#DrunkDrivingMustEnd (bonus chap)
An adorable 5 month old with the beautiful name of Luca Christopher Padur recently was in an accident caused by a drunk driver. Sadly, Luca didn't make it...
Make drunk driving extinct by making a short story (similar to this one) about drunk driving. Use the Hashtag #DrunkDrivingMustEnd, and let's end this tragedy!
Mrs. Johannsen's POV
(This is a few months after Alli gets back from her first tour with Weston)
Before my beloved Alli was born, I had a son. His name was Lucas Jackson Johannsen. Alli never knew about him, because he died in a wreck. He was 7 months old.
That damn driver. He was drunk, drunk out of his mind! His levels were really high, and he was sent to jail.
You know that feeling that you've done something wrong? Or that feeling like you should have done something to prevent something from happening? I felt like that for the longest time, and James (my husband) had tried to get my mind off of this feeling for months and moths on end. By the time we had Alli, I still had regret, but I felt much better.
I need to tell Alli, sooner or later. It's better if it's sooner, isn't it?
"Sweetheart! I need to talk to you real quick!" I call up the stairs, wiping my hands on the apron I have on. The tantalizing aroma of freshly made cookies wafts its way through the house. Walking back to the kitchen to set down my mitts, Alli descending down the steps.
"Yes, mom?" She replies from the kitchen entrance, standing in her lounging outfit with her hair tied up on top of her head.
I walk toward her, motioning to sit on the couch. She follows with a puzzled look on her face. "Mom, what did I do this time?" She says warily, sitting across from me.
I sigh, and quickly start, "I probably should have told you this sooner, but you would have had an older brother." I look away, recalling the memory. Before she can comment, I mutter, "Let me explain."
"17 years ago, your dad and I were planning to have a child. When I got pregnant, we were absolutely thrilled. I mean, we were having our first child together! Why wouldn't we be happy?
"I successfully gave birth to a little boy, and we named him Lucas Jackson. He was beautiful. He had your fathers green eyes, my nose, and the cutest smile." I smiled, feeling a few tears develop.
"All was well. He ate perfectly, slept wonderfully. He was really healthy. We were all very happy." I let a tear fall slowly down my cheek, looking down at my lap, and grimly whispers, "Then it happened."
I continue instantly, "Lucas and I were headed to one of my old colleagues house. We had planned a play date for both of our sons." I take in a breath sharply, allowing the memory to take over. "I was driving down the freeway, and almost no one was around me. We had lived in one of the smaller parts of Texas at the time.
"I noticed a car pulled out in front of me, a mile away, but I thought he'd move. But he didn't." I gulp, letting more tears fall. "He started to move then slammed on his brakes. I screamed, waking Lucas up. I swerved, I honked, the brakes locked up." I pause to blow my nose with a tissue that Alli offers me. "Thank you sweetie."
"Then we collided. I T-boned him, hitting his car near the trunk. Our car skidded to the other side of the road. All of the safety precautions programmed in the car worked perfectly... But Lucas......" I pause, then curl up and let the sobs wrack my body.
I wrap my arms around my knees, sobbing silently. Moments later, I feel Alli plop down on the couch and start to rub my back, hugging me, and not saying a word.
After a few minutes, I had calmed down and decided to tell her the rest. His funeral was held a week or two before I found out I was pregnant with you. They wouldn't let us see the body, because... I think you can guess." I look away.
"We were thrilled when we had you. We were determined not to let the same thing happen, we couldn't loose another child."
A silence came over us. "Wow, Mom. That's a lot to go through..." She trails off, sighing softly.
"Well I'm glad you told me. And no I'm mad." She confirms as I look over, grabbing another tissue. "Can Weston come over? It smells like you made cookies and they can't go to waste now can they?" She smiles.
And just like that, I felt better. I nod, going to my bathroom to clean up before Weston got here.
Alli's POV
I quickly text Weston from the kitchen, taking a bite out of a cookie. I'm still stunned by the info my Mom just told me. I had a brother?? I would've never guessed, I thought it was only me. Well, if Lucas was still alive, I wouldn't be.
Stop confusing me, My brain whines.
Oh, sorry about that! I whisper in my head, chuckling and going through Instagram.
"Sorry about what?" Weston closes the door. He walks up, picks up a cookie, and pecks my cheek as I burn red.
I freeze up, and muster up the strength as to not stutter, "Um, did I say that out loud?" I whimper.
He nods, taking a bite out of the cookie. Mom comes in and waves to Weston, "Hey! How's my future Son-In-Law?"
"MOOM!" I groan.
Weston laughs, "I'm alive, that's what counts, am I right?" He starts to poke my sides, making me giggle.
"Alli, how about you and your future husband go up to your room and do some chatting while I clean up?" Mom suggests.
"Sounds great, Mom! See ya!" Weston calls, running up the stairs up to my room.
Ever since we got together, my Mom has been thrilled. She calls him her future Son-In-Law, and he calls her Mom. We've been on one date so far, and it was amazing.
We had gone to the beach, just strolling. At the end of the night, we had gotten a stranger to take a picture of us, with my hand around his waist and his arm around mine. At the last moment, he kissed my cheek, and I blushed. Our backs were turned to the camera, and the sun was setting. I loved it, and printed the picture. I had it framed and I set it on my dresser.
We walk in, and Weston closes the door. We've never had a problem with closed doors in my house. Even with Weston over.
We both plop onto the ground, making ourselves comfy. It's like a routine to us.
"Weston?" I call, getting his attention. Should I really tell him?
"Yes, baby?" He replies, snapping his head towards me in concern.
I sigh, looking away, debating with myself if I should tell him. I decide with yes and start, "I had a brother..."
He widens his eyes and scoots over to me, sensing my pain. He wraps his arms around me, giving me a small squeeze and sits me on his lap. I lean softly into him, closing my eyes. He starts to play with my fingers, something he likes to do to calm me down. It works every time.
I yawn softly, leaning into him even more. His lips kiss my hair, smoothing it down with one hand, grabbing one of my hands with the other.
I slowly leave this world and enter dream world, all while Weston is drawing random patterns on my thigh, which always leaves me in a calm state. I start to dream.
And it was about Lucas.
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