「To Many Sunshine & Rainbow」
「It's Not My Fault」
'「Even though I can erase my injuries, I will not pass up the chance to be taken care of by some lovely Nurses, heh~」'
At some random hospital room, Kumagawa Misogi, who was laying on the bed and covered in lots of bandages, was in the middle being taken care of by a few nurse looking ponies, they were being very helpful and nice towards him, despite wearing uncomfortable and slightly scared expression when they got close to him, they cleaned the dirt and blood from his body, use a mix of magic and special treatment to patch up his injuries, and they even spoon fed him hospital food and medicine, the Good Loser was really enjoying and savoring every moment of being treated like a special ponyboy that he was
'「Though wished they were humans Nurses, but I guess it confirms the idea of being a world with horses being the dominant species」'
Kumagawa then lets out a small hum and wore a thoughtful expression
'「And not just normal horses either, some can fly, and some can use magic, I wonder if there's one that can do both, have yet to see one do so」'
Kumagawa then looks out the window he was next to, and look at the outside world he was now a part of, which was filled with a civilization of Ponies, Pegasus and Unicorns, all living happy, carefree lives, it was definitely a place of pure sunshine and rainbows, which was actually to much for the cold, dark Minus, such as himself, and used his 'All Fiction' to erase the window from existence, which left a wall to block the brightness of the joyful world outside
'「Though something tells me that there's more than what I've already seen, and if that's the case, then I guess the real question I should be asking myself is」'
Kumagawa wore a small but very evil grin as he released an aura of darkness and despair, which instantly made the Nurses tense up and ran out of the room in fearful panic
"「How to have the most fun while in a world of magic and fantasy?~.....」"
Though before more evil and unsettling thoughts could continue to fill the wicked mind of Kumagawa, he quickly heard a door opening, which force himself to calm down and wore his fake smile again, not wanting to start any chaos or insanity yet, once he was not oozing dreadful aura, he took the chance to see who was coming in his room
"I'm back, Kumagawa, I hope you don't mind me bringing my friends with me, they were eager to meet you."
The one to come inside the room was none other than Fluttershy, who seemed to be carrying a basket of flowers on her back, though she wasn't alone when she entered through the door
"So this is the pony that saved your flank, huh, he's a lot skinnier than I expected?"
The first one to catch his attention was a blue pegasus with rainbow mane and tail, she also has a rainbow lightning mark on her flank, who came flying in with great speed and was now floating above him and getting a good look at the Minus, not in a negative manner, she was just expecting more than what she was seeing
"「Have I failed to meet your expectations? Well, I guess that makes sense, I am a good for nothing weakling after all~」"
Even though Kumagawa wasn't bothered when calling himself weak, it did make the rainbow pegasus flinch and panic slightly, as she had no intentions to insult him
"Now that was mighty rude of you, looks shouldn't matter, especially to someone who risked their life to save another."
Before the blue pony could apologize, she was quickly pulled down and wacked on the head by a orange earth pony with blonde mane and tail, plus a cowboy hat and a apple mark on her flank
'「Hm~ If she had blue eyes, I would've confused her with an a American~」'
Kumagawa lets out a small hum, as he saw nothing special with the one defending him, in his eyes, she was the 'Normal' of the group of lovely mares
"I must agree, in fact, I would like to be the first person to offer my thanks, I am eternally grateful of your noble selflessness in saving one of my dear friends, and I hope I can repay the favor one of these days."
The next one to speak up and bow before him was the only unicorn in the group of ponies, she had fresh white fur that went well with her shiny white horn, very lovely clean purple mane and tail, and just had beautiful blue eyes, such a lovely mare would've made most stallion drop dead from how gorgeous she was
'「Now for you, if you had blue hair and red eyes, I would've confused you with... 'HER'...」'
Kumagawa smile went small, even though the unicorn was obviously someone he doesn't know and was no doubt very different compared to the person he was thinking about, he just couldn't help but be reminded of someone he dislike, more compared to Anshin'in-San he mentioned before
"「... Well if you want to repay me, giving me your names would be a nice payment~」"
Despite such similarities, Kumagawa smiles back to being big and happy, ignoring such thoughts as he knew this wasn't the same person he knew and thought it would be unfair to make any comparison... Though that didn't stop him from making some ideas on what to do in the future~
"Ah, yes, how selfish of me to not reveal myself to you, please forgive me, my name is Rarity, delighted to make your acquaintance."
The white unicorn finally revealed herself as Rarity, and soon the others followed with the introduction
"Call me Applejack, howdy there."
The orange cowboy pony, now known as Applejack, tilts her hat to him
"I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest pony alive!~"
The rainbow pegasus, now known as Rainbow Dash, wore a proud expression when calling herself as the fastest, which actually amuse the Crawling Chaos to hear such a claim
"Pinkamena Diane Pie, call me Diane..."
Though before the Nightmarish Kafka could poke any fun at the so called 'Fastest Pony Alive', he couldn't help but be slightly caught off guard slightly as he quickly realized there was another earth pony in the room that he didn't notice, who was pink, had very poofy cotton candy hair, balloon marks on her flank, and had a serious, narrowed eyes expression, though that last detail surprised the other ponies
"Diane? You don't want Kumagawa to call you Pinkie Pie?"
Fluttershy couldn't help but be slightly surprised at Diane, or also known as Pinkie Pie, as she, nor the others, never seen pink pony refer herself as Diane before to anyone
"It just seems too soon to let somepony I don't know call me that yet."
Without explaining herself anymore, Pinkie Pie turns away and started to walk out the door
"Now if you excuse me, I need to plan a surprise party for Kumagawa, for being a new visitor to Ponyville and somepony that saved one of my best friends."
Before anyone could say anything else, Pinkie Pie has already left the room and was now gone
"Oh dear, is Pinkie Pie having a bad day today, she nevers acted like that before to anyone, not even to total strangers?"
Rarity genuinely sounded concerned for the pink pony
"That can't be it, she was super excited when she thought of the possibility of making a new friend before coming here."
Applejack seems doubtful at that idea
"I'll go check up on her, probably just has a few balloons tied up wrong."
Rainbow Dash didn't seem that concerned, as she decided to leave and check up on the pink pony
"I'm sorry for Pinkie's odd behavior, she really is a nice pony once you get to know her, I hope you can forgive her."
Fluttershy quickly tries to reassure Misogi that her friend was a good person, while placing the basket of flowers near his bed
"「Its natural for not everyone to like me, I'm used to that by now~」"
Kumagawa doesn't seem all that bothered by how Diane acted towards him, though the others didn't feel the same, especially when he said what he said
"Nopony should ever get used to that."
Fluttershy shakes her head in disapproval, the Good Loser just replied with a nonchalant shrug, clearly not caring either way
"Usually I would love to get to know you more, and express more gratitude towards your heroic actions, but due to me being busy today and short visiting hours in hospital, I unfortunately must go, but please visit my Carousel Boutique whenever you get a chance, I would love to repay you personally."
"Likewise, Sweet Apple Acres is always welcoming to new visitors."
With nothing more to say, both Rarity, who gave a polite bow, and Applejack, who waves goodbye, left the room after giving their thanks, which left both the kind pegasus and the Minus alone in the room, though it really didn't last as the yellow pony was preparing to leave as well
"I hope you get well soon, my animals would also like to thank you for saving them."
Fluttershy grabbed a single flower from the basket and place it in Kumagawa's hair, much to his surprise, she then gave a gentle smile and started to leave the room as well, leaving him all alone by himself, he couldn't help but sigh softly as he lays his head on the pillow
"「... She would make a perfect Minus...」"
I wish to let everyone know that even though most of the My Little Pony story will stay the same, I will be changing certain things here and there, like adding a freaking character that didn't appear in the LAST SEASON!... And other things~
(I always viewed Fluttershy as both a Plus and Minus, what are your thoughts?)
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