Konomi in April

Searching in the forest for some food, the lilac found some red, cranberries which were delicious. "Those are good." the lilac exclaimed, hanging upside down from a tree branch, her legs holding her still.

Although she saw everything upside down, she could see a blonde haired little girl sitting, seeming bored and tired. She also seemed so..

"Ahhhh!" the blonde yelled upon seeing the lilac appear out of nowhere. "Where did you come from? Are you after the Fountain of Youth?" she inquired, standing up, her eyes hardening. She was carefully studying the lilac, searching for any motives that might harm the forest.

"Nope." the lilac answered cheerfully, giving the blonde a gentle smile.

"Then why are you here?" the blonde questioned harshly, confused by the lilac's antics.

"I saw you from the distance, so I came for you to have some company." the tension in the air seemed to have lessened a great deal, the blonde looked down while the lilac titled her head in confusion.

"W-Why?" the blonde asked.

"Because you looked lonely." the lilac replied, the blonde's eyes widened at what the lilac said.

Was it that obvious? Was it so obvious that someone who she didn't know could see?

"I'm Konomi by the way."


Konomi stared at Guila, why was she recalling her first meeting with Elaine now? In the middle of a fight.

She couldn't remember when she first met Elaine, that was many years ago. Perhaps a few hundred years ago or more? Konomi didn't know, though she knew she missed that fairy.

Ban had came sometime while she was recalling her memory. He took some hits, but because he was immortal it looked like he didn't get touched at all by the enemy. Guila managed to stab Ban in the neck, King then arrives and attacks Guila by stabbing Ban through his back by his spear.

Feeling something moving from afar, Konomi's lilac eyes widened at the familiar blonde haired girl. She then disappeared without a warning, Meliodas who was looking at where she was standing just turned away and focused on the fight.

"Elaine!" the lilac called, the figure stopped moving and turned. "Konomi," Elaine greeted, "I missed you."

"I-" the sound of the explosion interrupted the lilac. "Konomi, we don't have much time to talk, sadly. Though I have a favor to ask of you."

Konomi blinked, "Favor?"

"Please help Ban, and my brother, King." she requested, the lilac's eyes widened.

"King is your brother?! thought your brother was named Harlequin!"

"He is, he just goes by the name King rather than his real name. Please Konomi." Elaine pleaded, Konomi nodded, "I'll do it." the blonde beamed just before they heard another explosion.

"Let's go to them." Elaine said but then paused. "Won't you fly like you did in the old days?"

"I didn't tell anyone that I could fly, so I'll rather walk." Konomi said, her hands were crossed behind her head lazily as she followed the blonde.

Another explosion was heard before the two girls could make it back to the scene, "Guila isn't here anymore." they both overheard the giant, Diane, say.

"The blast just now was probably strong enough to blow her back into the real world." Elaine informed the group, "Unlike you guys who came with your bodies, she came with her spirit."

Konomi noticed that parts of her body was starting to disappear. A sign that she would be back to the world of living soon, she noticed Elaine as she looked at her in sadness. The two wanted to play together again, exchange secrets, and have girls talks. Though it seemed impossible from what Elaine could tell. The blonde was dead, and the lilac was alive.

The lilac and the other saw Ellen and Luigi, the guys who Ban treated food to. It was revealed that they were actually from the Capital of the Dead. Luigi thanked Ban, Ellen told Ban that the food which he had given them was delicious.

Struggling against whatever that was trying to pull her back to the world of the living, Konomi walked closer to Elaine. Everyone else had already departed to the world of living. Konomi gave Elaine a hug, a tear escaped the blonde's eyes. The only one she felt so close to other than King and Ban was Konomi. The lilac would play pranks on her, make her smile while protecting the Fountain of Youth.

They had finally met again after Elaine had died, and they had to depart already, again. "We'll see each other again, ne Elaine?" Konomi tried to no only reassure Elaine, but also herself. Elaine opened her mouth to answer, though before she could say anything, Konomi disappeared from her arms.

"Looks like we're back in the real world." Meliodas stated looking around.

"That was surprising..." Diane muttered.

Elizabeth turned to see Guila with her hand piercing somewhere near her heart, the princess gasped, making the group's attention shift to where she was looking. "I see, by leaving herself in an apparent death state, she managed to enter the Capital of the Dead." Meliodas observed before Diane yelled, "Where is Konomi?! I can't see her anywhere!"

The blonde looked around. Sure enough, the lilac was nowhere in sight, where was she right now? "Oi, she can't still be in the Capital of the Dead, right?" Hawk asked.

Just then, Konomi suddenly appeared in the middle of the gang. "Konomi!" Meliodas yelled, it was obvious that he was worried. Elizabeth ran to Konomi, as did Diane and Hawk.

"Where were you?" Elizabeth asked.

"I returned after you guys." the lilac answered with a small smile. She then saw Guila in her death-like state. "What are we going to do with her?"

"Let's kill her." Ban suggested with a smirk, hi hands in his pockets.

"That's barbarous. I'll petrify her." King offered.

"Nope, just leave it to us." Meliodas said, Konomi glanced at him and they both exchanged evil grins. Konomi disappeared from where she was to bring some markers and some hair-coloring, some things she thought they might need. The Holy Knight is up for an unpleasant surprise.

The blonde started drawing on Guila's face while the lilac was painting her hair. Some strands were pink, some were yellow, blue, red. After Meliodas finished drawing on her face, Konomi gave their funny work a final touch by attaching a clown nose to the Holy Knight's.

The blonde then tied her to a tree. "Good work!" the lilac exclaimed with her thumb up. "You too!" Meliodas said before he turned to leave but saw that Konomi wasn't following him. Seeing his questioning look, Konomi explained, "I wanna stay long enough to see her reacti- Hey! Let go!" Konomi shouted when Meliodas grabbed her wrist and started pulling her away.

"I can't do that, we have to go to the others and leave this village as fast as possible." the blonde replied, Konomi then grinned, as fast as possible..

Now that she thinks of it, she was still barefooted. Were her shoes still in the Capital of the Dead? It didn't matter to her, her shoes will just get in the way of what she was going to do now. She placed her free hand on Meliodas's shoulder. "As fast as possible.." the blonde didn't have time to react, for the ground under them shot up on an amazing speed sending the two flying to Boar Hat.

The both fell face-first on the ground, the lilac was first to stand up. "Geez, at least give me a warning."

Konomi pouted, "But that would destroy the fun!"


The lilac was sleeping on Ban's shoulder after consuming a cup of ale. Her face was red, King asked about Elizabeth's relationship with his Captain, Meliodas. Which was how he discovered that she was the third princess of Liones.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" King exclaimed in shock, "If I had known that I would have presented myself better.." he said before transforming into an older version, you could say, about himself. The same face he had when he first met the sins, Ban spat his drink with his eyes wide in shock.

As a result, Konomi fell down and hit her head. She then sat up and started rubbing her head.

"Oh, his clothes changed!" Meliodas said in amazement.

"That not the point!" Ban yelled at the blonde.

King then explained that the form he's in takes a lot of concentration to change into, he then introduced himself to Elizabeth with great respect. "Please forgive my rudeness at the Capital of the Dead."

"No need to ask," the princess started with a sweat-drop. "More importantly, please don't be nervous. Relax yourself." she gave King a closed eye smile.

"I-I see, if that's so.." he said before returned to the form he was previously in and fell into his pillow - his sacred treasure - . "It's been a while since my shoulder have been this stiff..." he muttered.

"His clothes got back." the blonde commented.

"Like I said, that's not the point!" Ban yelled at his captain.

"Nevertheless, you are really strong, King-sama is really strong. You overwhelmed your opponent that even Meliodas-sama and the others had trouble with all by yourself..." she complimented.

"There's no doubt I'm strong. But that Holy Knight should be easy to defeat had you used your powers that way you used to." King informed focusing his eyes on the four figures who were sitting next to each other. "You four, what happened to you sacred treasures?" he inquired.

"Lost it." Diane said with a smile.

"Sold it." Meliodas informed.

"Stole it!" Ban exclaimed happily.

King then stared at the lilac expectantly who just started to sober up, "What? I'm not a part from the Seven Deadly sins, it shouldn't matter." she said.

"Just answer the question." King ordered, Konomi sighed before answering, "I forgot it in my room when I left. When I secretly returned to retrieve it, it was nowhere to be found." she explained.

King looked at the four in bewilderment, "Unbelievable."

After some time,

"New generation, what's that?" Meliodas asked when King mentioned them.

"Apparently some of those Holy Knight apprentices suddenly obtained power similar to that of a Holy Knight in just one night." King explained laying lazily on his pillow while floating. "For example, Guila. Just the other day she was the apprentice of a Holy Knight. If I say so, can you believe it?"

"Her?" the blonde said.

Konomi's eyes widened, that weird feeling, that familiar sensation. "I-I may have failed to bring up this before but.. I am sure that I I sensed a demon in Guila."


"What do you mean?!" Ban shouted angrily at Konomi, getting touchy at the demon subject, for that brought him unpleasant memories.

"A demon?" King tapped his chin. "But that doesn't make any sense, if you said she was a demon then maybe I would, but in her? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard."

The lilac looked at King with a thoughtful look, she then just shrugged. "You know, I don't sense something because I want to. I am just as confused as you. I mean there isn't someone so mad that he would just go and drink a demon's blood or cook the demon and eat the thing, you know?"

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence, which King decided to break it.

"That aside, for your own separate reason, the sacred treasure that were entrusted to us by the King of Liones when the Seven Deadly Sins were formed, were...

Sold?!" He shouted glaring at Meliodas.

"Stolen?!" this time he stared at Ban.

"Forgotten?" he yelled looking at the lilac.

Then King turned to the giant who looked like she was about to cry. "Am I a bad girl?" she said with tear filling her eyes. King's face flushed red before stuttering, "I-If it was lost then there's nothing you can do about it."

"There's no need to make a fuss, King-chan." the pig, also known as Hawk said, "These guys are good even when they're using their bare hands.."

King explains it by using the lake as a sin's power, telling the pig that if they used a sacred treasures, they can carry a whole house of water as power. King then says that it would be pointless to argue and they should find them while searching for the other members.

Elizabeth asked if King, since he was with the people from inside the castle, asked if heard anything about the King and the Princesses. King shook his head. "I see." Elizabeth mumbled with a sad expression on her face.

"Let's return now to Boar Hat, it's getting dark." Meliodas said, the others started leaving, with Hawk carrying a drunk Ban with him.

The blonde saw the lilac as she tried to stand up, she stumbled and was about to fall when Meliodas caught her. Her face hit his chest before she mumbled, "You're warm.."

Meliodas then carried Konomi back like bridal-style. Her arms automatically wrapped around his neck as he walked to Boar Hat.

The blonde smiled at the lilac's sleeping figure before going to his room. Konomi woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping. 'It's already morning..' she thought before tunring to the other side of the bed. She didn't expect to see Meliodas sleeping right beside her.

Her eyes widened as she realized that she wasn't in her room, what was she doing in his room? Did he bring her here? Then why didn't he take her to her own room?

Suddenly, the lilac felt her heart beat faster. The blonde had a hand under her head and the other around her waist.

Konomi felt utterly confused, why is her heart beating so fast? Was it an effect of a hungover? But she never had a hungover before. Then why was her heart beating so fast?

"I must be sick.." she mumbled to herself before getting up from the bed slowly so the blonde wouldn't wake up.

Before she left, an idea crossed her mind when she saw the calendar.

She grinned, that would make the blonde learn to never bring her to his room again.

Now that she thinks about it, it has been a while since she had pulled up a prank, might as well include everyone in this one.


The blonde opened his eyes slowly, he tried to get up but to no avail. His blanket was tying him making him unable to get free easily. He noticed that Konomi was nowhere in sight, was that her doing? He couldn't help but wonder before trying to break free.

"Konomi, pour me some ale." Ban told the girl who narrowed her eyebrows at him.

"And why don't you do that yourself?" she asked.

"I'm too lazy to get up, plus you're still standing." he said lazily.

"Okay.." she trailed of with a frown, but in reality she was mentally grinning at his suggestion. She took a cup and may have slipped something inside before pouring some ale. She then handed the cup to Ban who took it eagerly from her.

She then went to the door, but didn't leave 'till she saw his shocked face. He somehow breathed out fire, suppressing the urge to giggle, the lilac left Boar Hat to find her next target.

She had already set a trap for the princess, she can't wait 'till the princess get up. She was now setting up the trap for King in the depths of the forest. But before she talk to him, or wake him up. She has to go to Diane first. She could use Diane as an excuse to get him to go to the place where he would trigger her trap.

But why can't Diane tell King himself to go there, a prankster would always like to have an ally, right? Poking Diane's arms, the giant opened her eyes slowly. "What do you want Konomi, it's still early, you know?"

Konomi smirked, "How about helping me in-" the lilac jumped on the brunette's shoulder and started whispering to her. At first Diane had a confused expression on her face, but then she smirked and had a determined eyes.

"I'll do it!" Diane said to which Konomi grinned, hearing the sound of footsteps not from afar, the lilac looked with wide eyes at who just left Boar Hat.

It was Ban who had a scary look on his face. He was searching for a the lilac who went to hide behind the giant but not before Ban spotted her. "Ko-no-mi." Ban said from next to her, she shrieked quickly turned to him with a shocked expression.

He was smirking innocently at her but Konomi knew that he was angry, she too a few steps back motioning with her hands in a 'calm down' motion while laughing nervously. "Konomi!" Diane exclaimed, "King started to wake up, do we start now?"

That definitely caught Ban's attention, "What are you talking about?"

Diane who forget that Ban was even here gasped, "Uhoho," she looked at the sky. "It's not like we're going to prank King or anything." she said.

Konomi resisted the urge to face-palm. Ban just gave her a look that said 'tell me everything.'

The lilac sighed, knowing that she would have to tell Ban now. But at least he would forget about the prank she pulled on him..

For now.

Elizabeth was taking a shower when she heard some noises from outside. She decided she'll check what it was about later. When she finished her shower, she wore her clothes and was on her down when she heard a muffled sound coming from Meliodas's room. She grabbed the handle of the door and opened the door, and nothing could have prepared her to what she saw.

The blonde was fighting to get out of what seemed the blanket's grip. What shocked the princess even more was the fact that the blanket was moving. Just how was that possible?

When the blonde noticed the silver haired princess's presence, he looked at her with surprised expression. "Yo, did you dye your hair, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth froze, she looked at herself through the mirror through the mirror that was in the room. Sure enough, her hair was colored blue. Who could have done this to her? She was all right before she took a shower...

"Elizabeth," Meliodas called. "I could really use a little bit of help."

Outside, Diane started yelling, "King!" she said when she spotted the fairy, he looked at her with confused eyes. "Could I ask for a fever, please?" she asked with a wink. King face immediately flashed red, he nodded looking down. "I had dropped some fruits along with my basket in the forest. Could you help me look for them?" she requested to which King eagerly nodded.

"I'll do anything for you, Diane!" he exclaimed, not knowing that there were two figures smirking at them.

When Meliodas and Elizabeth left Boar Hat, they saw Konomi and Ban follow Diane and King. "K-Konomi." Ban and Konomi turned to looked at the blue-haired princess, Ban couldn't hold his laughter in, but he was at least better than Konomi who was rolling on the floor and laughing so hard that it actually started to hurt. "That had worked better than I thought!" Konomi exclaimed.

"That isn't nice." the princess fumed, looking away.

"And with the blanket thing." Meliodas looked at Konomi, a strange aura surrounded them. The two glared at each other. "It was a good warm up for me!" he said cheerfully making everyone anime-fall.

"Now, for the final show, follow us." Ban said.

"The final show?" Elizabeth repeated in confusion, Konomi smirked, "You'll see."

They hid behind the bushes just before Diane and King arrived as planned. King's eyes lightened up when he saw the basket Diane was talking about with all the fruits in it. "I found t Diane, I'm gonn-" just when Diane stood at the middle of the faint 'X' mark, as the lilac instructed her, all the balloons around shot at King. A balloon painting a part of him red, another one yellow, blue, pink, purple, white, green...

Basically, King ended up being colorful.

Laughter exploded from behind the bushes, even Diane could barely hid her giggles.

Then King discover the sour truth,

He had been a victim of a prank.

And man did that made him angry. He looked straight at Ban, blaming him with all that happened to him.

"Konomi pulled pranks on everyone but Diane 'cause Diane was her partner in crime?" King yelled in surprise after Ban's explanation.

"Yeah, it was awesome but not when I was her victim. The only one who she didn't prank was Hawk, isn't it?" Ban yelled. Konomi didn't answer, "Oi, oi, don't tell me that you did.. to him too.."

Meanwhile, "Where is everyone?!" Hawk yelled to no one in particular. He was devastated that he couldn't see anywhere, how could he eat leftovers when there was no one to leave leftovers? He then saw a paper stuck to the floor, he pulled it out without hesitation.

Then an uncountable amount of food fell on top of him. "U-Unbelivable!" Hawk tried to get up, when he did at last, he began eating the huge pile.

The group had returned at last, Ban opened the door to Boar Hat only to see a.. red familiar pig? "Where's Hawk?" Eliazabeth asked looking at the red pig strangely.

"I'm Hawk!" the pig yelled.

"But you're red!" Ban shouted back.

"What?!" Hawk asked, he was shocked to find out that what Ban said was the truth. "Who turned me red?!" he screamed in frustration.

Everyone looked at Konomi, who laughed nervously. "You look cute when you're red."

Everyone left the pig and the lilac alone for they do not want to hear the pig's yelling. Elizabeth went to take a another shower to clean her hair, King did the same, though before he went he asked Meliodas. "Why did Konomi prank us all today specifically?"

"Do you know what day is it today, King?" Meliodas asked, King just shook his head. "It the first of April, April Fool's Day. And you've seen how is Konomi in April."


The last part of the chapter has been fun to write. This is so far the longest chapter I have written. Hope you liked it ^^

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