, and chooses to sleep in a van. So, we both occasionally get clearance to get it all out with a tiredly amused sigh, eyes covered, and Stevens reloadable card extended toward us.
His dad is really cool, Gregory De Mayo, former rockstar who's basically like a second dad to me. He's been a huge supporter of us even though it's a trans-species relationship, which is really encouraging since his aunts all hate me no matter how much I try to prove myself. I think they know what I am, and they don't want me to hurt him when I come of age.
The only real downside of our relationship is he doesn't actually know what I am. He knows I'm magic, but his family forbid me to tell him the whole truth. Being the compassionate guy he is, he hardly ever pushes for the truth. He loves me as if I were a human too.
His family are hybrids, gem and demon, a curse from Lilith toward the kin of the Diamonds. The legacy and in turn, rivalry, between the Diamonds and Lilith goes back farther than my time. When Lilith became immortal and was banished to this solitary dimension, the first three beings she made before humans were Diamonds. Lilith and the Diamonds were all deities under the same power and close friends. She grew more powerful than ever, provided them everything, and gave them dominion over the treasures of life as well. White was the goddess of perfection, and life. Yellow was the goddess of clarity and intelligence and drive. Blue was the goddess of victory, failure and healing. White became greedy for more power than Lilith would provide her, so she rallied her sisters and made their own empire. Outraged and betrayed, Lilith cursed the Diamonds to one day create half demons in their image. They aren't direct descendants like I would be considered, just adjacent to my species and my counter species, incubi.
Confusing right? Well, imagine how confusing it is to live in it.
"Hey, Steven," I snake my arms up his chest and peer up at him excitedly.
My boyfriend, again, quite possibly the sexiest human alive, boops my nose and calls me a silly goose. His hands always find my hair when he first sees me, it's silky and long and deep brown like his. One of the funny things about the mist is watching Stevens actions work around it. When he goes to scratch my scalp, he always ends up avoiding my horns. "Are you excited about our birthday?" He teases.
I purr at his touch and nod. "Of course! There's gonna be rule breaking and cake and then later you!" And the ceremony, but we don't like to talk about it much since I can't say much.
He looks like he wants to talk about it now, but instead he pulls me close in a surprise hug. "I missed you, my siren."
He calls me a siren because one of our favorite things to do is sing together. I've always been a really creative kid because I can see the magic realm through the mist whenever I want and I used to write poetry about the things I saw. After I met Steven, we started jamming together. First as just childish jingles about clean laundry and snacks, then as we got older, we really started to push ourselves to make more. I'm always writing music with my violin, or making poetry to tuck away into my binders, and Steven is always humming to himself or strumming his guitar. His voice always gives me goosebumps! He's got an even wider range than I have, from brassy bass tones that make my toes curl to mellifluous falsetto that makes my heart flutter.
"How much?" I poke at his chest and start to back away slowly. "How much did you miss me?"
His eyes are instantly lit with a playful fire. "Get back here and love me, dammit!" He laughs and reaches just as I get out of his arms maximum stretch.
"I dunno, you don't seem like you miss me very much. You're off your game, De Mayo~." I take a light hop back and his feet stay planted.
Stevens a dork, but even past his sweet face and those baby cheeks, he's got muscles and he loves to flex them before pursuit. He always manages to balance between 'looks like he could kill you with a punch' and 'looks like he'll cry if you tap his cheek'. His quiet muscle turns me on like nothing else, and he takes advantage of that with a wicked grin. "I just got back from the gym! And I have plenty of energy. In fact, I might even need another rep." He really is above the average human in every way to me.
I gasp and he lunges forward. I easily maneuver my body out of his grasp, my lithe and quick reflexes proving to him that catching has never been easy and never will be. "Another rep? You should probably get on that, I wouldn't want to drain you."
"Drain me? Now I know you're cheating on me," He says with a humorous clutch at his chest. "When has my sex drive ever lowered for even half a second? Hell, when I get depressed I crave it even more."
I cringe to myself at that comment, realizing I wasn't talking about draining him in bed as much as I meant energy-wise. "N-no. I just hope you know..." I put an alluring expression on and bat my eyes, "I just hope you know you have plenty of options for exercise and that you should pick quickly before my interest fades."
This time he's too fast for me to dodge, and picks me up like a bag of flour over his shoulder. Thankfully this part of Funland is technically closed this late, so we don't have to worry about getting caught as much. The second he finds a little alley to duck into he pins me against the wall hard and nips at my lips. "Options? Do tell."
"Ass, gas or grass, De Mayo." I wrap my arms around his neck and giggle. "As payment for my time."
"Hmmmm..." He pretends to think over it for a moment. "Does it count if you always gas me up?"
I gag and he rolls his eyes. "What do you mean then?"
He sighs and presses his full body against mine, letting me feel the very obvious meaning behind it. My breath catches and I whimper. I'm insatiable, and apparently I make him the same way.
"My, what a sound that was," He chuckles and locks his lips with mine, drawing a moan from me effortlessly. "I'll think I'll go with my usual."
"Just shut up and kiss me some more."
It doesn't matter where we are when it hits hard like it does nowadays, we can always find a way. A hotel parking lot in his car, sneaking into the greenhouse when we're feeling extra brave and want a view, or a completely public space like Funland. One of my favorite things about Steven De Mayo is the how we oppose each other to both of our benefits. He's big and my stature is small, but taller than the average human. I'm graceful and he's charming, and we can talk or nerd out about nothing for hours. His touch lights me on fire, his lips lock together with mine like a puzzle piece, and the way we fuck is otherworldly.
I know some of you might be wondering if I'm going to siphon energy from Steven after I turn. The answer is indefinitely no, no matter how strong the urge gets after I officially start turning. He's my everything, and he trusts me not to hurt him regardless of him not knowing what I am.
Well, mostly.
Whenever he fucks me like this, so passionate and loving, I can't fight the urge to sink my teeth into that taught flesh and taste him. His sweat, whatever body wash he uses, his cologne, whatever, feeds something deep inside of me.
"Every time you bite me it's like magic," He moans and bites me right back, but harder.
Now when the roles are reversed, I always end up cumming on him. There's something about how wild it feels, how every nerve ending I have lights up as he leaves a possessive mark to claim me. It's embarrassing, and a really overdramatic response but he loves it.
"All mine. Sexy, intelligent, and mine." He's always been big on complimenting me, and the extra attention is erotic enough as it is without him rutting into me like an animal against the wall. I can feel his energy, and that's enough. He wants me and it makes me even crazier about him. We're both passionate as hell, and we bring it out of each other seamlessly even outside of sex. We're perfect together, we match and... I don't really get that in other aspects, not even at school. The other kids think I'm weird, but they always hang out near me or let me join even if I don't really talk to them much. I don't know any other demons, I'm the first demon (or half one) direct descendant to be born in 1,000 years because of Liliths anguish. When I turn 18, it will be the signal of a new era as my birth becomes less of a whisper and more of a shout. Soon everyone will know about the half succubus born of Lilith. And then, we'll get our happily ever after.
"Steven, I love you," I wrap my legs around his waist tighter and sigh out my pleasure until I'm rocking my hips to meet his just as wildly. This human has crazy stamina, but even better, a cock Lilith herself had to have blessed.
He slows his assault to pull back and kiss me. "I love you too. Together forever–,"
And I answer the same way I always do.
"–Or may the world burn."
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