「Do Ponies Wear Panties?」

[Time Skip/Flash Back]
「Kumagawa Speech Patterns」
A certain someone, who seems unusual calm, took a moment to look at his surrounding and noticed that he was in some kind forest, which was dark, the trees and vegetations were nearly everywhere and made it hard to see anything in a distance, and just in general, it had nothing but a creepy and disturbing atmosphere to it, any normal person would be paralyzed with fear from just being in this area

"「Have I been ditched in the forest again?」"
Unfortunately, this person was anything but normal, obviously, not only did he seem to not worry, or even care, about the place he was in, but also just smiled and acted as if everything was fine and it was nothing new to him

"「No, I would've been horribly beaten, or killed, if that was the case, no one would just leave me here completely fine like this」"
He seemed to be in deep thoughts, smile went small a bit as he tries to think on how he got here, or even why he was here, not recalling or remembering anything that would give him any kind of clues that would lead him here

"「Hmmm..... Oh Well! Not like it matters anyways, could be aliens for all I care, what really matters is going back home, Mukae-Chan promise to make breakfast this morning, and there's no way I'm missing a chance to eat some rotten food from a cute girl!~」"
After realizing that he does not care to think about why or where he was anymore, he quickly forgot it and just instantly stood up fully once he was filled with new motivation on what he wanted to do now... Or at least tried to, cause as soon as he stood, he instantly lost his balance and fall face first onto the ground

"「Oh my, am I such a Loser that I forgot how to walk?~」"
He then lifted up his head and try to rub his face clean of dirt, though when he did, he suddenly stopped and took a moment to look at his hand he was using, or the lack of one to be more specific

A large metal 'Screw' suddenly came out of nowhere and stabbed into the ground in front of him, to which he used to look at his reflection, and when he did, he went eyes wide to what he saw

"「Out of all the things that has happened to me, whether it be being stabbed, shot, poison, strangled, ripped apart, being eaten alive, etc, being turned into a horse is definitely a new experience」"
What he saw in his own reflection, was a slightly thin horse that had pale fur, black mane and tail, and had big blue eyes, the only thing that even resemble former humanity, was the clothes that he wore over his Pony body, which was a black Japanese middle school uniform, and that was it

"「I mean, who would even do this to me? All this does is confuse me instead of torment me」"
He then tries to move and walk around in his new horse body, which was quite a struggle and did fall over a few time, but it didn't stop him from trying

"「I mean seriously, who would do such a pointless trick on me, with the sole purpose of just messing with me for no reason?」"
He then tripped over a branch, which not only caused him to fall again, but specifically fall into a small pond, or lake of some kind, and when he fell into the water, there was a moment of silence, and during that moment, all the water creatures in the pond suddenly floated above the surface, all of them seemed to dead, with the cause of death being extreme fear and heart attacks, and once those animals just died, the horse suddenly raised half of his head above the water, revealing some very angry eyes

Though the named he said was muffled under the water, he then started to walk out the small lake, somehow still completely dry as if he was never submerged in liquid, and then sat next to the water, looking back at his reflection, still having a smile on his face, but looking more fake and very unamused about the situation he was in

"「If she was the one to do this to me, then it means I can't undo on my own, not unless I do something that she most likely need me to do, ugh, I hate you so much...」"
Before he could continue to be annoyed once he figures out what was most likely going on, his pony ears suddenly perk up when they heard something in the distance

"N-No P-Please! D-Don't Hurt Them!"
He turns his head and looked at the direction from where he heard that voice from, which seemed to belong to some kind of scared female, that also seemed to be protecting someone, this gave him a moment to think about what he just heard and what he should do about it

"「Meh, why not, no point being angry at someone you hate, just go with the flow and see what happens next~」"
Once he was instantly completely over the thought of being turned into a Pony, and who did it to him, he immediately put his cheerful smile back on and decided to go towards the direction of that scream, both in wanting to seek help in leaving this forest, and was curious on what was going on to cause such fear screams

"L-Let Them G-Go! Y-You're Hurting Them!"
Meanwhile, the one responsible for all the worried, fearful screaming, came from another Pony that was also in the spooky forest, though this time it was a female, who has yellow fur, pink mane and tail, teal shy yet worried eyes, and interestingly, she has some kind of cute mark of pink butterflies on her flank, completely organic and not simple tattoos at all, definitely important to note, but at the moment, it was not the main focus, what was important to focus on in the moment was her trying to save all the adorable animals from all the thorny plant monsters, which they plan to either strangle or eat them alive, unfortunately, this Mare was both to weak, and not confident enough, to do anything to help them, and because of that, the Plant Monsters took this chance to capture her as well, quickly it raised its 'Thorny Vines' and send them all towards the Shy Pony, to which she flinches and used her wings, that she surprisingly had, to hide her face in fear, though before they could even touch her, a certain someone immediately stood in front of her and took the blow, resulting in all the vines piercing all over his body, to which the Pegasus moves her wings to see what was happening, and went eyes wide in extreme terror and shock from what she saw

"「Wow! Having thorns on these vines actually makes the pain so much worst~」"
Despite being in extreme pain, and having a lot of blood flowing out his injuries, he continues to act like everything was fine and just calmly smiled through it all, even though blood also leaked out his mouth, the Mare was beyond speechless, not sure what to say or do in this situation, clearly never experienced such a thing before, it was almost enough to make her want to faint, though him suddenly looking at her made her stay awake

"「You were trying to save these animals, right? Well Don't Worry You Pretty Horse, I! "The Obviously Cool Looking Protagonist", Will Save Them And You For Them!~」"
Once he established that he was going to save the day, and look cool doing it, he immediately summoned two large 'Screws' and try to use them to defeat this Plant Monster, keyword 'Try', cause as soon as he made his signature weapons appear, they quickly fall to the ground, unable to grab them cause he had no hands to hold them with, he looks at his hooves with a blank smiling expression

"「Oh... This will definitely make reading Manga a lot more harder...」"
That was all he had to say, before being pulled by the Plant Monster, which quickly made the Shy Pony panic even more, cause she was now responsible for having a, 'Innocent Civilian', both get hurt and captured by this creature, a sense of guilt filled her heart and immediately tried to do something about it, but before she could, she saw something that made her reconsider helping, this Unusual Stallion, once realizing he could not use his weapons, decided to use the next best thing he could do, which was suddenly using his mouth to bite down as hard as he could on the vines, doing this would obviously have the downside of having the entire inside of his mouth, teeth and tongue be absolutely destroyed by all the sharp thorns, but this was only a after thought for him, also, even though biting and chewing on all this dangerous plant was a horrible idea that no sane person would do, it still worked in the end, as he managed to cut through all 'Thorny Vines' and released all the captured animals, who instantly ran off after they hit the ground, and himself, and once he was free, the Pegasus, once recovering from such mental trauma, quickly flew towards him and caught him before he could hit the ground, of course doing got the blood all over her yellow fur, but she could honestly care less about that, as she was more focused in making sure Injured Pony wouldn't get hurt anymore than he needs to

"W-Why are y-you doing this? N-No Pony s-should hurt themselves I-In such a h-horrible way..."
The Mare started to tear up, she could not stand the sight of seeing anyone get so injured and be in so much pain, like how the Bloody Horse in front her was, to which, after spitting out a piece of his tongue, looked at her and continue to smile wear his smile that never left his face

"「E-Even though you're a horse, I-I know a cute girl when I s-see one~」"
What he said made her blush very brightly and hid behind her pink hair in extreme embarrassment, unfortunately this cute moment didn't last long as the Monstrous Plant let out a very loud angry roar and sent all the 'Thorny Vines', that weren't bitten off, towards both of them, the Shy Pony quickly wrapped the Injured Stallion with her wings and tried to use her body as a Pony Shield

"I Won't Allow You To Get Hurt Anymore For Me!"
Despite being scared of getting hurt herself, she refused to let the one who already risked a lot to get hurt, or even die, for her sake, which honestly made him go wide eyes and momentarily lose his smile

"Showing 'Kindness' to a 'Minus', how unheard of..."
Once again, what he said caught her attention and looked at him with a confused expression, but before she could ask any questions, she instantly noticed that she wasn't being attacked, she looked around herself and noticed that the Plant Monster was nowhere to be seen, as if it just, 'Vanished'

"H-Huh? Where d-did it go?'
She was completely lost and felt like she couldn't understand what was happening so far, though before she could continue questioning reality, she suddenly heard some sniffling, which made her look back at the person she was protecting and was honestly not expecting to see him, 'Cry', in front of her

"「Y-Youre the first person to ever show such a Loser, like myself, such kindness, I-I can't help but just cry from this new experience」"
He tries to wipe away his 'Tears', which was difficult due to his hooves, and just look at her with a small smile on his face, which seemed a bit genuine this time, though his words sadden her

"No one has ever been nice to you before?"
To her at least, she couldn't imagine why anyone would not be kind to this Injured Pony, of course he was a bit weird, and the way he saved her was horrifying, but in her eyes, he was a selfless person that would risk everything for someone else, which definitely earned her respect and kindness for him

"「As a Minus, and a natural born 'Good Loser', it's expected for no one to even consider the idea of showing kindness to me」"
Even what he said sounded so sad, he didn't express it that way, always carefree and 'Joyful', more or less, which made her frown, she doesn't like it when someone talk bad about themselves, especially when it wasn't true, again, in her eyes at least

"Well don't you worry, I'll be sure to always show you kindness to someone as heroic as you, that's a promise."
She then wore a determined expression, as she then begins to pick up and place his body on her back

"「A promise you say?~」"
The way he said it was like he was challenging that word, and if she really meant it

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."
Even though he has never heard such a saying, he could tell she said with such strong will and confidence, no doubt serious about her promises, which instantly made him silence and smile went small a bit

"「..... What's your name?」"
After a few moments of silence, he decided to finally asked for the person's name, no doubt she caught his attention and was very interested about her

"I'm Fluttershy, what's your name?"
Once the Pegasus, now known as Fluttershy, got a proper hold on him, she quickly tries to leave the spooky forest and try to find some help for him, all the while answering his question, who couldn't help but be curious by such a interesting name

"「Nice to meet you Fluttershy, I'm Kumagawa Misogi, and I hope we become the 'Best Friends Ever', hehe~」"
Kumagawa Misogi has now enter the world of My Little Pony, let's see how well that turns out, hehe~
(BTW, this takes place before Twilight and Nightmare Luna arrives, also if you have any suggestions or advice for this story, I'm all ears~)

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