12. The Family Reunion 💚
A thumping sound woke Kiari out of her sleep. She rose from her bed and made her way down the stairs seeing Isaiah coming in from the basement door. "What you doing coming in at 3 in the morning?"
"Minding my business" he stated blankly.
"Okay let's see how mama feel about you MiNdInG yOuR bUsInEsS" she shrugged. Although she wouldn't snitch on him she'd say anything for him to spill the beans about where he's been. For the past month he's been closed off and distant which wasn't like him at all. So however she needed to threaten him she would.
"Come on Ri, have my back. I'm straight, I'm being safe." He assured her as he looked at her with pleading eyes. He wouldn't dare tell his sister what he's been up to with his homies because she'd definitely hold it over his head.
"Umhm. Getcha stupid ass upstairs and get some rest. You know we gotta go to this ghetto ass family reunion in a few hours." she pushed him towards the stairs.
"I'm not stupid. Always th-"
"Huh? What you say?" She asked as she started walking towards their mom's room.
"Man nothing" he mumbled as he pushed her towards her room.
"YA'LL BETTER GET THE HELL OUTTA MY HALLWAY AND GO THE FUCK TO BED" Tori yelled making both kids jump. They scrambled into their rooms, jumped into their bed and fell right to sleep.
The next morning Kiari was lounging around, doing random things on her phone when Tori walked into her room. "Here's your family reunion shirt Kia- why are you not getting ready? The family reunion starts at 3 I'm walking out that door at 2:45 and not a minute later."
Not giving her time to respond she exited the room, closing the door behind herself. "Well then" Ri mumbled as she checked the time on her phone. "Damn it's already 1:45?"
She jumped out of bed and ran into her bathroom immediately turning the shower on. She wrapped her hair up, stepped in and washed her body thoroughly. By the time she stepping out the time on her phone read 2:05pm. "Mama, white shorts or ripped capris?" she asked while walking into Tori's room.
"Ripped capris"
"Kk. Oouu can you cut my shirt up too?"
"I saw this cute design on YouTube I think you would like. You should try it." Tori replied as a way of telling Kiari she wasn't cutting the shirt up for her.
"Well alright then." Ri rolled her eyes. She walked back into her room, moisturized her skin and slipped into her underwear and pants. While searching for a matching bra her bedroom door flew open, "Oh my God! Really Toy?" she said as she covered the top half of her body.
"My bad, I need to do my hair and all the stuff I need already in here" Toya shrugged.
"Close the door all the way please" Ri asked as she put on her bra and started on her hair. She wasn't to fond of being extravagant for her family so as far as her hair, she brushed it into a ponytail and flat ironed her Chinese bang. "You want me to do your hair or you got it?" she asked Toya.
"I got it. Thank you though."
"Okay then missy" she giggled. She grabbed her lashes and sat crissed cross in front of her floor length mirror. After successfully applying them she checked over the work Toya did on her hair.
"Okay! That girl got them edges laid!" she smiled.
Toya cheesed and turned her head from left to right checking out the work in the vanity mirror. "I learned from the best." she responded while popping her imaginary collar.
"Man can y'all come on" Isaiah groaned as he bursted into Ri's bedroom.
"Can you get out!" she shouted while throwing a shoe at him.
"Why you and yo mama keep throwing y'all stankin shoes at me. Smellin like hot ass and corn chips" he chuckled as he dodged the shoe.
"Cause you always acting like you don't have any home training now move it or lose it sweet cheeks!" Toya said as she pushed passed him.
Kiari giggled and checked the time on her phone seeing that time was up. Her shirt wasn't cut up so she pouted and made her way to Tori's room. She was ready to convince her to give her more time but when she entered her room she saw that she was still cutting up shirts.
Grabbing her phone she opened up the YouTube app and played the video. By the time the family made it to the park they were a hour late. Majority of their family seemed to be just now walking into the building so it wasn't a big deal.
The kids got out of the car and immediately went to find their regular group of cousins. Toya and Isaiah headed towards their cousins that were playing basketball while Kiari spoke to some family members that were leaning on parked cars.
"Look at you looking all pretty!" one of her aunts cooed as she hugged her tight.
"Thank you auntie" Kiari cheesed.
"You're welcome baby. You and your sister come take a picture for me." she replied as she fiddled with the camera around her neck. Kiari called Toya over and they took several pictures for her, doing different poses each time. When their aunt was satisfied Toya returned to the other side of the street with the younger kids.
"What's up Debo! What's up Strap!" Kiari smiled as she gave side hugs to both of her favorite guy cousins.
"What's up Ri. What you been up to?" Debo asked as they leaned on someone's car. They spoke for ten or fifteen minutes talking about her current school status and her job. Strap reached into his pocket and handed her five crisp hundred dollar bills and nodded her way.
Strap was a man of little words. He wasn't their blood cousin but his dad has been married to Kiari's aunt more than half his life. At first everyone thought he was weird for not talking but soon realized that he only talked when he felt like.
"Strap I'm go—" Kiari started but was cut off by him pushing the money back into her hands.
After talking with the two of them a while longer she pulled her phone out and called her favorite girl cousin Jurianna. Juri was a year younger than Ri making her eighteen years old but they were joined at the hip. Where one went the other did too and Toya wasn't to far behind.
When her phone went to voicemail she called Tango to see was he here already. "Hey T, you here at the family reunion?" she asked when he answered the phone.
"Na, I just dropped Juri off though. Imma slide back through there later." he replied.
"K, I'll see you soon" she responded and ended the phone call. Making her way towards the door she spotted Juri coming out with her baby sister. "Hey bitch!" she greeted her as they hugged.
"Hey hoe! I missed you girl" Juri pouted as they hugged and headed inside.
"I missed you too cousin!" Ri cooed as she bumped hips with her. When they entered the room Kiari went around speaking to the rest of her aunts, uncles, and cousins. "Hheeyy grandma!" she cooed and kissed both of her grandmothers cheeks.
"Hey Kiari baby" her grandmother responded with a smile on her face. Kiari spotted her great grandmother and made her way towards her next. She talked with her for a while, kissed her cheek and grabbed a seat by Juri.
"Here I saved you, auntie, and Toya a seat." Juri said as she removed bags from seats around the table.
"See you already knew" Ri smirked as she took her seat. Kiari, Juri, and Toya all had similar personalities making them the cousins that everyone considered to be "boujee" or "stuck up." During family gatherings the three of them were normally to themselves and only talked to one another. They spent every weekend, every holiday, and every school break together so it was normal for them to stick to what they knew while around larger crowds. Family or not neither of the girls liked to be around a lot of people for their own personal reasons.
"Ssooo what's the tea bitch? We haven't talked in like a week." Juri asked.
"Girl nothing much, just school and working but I swear I'm finna drop out." Ri rolled her eyes. "Like to be honest I barely go to class, I don't know why I spaced my classes so far apart the way that I did." she said while running her fingers through her bang.
"First of all, you not dropping out so kill that thought. Second of all, explain." Juri responded while sipping her drink. Kiari explained her schedule and how sometimes she goes to class and other times she's spending that time at her boyfriend's house. There's no way she told this same story to her older cousins because they'd kill her and him.
"Now you know auntie Tori would kick your ass if she knew that." she whispered yelled.
"I kknnooww" she mumbled "Let's go find somewhere to smoke." Ri sighed and stood to her feet suddenly feeling stressed.
Once they made it outside Juri pointed towards the parked cars. "Ya mama and them up there."
"Na my mama don't know I'm back smoking so let's find somewhere else to go." Kiari said as she looked around for another option. She nodded towards the side of the building and Juri followed pulling out her pre rolled leaf and lighter. As they passed the leaf back and forth the girls finished the conversation they were having at the table. They were almost done when they heard what sounded like one of their mother's voices. Listening closely they could hear Ann's voice, "Where's Jurianna? Anybody seen Juri?"
The girls peeped their heads around the building just as she turned around. "Getcho a-get over here! If I told you they can get a fine for alcohol what in the hell make you think they can't get one for weed?" She asked through gritted teeth as she looked between the two girls.
Both girls looked at her with their puppy dog eyes. "Don't give me them ugly ass looks. Juri where's my baby?" she pointed at them.
"She's with June" Juri answered referring to her younger brother as they headed back into the building. One of her cousins passed them along the way and let them know that their grandmother was about to bless the food. That was their cue to pick up their pace. Before going in the girls stopped and sprayed themselves with a little perfume then popped gum in their mouth.
Kiari played around with her food when out of no where she heard, "What's up Dez," making her head pop up. She wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin as she scanned the room until her eyes landed on her favorite uncle. "Hi uncle Dez!" she cheesed.
"What's up niece! Lemme get a piece of that" he said as he pointed towards her plate.
She looked down at her plate then back up at him, "A piece of what? My bread roll"
"Yea" he nodded with a smirk.
"Here" she shrugged while pushing her plate towards him.
"I'm just playing niece" he chuckled. "How you been?"
They talked for a while and caught up on the events that have taken place in each other's life. As they talked they could hear one of their aunts over the mic calling out winning raffle ticket numbers. Upon entrance some family members purchased a one dollar raffle ticket with the hopes of winning a prize.
"Somebody tell Nae she better go outside and get her brother. He done passed out out there in the middle of the street," one of her cousins said out loud.
You know how every family have that one drunk uncle? Well this family had MANY, there were drunk uncles, aunts, and cousins. Neither of them meant any harm though, it actually added extra entertainment to family gatherings.
While talking to Juri Kiari noticed their cousin Logan sitting at the table behind them. "This bitch" Kiari mumbled while rolling her eyes.
Juri looked to the side and saw what made her cousin mood change, or rather she said who. When she spotted Logan she sent a slight wave her way and focused her attention back on her phone. Kiari, Logan, and Juri were like the three musketeers, they were inseparable. That was until Logan did some petty and unforgettable things to Kiari.
It was understood that Kiari didn't fuck with Logan and had no words for her. The two girls got up to go outside but was stopped by Logan who was now standing by their grandmother. "Come on y'all and take a picture."
Kiari silently cursed herself and stood on the opposite of her grandmother. She smiled blankly for the pictures and went on about her business. Kiari made her way towards the indoor basketball court to see what her younger cousins were up to.
When she entered the gym she noticed that some of the boys were playing a game of basketball while her uncles watched and coached from the sideline. She headed towards the bleachers while Juri went to grab her baby sister. As soon as she sat down she look to her left and saw that Isaiah was comforting Toya.
She stood to her feet and walked over to them, "what happen?" she asked with her concern.
"Jordan and them teasing her about not being our real sister and her mama being her crackhead." One of their younger cousins said as she rubbed circles around Toya's back.
"My mama ain't no crackhead! She don't even do drugs!" Toya replied as she mugged the little girl.
Ri looked to Isaiah for confirmation and he nodded his head. "Noonie go play with the kids" Kiari shooed her little cousin away.
Toya spent most of time with Ri and Juri so she was mature for her age. Whenever she hung out w her cousins who were in her age range her personality didn't change because she was who she was whether they liked her or not. She knew that mentally she was on another level she the things that fascinated other fourteen year olds was boring to her.
This often made her a target for her cousins but what they didn't understand was that she had no choice but to grow up quick. She had no choice but to be independent and secluded because that's truly all she knew. No matter how much Tori tried to get her to be more social she still found ways to be alone most times so she didn't push her.
If you weren't Isaiah, Ri, Juri, or Syd then you were getting LaToya, with them she was Toya.
LaToya was secluded and anti-social while Toya was vibrant and witty.
"Come here sis" she said as she reached out for Toya. She sat there for a minute before she moved closer and into her sister's arms.
Using her index finger to lift her chin, Kiari asked her, "You know blood don't make you family right?"
Toya starred at her blankly waiting for her to continue. "Blood don't make you family, loyalty do. As long as you stay loyal to those you consider your family you're good. Remember that."
Toya nodded her head and smiled up at her older sister. The two sisters weren't close in age but they were so close as if they were twins. They did almost everything together; the nail salon, hair salon, the mall, etc.
"Thanks, now lemme go kick this little girl's ass for playing on my top like that." Toya stated as she made her way down the bleachers making Kiari giggle and shake her head.
Before going back into the room she looked over the railing to see what everyone was doing. On one half of the court a new basketball game was going on and on the other side the smaller kids were playing what looked like freeze tag.
Walking back into the room she found Juri at a table and sat next to her. Juri rocked her baby sister to sleep while they listened to the family gossip.
"Alright y'all, it's time for another raffle drawing." their aunt called over the mic. Everyone gave her their attention as she shook the tickets up in a cup. She closed her eyes and pulled, "Ticket number 037432. 037432 come claim your prize."
The girls watched as one of their uncles came to the front to claim his prize. After finally getting it unwrapped he revealed his winnings and the girls doubled over in laughter. "Omg! I know you lying!" Juri said as she held onto her aching stomach.
"Say sike right now! I dare you!" Kiari snickered as she wiped the tears that had fell from her eyes.
"Ain't this some ghetto ass shi— look at this. They really gave this man Quilted Northern tissue, Febreeze, Dryer Sheets, Kleen— is this a house warming or a family reunion?" Juri asked as she fanned her face.
Kiari shook her head, "They made it seem like they was finna give out some luxury gifts or some all the money they asked for for this
"Alright y'all let's get cleaned up." they heard over the mic.
"Oop that's my cue." Kiari said as she looked around for the closest exit to slip out. With all these men here there was no way she was about to be putting up chairs and tables.
"You think we can escape without being noticed?" Juri asked as she too looked around.
"Na, somebody gone notice but whatever I'm not cleaning up." Ri shrugged as stood and pushed her chair up.
They were almost in the clear until one of their loud mouth aunties yelled out, "umhm I see y'all trying to make y'all get away."
Kiari heard Jurianna laugh behind her but she didn't even bother to turn around. Once she made it outside she burst out laughing, "I'll be wrong if I push her ass somewhere and leave her stuck with ha big mouth ass!"
They headed towards mini block party their family started randomly and leaned up against a car. Multiple blunts were in rotation as groups of family members talked and caught up on old times.
"Well lemme pull my shit back out" Juri mumbled as she pulled her leaf out of her purse and lit it back up. "Hold on, I need to sit in my auntie car so I can light this" she said as she walked over and opened the passenger door of Tori's car.
"I need to sit down" Ri mumbled as she opened the back door and sat inside the car also. Their uncle Chris walked by the car with his girlfriend and she giggled. "She's so ugly" she said making Juri cough loudly.
Out of no where Tori opened the driver side door and hopped in. "It's a lady out there that I don't know so I had to sit in here to do my thing." she said as she pulled out her pack of True Leafs and started to roll up. "Wait a minute, why y'all smoking in my car? And why y'all did move this?" she asked while moving a plastic wrapper out of the ashtray. She turned around and faced Ri. "You smoking again?"
"Maybe" she shrugged. She could've just said yes but she didn't wanna hear a lecture today.
"Alright now" Tori shook her head and focused her attention back on what she was doing. At the end of the day Kiari was grown and capable enough to make her own decisions.
June opened the passenger side door and passed Juri a perfectly rolled leaf that was stuffed to perfection. She danced in her seat and pulled her phone out, recording herself as she inhaled and exhaled the weed smoke like a pro.
"Auntie you hitting this?" She asked as she attempted to pass the leaf to Tori.
"Na girl I'm good." she replied as she opened the sun roof on her car and exited. Juri shrugged and passed it back to Ri.
As time went on the rest of the family started to file out of the building one by one. Ri and Juri turned their heads at the sound of a car failing to start.
"I know you lying" Ri burst out laughing.
"This the first big family function he show up to since he got out and this how he coming." Juri said as the two giggled.
Von was one of their cousins who had recently came home from jail after doing at least five years. He had showed up with his girlfriend and her friends and their car ran out of gas. That wasn't the reason the girls were doubled over in laughter though. Let's face it everybody had waits until the last minute to get gas.
The joke was how they knew they didn't have gas in their car yet they had the nerve to be blocking four cars in. "Now they kne— never mind. Jesus fix it!" Juri laughed as they walked over to the adults who were listening to music and talking.
Everyone gossiped, drink, and smoked as cars drove up and down the side street the cars were parked on. Juri and Ri sat on the hood of one of their uncle's car and recorded videos for social media. Ri looked up to see Juri had a huge smile plastered across her face. She followed her line of vision and saw Tango and Ian walking up.
The girls hopped off of the car and made their way over to them. Ri smirked as Ian licked his lips and opened his arms for her. For the last four years their relationship has been pretty rocky but it worked for them. Although they were each other's first love their pride and his infidelities made it difficult for them to prosper. Ian and Tango, who's real name is Tayshaun, are bestfriends who ran several trap houses around the city.
"I missed you" she cooed as she snuggled into his chest.
"I missed you too Ari" he replied while holding her tight. The two hadn't seen one another in a month or so due to their conflicting schedules and a argument or two.
"What y'all finna do?" Kiari asked him as they stood hugged up on his car.
"It's a lil kickback later on we gone hit up. You down?" he asked her as he pecked her lips repeatedly.
She thought it over for a while and agreed that she may as well since she didn't have anything else planned for the night. After saying their goodbyes to family members the girls hopped into the car with their boyfriends and pulled off.
Before going out they needed to shower and change clothes so they headed to the apartment the guys shared with one another to get the night started.
Toya stood playing with her fingers as she weighed out each outcome of the decision she was about to make. "This could go one or two ways." she mumbled to herself squeezed her eyes shut.
"Come on LaToya you got this..." she coached herself and shook her hands to stop the shaking. After taking a deep breath she raised her fist and knocked on the door. She waited a moment before knocking again.
When there was no answer she dropped her head and walked off. She got halfway to the stairs when she heard what sounded like a door opening. Toya turned around and took slow steps towards the apartment door, when her eyes connected with the woman looking out of the door they immediate filled with tears.
Her bottom lip started to quiver and tears spilled from her eyes. "M-m-nmommy?"
Author's 📝
So here's a look into Kiari's younger life before TGTBT. She plays a vital role in Toya & Isaiah's back story so you will start to see a lot of her 😊
How do you feel about her and Toya's sistership 👭
Do you think she gave her good advice about what makes you family 🤔 💭
How do you think the conversation with her mother about to go 🧐🥺
NEW BANNERS ALERT !: Thank you boo -redrum 💕
Goal : 25 Votes
Thank you 🙏🏽 Thank you 🙏🏽 Thank You 🙏🏽
Fun fact: this chapter is real life with a sprinkle of gutter rat. I went to my family reunion this past weekend and got good content and inspiration😂😭
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