Chapter 8

Percy's POV

I watch as the wolf takes off into the trees and there's a ping of pain in my chest as I watch him leave. I let out a sigh and started to walk towards the water. I stop right before I step into the water and reach down to take off my shoes, shocks, and roll up my jeans. I step into the water and feel my muscles relax as the tension rolls out of my body. I will the water to travel up my body and I slowly feel myself gain more energy. I close my eyes and raise it, taking a deep breath of the salty ocean breeze and let go of the water letting it fall back into the water. I focus on the world around me, and I feel like I'm a part of it. I can feel everything alive around me. The birds flying above the trees and the one resting in them, the deer running around and eating, and the fish swimming around close to the shore.

As I start to relax, and my mind wanders back to the wolf. 'He obviously wasn't a normal wolf but what was he?' then I remember the first rule dad gave me. 'Rule number one be careful what you do there are vampires and wolves shifters that live there.' that explains what he was but what was that feeling I got when we locked eyes. It felt like something in my chest was locked into place. Like I found something I'd been looking for my whole life.

My shoulders tense as I feel people approaching but stop as they whisper to each other. I don't eavesdrop out of respect because whatever they're talking about has nothing to do with me but as they continued to walk, but now towards me, I wish I had. I turn to face them and see a group of eight, seven boys and one girl, approaching me with friendly smiles on most faces except for the girl and the man that obviously is the oldest.

One walks from inside of the group and I take in his appearance. The first thing I notice is the fact that he's not wearing a shirt and unlike the rest of his friends he's completely dry. He has, like most of the people in this group, tan skin, and a nice jawline. Then I notice his eyes, they are the same beautiful brown as the wolves but before I have any time to dwell on what he speaks. "Hey, you must be new here." I don't say anything at first before chuckling.

"I know that was you trying to be nice but what is this, a teenage awakening movie? I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to hear that on my first day of school." my statement causes him to laugh awkwardly. ''Sorry for bothering you, it's just that I-we don't recognize you and you don't seem like you're from here.'' I turn to face them completely and raise my eyebrows. ''What gave it away?''

''Your super tan. Are you from Arizona because we have a friend that just moved here from there last year?" One of the other guys said. I'm surprised to hear this. "No, I'm from New York." he nods his head.

"So, why'd you move here?" The question comes from the only girl in the large group. 'Leah, come on you gotta remember their names.' "Whoa, can I at least get your name if we are going to continue this very random game of 21 questions." The oldest of the group steps forward and introduces himself. "I'm Sam, they" he says motioning behind him "are Embry, Quil, Seth, Leah, Paul, Jared and Jacob." as Sam says their names, they wave at me. "So?" turn my head slightly to the right and make eye contact with a slightly grumpy looking guy 'Paul, think his name is.' "So, what? He tsk his tongue at me "We didn't catch your name anywhere in that conversation." smile slightly "That's probably because I didn't throw it. And I wouldn't really consider that a conversation, more of an interrogation in my opinion but hey, you do you.'' My smile only grows at the obvious annoyed look on his face. Um do you think we could have your name. This kind of question comes from the Jacob guy. "I guess Percy, Percy Jackson. My real first name is Perseus but for the love of Zeus don't call me that."

"So, you gonna answer my question?"

"Depends, you gonna to tell me why you want to know. You do know it's really weird for a large group of people to walk up to someone that's alone on a beach.'' Jacob looks slightly embarrassed. ''We thought that if we approached you all together then you would be less nervous as if some approached and some stayed behind. And we're asking because it's been a long time since someone new has come to Forks or La Push.''

''But didn't Seth just say someone moved her last year?''

''Thats different. She was born here so she can really consider her new.'' I nod my head in understanding and stay silent for a moment. 'YOLO I'll just be as vague as possible. ''A new beginning.'' They looked at me, obviously not knowing what the hell I was talking about. You said you wanted to know why I came here; for a new beginning. Some stuff happened so I packed my shit, told my last two friends I was leaving, talked to my dad and he gave me the keys to a house that he owns here.''

''You only have two friends?'' I nod.

We could be- I mean if you want- that is if you're even looking for more, we could be-. I'm done.'' he throws his hands in the air out of irritation and his friends all laugh at him. ''I'm sorry. It's just-I mean...can I have your number.''

''Wow, way to just spring that on the pour guy Jake.'' it takes a minute for the question to sink in but when it does, I'm left speechless. So, like in any stressful situation I crack a joke. ''Wow, that was unexpected, I mean I know I'm attractive but dang. Falling in love with me that fast, I'll warn you in advance. I ' m not a fan of fancy dates.'' his face turns red, and he starts freaking out and tries to explain that 'it's not like that' and he 'didn't mean it that way'. I let out a laugh ''calm down, I'm just messing with you. Plus, I'm sure you could do ten times better than me. I mean have you seen yourself. I'm not that- ''

''I think your beautiful!'' He just keeps leaving me speechless, it's kind of unfair not gonna lie. It's clear that he finally realized what he said because the red drains from his face, along with a lot of color. He starts to talk again but I put my hand up and he stops. I put my hand down and take my phone out of my back pocket. 'It's not like it matters at this point. If he turns out to be a crazy werewolf that tries to kill me then it is what it is.' I unlock it and go to my contacts to add a new one, I hand it to him. '' put your number in, once you do hit add and I'll send you a text to let you know it's me. He takes my phone and does what I said to do. ''Um here you go.'' I take my phone back and type out the text. 'Hey it Percy.' right as I hit send my alarm goes off.

'Right, I have stuff to do today.' ''look, I have to go but do feel free to text whenever.''

''Um okay bye, I will. Text you I mean.'' I wave at him and his friends as I run back into the woods.

'I need to find a road.' I pull up my phone's GPS and pull up a map of the area. 'Okay there's a road not to from here this could be my chance to use the keys for the first time. Wait, I could have used my GPS to get to the beach. Then why did I- you know what, so questions are better left unanswered. That is until curiosity takes over and I demand answers.' I put my phone back into my pocket and run in the direction of the road.


After a couple minutes of walking, I finally saw the road. 'Okay, time to figure out how to use these keys.' The note said to think about what I want soooooo, I guess I'll do that?' I take the keys out of my pocket and think. 'He didn't say it had to be a car.' I imagine a beautiful dark blue and black Kawasaki Ninja Motorcycle. After a couple seconds I open my eyes and feel disappointed because there's nothing here. 'Ok maybe it does have to be a car.' This time I imagine a white Ford Mustang. Repeat the action from before and when I open my eyes there is still nothing there.

Sighing in frustration I close my eyes and repeat the action multiple times, switching between the car on the motorcycle. My frustration causes me to squeeze the keys in my hands and accidentally click a button. A gust of wind to blow past me. I open my eyes to find a motorcycle. The same motorcycle I was thinking about. "Oh. My. GODS. This is so cool." I check the bike over a couple times and lift the set and find a helmet in the storage compartment. 'Ok, I have a 'how' I'm getting to the store but now I need a 'where' the store is. I unlock my phone and go through the list of stores here. 'One thing's for sure, I need stationary since I am going to school no matter how much I don't want to.' I copy and paste the address to the most promising looking stationery store into the GPS and attach my phone to the bike. I put the helmet on, hop on the bike, and put the key into the ignition. "Time to head to stop number one." I drive through the forest on the road. 'I don't know the speed limit so I'm praying that I'm not going over it because I really don't want to get a ticket. Knowing my luck, I would be the person to get in trouble my first day here.' As I drove past a sign, I noticed that it said 'Speed limit 65' and looked down to see I'm going 90. 'Yep, definitely going over the limit.'

As I get closer to town, I see a sign that says the speed limit is now 50. I see houses start to appear around me, so I slow as to not hit anyone. As I looked at the different houses, I noticed a house has a blue car that has 'POLICE' on the sides and an old orange truck. After another couple minutes of driving, I arrive in town. I drive through town past people and stores taking in my surroundings, noting different stores I see that might be interesting. There's a diner that looks promising with a large number of people. So far, I have met the werewolves that inhabit the town, but I have yet to meet the vampires and let's hope I don't for a while. I turn the corner and look for parking spaces. The GPS tells me that my destination is on the right.

I hop off my bike and take off my helmet. I hear people whispering about me and pointing. I can feel their stairs on me and it causes my shoulders so tense. Someone approaches me but I ignore them, hoping they don't try to start a conversation. They start to talk to me and my head snaps up.

"Are you... Percy Jackson?" 

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