Chapter 9
Percy's POV
I felt a rush of fear and my mind screamed at me. 'Run! Get on the bike, turn it on and run!'
I reached onto my bike and moved to get on, but the voices hand grabbed my arm. "Wait!" I snagged my arm away and whipped around as the feeling of panic increased. "Please don't go. I just wanted to talk." I look at the guy in front of me. He has black hair and brown eyes, he's about 5,6, and these a familiar aura around him. It reminds me of... Clarisse. 'Shit, just what I need. All of Ares' children have a disliking towards me even if their father doesn't hate me as much anymore (It's more of a dislike). What do I do? What if he goes back to camp and tells people that I'm here l, what then? Will I have to leave here too? Before I've even had a chance to settle? I guess it's better to leave now since I haven't grown attached to anyone or anything.' the more I think about it the more it feels like someone reached their hands in my chest and grabbed my lungs. I stumbled back on to my bike as I started feeling lightheaded.
A hand is placed on my shoulder. "Please calm down, I only want to talk. I know what happened at camp and you don't have to worry about me doing anything.'' Something in me knew he wasn't lying, like no matter what I could tell. I push myself off the bike and nod. "Ok, I guess." He smiles and nods. "Good, what are you in town for? I might be able to help. In town? 'Does he mean in town or in TOWN. Like, what did income to town odor or what did I come to Forks for.' He probably noticed my confusion because he interrupts my train of thought. "Are you looking for a specific store or are you just getting I feel for everything. "
"Um, I'm starting school so I'm headed to a store that I can get supply at. I take out my phone and show me the picture of the phone. "Oh." He looks up and sees I'm parked across the street from it. I stare at him in confusion as he starts walking backward with a smile, but he stops when he sees I'm not following.
"What's wrong?"
"I thought you wanted to talk."
"I do but dude but, come on, we both have ADHD and if you're doing something like shopping, you're going to be less likely to get distracted from the conversation." I nod my head in agreement but "What about you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You said it would keep me busy, what about you?" He seems to think over his answer "Oh well, I'm just going to talk to you but if you need my help with something I can help but my ADHD doesn't make me get distracted, but it makes me hyper fixate on different, random, things. I'm hoping I'll hyper fixate on the conversation but in all honesty, I'm just following the dopamine" I hum let him know I heard him because I didn't really have anything to say. As I start walking across the street and into the store, he runs to catch up with me and we meet side by side as we walk under the overhang thing. The store's sign is attached with its name in orange cursive on the white background.
'Olympic Stationers' ironic.
"So, you going to tell me your name or am I just going to have to keep referring to you as him and you in my head." He looked a little taken aback by the sudden question but quickly he quickly composes himself. "Right, I guess I never introduced myself. My name is Adrien Jones, but my friends call me Aj, and you can call me that as well." There's a small smile on his face and now that he's close, I notice his skin is very pale. I nod and open the door for him.
"Oh, thanks I'm going to get a cart, we're going to be getting a lot of stuff." He starts walking to the left of the store which confuses me. "Where are you going, it looks like the stuff we need is that way?" I point to the right.
"Do you know exactly what you came in here for? "the question confuses the crap out of me.
"School stuff?"
"What kind of school stuff?"
"Just... school stuff."
"Exactly my point, you know the type of things you want but you don't know the certain things you want. And the first rule of going into stores without what you need in mind is that you have to go down each and every row and pick up what you want on the way depending on your budget, speaking of, what is the budget." I don't say anything at first trying to think of a good budget, but I remember the card. No limit aye, alright. "
"There isn't one." He looks taken aback by my words. "Are... are you sure?" "Yep, now let's go". I take the cart from him and walk towards the far left row.
We both pick out things and choose what will work for me and he even gets some stuff for himself. And by the third he finally brings up the dreaded topic.
"I don't think what they did to you was right and you deserved SO much better than what they did to you." I stay silent not really wanting to talk about it, but I know there's no way of getting out of this situation. "Who?"
He scoffs. "You know who. "
"So what?"
"So what? What do you mean so what? You were and still are the hero that always, no matter what, saved the day and slayed the monster. You did so much for us, and this is how they treat you. You never did anything to deserve it. You were treated like a... like an extremely bad person, for what?"
As he continues to let out all the held in anger for our 'family' I zone out and continue to walk, throw the aisle and put things in the cart. I was keeping him in the back of my mind when he says something that catches my attention. "They only did this because they saw that you were gullible, and they used that against you. A laugh empty of any amusement or happiness escapes."
"Gullible? You think I'm gullible?"
"No, I-"
"Don't! Let me tell you something. You may think I'm gullible but guess what I'm not? You want to know what I was; I was trusting and in love. But maybe you're right, I was gullible for trusting the people that took me into the big family with open arms."
"That's not what I-"
"I'm gullible for trusting the people that made me feel like I wasn't insane or a mistake or a freak. They made me feel like it was ok to be me and that I didn't have to hide to fit in. the only people besides my mom that made me feel loved, not that I have my mom anymore. And speaking of love, maybe you're right, I was gullible for being in love with the most amazing girl. The girl that saw me at my lowest points and still stayed but me. But I guess my hole, heart, body, and soul wasn't enough for her. What does he have that I don't? What does a guy that can't even properly use a sword have that I don't? I gave them my everything and they took it, slammed it into the ground like it was nothing. I was loyal to them no matter what. but guess this was what I get. Loyalty is my fatal flaw and that makes me a gullible idiot. Guess I should never trust again" I could feel tears start to fill my eyes, but I held them back.
"That's not what I meant!" I was taken aback by the fact that he is raising his voice at me. 'I shouldn't be surprised. The Ares kids have always been loud.' "I guess it is my fault for using the word, but I didn't mean it like that. I don't think you're gullible or an idiot, in my opinion you're really bad ass, hell I've looked up to you for years. The way they treated you was far from ok but that doesn't mean you should stop trusting all together means you should step back from the stressful and deadly situations. Take a look at how you are when you don't have those taking control of every moment in your life and see how you handle things and I know it's not going to be easy. I raise my eyebrow at him not understanding. How would he know if it's going to be easy or not? He notices my confusion when he turns around to put something in the cart. What I mean is when you spend so many years of your life fight – oh I'm sorry." He steps to the side as a woman walks by. "Hold on, come here."
He pulls the cart from me and pushes it to the back of the aisle we're on which happens to be the last ones. "Ok where was I... oh right, when you spend so many years of your life fighting something constantly with it, most of the time, being newer and stronger than the last it's going to be hard. When you find a place and decide that this is it, you want this place to be your new start, which I figure is what you're doing, it's going to be boring and you're going to think everything is happening to slowly or like something isn't right and at any moment something is going to jump out and attack you. At moments like those you need to take a deep breath and say this to yourself. 'Nothing is going to slow, and nothing is wrong, I was thrown into a life of danger and a life where everything is happening either too fast or all at once and the way of life I'm living now is the normal way I would be living if I wasn't a demigod. This is the way I came to this town and this is what I have been looking for. It's going to take a little for me to get a custom with, but this is how it is now.' at least that's what I say to myself whenever I would get back to camp. When I still went, that is". He smiles lightly at me and I feel a sense of comfort in his words.
"Wait a minute, two questions. First how did you know I'm trying to start over? Second, you don't go to camp anymore?" He seems to contemplate my question before shrugging his shoulders. "To answer your first question, what demigod tuned god comes to a small-town that is known for being monster free and goes to a store that sells school supplies without the intention of living there. As for your second question, I stopped going after I moved here with my mom and sister. I didn't see a reason to keep going when I lived in a place that's safe and I don't need to fight almost every day, of course I still do training, but I don't work as hard as I did before. Would you put as much time and effort into training now that you don't have to train?" I nod my head from side to side in a fair enough manner.
"Good now, the last row always has electronic stuff. Do you have a computer?" I chuckle. "Until yesterday I didn't even have a phone."
"Right, tracking through the phone thing. Well then, I guess I can just..." he throws in different things that I'll need at some point and when we finally get to the end of the row head sigh. "What are you sighing for, it's not like you did any hard work, you literally walked around a store and throw things in a shopping cart?" "It's not easy picking things that match your aesthetic, but my amazing brain managed to figure it out."
I stare at him blankly before giving him a slow clap. "Wow, I'm so amazed." My words dry and dripping with sarcasm. He gives me a glare that's empty of anger but filled with amusement and doesn't really do anything but pulls the carts towards the front right-side of the store. The woman at the checkout counter notices all of our stuff and shock fills her face. "Um would-would you like boxes to carry everything?"
I look into the cart and nod. 'It would be a hassle to carry all the stuff in bags since he could just carry them in boxes.' She places an already folded box on the counter and begins to fill it as she scans the things, we take this stuff we're going to buy out of the cart. That sure is a lot of stuff mind if I ask what you're buying all at for. The shocked face she had on a couple seconds ago was replaced with a kind smile.
"I just moved to town and I'm starting school so I want to be prepared. She looks at my stuff then at me questionably. "There sure is a lot of stuff for one boy." her intrusiveness bugs me a little 'Um when did the amount of stuff I'm by become the business of a complete stranger.' "Some of it is for my friend too."
"Oh well that's nice, it's not common for people to move to our small town so I hope you enjoy it here." 'I hope so too.' I think to myself as I take the boxes off the counter and AJ crabs the cart.
AJ opens the door for me and once he puts the cart away he grabs one of the boxes off the top leaving me with only two. "Soooooo there sure is a lot of stuff."
"And some of it is for me."
"That's correct."
"Well, I was wondering if maybe you might, you know..." I look over at him and raise an eyebrow not knowing what he's asking of me. "Maybe you'd like to come over and we could sort through all the stuff together."
"You know, for someone who told me not even 10 minutes ago I need to start being careful about who I trust, you sure do you want me to trust you." His mouth opens and closes a couple times. "Well, that's because I don't-well I'm not really trying to-I just wanted-." He fumbles over his words as he tries to find a way to explain himself causing me to laugh. "Calm down dude I'm just messing with you I guess it wouldn't hurt for me to come over although I don't really know how we would get the boxes there."
"My car is right around the corner. I could leave the boxes with you, drive it over, we put them in my trunk, and we had to go to my-well my mom's place?" I stop to think for a minute, not really minding the idea and shrug. "Sure, why not just put the box holding on top of the ones I'm holding and go get your car."
He put the box on top of the ones I'm holding and ran in the direction of his car. I walk across the street to my bike. Putting the boxes on the ground I reached in my pocket and pulled out my keys turning my bike on so once we put the boxes in the car we can get going. After waiting for a couple minutes a black Toyota stops next to my bike. Picking up the boxes when I see AJ get out of the car in a hurry. "Come on come on come on I prefer not to get in trouble for suffering in the middle of the street." He up the trunk lid and I'm surprised to see that it's fairly messy. Turning to him and raising an eyebrow he scoffs in embarrassment.
"What I'm willing to bet you're not the cleanest person in the world either." I smile softly at him and nod in agreement. "That's fair that's fair." I put the boxes in, and he arranges them so he can close the trunk. "K you'll follow my car, right?" I nod and walk back to my bike putting on my helmet. He gets in his car and drives off, my bike not too far behind.
Jacobs POV
We stood in the sand watching Percy walk into the woods. It was silent until we couldn't hear him any more than "PFFFT" one laugh set of a chain of everyone but me laughing.
"What, what's so funny?"
Seth's face scrunched up into a smile. "How about the fact you were a stuttering and awkward mess What happened to the usually cool Jacob Black that was so out of character. You only ever got like that when you had that crush on Bella but even then, it wasn't that bad. Although I do understand the fact that you used his attractiveness to describe him, he was good looking. I'll admit I blushed a little. He gets nods of agreement from almost everyone. Everyone but Sam.
"Seth's right, he is attractive. Inhumanly so." My body stiffens, I clench my fist and I glare at him, not liking what I think he's getting at. "What exactly do you mean?"
"I don't want you to think I have any ill intentions towards your imprint but there were a couple signs that he probably wasn't human, whether he knows it or not. I could feel a growl build in my throat, but I held it and instead continued to glare. Through clenched teeth asked. "Like what?" Sam sighs. "First and most obvious was that aura around him... it was strong, dangerous and was emitting a sense of power, a power I've never felt before. Second when we were approaching him, before we got within the normal range of human ears, I was almost positive he heard us. And third, when you approached him in the woods it seems to me that he was a little too calm about a wolf nearly as big as him that acts very human. Not only that but he followed you without any hesitation, what normal human person does that. Jake be smart about this; I'm not saying you need to avoid him at all costs. I just think we should be wary of him, even if it's only a little. I sigh and nod, easing the tension in my shoulders and unclenching my fist."
"I'll be careful and even if I'm not, there's no guarantee that he'll call." Seth tilted his head in confusion. "Why wouldn't he call you back, we were nice and even offered to be his friends?" Leah rolled her eyes and playfully hit the back of his head. "What he means is if you got approached by a large group of strangers that started asking you questions but not answer any of the questions themselves then made you give them your number would you call them back. "
"I guess I get what you're saying."
"Good now is everyone on the same page about Percy?" When he calls, and he will call and if he doesn't Jake will just call him, we will be cautious until we can figure out what he is and what he wants. If he doesn't want anything then that's great but. Until then you know what to do correct?" He looks around at all of us to make sure we understand and when we all not to confirm he seems satisfied. "Good now let's head back I'm sure Billy will but thrilled when he finds out the good news."
I freeze at Sam's words. "Acuity guys, could you not tell my dad, I want to tell him in private since I don't know how he'll take the whole 'my imprints a guy' thing." No one says anything at first and I'm a little scared they aren't going to agree but Quill walks to the left and bumps my left arm with his right.
"Of course, dude it's your right to tell whoever you want whenever you want right guys". That gets a mix of 'yes' and 'yep' with one 'what do think'. "Now ... the last one back has to do whatever the winner says for an hour!" And Quill takes off running the rest of us not to far behind.
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