claw of ender (check this out its urgent!)

So I thought I'd explain what it is and what it looks like since one I can't draw worth a damn and 2 there isn't a single image out there for what I'm looking for so people put your thinking caps on and imagine it ok?

This is the 2nd artifact of my lost in minecraft series there are 5 artifacts in total and the boys are gonna need them to defeat there enemies and we'll I already got a ending planned but it's really sad very sad but epic now how is there 5? Well spoilers but the 4 artifacts can combine into armour and become one artifact as such there's 5 in total

Now then the claw of ender is what the name implies it's a claw of the end

Also it was and idea by a friend of mine same with its abilities but here's the funny thing the wielder of it is the same person who gave me the idea troy yes troy made this up not me that's what's funny so he gets it of course but then again it isn't without its own draw backs

If a wielder isn't worthy of this claw it slowly drives the wielder insane as such they become paranoid and kill everyone around them until they commit suicide (dark eh?)

Now then let's give u a run down of its powers and abilities from wielding it

It sadly makes the wielder become corrupted but not in a insane way or evil way it makes them become infected and become half ender man as a result as such they will sometimes attack there allies if looked in the eyes the artifact looks like we'll I'm gonna explain now

It's dark purple on the back side and light purple on the front side (front side is the bottom of your hand like when u grab something )

It has a eye of ender on the dark purple side in its center it can sense enemies that are nearby as well ares well in a creepy way talk to the wielder but to the humans nearby or friends of the wielder all they hear is well like when u hear the creepy ender sounds (couldn't find vid of it lol)

anyways on to its abilities now this one was my idea the wielders arm turns black and grows huge and in a motion the wielder will make a giant arm of his right arm and slash out knocking enemies flying

Now that's just a advanced one but it's not a very offensive attack it's more for just knocking foes flying away or off cliffs it's defensive now on to its other abilities and powers

The wielder can teleport but if there not a very good let's say hard head then there gonna get nausea easily

But not only can the wielder teleport they can speak the ender man's language within a few minutes of holding the artifact as well as look at ender man without worry cause by wielding the artifact endermen
See them as a brother or sister

But not only that the user can summon and call ender man for help but here's a down side of the claw the wielder can't take it off it slowly melds with there hand the claw merges with there hand it's not painfully but the wielder will notice later that there hand and the claw is one

Now then the wielder can also open a one man portal to the end as well as teleport to the end to heal also as they become Half enderman one of there eyes becomes purple there left eye does

Not to mention when the user fully masters the claw they can summon mutant ender men as well 2 at the same time

But the user can also leave purple clones (like a mutant enderman) to retreat or to confuse their foe

Now then once fully mastered the user can summon other things as well such as outlanders (like the mod)

From ender man who can fight with swords and bows to one's who shoot fire balls

As well as the ender titan as 2 headed ender man with a lot of power

But fully mastered the user can summon a army of enderman to fight for him it's clearly something u don't wanna mess with

Now then let me say something I might not update as much because I have been going through a lot of emotional stuff lately as such I haven't been the same but I would also like some comments to tell me u want me to keep this up it let's me know that u want more heck hit that vote to it let's me know u love this and would like me to keep it up because let's be honest without my followers I'm nothing , nothing but a boy without followers that help me continue my stories and if it isn't much to ask please comment it let's me know u guys read this story

Now then to explain a little a bit why I haven't updated I'm not being lazy it's just I've been going through some things in life I've lost a good friend then I got my buddy TheRealZkep trying to help me keep my chin up so probs to u my friend and well I've lost a few things lately as well as my well..... pride..... I was just hoping maybe u guys could comment and help me out I need support seriously ..... I would love some emotional support as well cause well...... if this continues I might quit wattpad ...... this isn't like one of those things begging for views or comments I'm serious I might quit wattpad that being said I'm just gonna end this here and publish.....

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