I Learn That I Dont Know Anything

"Go fuck a doughnut, officer bitch." Steven shifts into drive and we speed away, both ducking until the coast is clear.

You might be wondering, "But Connie, Steven's car was ruined!"

You're totally right, it was ruined. Steven hot wired this one 12 feet from a group of cops. I don't know what they saw us as, but they pulled out their guns and fired a few rounds into the air. After I flinched but Steven didn't ("Bad move, Ni. Now they think they can scare us off. Good job."), they shot closer and then eventually directly in Steven's left thigh.

"How do we heal ourselves?" The wound is nasty and already starting to look worse. I don't know if demons have arteries but his seems to have been just grazed in the slightest. The trickle of blackness seeps in time with his unbeating heart but he doesn't seem too bothered if you don't look at his face.

"We're supposed to know but we don't have time to figure it out. We have to at least get a few states away," He flicks on the emergency lights just as the dispatch crackles through the walkie talkie. "We need money too. Fuck."

"Calling all units, we have a 10-30. I repeat, we have a 10-30 over and out."

Steven groans and glances over at me. "Quit looking at me like that."

"But you're hurt," I whimper. "It looks really bad and I'm really worried because I really care about you."

His cheeks turn red but he clears his throat and shifts. "Reach in my back pocket."

I frown and gesture to his butt. "As much as I love the rare moments you'll let me touch your butt, you're sitting on it."

"New lesson, sleight of hand." He replies. "As demons, we have a lot of trickery to us. Lying, stealing, cheating, etc. Figure it out because I can't risk crashing."


He smirks and nods. "Yes, again."

I sigh and stare down at where the shadows obscure his butt. Why didn't my parents like, teach me anything about my powers besides the very basics? They always acted like they knew everything, so I just assumed they did. I thought it would all come naturally. Now I feel stupid and feeling stupid is making me angry and damnit I just want that stupid shadow to grab it for me.

"Holy shit!" The car does a very dangerous swerve as Steven yelps and his horns glow.

"What? What's wrong? Why are you–,"

He lets out a slow breath and they return to normal. "Did you just touch my butt?"

"No. I was glaring at it though."

"Okay cause I'm not crazy, there was definitely a hand that grabbed my... ass." He trailed to a stop and glanced down at my hands. "Whoa."

I raise my hands in surrender and a little package falls into my lap. "It wasn't me I swear!"

He snatches it up and shakes his head in awe. "This is definitely the one in my back pocket. Or the one that was. What did you think about?"

What did I think about? I can't remember now. "I'm not sure... What do I do?"

"Light me up, baby."

My jaw drops. "What?! I'm not going to light you on fire inside a moving vehicle that's going way above the speed limit I might add!" He's lost his damn mind, I swear he has cause he beams at me.

"My bad," He apologizes with a teasing edge. "I guess I thought you were a succubus and not a... oh, never mind."

"And not a what?" I narrow my eyes slowly, my eyes then locking onto the matches.

He chuckles and starts clucking.

"Steven, stop it!" I shove at his shoulder but that only makes him crow.

"Chicken! Someone lost a free range chicken! Ba-caw! You gonna lay me an egg too, baby?" He's so silly. That stupid big smile and that mischievous sparkle in his eye makes me weak, but being called a chicken is something I cannot oblige any longer.

I grumble a few very kind descriptions of him as I strike the match. "It's purple," I murmur. Out of curiosity I blow lightly on it, but the flame stays steady. I can't even feel any heat.

"A gift from my father. The... only gift. It never runs out and can speed along the healing process if we're running low." He sounds mildly bitter but he shakes it out of his shoulders, rolls his neck and the tension drops. "Go on, unless you're–,"

I toss it over and he ignites like he was doused in gasoline. "Ohhhh that's the good stuff~," His hand rubs against his leg until he finds the hole and tugs the bullet right out of the wound. I have to turn away and gag but he studies it curiously. "I can't dispose of this, but we can't keep it with us."

"Why not?"

"Our blood. Anything coming after us now is going to be able to smell this, it's like getting a post card from royalty." He looks worried and clutches it tight in his hand like that might give us more time. "We've gotta figure out what to do with it."

Hmmm... we can't burn it or throw it in the ocean. What we need is a place to send it to. Like... "What if we sent it as an offering?"

"Ooo I don't think they'll like that very much, especially since it potentially could bring attention to us being together..." He almost scrubs the back of his neck before he remembers the bullet. "I don't want them to think we're disobedient."

"We are disobedient." I grab his hand and wrestle it open to grab the bullet. "Okay, the only way I know how to do offerings is with fire. Can I use another match?"

Steven shrugs and nods. "Yeah, they're unlimited but I get one every four hours every day."

Unlimited but limited daily. "Got it." I strike the flame and watch it for a moment. I hear the faintest whispers, both in english and Lorespeak, some even in a language that feels too ancient to utter out loud. But I understand every word,

"To heal is to trust is to heal."

Cryptic, like every other thing in my life currently. "Do I just burn it in my fingers?"

"Dig in my backpack, I have a mini in there."

I grab it and marvel at its beauty. It's heavy and sturdy, but intricate and gorgeous designs are etched into it. "Wow it's incredible. I'm going to need to get a new one before too long..." It looks ancient with the bronze latches holding the blacker than void wooden slabs together. Mine suddenly feels insignificant and childish in my memory. "What do I say?"

Steven kisses his teeth. "Uh... we can do it like a voicemail?"

I almost laugh but it feels too serious to even try and it dies in my throat. "Okay. Do you want to go first?"

"No. But I can." He gives me a nervous grin.

I drop the match into the tiny pit and it erupts into an orange hissing fire this time, telling me it's ready. "No, it's fine. I'll totally go first."

Why did I say that? I have no idea what I'm doing! I've sent food offerings before but never an actual item. Who knows if they'll even look at it? Or what if they get mad?

Steven sighs and bangs the back of his head against the head rest. "Hey, Lucifer. Just letting you know we completed the ceremony and didn't die, so thank you for that blessing."

Oh shit, my turn. "Lilith, the Mother of demons, thank you for granting me a part of your world. And for all of the unfair pain. And confusion. And crippling anxiety. Thanks for all that, I really appreciate it," I say, picking up speed as I start to get mad. "No, really I do. I mean, my poor parents are worried sick and there's that prophecy hanging over my head like an anvil, don't think I forgot about that–,"

"Reel it in, Connie," Steven mutters.

I sigh and bite back more backhanded comments. "Here's this offering to both you and Lucifer. We're here. And we're okay."

The bullet drops into it and immediately begins to smoke. It smokes so much my eyes burn and I nearly roll the window down but I freeze when I hear a whisper.


Actually, now that I think about it, I am kinda hungry. In fact, I'm starting to feel a little sick. "Shit. Can demons get sick?"

Now he looks concerned. "We aren't bound by human affliction the same way humans are."

"Well I feel really weak and dizzy and–,"

"Hungry," He finished. "My own mana can only hold you over for so long. It's not the real thing, it's the aspartame. You need the real thing, and you need to sleep to get it."

I know what sleeping is supposed to entail, but now I'm freaking out. It's only been a full 48 hours since our birthday and I haven't actually tried to astral project. Looking closer at him, he seems tired. I remember him giving me energy, but I could feel that it wasn't his to necessarily give. "Don't you need to sleep too? You look tired."

He growls under his breath and snarls, "I look awesome."

"Didn't you just fuck my brains out like 5 hours ago? And we flew like, probably over 100 miles before we spotted a police precinct." I point out.

"Connie! We have to get as far away from the magic realm as possible! I'm trying to protect you! Protect us!"

I steel my nerves and finally ask, "Steven, tell me about my prophecy."

He hesitates. "Yours? Cute. It's not a chew toy, Princess Incest."

I scoff and smack his arm, claws extended. "Oh my gosh, DON'T call me that!"

He giggles jovially. "I mean, we're ignoring the obvious here. The elephant in the room has to be set free at some point."

"But we look nothing like each other and were born by two separate deities!"

"Lucifer and Lilith are lovers! Didn't you learn anything about–?" He reads my expression and laughs again. "Step-siblings?"

"Remind me if incubi can have their dicks ripped off?" I examine my claws and make them extra razor sharp. Maybe he'll have another wound in a hot minute if he doesn't shut the Hell up.

"Step-siblings is as reasonable as I can be!" He cackles. "We're demons, not humans. And the parts of us that are human aren't related so it kinda cancels it out."

I cross my arms and lean against the window, face ablaze. "So, you've been thinking about it since you mentioned it, yes?"

He nods.

"And you remember the beach front right? Not just 5 hours ago?" I blink the now steadily rising sun out of my eyes.

"I'm so addicted to every part of you." He sighs and pulls down the sun visor. "In fact I could go for, what is it? Thirds?"

"You just said all that to your sister!" I gasp. Give him a taste of his own medicine and see how he likes that. "What if our mother heard you say that?!"

"She'd either not care, or be livid."

"That's... a pretty confident answer. I don't see a thrilled option, either." I simper a little. "But that still doesn't excuse the fact that you've been thinking about this for hours, and then you fucked me silly."

"You're my future wife, dippy. I'm already in love with you. Hell we could've been born in the same family and we still would've fallen in love." His cheeks turn a soft pink as he inhales and sighs harder than before. "We were destined to be together even if The Fates said we would fail if we were."

Okay, a trillion questions about all that. Start slow, work our way up. "Okay first of all, give me a kiss, hubby." The way he lights up makes my stomach flutter. He completely lets go of the wheel and cups my cheeks so he can kiss me right. Fuck I crave these lips on my body every day of the week and every second of every minute.

Cars pull over for us as we zip past, some even honking their horns or screeching as they get out of the way. Hijacked car kiss? Check.

He finally pulls away, his eyes burning that glowy pink as he looks at me through half lidded eyes. "I haven't felt immortal until just now. I love your kisses."

His deep voice sends shivers down my spine as he pulls away and narrowly avoids charging over a cliff. Again.

Connie! Focus! Next question, we're starting to burn actual daylight! "Y-you're so sweet. You said 'the fates' weird. What's that about?"

"Leave it to Connie Mahaswaren to hear the slight uptick that accompanies proper nouns." He pretends to shove glasses up his nose and snorts obnoxiously. "Nerd."

I squint my eyes and focus on my body. I know I'm already irresistible, but I can certainly put on a show. My curves deepen, my breasts grow and my hair curls up, catching on my plump and freshly glossed lips. "Nerds don't usually look like this, do they?"

"I know what you're doing and I'm not gonna fall for it." He's gripping the wheel and trying his hardest not to cave in. "All I'll say is the best ones do, and you can go back to my precious flower." It's almost funny how hard he tries not to look at me, even as I walk my fingers up his arm and leave sticky kisses. My confidence is at maximum. I know Steven, I know how his body works and what it responds to. His hungry eyes travel over me in peripheral and then again in full view. "We're going to die because you can't stop provoking me." He grabs a tit with his free hand and squeezes. "Of all the sweetest sins..."

"Next question, who the Hell are The Fates?"

His hand falters on my breast. "Do you remember that legend of the trio of grandparents in town that went missing like, a really long time ago?"

"Of course, everyone tells it as ghost stories."

Steven squeezes it again. "The Fates. They see the past, the present and the future. It's their punishment for upsetting Lilith directly."

Wait hold on. Slow down, instant replay, rewind. What the fuck did she do to them? "I'm sorry?"

"They all met and started messing around together, they used to be like us. In love. Young. Happy."

"And then?"

"And then, the disagreement between them and her started and they were forced to pick sides. One was a gem, one was a siren, one was a full demon."

I furrow my brows. I didn't necessarily know that interspecies relationships existed outside of mine. Then again, we were never in an interspecies relationship to begin with, I guess. "Go on."

"Instead of picking sides, they declared both sides were wrong. Offended, Lilith made them as ugly as their words were to her, and the Diamonds cursed them to only be able to see separate times of existence. They still live together, but they aren't..." He looks uncomfortable and sad. "They don't mentally live in the same moment anymore. They can't share anything together."

Lilith below, what the fuck? That's so cruel to tear three lovers apart for no reason other than they weren't 100% on your side! I can't believe she would do that. "Where do the Crystal Hybrids play into this?"

A bead of sweat rolls down his forehead after a moment and his claws unsheathe. "Don't ask me that again."

"But Steven–,"

"Please!" He shouts it so loud I jump. He looks pale and scared and... angry. "I-I'm sorry. It's too fresh." He sounds so broken up about it I press my fingers to his cheek. My heart swells when he pushes into my touch and makes a half sniffle. "What do you know?"

I tell him everything. I tell him about my ceremony and how I can control the mist and about my parents trying to teach me everything they knew even though apparently they didn't know much. And the prophecy. I tell him that too.

He takes a deep breath and the blinker starts flashing. He's silent as we pull off the highway and onto an exit that really has no business being an exit at all with how decrepit and unkempt it is. "Hide the car."

"Wh-what? No, I can control the mist like move it and hide myself, not a big ass police vehicle!" I protest but he grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Connie, hide the car."

Moose. That's the first thing that comes to my mind is a giant ass moose. Why? Beats me, but when I snap my fingers a familiar chill rushes over me. "I have to check to see if I did it." I scramble out and back away with a huge grin. I turned it into a moose. A giant fucking moose that varies between human realm and magic. It snorts at me but stays stationary and I giggle. "I wish I could pet you."

When I open the door again Steven is slumped over on the steering wheel panting, but stops as soon as he realizes I'm watching. "Hey, Ni."

I'm instantly worried. He looks like he's dying! "Steven what's the matter?"

"I need to sleep. I gave you most of my reserves, I'm going to pass out." With what looks like a lot of effort he shoulders the door open and I follow suit to wrap my arm around his waist.

"I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be selfish..." I feel like a really shitty girlfriend for taking so much. I barely recognize any of the milestones my parents had set out, I feel lost. "Maybe if I had stayed behind..."

Steven grabs my shoulder and pulls me into a heavy hug. "If you had stayed behind this would have been easier, but I don't need easy. I need you."

Wow. Thanks. He's lucky I understand what he means. "I'm here." I press a kiss into his chest and he lets go to bring out his wings. "Can you teach me how?"

He falls back onto the grass and extends his arms toward me. "Come here, Ni. Let me teach you."

And with my wings tucked around me, and his wings around us both, we fall asleep in the daylight off the side of the highway.

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