Chapter 22: Ice Cold



??????: You have such a good heart... I'm so sorry...



The Present: Morning

Y/N's Dorm Room

When Y/N opened his eyes, he was still laying in his bed. He got up and rubbed his eyes.

(Y/N): Hm.

Y/N stretched and got ready for the day, he made his bed and put on his school uniform. 



Beacon Academy

Y/N woke up a bit later than usual, considering that there was no classes today. After closing the door to his room, Y/N walked toward the cafeteria where he ran into teams RWBY and JNPR, eating breakfast.

Ruby: Hey Y/N! Over here!

Ruby waved Y/N over and he sat down next to his friends.

(Y/N): Good morning everyone.

Pyrrha: Good morning.

Yang: Morning Y/N!

Ruby: Good morning!

Blake, glanced at Y/N before continuing to eat her food. Ruby elbowed her.

Blake: R-right... good morning, Y/N.

(Y/N): ...Is everything okay?

Blake: Um...

Ruby: Yeah! Great! How are you?

(Y/N): I'm fine, but the next time you guys want to go out to the city, leave me out of it...

Yang: Aw come on! You can't say you didn't have fun!

(Y/N): -_- Yes I can...

Weiss: As I was saying before. We have a lot to do if we're going to finish preparing the Vytal Festival Ball. We need more supplies for the decorations, we need an appropriate selection of music to dance to, not to mention the catering-

(Y/N): Hey, Weiss.

Weiss: Yes, Y/N?

(Y/N): You aren't going to make me bake the catering, are you?

Weiss: Hmmm... that does sound like a good idea...

(Y/N): Q_Q

Weiss looked at Y/N and sighed.

Weiss: Don't worry, I've found a catering company to provide for the dance.

(Y/N): Thank you...

Weiss: See? I can be generous.

(Y/N): And it didn't even come with an insult... I'm kinda worried.

Weiss: ...And that right there is why you're not getting a date for the dance.

(Y/N): Q_Q

Yang: There she is.

Weiss: Hmph.

After the group finished their food, they made their way to the front of the cafeteria. Flying overhead were small and large airships.

Jaune: Crazy how Atlas has so many ships.

(Y/N): That's Atlas? Man, these ships look a lot more intimidating in person than they do in books.

Weiss: Of course! Atlas is the leader of innovation and technology for all of Remnant! Why, without Atlas, the four kingdoms would still be isolated from each other.

Weiss had a smug smile on her face as everyone gawked at the enormous ships flying overhead.

(Y/N): The Schnee Dust Company and Atlas are close partners, right?

Weiss: Yes. Without the my family's company, much of what Atlas has accomplished simply wouldn't have happened. In fact...-

Weiss began to list off the many, many things that the world of Remnant owes to Atlas and the Schnee Dust Company. Everyone else simply ignored her and continued watching the ships fly by and the robots march down the courtyard.

(Y/N): Hey, who's that?

Walking amongst a small group of Atlas military personnel, was a woman that looked very similar to Weiss.

Yang: Hey, she looks a lot like you Wei-

Weiss: Winter!

Weiss shouted out the name of her sister and ran to her side.

Ruby: Her sister.

Jaune: Weiss' sister?

(Y/N): She... looks even more... what's the word?

Yang: Self-absorbed?

Blake: Cold-hearted?

Ruby: Intimidating?

Nora: Gaudy?

(Y/N): I'm gonna go with... "Weiss-y". I guess it's hereditary.

The group looked at the two women and thought about it.

Everyone: Yeah, I can see that.

The group watched as Weiss ran to her sister and talk with her.

Ruby: What do you think they're talking about?

Yang giggled.

Yang: "Why hello, dear sister. How have you been adjusting to these savages?" "Very well, though they do not have any classical music to speak of"

Everyone began to chuckle at Yang's "posh" impression.

Nora: Oh! Me next! Ahem. "These savages do not even have a salad fork here!" "My goodness! How do they eat!?"

Ruby: Heehee! "I bet they do not even have a butler!"

Everyone began to laugh with one another as they put on their most "sophisticated" impressions they could make.

(Y/N): "Their sense of style is horrible! If it were up to me, they should all have my beautiful white hair."

The group continued to laugh as Y/N made the best impression of what he thought the two sisters were talking about.

(Y/N): "Do not jest, sister. No amount of beauty make up could possibly make them even half as magnificent as me."

Ruby: Heehee hahaha! Ha- Oop!

(Y/N): "Honhonhon!"

Nora: U-uuuhhhh, Y/N?

(Y/N): "At Atlas we have at least twelve butlers!"

Pyrrha: Y/N.

(Y/N): "One for each hour of the day!"

Everyone: Y/N!

(Y/N): What?

The whole group had stopped laughing and pointed to something behind Y/N.

(Y/N): They're... right behind me... aren't they?

Everyone nodded.

(Y/N): ;_; Maybe they won't hurt me if I don't turn around?

Immediately after asking that question Y/N found himself frozen in a block of ice.

Winter: To answer your question, no.

(Y/N): *frozen sadness*

Weiss: And for your information, having twelve butlers is inefficient.

While Y/N's back was turned, Weiss had finished speaking with her sister and brought her to meet her teammates.

Weiss shook her head and sighed.

Weiss: These are... *sigh* my friends...

Winter: So these are your... "friends"...?

Winter looked at the faces of everyone present and glanced at Y/N, who was still frozen in ice.

Winter: How appropriately... disappointing.

Ruby: Uh... hi! We're uh... Weiss' teammates. I'm Ruby, this is my sister Yang, and that's Blake.

Winter looked at each of them.

Winter: So you are Ruby?

Ruby: Uh, yeah?

Winter: I wish to thank you and your... "friends"... in taking an interest in my sister.

Yang: You're... welcome?

Winter: Except him.

Winter pointed at Y/N's frozen body.

Winter: I will not thank him. Ever.

(Y/N): Q_Q

Winter turned to her sister.

Winter: Seeing as how I have time before my next meeting, how about you give me a tour of your quarters?

Weiss: Really?

Winter: Yes. I wish to inspect them and make sure that the are up to my personal standards.

Weiss: Of course! Just so you're aware, the bunk beds only look unstable.

Winter raised an eyebrow.

Winter: "Bunk beds"?

As quickly as they appeared, the Schnee sisters walked away, toward the dormitories.

Yang Well, that could've been worse.

Blake: And I thought Weiss was frigid...

Ruby: Yeah...

Ren: Should we do something about Y/N?

(Y/N): (still frozen) *sadness intensifies*

Ruby: Oh yeah, how should we-

Nora: I got it!

Nora jumped next to the block of ice Y/N was in with a large fireaxe.

(Y/N): *muffled screams of horror*

Brought the axe over her head.

Nora: Hahahaha!!!

Ozpin: That will not be necessary Ms. Valkyrie.

Surprising everyone, and to the relief of Y/N, Professor Ozpin appeared behind the group. Ozpin walked up to the block of ice and lightly tapped it with his cane. From the point of impact the ice began to crack and eventually fell apart, releasing Y/N from his frozen prison.

(Y/N): Q_Q Thank you.

Ozpin: No problem Mr. (L/N). But my presence isn't coincidental, I wished to speak with you.

(Y/N): Me?

Ozpin nodded.

(Y/N): Sure. I'll see you guys later.

Pyrrha: Bye Y/N.

Ruby: See you later!

Nora: Aw, I wanted to use this...

While everyone waved goodbye, Blake couldn't help but watch Y/N leave with suspicion.



Weiss led her sister through the academy grounds toward the dormitories.

Weiss: Isn't Beacon amazing!?

Weiss was obviously very excited to see her sister again.

Weiss: I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas! Vale, too. The government and school are completely separate! Can you believe it!? I-

Winter: I'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles its... bureaucracy. That is not why I came.

Weiss: R-right! I'm sorry!

Weiss frowned as she mentally kicked herself for speaking too much.

Winter gazed over the the academy grounds, seeing the different students and staff going about their business.

Winter: But... I understand why you appreciate this place so much.

Weiss' mood brightened when Winter complimented her school.

Winter: How have you been?

Weiss: Oh, splendid! Thank you for asking. I'm actually the in the very top ranking of our sparring class! And the rest of my studies are going wonderfully, too! I'm-

Winter bopped Weiss on the head, leaving a small bump.

Winter: Silence, you boob! I don't recall asking you about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies?

Weiss rubbed her head.

Weiss: U-um... I've been well. I haven't taken any hobbies...

A frown began to form on Winter's face.

Weiss: B-but! I have been given the great responsibility to plan the upcoming Vytal Festival Ball!

That actually piqued Winter's interest.

Winter: Really? And how has your planning been proceeding?

Weiss: Great! I have a theme in mind as well as an appropriate list of music to be played!

Winter: I do hope that isn't all you've done. What of the food that will be present?

Weiss: Actually managed to get the "Vale Catering Company" to cater the event.

Winter cringed.

Winter: The "Vale Catering Company"? If mediocre had a company name it would be them. Surely you can find someone better.

Weiss: B-but many of the more popular catering companies have already been booked...

Winter: That is not an excuse for a Schnee. Is there really no one else?

Weiss started to desperately think for anyone else she could find on such short notice.

Winter noticed her sister's frustration and sighed.

Winter: I guess the company you've chosen will be... fine.

Weiss could easily sense her sister's disappointment, and at the last moment Weiss came up with an idea.

Weiss: W-wait! There is someone!

Weiss pulled out a cinnamon roll that she was saving for later.

Winter raised an eyebrow.

Winter: What is that?

Weiss gulped.

Weiss: This is a cinnamon roll made by the best baker I've ever found.

Winter: "The best baker you've ever found?" I highly doubt that.

Weiss handed Winter the pastry.

Winter: There are none that can match the perfection of the chefs and bakers back at Altas.

Winter took a bite of the cinnamon roll. For a split second Weiss could have sworn she saw her sister's eyes go wide.

Winter: Mmm~ *ahem* Who... who made this?

Weiss: U-um... Y/N...

Winter: Who?

Weiss: The person you froze in a block of ice.

Winter: I see...

Much to Weiss' surprise, Winter finished the cinnamon roll that she handed her.

Winter: I guess I may have underestimated the young man.

Weiss: I thought so too! But-

Winter: You will have him cater the event.

Winter pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her mouth.

Weiss: Of course! Y/N will cater the whole event, I'm sure he'll be more than excited to do so.

Winter: Excellent.

Weiss: I'll... be sure to tell him.

Winter: Also, I will require to sample each batch of the food he bakes.

Weiss looked at her sister, confused.

Weiss: Huh? Why?

Winter straightened her posture and cleared her throat.

Winter: To... ensure quality, of course.

Weiss: Okay.



Ozpin's Office

Ozpin escorted Y/N to his office.

Ozpin: Please, have a seat.

In front of Ozpin's desk was a chair that Y/N assumed he used for guests. After Y/N sat down, Ozpin offered him tea.

Ozpin: Tea?

(Y/N): Yes, please. I was just frozen, you know.

Ozpin smiled.

Ozpin: That's why I offered.

Ozpin poured Y/N a cup and handed it to him.

Ozpin: How has your stay here at Beacon Academy been going?

Y/N took a sip of tea.

(Y/N): I think you just saw how it's 'been going'...

Ozpin: To be fair, that was your fault.

Y/N sighed.

(Y/N): That's just about how it goes. -_-

Ozpin chuckled.

Ozpin: Yes, it usually is. But, really, how have been doing?

(Y/N): Fine, I guess.

Ozpin: How has the control of your Aura been going? I know you have a difficult time manifesting it.

(Y/N): You know, a couple days ago it felt like I could almost see it finally...

Ozpin: What happened?

Y/N shrugged.

(Y/N): I dunno, it as difficult to manifest as when I first started. My Aura level fell back down to really low levels.

Ozpin: Did you perhaps projected your Aura?

(Y/N): What? You mean my Semblance? No, I didn't feel anything change recently.

Ozpin: I see...

Y/N took another sip of tea and looked curiously at Ozpin.

Ozpin: Something on your mind?

(Y/N): Yeah. This whole thing.

Ozpin: 'This whole thing'?

(Y/N): Why did you pick me up?

Ozpin: I wanted to help you. To give you opportunities you never had-

(Y/N): -_- You want to know who I am.

Ozpin looked at Y/N in silent surprise.

Ozpin: What makes you think tha-

(Y/N): Ruby and her team were at Trist, and you just picked up some random kid from a local store robbery to attend your academy? Come on.

Ozpin smiled and leaned back in his chair.

Ozpin: You have a pretty sharp mind. Yes, I do want to know who you are, but I meant what I said before. I still want to give you opportunities that you never had before.

(Y/N): Sure. What's it matter who I am? I haven't and don't plan to do anything that would hurt anyone.

Ozpin: The 'unknown' is often more frightening than the evil that you already know.

(Y/N): I'm gonna stop you right there. I don't know what's going on here, but I want no part in it. I just want to head home and call it a day... week... eternity.

Ozpin: I have a hard time believing that, especially with a heart like yours.

(Y/N): Yeah, me too.

Ozpin smiled.

Ozpin: You remind me a lot of myself actually.

(Y/N): Hm. Was that all?

Ozpin: Actually, no. After the Vytal Festival Ball the students will be going on a special mission where they will shadow a real Huntsman in the field.

(Y/N): Oh hell no. Can't I just stay here and write essays or something?

Ozpin: Well, I'm fairly certain Professor Goodwitch is conducting a special lecture and study hall on-

(Y/N): So "shadowing a Huntsman" huh?

Y/N scooted closer to the desk.

Ozpin: Yes. There are many Huntsman that can mentor you.

Ozpin pulled up a list of the different Huntsman and their missions.

Ozpin: I'm sure you'll find something you'll like.

(Y/N): Uhhh....

Y/N began reading mission descriptions for each Huntsman.

(Y/N): These are all pretty dangerous, don't you think?

Ozpin: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah! "Search and Destroy"? "Exterminate"? "Bounty Hunting"? Are you kidding me? Q_Q

Ozpin: Well, this is an academy that trains Huntsman.

(Y/N): Don't you have anything else?

Ozpin: Hmmm.

Ozpin put two fingers to his chin and thought.

Ozpin: Oh! How about...?

Ozpin brought up a display of a "Research" mission.

Ozpin: Floral studies?

(Y/N): 'Floral studies'? You must think I was born yesterday. There's no way that's a real mission.

Ozpin: It is with one of the Professor here.

(Y/N): It is?

Ozpin: Yes. Professor... or should I say, Doctor Oobleck.

(Y/N): Oh. Well. He definitely seems like the kind of person that enjoys boredom.

Ozpin: So you'll take it?

(Y/N): Sure. I doubt someone like him would be anywhere near danger if he didn't have to.

Ozpin: Very well.

Ozpin tapped a button on his desk and the projection showed Y/N's name under the mission description.

Ozpin: There you go. You are now shadowing Dr. Oobleck.

(Y/N): Well, thanks.

Ozpin: Of course. You can return to your freetime now.

(Y/N): Alright, have a good day.

Y/N got up from his chair and headed toward the elevator.

Ozpin: And you.

The elevator closed, leaving Ozpin alone in his office.

Ozpin: *sips tea* Yep.



Back outside, the remaining members of teams RWBY and JNPR were talking with each other outside. Yang was reading a small manual on the Remnant card game.

Yang: I need to practice, so I can challenge Y/N again!

Ruby: You mean in the Remnant card game?

Yang: Yeah! He got lucky before! Lighting doesn't strike the same place twice!

Nora: I don't know... He smacked you down, hard!

Yang: 'Beginner's Luck'!

Nora: I don't think a beginner is supposed to win that badly.

Yang: Shut up!

Student: Hey team CFVY is back!

The teams were taken out of their conversation when a student shouted out loud. The group's attention was brought to a small crowd of students down the pathway to the drop ship landing pad.

Pyrrha: Team CFVY? They're back?

Ren: What's with the crowd? They aren't that late.

Ruby: Let's go see.

The two teams joined the crowd and instantly knew why everyone was surprised.

The four members of team CFVY walked down the pathway, they looked like they were a part of some intense fighting, but what surprised everyone was what Velvet was wearing.

Velvet's right arm was in a full cast and sling and it looked like her camera was slightly damaged.

Ruby: What happened?

The group approached their returning allies, curious on what happened.

Velvet: Oh this? It's fine, my Aura took the most of it. It looks worse than it really is.

Yang: You guys must of been in quite a fight.

Yatsuhashi: Indeed. It was a fearsome battle, we likely would not have survived had it not been for Velvet.

Velvet: Don't say that. You guys did most of the heavy lifting, especially since I only managed to attack once...

Fox: Don't be modest. You played a major part in our success.

Velvet: Thanks.

Coco: Are you sure you don't know who's picture you used.

Velvet: Y-yes! The screen was too damaged for me to figure out whose ability I used.

Coco sighed.

Coco: Fine. Let's head inside, we've earned a long break.

As her team walked off, Velvet stayed behind to ask team RWBY a question.

Velvet: Hey you guys, I have a question, if it isn't too much to ask.

Ruby: It's no problem. What is it?

Velvet: Have you seen Y/N? I just wanted to ask him a question. 

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