1014 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~
Written December 22 2022
Posted December 25 2022
NEXT UPDATE is on January 8 2023
Edoka seemed a lot more boring and quiet without Kaito being around. It was also very lonely. Akako didn't hang around her as often anymore, and Saguru was... Well Saguru was dead. Murdered. She'd gone to the funeral, it had been dreary and had a horrific lack of tears from her classmate's family members. Poor Saguru, Aoko had been the one who'd shed the most tears. An old lady had seemed very upset, but she'd refrained from crying.
So life kinda sucked for Aoko right now. It was very lonely and her dad was stressing over there having not been a Kid note anytime soon. Sure she was happy that Kid seemed to be taking a break... But Aoko hated how the jerk still managed to take her dad from her even without being around. It wasn't fair.
Aoko perked up, standing up from Edoka's park bench "Akako-chan!" She glanced around, nobody else was in the park "Aoko wasn't expecting to see you here" That didn't mean that she wasn't happy though. Being alone wasn't fun.
The witch nodded, a serious look in her eyes "I've been busy lately, but I have some free time right now" She'd sensed a disturbance on that bloody night, but Lucifer was unable to tell her any details about it. All she knew was that she could no longer even view Kaito's path, it was nothing but darkness and blood. She sat down on the bench.
Seeing that Akako had sat down, Aoko did the same "Aoko is glad, it's been lonely without everyone" She sighed "Aoko hasn't seen Bakaito, the jerk didn't even go to Hakuba-kun's funeral" A small pout formed on her lips as her hands gripped at her skirt's fabric.
Akako hummed "Speaking of Kuroba-kun, what would you do if he changed?" With how sinister Kaito's path was whenever she viewed it... Something was very wrong, and magic was related. Very old and powerful magic.
Tilting her head, Aoko frowned "Bakaito will never change, he'll always be an irresponsible idiot" She huffed, crossing her arms. She honestly couldn't picture Kaito ever growing up and being a responsible adult. Her childhood friend was just too childish. Not that being childish was a bad thing.
"Everyone changes Nakamori-san, sometimes it's just too slow for anyone to notice, but we all change" She herself had changed since joining Edoka high and meeting Kaito. Akako let out a breath "And sometimes people can change drastically in a short amount of time"
"Okay, Aoko will admit that you're right..." Aoko sighed, thinking back to when she and Kaito were little "But Kaito can't change that much"
The witch hummed "I hope that you're correct, but I'm quite positive that something has happened to Kuroba-kun" And that something has changed him. Akako just hoped that the magician's natural resistance to magic would be able to prevent him from becoming unrecognizable. Her own magic, while strong, was nothing compared to old and ancient magic. So at the very least, she hoped that Kaito's resistance would be enough to keep him whole despite the darkness she's viewed.
"What do you mean something has happened to Kaito?" Aoko scowled "That jerk better not have visited you without at least seeing Aoko once" They were best friends! Even if he was a very big jerk. She tried to ignore the little part of her that was extremely worried about her friend. Kaito had sounded very off the last time she'd spoken with him. She'd been able to tell that Kaito had been pretending to sound normal.
"I have not had any contact with him since before that night" Akako admitted. Though not out of any lack of trying. She'd tried to both contact and locate the magician through both normal and magical means. It was just that all of her attempts at doing so had failed. Which was very alarming.
"Then why do you think something bad has happened to Kaito?" Maybe Akako was just playing a mean rank on her.
Akako eyed Aoko, almost pitying her "It's just my intuition" backed by magical evidence. Something was up with the magician, there was no denying that. The problem was that nobody knew what was 'up' with Kaito.
"Oh" Aoko frowned, brows creased with worry. Akako had a very good sense of intuition, she sometimes predicted weird things that were impossible to predict. One time she'd even predicted a random gas leak for a store that they'd been planning to go to "So Kaito is in trouble and being an idiot by dealing with it all alone" Stupid...
"Probably" The witch admitted "Unless he has more friends that I am unaware of?"
Aoko shook her head "No, just the two of us here..." Saguru was gone and as much as Kaito tried to deny it, he cared about Saguru. Which was why it was so weird that Kaito had skipped out on the guy's funeral. Shoulders slumping, Aoko sighed "Do you think Bakaito would skip out on Aoko's funeral if she got into an accident?"
Akako's eyes seemed to almost glow as she shot Aoko with a fierce glare "Kuroba-kun cares a lot for you. I'm sure nothing would be able to stop him" She paused "But that doesn't matter since that scenario won't be happening any time soon"
Blinking, Aoko nodded "Of course!" She sighed again "But I was just thinking about how that idiot missed Hakuba-kun's..." It was hard not to wonder if Kaito still cared about her.
"That is also another piece of evidence regarding why I think that Kuroba-kun is in trouble" Akako stated "He just isn't the kind of person to just do that without a very good reason" At the very least, Kaito would have shown up for a few moments before leaving.
"Thinks were so much better before that stupid Kid heist" Aoko scowled. She couldn't even blame Kid because as much as she hated to admit it, the jerk wasn't violent.
"Yes" Akako frowned "That heist has caused a lot of problems" That gem had been magical "The gem wasn't returned either, right?"
Aoko's brow furrowed "No, Aoko doesn't think so..." She scowled "Why are things becoming so weird?!"
Me: So Aoko and Akako... Hmm will one of them do something?
Comment? ^-^
Gah, Changing the straps on a watch are so hard >^< the leather one I had wore down, so I replaced it with a plastic one so It'll last longer.
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