S1/E4: Spring Broken (Part 2)
Loona was back on the beach as she looks at the next target, only to bump into someone who was carrying some electrical equipment.
???: "Whoa! I am so sorry, miss!"
Loona: "Watch where you're fucking going, you dumb!... ass?"
Loona slows to a stop as she sees who she bumped into. The one carrying the electrical equipment stops as well before his surprise turns to joy.
Both persons take a step back in surprise as they see their friend at the beach.
Loona: "What are you doing here?!"
Y/n: "I'm doing a job. I was hired by the pop star Verosika Mayday to help her crew set up and whatnot."
Loona: "You know Verosika Mayday?!"
Y/n: "Uh... sort of. Hold that thought."
Y/n tells the Hellhound in disguise and turns to one of the passing Humans, who was actually one of Verosika's crew members, and gets his attention.
Y/n: "Hey, Josh! Can you take this electrical equipment to the stage? I gotta catch up with an old friend."
Josh: "Yeah. Sure, man. See ya later."
Josh says and spots Loona. His smile then turns into a grin.
Josh: "And I'll see you later, too, beautiful."
He says and then walks off. Y/n's eyes narrows as they follow him before turning back to Loona.
Y/n: "So! What are you doing here? I haven't heard from you in almost two weeks."
Loona: "Y-yeah. Um, I'm h-here on work as well. Yeah. Work."
Loona stutters a bit she was having a hard time being around the Human. She tried to keep her eyes up at his... and not looking at his lips. Her entire system as overloaded with nervousness.
Y/n: "Really? I thought you were a receptionist at your dad's business."
Loona: "Y-yeah, I am. I-I'm just helping out on the field, today."
Y/n: "Well, look at you, moving up in the world. Go, Loona!"
Y/n playfully punches the disguised Hellhound's shoulder, making her smile and laugh a bit.
Loona: *smiles* "Yeah." *notices something* "Since when did you wear sunglasses?"
Y/n raises a brow in confusion, only to realize that he was indeed wearing sunglasses.
Y/n: "Oh, right. These. I mean, I'm at the beach, aren't I? Gotta protect my eyes, right?"
Loona: "But you hate sunglasses."
Y/n: *nervous* "Well, yeah, but--"
Not buying any of her friend's excuses, Loona grabs the sunglasses off of Y/n's face to reveal a black eye.
Loona: "What the...?"
Y/n: "... well, if you're just gonna be rude about it, then fine. Yes, I got a black eye. So what?"
Loona: "That isn't something you can just talk about casually! Who did this to you? How did this happen?"
Y/n rubs the back of his head a bit, smiling at Loona's sudden protective side kicking in.
Y/n: "It was just a job gone wrong. This black eye was actually the worst that happened... to me, anyway. You should see the other guys."
Loona: "Guys?! As in plural?! More than one?!"
Y/n: "Yes. Can you calm down, please? You're making a scene. We don't need a scene until the concert starts."
Loona sighs.
Loona: "I'm not gonna get anywhere when your all business, am I?"
Y/n: "Nope. But don't worry. You'll have "casual friend" me soon enough. Now, can I have my sunglasses back. I want to get wearing them over with so I can go home and burn them."
Loona snickers a bit before placing the sunglasses in Y/n's open hand. He grabs them and puts them over his eyes, once again concealing his black eye.
Y/n: "Thanks. It's really good to see you again, Loo. After what happened... I didn't think I'd ever see or hear from you again."
Loona: "Yeah. Guess fate, or whatever, has different plans, huh?"
Y/n: "Yeah. Oh, and, um... did you get my voicemail that I sent you?"
Loona freezes when she hears this. She did, actually, and has also replayed it whenever she missed Y/n's voice. It made her question what she really holds dear to her, but she loved hearing it either way. Especially the end.
Loona: "Well, I... um--"
Before Loona could get out her answer, a familiar voice calls out to Y/n.
"Yo! Morningstar! Verosika needs you backstage!"
Y/n and Loona turn to who spoke, only to see a tall African American man with a scar over one of his eyes standing nearby.
Y/n: "Coming, Vortex! Give me a sec!" *turns to Loona* "Gotta jet. Duty calls."
Loona: "R-right. You go do that."
Y/n: "Thanks for understanding, Loo. I'll see you around."
With that, the blonde Human runs over to Vortex who talks to him for a moment before leading Y/n back to the stage. Loona watches them walk off, a small smile on her face as her hand slowly inches its way up to her crescent moon necklace and caresses it. Her little gift from Y/n that meant the world to her.
After a few more moments of standing still, Loona turns back around to get back to her job, only to face Blitzø. And the Imp looked particularly angry.
Blitzø: "And who the fuck was that?"
Loona: "Blitzø, what are you doing out here? Get back to hiding!"
Blitzø: "Answer my fucking question first!"
Loona groans a bit before answering.
"He's my friend, Y/n. We were just catching up."
Blitzø: "That bitch works for that two-bit whore and her crew of STD catchers?!"
Loona growls almost like a wolf when she hears her adoptive father call her friend a bitch.
Loona: "Don't you dare fucking call him that! And besides, he's not part of her crew. He's just helping her with her show today."
Blitzø raises a brow in confusion before he realizes...
"You're friends with a Human?!"
Loona: "Wow. You do have a brain after all."
Blitzø: "Loona, this is illegal! You can't have a Human friend! You could get in some huge trouble."
Loona: "It's only illegal if I get caught, Blitzø. And besides, when have you ever cared about what legal and not?"
Blitzø: "I care when it involves you!"
Loona takes a step back in slight surprise before crossing her arms and turning away.
Loona: "Let's just get back to work."
Just a few seconds earlier, Y/n runs up to Vortex who was wearing a Human disguise.
Y/n: "So, what's up, Tex?"
A loud yell of anger echoes through the air, making Y/n flinch a bit.
Vortex: "A problem. The circuits and stuff aren't workin', and Verosika's hella pissed off."
Y/n: "Sounds like it. Take me backstage and I'll check it out."
Vortex nods and walks off with Y/n right behind him. The two make their way backstage, only to hear loud yelling.
"How does none of you know how to fix it?! You idiots are so lucky management hired Morningstar, or I'd fry you all so much, YOUR DICKS AND TITS WOULD BE BACON!"
Y/n: "Okay, no need to go so far, Miss Mayday. I'm here to save the day!"
A Human woman turns from her scared crew members and looks at Y/n. She had tanned skin with blonde hair and pink eyes. This was Verosika Mayday in her Human disguise.
Verosika: "Thank God! I thought you'd never get here."
Y/n: "Well, I'm here now. Vortex said that there was a problem with the circuitry."
Y/n said as he and Vortex walked up to their employer/boss.
Verosika: "Yeah. I'm really sorry that I'm working you so hard, but none of these DIPSHITS now how to fix it!"
Y/n: "It's all good. Working is what keeps me busy, and it makes me happy. So just show me the circuit breaker and I'll figure out the problem."
Verosika nods and leads Y/n to a metal box that was bellowing smoke from its sides.
Verosika: "There it is. The source of my fucking problems."
Y/n: "Well, let's take a look at it."
The blonde says and kneels down to the ground. He then grabs the main fuse box's cover and pries it open, only for a cloud of black smoke to explode into his face. The blonde Human coughs and hacks violently as he waves the smoke away quickly with his hand. Once the smoke clears, Y/n coughs one more time before looking at the fuse box's insides and becomes dumbfounded.
Y/n: "How in the world did you manage to burn every single fuse in this thing?"
Verosika just chuckles in embarrassment as she rubs the back of her head. Then Y/n looks over at the pop star's crew who all look away, whistling "innocently" as they avoid eye contact with the Human. However, he just sighs before he laughs a bit.
Y/n: "Alright. Josh, can you hand me that box of electrical stuff I handed you earlier."
Josh: "Sure, dude."
The disguised Incubus says and walks off for a moment before returning with a box of electrical equipment. He walks up to Y/n and sets the box down next to him.
Josh: "Here ya go, man."
Y/n: "Thanks. And Josh?"
Josh: "Yeah?"
Out of nowhere, Y/n violently grabbed the disguised Incubus by the back of his neck. The man yelps in pain before Y/n whispers something in his ear. Then when he was done, the blonde Human lets Josh go and he staggers back a bit before standing to his feet. He quickly walks back to his crewmates with a terrified look on his face, making the Incubi and Succubi question him as to what Y/n told him. Josh refused to say anything in fear for his life.
Y/n: "Okay, now, let's see what I can do."
Y/n says as he rummages through the box of electrical supplies. As he does that, he simultaneously pulls out all the broken and fried fuses from the fuse box and lays them one the floor. Then he found new fuses for the metal box and replaces them all. He then turns them all and then flips all the circuits, making the stage and everything used for it hum to life which makes Y/n smile.
Y/n: "Alright. Looks like it was just a simple problem."
The blonde Human states as he closes the fuse box and stands to his feet. He dusts off his hands and wipes off some smoke residue that was on his face before turning to Verosika.
Y/n: "How does no one in your crew know how to fix anything electrical?"
Verosika: *shrugs*
Y/n sighs before he laughs again.
Y/n: "It's fine. I'll teach you all the basics later."
Verosika: "Thanks, Morningstar. Maybe I could somehow... "repay the favor"~?"
The Succubus in disguise purrs as she leans towards Y/n and trails her fingers up his arm. However, the rose-cheeked Human gently takes the pop star's hand and moves it away.
Y/n: "As enticing as that sounds, Miss Mayday, I'm saving myself for someone special."
Verosika: "Oh? I can respect that. And who might that be?"
Y/n: "I dunno. The one, I guess."
Verosika: "Got eyes on anyone in particular?"
Y/n: "Well... there is this one girl. But I don't know how she feels about me."
Verosika hums in thought before, suddenly out of character, she says...
"Well, you should find out as soon as possible. If you don't, someone may swoop her off her feet before you, Morningstar."
The pop star winks at Y/n, making him chuckle as he agrees with the disguised Hellborn Demon.
Y/n: "Well, I may just have to do that."
Verosika nods before she realizes something.
Verosika: "Shit! The show's starting soon, but I'm not even ready yet!"
Vortex: "Seriously?"
Verosika: "Moving everything to get the show ready and the whole electrical problem kinda had all my attention, Tex!"
"Um... I can stall for time while you get ready, if you wish."
Everyone turns to Y/n who had a bit of a nervous smile on his face.
Verosika and Vortex: "You can sing?"
Y/n: "... a bit. I was a theatre kid in middle school and high school, and in an acapella group in college. I know how to sing."
Verosika: "Well, if you can guarantee that the audience won't tear you apart... I guess you can open for me."
Y/n: "Wait... seriously?"
Verosika: "Yeah. Why not? What's the worst that can happen?"
Y/n smiles as Verosika allows him to open for her.
Y/n: "Thanks, Miss Mayday. You won't regret this."
Verosika: "I better not. Now, get yourself dressed for your song. No one's gonna take you seriously with that getup."
Y/n goes to argue with that, trying to say that he was satisfied with his looks. However, he was quickly grabbed by some of Verosika's crew and led to one of the changing rooms. Looks like he has no say in this, huh?
Later, after some time has passed, everyone on the beach was still going about their day as normal. Near the pier, the IMPs have killed another person as they bag them into a body bag, along with a few others.
Blitzø: "That's nine kills in the bag! And those Succu-bitches haven't even started yet! I'd like to see that waily snatch orgasm that many--"
Suddenly lights flare up from the stage which makes everyone, including the IMPs, turn to look at it. (F/C) smoke fills the stage as someone steps on to the stage, their silhouette walking forward as everyone looks at it.
"Hey, everyone! Sorry for the wait, but we finally got something for you today!"
The figure said as the smoke blows away to reveal Y/n who was still wearing those sunglasses, but in an entirely new outfit. A microphone was in his hand as he held it to his mouth.
He walks up to microphone stand as Loona perks up from the body bag she was filling up, the arm still sticking out, at the sound of her friend's voice. But a blush grows on her face when she sees that the blonde was showing off his chest. It wasn't super muscular like how Vortex's might be, but it was still a sight to see for her.
Y/n: "Sorry for the wait, everyone, but there was a small problem backstage. However, you still get a show while Mayday gets herself ready! You guys okay with me singing a song for you?"
The people listening in all cheer as they couldn't wait to hear Y/n's song, thinking he was just as good as Verosika since she allowed him to open for her. However, Loona's grip on the Human's hand sticking out of the bag tightened before it snaps. Blood bursts out of it, staining the sand below as a thousand things fly through Loona's head. However, only one repeated itself.
Loona: 'Holy shit, he can sing?! He can sing!'
Music starts before swelling up, and Y/n starts singing as be grabs the microphone stand.
🎶 Sure it's a calming notion, perpetual in motion
But I don't need the comfort of any lies
For I have seen the ending and there is no ascending
Rise 🎶
Everyone began to cheer as, near the pier, Loona had started bobbing her head to the music as her heart seemed to beat with it. Her eyes were stuck on the moving form of her Human friend, not noticing the red hand waving in front of her face. However, she soon snaps out of it when her name was called.
The Hellhound in disguise turns to look at her adoptive father, immediately becoming annoyed.
Loona: "What?"
Blitzø: "Pay attention! We have a job to do, and that's killing people!"
Loona: "Ugh! Can't I have a single moment of privacy? I want to watch my friend sing!"
Blitzø: "He is not your friend, he is a Human! Who are illegal to be friends with!"
🎶 Oh, back when I was younger, was told by other youngsters
That my end will be torture beneath the earth 🎶
Loona groans before Millie steps forward.
Millie: "Maybe we could let her have a teeny tiny break? From what I know, this Y/n is the only friend she has. Maybe give her a chance to hang with him a bit?"
🎶 'Cause I don't see what they see, when death is staring at me
I see a window, a limit, to live it, or not at all 🎶
Blitzø looks at Millie and back at Loona before thinking for a moment. Then he sighs.
Blitzø: "Fine! But when the song is over, you're getting back to work immediately!"
Loona instantly grows a big smile as she quickly hugs the Imp before running off.
Loona: "Thanks, Blitzø! See you later!"
Blitzø crosses his arms as he watches his adopted daughter run into the crowd. Millie smirks at him, making the Imp growl at her before getting back to work.
🎶 If you could pull the lever to carry on forever
Would your life even matter anymore?
Sure it's a calming notion, perpetual in motion
But it's not what you signed up for 🎶
As Loona made her way into the crowd and to the stage, her eyes stayed on Y/n who had taken the microphone from its stand as he had a big smile on his face. The blonde was dancing around the stage and singing like a pro, making it seem like he's been doing it forever. Then when she got close, Y/n spots her and waves at her. She waves back and Y/n blows her a kiss before going back to his song, not seeing the blush that formed on Loona's face as she played with her hair.
🎶 I'm sure there won't always be sunshine
But there's this momentary beam of light
You don't have to wait those salty decades
To get through the gate, it's all in front of your face 🎶
As Loona watches Y/n sing and dance, one of the Incubi that Verosika brought with her made their way over to Loona. He grabbed her shoulders and looked at her with a lip bite, trying to use his Incubus Charm on her to get her to have sex with him. However, as a Demon herself, Loona was unaffected by the Charm and hit the Incubus in the face with the back of her knuckles and knocks him out. Then she walks away to find somewhere else to watch Y/n.
🎶 I'm sure there won't always be sunshine
I'm sure there won't always be sunshine
But there's this momentary beam of light 🎶
Millie looked over to the crowd and spots Loona near the stage. She giggles at her happy expression, not used to see such a big smile on the girl's face. Blitzø, however, was beyond pissed as his overprotective father instincts were going into overdrive. Moxxie was... neutral as he barely had any idea about what was going on. He just wanted to do his job.
🎶 I could cross the ocean in a fit of devotion
For every shining second, this fragile body beckons 🎶
Verosika and her crew listen in to Y/n's song, with the pop star smiling at Y/n's voice.
Verosika: "Why the Hell haven't we hired this guy yet? We have to get him to do more jobs with us in the future!"
🎶 You think you're owed it better believing ancient letters
Sure it's a calming notion, but it's a lie 🎶
Y/n finishes his song and the crowd cheers. The blonde smiles at this as he rubs the back of his head.
Y/n: "Gee, thanks, guys. I haven't sang in public in a while, so it's great to hear your feedback!"
Crowd: "Encore! Encore! Encore!"
The crowd cheered as they begged for another song which caught Y/n by surprise.
Y/n: "Wh-what? I don't know, guys. Verosika is supposed to be the show stopper, not me."
However, the people didn't listen as they demanded an encore. Y/n looks over at backstage to see Verosika for permission. She nods at him, wanting to hear him sing again which makes Y/n turn back to the crowd.
Y/n: "Alright! I guess you guys get an encore from me!"
The people cheer happily.
Y/n: "But just one more. I'm not the show here."
The crowd gets excited as Y/n grips his microphone. He spots Loona in the crowd again who was smiling at him, looking excited as well as she couldn't wait to hear the Human's voice again. This gave him an idea as he remembered what Verosika told him earlier.
Y/n: "But before we start, I need you all to do something for me!"
The people all cheer in compliance, making Y/n smile.
Y/n: "Give me an "L"!"
Y/n moves his arms to make them look like an "L" as the crowd yells out the letter.
Y/n: "Give me an "O"!"
He makes an "O" with his arms as the crowd cheers the letter like before. However, a particular girl in the audience slowly began to realize what Y/n was doing.
Y/n: "Give me one more "O"!"
He and the crowd repeat their previous action as Loona then realizes what Y/n was indeed doing.
Y/n: "What does that spell?"
Crowd: "Loo!"
Y/n: "I can't hear you!"
Crowd: "LOO!"
Y/n smiles as he hears the crowd yell his nickname for Loona. The blonde then looks at said girl who had a massive blush on her face who he smiles at.
Y/n: "This song is for a very special girl in the crowd today! Give it up for my dear friend Loona!"
Loona: "Oh shit..."
Blitzø, who was bagging another body, suddenly shoots up when he hears that.
Y/n: "Give me a beat!"
Y/n says as a new song starts playing.
Haha! Cliffhanger! Now you'll have to wait to see what the song is until the next chapter which would be the final part of Spring Broken! Haha!
Do you have any idea on what the song could be? Take a guess!
And yes, I know this chapter resembles the Spring Broken chapters from One Helluva Team by Good_Hunter, (hopefully that was the right name) and that was because this part of the story was inspired by their writing. Thanks for such a good book, pal!
See you all later!
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