10. Broken Promises 💚
A week later ....
It had been days since Toya had seen her sister or her mother and it was starting to make her sad. She felt as if they left her, like they didn't love her anymore. Tori had been asking around the neighborhood about the two women but no one had seen them in days. She wasn't familiar with any of the spots either of them spent time at so she was left to figure out how to explain to a four year old that she would be staying with complete strangers until someone came for her.
Calling child services was the last thing on her mind, Toya was too sweet of a little girl to be put into the system. "Toya are you hungry?" Kiari asked her as they sat on one of the beds and watched The Little Mermaid.
"No" Toya answered as she stuck her thumb back in her mouth and starred at the tv. Today she had been to herself, there was no laughing, playing, or talking, She hadn't said a word all day. For the past two nights she hadn't gotten any sleep because she was so worried about her sister. Toya didn't know how many days her sister had been gone but she knew it was longer than the last time.
Kiari ran to tell her mother that Toya wasn't hungry yet then came back into the room. "Toya, are you okay?' she asked with concern as Toya cried silently.
"Where's mommy? Where's sissy?" she asked as she cried uncontrollably.
Tori ran into the room after hearing her cries, "what's wrong baby girl?' she asked as she picked her up and held her tightly.
"I miss my mommy and sister" she cried as snot ran from her nose.
"I know, I know" Tori comforted her while taking her to clean her face. "Im trying to find them baby girl. I'm doing everything I can." she said as she sat her on the bathroom counter.
Toya nodded and wiped her eyes. "Will I have to leave if they don't come back? I don't know anyone else." she asked.
Tori's heart broke. She couldn't believe that a four year old could be as articulate as Toya. "I'd never make you leave. You can stay as long as you need to." she replied and kissed her cheek. "I need you to eat some food ma ma so you won't get sick okay?"
"Yes ma'am" Toya responded. Tori carried her into the living room and sat her at the table across from Isaiah. He looked up from his from his Nintendo DS and mugged her. She returned the mug and stuck her tongue out at him.
For some reason the two had been butting heads the entire week that she had been at their house. Every chance Isaiah got he wasted no time messing with her, throwing her toys, pulling her hair, pushing her around, you name it, he did it.
What he didn't expect was for her to mess with him back. Toya had never been around a kid in her age group. Although he was one year older than her it was fun for her to interact with him. She soon realized that he loved his toy cars and Nerf guns so she took it upon herself to hide them around the house. It amused her to watch him wreck the house looking for his toys.
Tori brought plates out and sat them down in front of everyone, they grabbed hands and said grace. Toya dug into her dinner, stuffing her mouth with the dressing. "It's sssooo good" she cheesed. Kiari and Tori both laughed at her, food always made her happy.
"I'm glad you like it!" Tori replied with a smile.
A week earlier ....
"I'm sorry I had to bring you into this" the voice spoke as she wrecked her brain trying to place it with a face.
"Who are you? What do you want from me?" She asked as her voice cracked a little.
"One simple thing" he paused for dramatic effect. "Where's Messiah's stash?"
"I don't know what you're talking about" LaTonya spoke as she tried her hardest to remember whose voice this was.
He chuckled. "You think I'm stupid?" he turned the lamp on allowing her to see him fully. Tonya's eyes adjusted to the light and she starred in confusion. "Black, why am I here?" she stale faced him.
"I just told you why you here" he said as he leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees.
"I don't have an answer to your question. Where's Messiah?" she asked as she looked around the small room.
"I don't have an answer to your question." he mocked her as he smirked.
Tonya was confused because the last time she checked Black and Messiah were best friends, they we making money together. The two sat in silence as they eyed one another. Tonya was in no way, shape, form, or fashion afraid of Black. She didn't care for the stories told throughout the hood, Black was just regular ole Brian to her. They all grew up together so she knew him before all this wanna be dope boy shit.
"Well I guess we can't help each other." she shrugged. "Now let .. me .. OUT .. of this stupid ass chair" Tonya said through gritted teeth as she wiggled around in the chair.
Black stood up and exited the room. Tonya tried her hardest to break free from the ropes, but as he said earlier it only makes it worse. The ropes felt as if they were digging into her skin making her hiss in pain.
Ten minutes later Black and another dude Tonya recognized from the neighborhood brought in a beat up Messiah. His face was bloody and one of his eyes were swollen shut. Instant tears came to Tonya's eyes, "Ba- Messiah..." she whispered as tears fell from her eyes.
"I'm okay. I love you okay? Never forget that I love you LaTonya." he said as he looked at her. He took the time to take in her beautiful face.
"I love you too baby" she replied as she tried to slide the chair to get to him. Once she got close enough she leaned down as far as she could and Messiah leaned in connecting their lips. Tears fell from both of their eyes and Messiah didn't care not one bit.
"Ain't that cute!" Black said as he clapped his hands loudly.
"Man let her go, she ain't got nothing to. do with this shit." Siah stated as he sat back on his knees.
"She's my plan B. You're gonna talk or she dies." he shrugged and pointed a gun towards Tonya's head. "Or she can talk and you die" he tilted his head. Messiah felt the coldness of the gun against his temple.
"Bra she don't know shit, come on man" Messiah pleaded as he held eye contact with Black. He couldn't believe that this was what their friendship had came to.
"Then tell me some good Siah" he responded.
"Alright man, how much you want?" Messiah asked. He'd do anything to keep Tonya out of harms way.
Black smirked and thought it over. "I'll take 2 mil and your connect info."
Siah was afraid that he'd ask that question. The 2 mil was nothing, he could get that in 10 minutes flat. The connect info was the problem, that was the one thing he couldn't do. Manny would literally decapitate him if he gave out his information, especially to a 18 year old.
"Taking too long there my boy" Black said as the sound of a gun cocking filled the room.
"You got it man! Come on man!" Messiah shouted as he reached out for Tonya but was forcefully pulled back down.
"Another move like that and imma put one in her head." Black said seriously. Tonya sat, shaking, as tears fell from her eyes. She was so scared to be shot, not for herself, but for Toya. Who would take care of her little sister if she was gone. "Messiah!" she cried out.
"It's okay baby, I promise I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I love you."
"I love you more baby." she responded. Messiah nodded at her and she nodded back.
Messiah looked up at Black, "Hand me my phone. I gotta call to have the money bagged up for you, you can chose the drop location."
Black eyed him suspiciously. He reached into his pocket and handed Siah his phone. "Put it on speaker" he demanded.
When the phone call connected Messiah had one of is trusted workers to count up 2 million dollars and put it in a duffle bag. Black let the worker know that he would call him back in a half an hour to confirm the drop location. "Now the information for the connect? Aye Twin hand me a pen and paper from the kitchen"
"That ain't gone work, he don't answer calls he don't know." Messiah stated honestly.
"See now you playing with me" Black said angrily as he shoved the gun into Tonya's temple making her cry harder.
"Ch-ch-chill" Siah replied as he held his hands up in defense. "I'm being serious. Emmanuel's a paranoid man. Why you think I never brought you with me to pick ups. He doesn't trust easily."
"Which number is it?" he asked as he shoved the phone back into Siah's hands. Siah scrolled on his phone until he came across the number. "That's it right there. The one that says Dominos Pizza"
Black chuckled and dialed the number. "What can I do for you Messiah?" Emmanuel's thick hispanic accent came through the phone. Confirming that this was definitely Manny's number, Black ended the call. He clapped his hands, "Look at you coming through" he patted Siah's shoulder.
What Black didn't know was suddenly ending a call with Manny was basically a distress call. Each of Manny's men had a special made diamond chain that housed a small tracker in one of the many diamonds. It was simply a way for him to assure that his men were safe at all times. Messiah silently prayed that the men would be here in enough time.
"Let me go talk to ya mans about my money. I'll be back."
"Na man let her go! I gave you what you wanted, go ahead and let her go." Messiah stated as he tried to stand to his feet but was punched in the stomach making him double over in pain.
"No, what you gave me was half of what I wanted. She leaves when I get my 2 mil. " Black walked out of the room while the twins stood guard at the door.
"Baby are you okay?" Tonya asked as he groaned.
"Yea I'm aight. I should be use to this shit by now, they been beating my ass for like a month straight."
Once he was able to stand he weakly untied her. His entire body was in pain due to the constant beatings he received over the past month. He wouldn't be surprised if he had a broken rib or two.
As soon as he got her untied she got right into his arms, squeezing him tightly. "Ouch ma, you hurting a nigga."
"I'm sorry. I just missed you so much! I was so worried" she cried as she placed her hands on both sides of his face.
"I missed you too but you shouldn't have came looking for me" he spoke honestly as he rubbed his thumbs across her hands.
Tonya scrunched her face up. "What you mean? It's been a month, of course I was gonna come looking."
"I know, I know but now I got you caught up in this mess. You know I'll do anything to protect you" he replied as they eyed one another. "I love you so much. Besides my mama you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. You make me a better version of myself and I love you for that." He spoke honestly.
Tears trialed down Tonya's face uncontrollably. "As soon as he gets his money we will be free. We can go home and go back to how we were."
Messiah just nodded because he wasn't sure if that was an option for him. He didn't know what state of mind Black was in so he was unable to get a sense of how this was gonna end. He just hoped that Manny's men would hurry the hell up.
The door opened and Black walked back into the room with a slight smirk on his face. He clicked his teeth making Messiah eye him, "There was a time when I'd give my life for you" Black started. "But lately you been real sketchy. Your head ain't been in the game and you ain't been focused. I feel like you want out so I'll give you that" he shrugged.
Messiah's eyes never left his, meanwhile Tonya's eye never left the side of his face. Everything happened so fast that Tonya barely had time to react. Black raised his gun and sent two shots in Messiah's direction, his body stiffened and he feel face first to the ground.
Tonya screamed to the top of her lungs as she crawled over and held Messiah in her lap. Within seconds there was a loud bang throughout the house, then the room door was kicked in. Immediately Black and the twins were shot down.
Tonya was oblivious to everything going on around her as she continuously screamed Messiah's name. "Siah! MESSIAH! Siah, baby please" she begged as she shook him. There was no use though, the two bullets that entered his body took his life instantly.
"Come on baby, you promised! You promised you would never leave me" she cried.
"Tonya?" Manny said as he entered the room. She lifted her head and her eyes met his. "Come with me. I have orders to fulfill for Messiah now th- now that he's gone" he cleared his throat. He reached his hand out but she didn't budge. She stayed in the same position as she rested Siah's head in her lap not caring that blood was seeping into her clothes.
Manny allowed her some time with him while he called the cleaning crew to clean up the mess they made. It took them about ten minutes to arrive, Manny ordered two men to take Messiah's body to the car. There was no way he was leaving him here, he was one of his best men so that meant that he was going to take care of everything in his honor.
"I have a place for you to stay away from here per Messiah's request." Manny spoke as he bent down to help LaTonya up from the ground. She was literally shaking, she was in shock from everything so he understood. "We have to go pick up your sister then I will take you girls where you need to be."
Tonya just starred off into space as he spoke. Everything he was saying went into one ear and out of the other. At this point she didn't care, she didn't care about her life anymore, as soon as Messiah took his last breath her emotions died with him.
After everything was clean everyone piled into the trucks and headed to their destination. It took Manny's driver about 20 minutes to get to Tonya's apartment complex. "Take all the time you need." Manny spoke before she exited the truck.
Tonya walked up the flights of stairs and into her apartment. The apartment was dead silent which caused her to come back to reality. She frantically searched around the house for her sister.
With no luck she screamed out in frustration. Hearing the familiar laugh she took off for the front door. When she opened it a smile spread across her face as she saw Toya running down the corridor as Tori's son chased her. "You cant catch me!" she laughed. When her eyes landed one Tonya she stopped in her tracks.
"Ssiissssyy" she yelled as she ran full speed to Tonya and jumped into her arms. "I missed you" she sniffled.
"I missed you too Pooh" she replied as tears fell from her eyes again. She placed Toya on her feet and fixed her clothes. "Where's mama?"
Toya shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. I woke up and nobody was here. I had went outside to look for y'all then Ms Tori came. I been staying at her house." she replied.
After not hearing the kids laughter Tori stuck her head out of the apartment door. She noticed that Toya was talking to Tonya so she made her way over. "Hey, I hope you don't mind but Toya has been staying at my house" she spoke as she approached the girls.
"Not at all, thank you so much" Toya said as she tried to avoid eye contact. She was embarrassed, she felt like this woman was judging her and her mother's decision to leave a four year old home unattended.
"I can tell you've been through a lot, would you like to come in and talk?" Tori motioned toward her apartment.
"Actually could we step inside of my apartment I would like to talk to you privately"
Tori nodded, "Of course"
'Toya boo, go finish playing with your friend. Ms. Tori and I need to have a grown up conversation." Tonya spoke as she ran her hand through Toya's hair.
"Okay but don't leave me again sissy" she responded and skipped away.
Tori and Tonya both giggled as they sat at the kitchen table. "Thank you for taking care of her. I promise you that when I left my mother was in her sleeping." Toya spoke as she looked Tori in her eyes.
"First, you don't have to thank me. I told that you the if you girls ever needed anything that I would be there to help." Tori responded.
"Honestly, I want to know do you mind if Toya stays with you a little longer. My mom's always to drunk to notice anything. This past week has been the worse week of my life. I've seen the most horrific thing I've ever seen in my life today. I just know that I'm not mentally or emotionally stable enough to take care of her." Tonya cried as her chest heaved up and down.
Tori stood and squatted down in front her. She wrapped her arms around and rubbed her back soothingly. "I don't know what happened to you and I'm not gonna make you tell me. I promise to take care of her for as long as you need me to."
"I have some money I can gave you to take care of her. I will also give you her birth certificate and her social security card to enroll her into school. I will pack all of her things and bring them to your house when I get ready to leave out." Tonya responded. She planned on giving Tori all of the money Messiah left here plus the 2 million from earlier. She didn't need the money, there was no amount of money that would bring her happiness.
After the conversation ended the two hugged one another and Tori left out to go start dinner. Five minutes later Toya was opening the front door. "Hey sissy!" she cheesed.
"Hey pooh" she smiled. "Come sit." Tonya said as she picked her up and walked over to the couch. "Let's have a talk."
Toya gave her full attention to her big sister. This was about to be the hardest thing Tonya had to do but who was she kidding? She was still a child herself, although she loved her sister with all her heart she just couldn't do this anymore. After today she realized that she had to finally put herself first. It was time for her to live her life.
"Did you like staying at Ms. Tori house?" Tonya asked.
"It was so fun!" Toya responded truthfully. She loved Tori's house, there was other kids she could play with and there was always a mother around. Tori had took this entire week off work to make sure that Tonya was comfortable at all time of the day.
"I'm glad you had fun Pooh. Listen, big sissy has to go away for a while but before I go I want to know if you were okay with staying there just a little while longer."
Tori scrunched her face up as she thought about the question. "What's wrong? Why do you have to go away? Why can't I come with you?" Toya fired off question after question.
Tonya's breath got caught in her throat, she didn't know how to answer these questions. There was know way she was telling her that Messiah was dead. "I'm okay. I just need to get some things together for us. I will come back for you."
Toya pouted as tears started to form in her big dough shaped eyes. Tonya gave up fighting the tears and just let hers flow as she starred at her little sister. As much as she wanted to take the money and run with her sister she knew she couldn't. Messiah and her had talked about moving away right before school started because he would be eighteen. They had multiple conversations about their future with one another, even when they were just best friends.
"What will mommy say?" Toya asked as she laid her head on Tonya's lap.
"You don't worry about that little one. I'll handle our mother." she tickled her.
Toya laughed, "stop tiggling me sissy" she screamed as she kicked her legs around.
"That's not a word apple head." Tonya laughed. She stood up and grabbed Messiah's phone that was on the counter to call Manny to let him know that she was staying one more night with her littler sister and that she will be ready in the morning.
Manny decided to let her make her own decisions as long as she was okay with men being left to watch over them through the night. Tonya agreed, ended the call, and picked Toya up. ' So what do you say? You mind staying with Ms.Tori and them?'
Toya thought it over and shrugged her shoulders. "Fffiinnee, but can we talk on the phone and stuff?'
"Yes ma'am we can." Tonya giggled.
With that out of the way Tonya and Toya started to pack all of their clothes and things they really needed and wanted. Halfway through Tori and Kiari came to help out. They moved everything over to Tori's house then ate dinner. Tonya had a few more things to ask of Ms. Tori so as they cleaned the kitchen she decided to ask her. "Ms. Tori there is a few more things I need to ask of you."
"I'm all ears," she responded.
"I'm going to be giving you a lot of money, almost three million dollars to be exact. I would like for you to start a college fund for Toya. Put one million dollars into that account, this is for anything she needs for college; tuition, housing, and books. One banking account for anything she needs while she's in your home and she gets what ever is left after she graduates high school. The last $800,000 is for you to buy a home and furnish it, buy a new car, take vacations, whatever you guys want to do you now have the funds to do it. Please take care of my sister and don't worry about my mother. I will tell her everything."
Tori took note of everything she asked of her and would get on it the first thing in the morning, After cleaning the kitchen everyone grabbed blankets and decided to watch a movie. The kids had decided on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so that's what they went with. Tonya and Toya were cuddled up on the love seat, while Tori, Kiari, and Isaiah were on the longer couch.
Tonya wasn't going to beat herself up over the decision she was making, she knew that Toya would live a better life here then she would with her.
After their first encounter her Messiah had Manny run a background check on Victoria and it came back clean, not even a parking ticket. She wasn't confident about living on her own but she knew that she would definitely live her best life. Messiah would want that.
Toya looked up at Tonya and played with her ear. "I love you TonTon."
"I love you more Toy." she replied as she kissed her forehead. She hugged her close to her and held her as they watched the movie. This entire week was hell on earth for her and this was her peace right here.
Tonya knew that these chain of events would cause her life to do a complete 180. Whether it was for the good or the bad is what had her stomach in knots.
Author's 📝
Wwhheeww 🥺 this is by the far the longest chapter I've ever written.
I have reached a Wattpad goal for myself, which was killing a MC & I don't know how I feel about that 😩😰
This chapter wraps up Toya's childhood life & now the story will focus on her teen years for a few chapters.
What would you like to see happen next ?
How do you think these events will effect Toya's life moving forward ?
Are there any questions or concerns ?
Goal for the next chapter is 50 comments 😘
Thank you 🙏🏽 Thank you 🙏🏽 Thank you 🙏🏽
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