Where's Konomi?!
Hello everyone! Sorry for not updating for months! Can you forgive me? Scratch that, of course you don't forgive me! But I'm still going to ask for your forgiveness.
Unfortunately, I had lost inspiration of continuing this fanfic for months. Though I regained that inspiration by reading other people's fanfics.
I'm going to continue this book. Thanks for whoever waited for me to update!
"The Final Tournament of the Vaizel Fighting Festival will start soon. The rules are yet again very simple! If your opponent either gives up, or is unconscious, then you win!! If you fall out of the ring, you lose!" Love Helm announced to the crowd.
"Now, the first set match:
Griamor vs. Matrona!"
Diane made her way on the ring, so did her opponent Griamor. On the ring were the two opponents, and the judge, no one knew that there were two othes on the ring.
"Oops, lil' lady. The hat is fine, but please take off your cape. We have to make sure that you don't have any concealed weapon." the judge told Diane who complied and threw the cape away.
King looked at Diane's clothes in shock, not knowing that it was her yet. "Captain, don't tell me those clothes are.."
"Yeah, without a doubt. It's our uniform!" he said, recognizing those clothes as the ones Elizabeth and Konomi would wear, though those were obviously Elizabeth's judging from the size.
The two were confused, "What?! It can't be.. Elizabeth?" the pig, Hawk said in surprise.
"Let the game BEGIN!" the judge announced.
Diane immediately attacks Griamore before his ability started pushing her away. Diane, who was at the edge of the ring, was trying to break through the knights's barrier.
"The one who will advance to the final is me." Griamore decided, "As long as lady Veronica wishes for it, be it the Seven Deadly Sins or Meliodas, I'll make them all grovel."
Konomi stifled a laugh after hearing the knight's words, did he think he could win just by words alone? He was weak as far as the lilac is concerned, though she can't help but feel that she heard his voice before. It was quite certain from his ability that he was a Holy Knight. Maybe she met him when she was one?
"I won't let that happen!!" Diane yelled before giving the barrier another strong punch, breaking through the barrier. She run towards her opponent, who was still in shock that someone broke through his barrier, and then defeats him with a punch on his jaw. Thus having her hat flying off her head.
Konomi panicked but the now shrunken giant paid no mind to her, possibly forgetting that she was in her hat. What would she do now?
A gust of wind blew her and the hat away, making her blow far away from where the festival was taking place. After hearing the judge announce that Matrona was the winner, she saw Diane punch Meliodas, probably at something he said.
The lilac had a panic look before she could no longer see the group anymore.
Diane eventually explained the situation to the other after the misunderstanding between her and Meliodas was cleared. "If Elizabeth is between Diane's breasts, where is Konomi then?" King asked curiously.
The brunette beamed, "She's her-" when she touched her head and felt no trace of the hat she froze.
"Oi, don't tell me when you won..."
Diane had an horror looked on her face matching Elizabeth's. Though King and Meliodas weren't as worried as them. Konomi could take care of herslef, she was quite strong. Although they couldn't help but wonder where the lilac was now.
After quite a while, the hat starting slowly approaching land. The purple hat landed in front of a man who stopped and looked at it recognizing it as the hat that the one who defeated Griamore wore.
Konomi peeked at the man who was shocked upon seeing someone so small, the lilac stood still as the wind picked up the hat again causing it to fly away. "Wh-Wh-What are you?" the man, with short light-colored curled up hair asked in bewildered, his eyes wide.
Konomi grinned before flying to his shoulder. "First time seeing someone so small?" she asked curiously.
"Y-Yeah." he said eyeing Konomi as she made herself comfortable on his shoulder. "Speaking of which, have I seen you somewhere before? And how did you get out from, Matrona's hat?"
"Hmmm..." now that she thinks of it, his face is kinda familiar. But where could she have seen him? The lilac mentally shrugged, "Nope." she answered before her lips tugged upwards into a grin. "Take me to the festival." she ordered.
"Oh! Right, I was going there to see the matches anyway." The man exclaimed before he started to sprint to where the festival was taking place. "By the way, I'm Howzer, and you are?"
Konomi paused for a second, "Nomiko." she lied smoothly, though she furrowed a brow.
Why was his name and face kind of familiar to her?
"Well, Nomiko-chan, wouldn't the people freak out when they see you?" he asked, his curiousness was leaked in his tone.
"You think? But even so, I still wanna go there!" the lilac exclaimed, Howzer just sighed. "From what race are you?"
"Oh? What kind of question is that. Even though that damn mushroom made me shrunk I'm still human." She mumbled the last part but Howzer still heard it. He glanced at her with a questioning look. "Shrunk?" he repeated.
Konomi didn't answer him, she looked away instead, meeting a pair of golden eyes. A green haired man stared at her for a second before walking away, something about him was familiar. The lilac scratched her head, what was with her and someone looking familiar today anyway? First Griamore, then Howzer, and now a green haired stranger whose name she didn't even know!
"Ah! There it is!" the lilac shifted her eyes to where Howzer was looking after he stopped walking, the ring of the matches. Meliodas and Ban were punching and kicking in incredible while the crowd watched in awe.
This is the Seven Deadly Sins, they're both just like monsters. The man, whose shoulder Konomi was sitting on, thought in excitement.
Konomi smirked when she saw Meliodas fall to his knees after kicking Ban to the ground, Ban is using his ability, she thought.
Ban, who had a wild grin, starting getting up. So did Meliodas, soon they were in a engaged in a close ranged battle once again. However, Meliodas's movement were getting slower and slower. The cause being Ban, who was stealing the blonde's physical abilities with his ability, Snatch.
Eventually, Meliodas fell on his back for exhaustion.
"Well then, let me deal the final blow." Ban exclaimed, "If you're still alive after this, tell me what's it like to be hit by a fist...
... packed with both of our powers combined!" he yelled before punching Meliodas.
"He really finished him off!" Hauzer said in a frantic tone, shielding himself from the smoke. "Aren't they comrades?"
"Lord Meliodas!" Elizabeth shouted.
"I'm not too sure that he was the one who finished his opponent off." the lilac said, cheerfulness lacing in her tone. She felt an all too familiar presence for a sec, but it was gone as soon as it came.
Hauzer looked at the shrunken Konomi in confusion, "What do you mean?"
The lilac pointed at Meliodas just when the smoke cleared, "Shh! You can't say that name Elizabeth." he said.
Howzer looked left and right, "What? Where did the other one go?"
"There's only Meliodafu standing on top of the ring! Where did Baaaan go?" Love Helm asked, his tone sounded as confused as the rest of the crowd.
"Look," Meliodas pointed at a direction. "Over there." Everyone turned to look at the defeated Ban, who was sent flying out of the ring with a single punch from Meliodas to collide with a wall quite far from the ring.
"Then...uh...This means..?" the judge paused.
Meliodas pointed to himself, "It's my win!" he grinned.
"Ah! It's my fight now." Howzer said before turning to Konomi. The lilac jumped off his shoulder and landed gracefully on the ground. "Good luck, you're going to need it." she said before flying away. Howzer was confused at her action but brushed it off.
He was going to need luck to defeat a woman? Not in a thousand years!
"Damn it! Where's Eli?!" the lilac heard a girl hiss, a violet haired girl was standing near the person who Diane defeated not long ago. Griaore.. Grimo.. Riamo..
Oh! Griamore! Was it?
As far as she could tell, he was a Holy Knight. And a Holy Knight was serving the Kingdom. If so, then what was he doing with that violet haired girl?
"I'm sure we will find her, Veronica-sama." Griamore assured her. Veronica.. As in the second princess of the Kingdom of Liones? She looked like she was searching for someone.. Eli... Eliana.. Elisa.. Elizabeth!
Why was she searching for her sister anyway? Konomi resisted the urge to face palm. Of course she would want her back! They are step-sisters! But Elizabeth wanted to save the Kingdom from the Holy Knights, specifically the ones who starting to cause some chaos here and there in the kingdom. Like the sword problem in the village near Baste Dungeon, where they caused havoc among the people living there.
Was it safe for Elizabeth to return to the castle now? Obviously, the answer was no. She did mention that the Holy Knights captured the king and the royal family, how could they be sure that they won't do the same to Elizabeth?
The lilac was so deep in thought that she didn't realize that the two she was eavesdropping on separated and started searching for Elizabeth again. She eventually decided to return back to see the matches, she was there in time to see Diane use her ability, Heavy Metal, and crush Howzer.
He must be quite good if he managed to make Diane use that ability. The lilac walked to the others, ignoring the strange looks the crowd around her gave her. "Ah! Konomi! There you are!" Elizabeth exclaimed, making everyone turn to me. "We were so worried!"
"You worry too much, Elizabeth." the lilac waved her off. "I can totally take care of myself."
"Diane! Get away from him right now!" King, who saw Diane helping her opponent, shouted in what Konomi recognized as jealousy. Honestly, she would never know how Diane is so oblivious to King's feelings.
When the shrunken giant finally got to where the group was, Konomi gave her a glare. Diane laughed nervously, "You know I didn't mean to.. hehe." she said, brushing the lilac off. Konomi jumped on her shoulder, "I'll forget it for now, just be more considerate next time." the lilac said as she watched Cain, Meliodas's opponent, gets shocked at something Meliodas said.
Apparently, he was from Danafor. The place where Meliodas has lived for quite a while before. From what the lilac could tell, the man was an acquaintance of Meliodas. The old man started attacking Meliodas with his fire multiple type, however, the blonde didn't react, he just the hits.
"What are you doing, Captain?!" Diane yelled, her hands balled up into fists.
"He's still injured from his fight with Ban." King reminded the angry, shrunken giant.
"That's not it." Ban denied, appearing behind the three.
"That's right," Konomi said, crossing her arms under her head and making herself more comfortable on Diane's head. "He's..."
"..Taking it on purpose." Ban finished. "Doing something so lame.."
"Wh-What does that mean?!" Diane asked angrily, pinching Ban's cheeks.
"How showld I know?" (How should I know?) Ban muttered.
After taking a few more hits, Meliodas used his ability, Counter Vanish, to make Cain's attack disappear.
"Wha-? The huge fireball was..."
The crowd watched the unfolding events with confusion. Meliodas exchanged some words Konomi couldn't make out from where she was standing. Tears flowed from Cain's eyes? The lilac blinked after she saw Cain hug Meliodas, his opponent. What were they talking about anyways. It must have something to do with Danafor, since the old man, Cain, wore clothes with Danafor's symbol.
Cain admitted loss before he left. It seemed as if he knew Meliodas for some reason...
The lilac mentally shrugged, it was none of her business.
The only remaining participants who didn't lose yet were both Meliodas and Diane.
"Finally, it's Vaizel's Fighting Festival's final round!" Love Helm announced, "We had a prade of monsters this year, and this is to decide who's the top among these monsters!" Diane and Meliodas entered the ring, Konomi had jumped on Ban's shoulder while Elizabeth stayed with Hawk and King.
Ban walked away with Konomi on his shoulder, she watched as Ban made a deal with a few ladies to flirt with Meliodas. When they went away, the lilac gave Ban a 'really?' look to which Ban smirked, "We should get things exciting."
The lilac's right eye twitched, "Exciting?" Konomi liked Ban and all, but he sometimes did things that she didn't get or understand at all.
The girl flirted with Meliodas, which got Diane really angry that she punched the poor blonde. Ban gave the girls a bag of silver coins, "Where did you get that from?" Konomi asked in curiosity.
"Hawk." Ban answered, Konomi assumed that he didn't receive the money but stole it.
"Matrona has taken a fierce initiative!" The judge yelled.
When Meliodas looked up at the angry Diane, he avoided a punch from Diane who shouted, "I've had enough... I'm not letting you off the hook anymore!"
"You've got it all wrong. I have no idea-" he tried to explained, but the brunette interrupted him, "Save your excuses!" she yelled, before she tried to punch him again.
The ring now was pretty much destroyed by the two, Diane tried to punch Meliodas who blocked her attack before he gave a punch of his own, which was blocked by Diane. She then managed to knee him in his stomach, he then punched her head.
"Captain, you...idiot!" she yelled, giving him a punch which he blocked. They didn't make a movement after that.
The lilac, who was watching the fight turned to look at the sky.
She narrowed her eyes, "Those two... So they went all crazy and are now all spent?" Hawk asked no one in particular.
Ban walked froward, surprising the pig and Elizabeth who was sitting on him. Konomi jumped from Ban's shoulder and landed next to Elizabeth's. "What's going on?" the princess asked her.
Konomi looked at her before pointing at the sky, "We have some uninvited visitors." she said much to the princess's confusion.
Ban and King went inside the ring, Meliodas turned to the crowd. "My identity is the Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins...
Dragon's Sin, Meliodas!" he yelled at the crowd who were bewildered. "We will be taking over this Vaizel Town!"
"Eh? What? That idiot...why is he revealing his identity?" the pig questioned.
"Get your asses out of Vaizel within one minute! Or else we'll massacre every one of you!" Meliodas shouted, wanting to usher the crowd to safety. Yet none of the crowd moved away, they got angry instead.
"What are you on about, you brat!" One shouted, his hand balled into a tight fist.
"You look nothing like the wanted poster!" Another one cried.
"But hey.. their strength.. could it be.."
"Hurry up and scram!" Meliodas yelled angrily before one of the crowd spotted circular, yellow objects getting closer and closer to where they are.
"Hey, look!" the man exclaimed for the other to see what he has spotted.
However, none of them had time to react as those 'circular objects' started smashing into the village, creating explosion as they collided with the ground. A few died from the explosions, others got heavy injuries.
Meliodas recognized the explosive flares as an ability of Guila.
A huge one was aiming at the crowd and the ring. Fortunately, Meliodas made it disappear using his ability, Full Counter. "Tch... they're here already." he said to the other who glanced four people who were riding on ray-like creatures.
"That equipment... They're Sacred Treasure-class." King observed, eyeing their opponents with a scowl.
"They're going to be incomparable to Guila back at the Capital of the Dead." Meliodas decided, "What's more there are four of them! Let's split up for now."
Another explosive flare was a heading towards Hawk, Elizabeth, and Konomi. The lilac quickly grabbed Elizabeth's wrist, she then teleported the three of them out of it's way.
"That was close." Hawk commented, taking a few steps away. "We have to get away!" the pig yelled before marching away. When they thought they were far enough, Hawk stopped. "What are we going to do now, Kono-" She turned to look at the lilac but she was nowhere in sight. "Eh?"
"What?! Konomi is gone? Where did she run off and when?" Hawk panicked, turning left and right in a futile attempt to find his purple haired comrade.
In the now empty stalls, a shrunken Konomi was searching through the clothes for one fitting her real size. She could feel the effect of the spores the mushroom had on her begin to disappear.
When she started growing back to her original size. Thankfully, she found a beautiful blue dress and white pants by then. She wore the clothes inside the stall where she found the clothes from, she made sure that no one saw her naked.
She left the stall with a frown on her face, she could the hear the loud noises from the fights her friends were engaged in. Though what made her uneasy, was the fact that she felt the same demon she felt inside Guild in all the holy Knights that were now destroying the village. Just what are the Great Holy Knights thinking?!
"Black Thunder: Explosion!" A yell was heard from behind the lilac who moved out of the way just before a black thunder hit the spot she was in. Turning to look at her attacker, she saw man with red armor. His dark eyes glared at her angrily, much to her confusion.
Those eyes, that presence.. There was no doubt about it, he was the same as Guila. Though, because Guila's eyes were always closed, she didn't see those black eyes then.
The man before her had long, spiky black hair. "We meet again." The man who looked like he was at his late thirties begun, rage leaking into his tone. "It's time for you to pay!"
Hearing the man's shout and words, Konomi couldn't help but grow confused. She looked at the blue eyed man, who looked at her expectantly but his rage grew after he heard her next words.
"Do I know you?"
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