15. Fifteen , Fabulous , & Forever 💚

"TOYA, KIARI, Mama said bring y'all ass on before y'all late." Isaiah yelled up the stairs for the girls to come down. Tomorrow will be Toya's fifteenth birthday but Tori had to work the midnight and mid day shift at the hospital. She wouldn't get to see her baby girl on her day so she planned a girls day out.

"You better watch yo damn mouth" Tori scolded him as she entered the house from the garage.

"Mama you said tell them I said......and that's what you said so I just repeated it" he shrugged as he plopped back down on the couch and grabbed his game controller.

"Imma repeat my foot up yo ass, keep it up." she mushed his head and stood at the booth of the steps with her hands on her hips.

"Kiari Erin Smith and LaToya Johnson if y'all wanna eat I suggest y'all make y'all way down these stairs." As soon as the words left her mouth it took no time for the two girls to come running down the stairs with their shoes in their hands.

"Damn ma, you should've told me to say that instead, bet they would've been down here a long time ago." Isaiah chuckled.

"Oh shut up Isaiah" Toya said as she threw a pillow at his head.

He quickly whipped his head in her direction; "Aye! Yo birthday tomorrow and if you want me to get yo apple head ass anything you better walk out that door without doing or saying some slick sh-stuff." he said while cutting his eyes in his mother's direction.

"Yea, yea! You know what I like." she waved him off. Isaiah finally got a good look at her and had to refrain from licking his lips. She was wearing something simple but it made her look extravagant.

"Hollup, where y'all going looking like this?" he asked as he stood to his feet and took a good look at each woman's attire.

"Son... Notice I said SON, cause that's what you are. Imma need you to remember that when you see me looking like this" Tori replied as she did a full three sixty showing off how good she looked even at her age.

"Ooouuuu don't hurt'em mama!" Ri hyped her up as she snapped pictures.

Isaiah cleared his throat, catching all of their attention again, "Mama I'm the man of the house and I think you should change. You looking a lil too hot!" he groaned in frustration.

"You're right you are the man of the house but you not MY MAN" she chuckled. "You're my baby boy!" she cooed then pinched and kissed his cheeks.

Isaiah groaned loudly and swatted her hands away, "Imma grown ass man mama"

"Man bye" Kiari laughed. "Come take this picture of us real quick" she asked him as she lead the others out of the house. The three of them posed while he snapped multiple photos of them.

"I'll still think y'all should all go change" he mumbled as he handed his sister back her phone.

"Luckily you don't get paid to think. Love ya son, we will see you when we get back later tonight. Don't have no nappy headed ass lil girls in my ass or I'm kicking ya yellow ass!" Tori responded as she studded towards her truck.

"I wish he would" Toya mumbled as she eyed him as he blew kissy faces in her direction. She scrunched her face up and mouthed. "Don't play with me"

He smirked and raised his arms in surrender, "I love you" he mouthed back to her, making her blush. After they pulled off Isaiah went back to playing the game.

Toya, Ri, and Tori started their day with brunch at Toya's favorite breakfast restaurant, IHOP. Once they arrived they ordered food, talked, and joked as always. Toya was more than happy to spend each year with the ones she loved.

"Blood makes you related but loyalty makes you family" she thought out loud.

"What's that baby girl?" Tori asked.

"Nothing mama, I was just thinking out loud." she smiled as she sipped her drink.

"You sure?" she asked again. Tori knew Toya just as well as she knew her other kids so she knew when things were bothering her. She wasn't going to pressure her into telling her though, confident that she would tell her when she was ready.

"Yes I'm sure" she nodded. "I was just thinking about something Ri said to me a few weeks back when we were at the family reunion. The kids hadn't told Tori about what their cousins had done to Toya during the family reunion so she knew nothing about the kids teasing her about not being their real family."

"What was it?" she asked, honestly interested in what type of conversations the two girls had. Since she worked long hours she rarely got to see her kids bond but there was no doubt in here mind the bond between the two girls was one that was strong.

Toya looked over and smile at Kiari, "some of our cousins were teasing me because I'm not your real daughter. It kind of hurt my feelings so I went to just sit in the gym by myself Isaiah came over, then Ri. Once he told her what happen and what they said she looked me in my eyes and told me blood makes you related but loyalty makes you family. I'm just so thankful that I have you, thankful for this life. I love you and I wouldn't trade you for the world." she finished as she wiped the lone tear that trailed her face.

"Aaaawwww apple head!" Ri cooed as she wrapped her in her arms. "I knew you listened to me sometimes." she said as she kissed all over her face.

"Mama! Get ya child!!!" Toya squirmed. Tori laughed at the two as they played around, aggravating one another.

"Come on you two, let's get to our next destination. " Tori said as she stood from the booth and dropped money on the table to take care of the ticket. She had an entire day of fun and pampering planned for Toya and she couldn't wait to see her reaction.

"Whew shit, whose idea was this to tie all these damn pictures to the end of these damn balloons?" Isaiah mumbled to himself as he tied the last picture to the end of the red balloon.  He stood and took a look around the room, "Her big head ass gone cry!" he chuckled to himself.

If no one knew Toya, Isaiah did, which is why he stayed home to set up his gifts for her. Since she was an un-materialistic type of girl which made his job very easy but also very hard. He carefully stepped over the balloons that were scattered around the floor and made his way back downstairs to wait on the girls.

Ri texted to let him know that they had just dropped their mom off at work and would be home shortly. Isaiah nervously paced the living room floor as he inhaled and exhaled deeply. He was nervous because he didn't know how she would take ALL he had planned.

This was new for him, he was only affectionate with her, so he had no clue what he was doing. Something in his gut told him to go with his heart so that's what he did. While the girls were out enjoying their day he was home searching through old photos to find the perfect pictures for his idea.

Hearing the automated garage opening Isaiah ran into the laundry and grabbed the small crate that contained another one of his gifts. He carefully pulled the puppy from the cage and plopped down on the couch. Kiari and Toya walked into the house laughing and talking loud but came to a halt when their eyes landed on Isaiah. He was laid back on the couch surrounded by money and a French Bulldog.

"Now let mama see all that money she gonna kick ya light bright ass out her house! You know she don't play that! Kiari scolded him as she scooped up the small puppy that laid in front of him. "And who is this little guy, hhiiii"  she cooed.

"A little guy that ain't for you" Isaiah mugged her and grabbed that dog from her. "It's for you" he said as he extended the dog in Toya's direction making her eyes instantly light up.

"You didn't !" she asked surprisingly.

He shrugged; "I did and we can name him whatever you want to." he assured her as he tried to contain his own smile.

"Thank you Isaiah! I love him! Let's call him Charm." she smiled. "You like that man? Hmm? You like the name Charm?" she asked the puppy as it wagged its tail and licked her face.

"I think he likes that name T." Ri smiled. She looked over at her brother and he signaled for her to leave the room. Stretching her arms over her head she yawned loudly, "Whew the girls are tired! I'm going to bed! Happy Birthday lil sis! I hope we made this a Fabulous Fifteen for you." she said as she kissed Toya's cheek.

"Yes you did sissy! Thank you soooo much! I love you so much more!"  she replied as she hugged her tightly.

After Kiari retreated up the stairs so that it was just the two of them, "I got some more stuff for you" Isaiah spoke as he watched her play around with Charm.

"You didn't have to do that Isaiah and you know it," she replied.

"I know I don't have to, I want to." he slowly grabbed Charm from her arms and sat him on the floor, allowing him the opportunity to familiarize his surroundings. Isaiah grabbed her hands and and turned her to face him, "LaToya, you know I'll do anything for you, right?" he asked as he looked into her eyes.

"Yes, I know. You know I'll do anything for you too." she replied honestly.

For a moment they sat in silence as he took in all her beauty. Toya was the most beautiful girl to him, from her smooth chocolate skin tone, her doe shaped eyes, her petite frame, everything about her intrigued him and he loved it.

He helped her from the couch and led her to her room, "I told you I got some more stuff for you." he said as they stood outside her bedroom door. He glanced down at his watch as Toya stood there waiting impatiently.

"Isaiah what are we waiting on?" she huffed. Today was a long day and all she wanted to do was shower and relax.

Isaiah studied his watch, keeping track of the time. As soon as the time struck twelve he focused his attention back on her. "I had to wait until the perfect time." he said as he caressed the side of her face instantly causing her to melt inside.

"Toya from the first day I saw you I knew you would be someone special. Years ago we made promises to one another to always be there for one another, too always be each other's best friend." he stopped, allowing his words to sink into her mind.


"Ssshhh, lemme finish." he replied as he pressed his forehead against hers as they stared into each other's eyes. "I know you dont like for a nigga to spend money on you so I figured I'd tap into my creative side and shit." he chuckled as he kissed her forehead. "I hope you like it" he finished as he opened her bedroom door revealing the set up he put together for her.

Toya stood speechless as she took in all that Isaiah had done, she slowly walked into her room as the balloons bounced off her feet with each step she took. "It's beautiful Isaiah, I love it!" she cooed as she studied each picture. One picture stood out the most to her and made her furrow her eyebrows since she couldn't make out who it was actually in the picture.

Isaiah stood back and watched as her facial expression changed from a smile to a pout as tears spilled from her eyes. "H-how did you get these?" she asked as she turned towards him holding the picture tightly in her hands.

Her entire body shook as she cried tears of joy. Isaiah knew that she wasn't materialistic so the fact the he actually put in the time and effort to make this special for her warmed her heart. "Thank you" she mumbled into his chest.

"Don't thank me" he replied as he lifted her face so that were eye to eye. "It's your birthday and we gonna celebrate it however you like baby girl. You can have whatever" he shrugged.

Toya's eyes danced around his face as she took in all his features. As he talked, the deep dimples she loved so much appeared on his cheeks. She took in his words and wouldn't dare rebuttal him on it because judging by his tone he wasn't leaving room for negotiation.

"You didn't have to do this you know?" she asked as she looked down at the collage of her and her father during different periods of her infant days.

"You should know by now that I'll do anything for you" he answered honestly. The two stood staring into each other's eyes while trapped in their own minds. Isaiah glided his hands up and down her back sending chills throughout her entire body. He cleared his throat and took a step back making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

When he grabbed her hand with one hand and reached into his back pocket with the other she watched him intently. He pulled out the small pink box causing her to take a few steps back herself but he gently pulled her back towards him.

"Listen, I can't promise you that I will be perfect or that we won't have some bad times but I can promise you that I will always put you first, making you my priority. I've replayed this conversation in my mind so many times but now it's like I can't even get it out." he shook his head while chuckling.

Toya walked closer to him and took his face into her small hands. "Just breath, you know you can tell me anything" she assured him while slowly rubbing her thumb across his cheek.

Isaiah closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as soon as he opened them his eyes connected back with hers and he knew. He knew right then and there that he wouldn't be regretting his decision. The only thing he was worried about was how his mother would react to the news but in all honesty he didn't care how she felt.

He looked down at the small box in his hands then looked back up at Toya, whose eyes held nothing but love and excitement. "LaToya will yo- will you be my girlfr-"

Before he could even finish his question she had jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. "YES! YES! YES!" she cheesed as she kissed all over his face making him chuckle.

She threw her head back as she squealed like a little girl, "YES" she pecked his lips, "a thousand times YES!" she mumbled again as she pecked his lips once again but this time deepening the kiss.

Toya breathlessly pulled away from the kiss and jumped down. "Lemme see it! Lemme see it!" she asked excitedly as she jumped up and down. He slowly opened the ring box and it was just as beautiful as she imagined it, if not more.

He slid the ring onto the ring finger of her right hand and smiled at her. "You like it?" he asked nervously.

"I love it" she cooed as she wrapped her arms around his neck again.

"I love you LaToya" he finally spoke.

Butterflies fluttered in her tummy and she bit down on her lip nervously, "I love you more" she replied almost immediately.

"Forever and Ever?" he asked.

"Forever and Ever" she responded and kissed his lips.



Author's 📝

*excuse any errors*


This was originally planned as a full story BUT as I got deeper into I felt as if I would've been dragging the story 🥴

I was gonna do an Epilogue but then felt like there was no need to since this is the spin off & their adult relationship is perfectly displayed in the first & second books ‼️

If you haven't already & would LOVE to read about their love check out "Too Good To Be True" & "As Good As It Gets" by yours truly

Did you enjoy the series ? I did ! So sad to see it be completed 😥

How did you feel about this book altogether ?

We're there any parts that were confusing/not concluded ?


Check out my other works also; "Letters From The Pen" & "Obsessive Love" 🤞🏾

Shoutout to the witchcraft kween ➡️ TaNonnn

As Always; THANK YOU 🙏🏽


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