S1/E17: Death Bed (Part 1)

Three Years Prior To The Main Story...

In a house in the Living World, the rooms seemed to best a mess as many objects were thrown around and littered around the floor. Things were flipped over and stains were shown all around. In the kitchen, there was a man wearing penguin feet slippers and a snake necklace around his neck with blonde hair, rosy cheeks, and tired (E/C) eyes that were bloodshot and his cheeks were stained from hours of crying. He was sitting on the floor, leaning against the closed fridge with mostly empty beer bottles littered around him. In his hand was a picture frame of an unknown person. A black cat walks up to him and rubs its body against him, trying to comfort the blonde. He gently pets his cat without looking down at it.

He then brings the frame up to his face to see a himself standing and smiling with a girl his age with brown hair, dark eyes, and dark skin. They were both smiling at each other as the girl had her arms wrapped around the blonde's neck and the blonde had his arms wrapped around the girl's waist. More tears threatened to fall from his eyes before they roll down his cheeks again and drop to the floor and his pants.

Y/n: "I miss you so much..."

Y/n stares at the picture for a few more moments before he lets out a quiet sob and wipes tears from his face. Then he opens his mouth to sing.

"🎶 Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed
I'll make a cup of coffee for your head
It'll get you up and going out of bed 🎶"

He recalls all of his fondest memories with his late girlfriend. But how could he choose? Every moment with Vagatha was Heaven on Earth, even if she was a pain in the ass at first.

Three Years Ago...

As a twenty-one-year-old, Y/n is seen in a volunteer hospital outfit as he pushed a cart full of food and other things down a hall in a hospital. He checks his clipboard to see who the next patient he was needed to give food and other necessities to, and the patient was a Salvadorian woman named Vagatha. The clipboard didn't give much information on the patients' reason for being in the hospital, but he had no reason to know why. He was here for a job. That's all.

He walks to the room and knocks on it a few times before coming in without an answer from the patient inside. He smiles at the woman who lied on her hospital bed, her arms and left leg wrapped in casts as her left eye was bandaged.

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* "Hello!"

The woman, Vagatha, turns away from looking at the wall and to Y/n. Her eyes seemed to hold an anger, but of unknown origin and it was unknown who it was directed towards.

Vagatha: *translated from Spanish* "Tch. Just some moron who thinks that he can impress me with some words."

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* "Well, sorry for trying to start a conversation. Just thought you would be more comfortable speaking to someone in your native tongue."

Vagatha looked at Y/n in slight surprise. But she wasn't gonna admit she was slightly impressed with how fluent the blonde seemed to be in Spanish.

Vagatha: *translated from Spanish* "Well... I appreciate it."

Y/n smiles and grabs a tray of food and sets it down on the small pullable table next to Vagatha. She gives a begrudging thanks and Y/n lets out a chuckle... before he begins to rub his neck awkwardly.

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* "You're welcome... but I kinda have to... feed you your food."

Vagatha raised a brow.

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* "... By hand. Know, since..."

Y/n uses his hands to refer to Vagatha's broken arms and she looks down at them. Then she looks back up at Y/n before realization hit her and she blushed from embarrassment... or maybe it was just her face turning red from anger.

Vagatha: *translated from Spanish* "There's no fucking way you're feeding me!"

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* "Whoa! Okay, okay! Sorry. It's just... it was kinda in my instructions. I mean, you can't really feed yourself, now can you?"

Vagatha: *translated from Spanish* "I'd rather starve."

Y/n sighs, but accepts the woman's choice.

Y/n: "As you wish. Have a nice day, Miss Vagatha."

Y/n grabs his cart and rolls it to the door. He exits the room, leaving Vagatha alone as she looks at the food left for her. Then she looks away as she goes back to glaring at the wall.

The Next Day...

The following day, Y/n had returned in the same uniform and pushing the same cart down the same hallway. He was whistling a merry tune this time, however, and went to the room from yesterday: Vagatha's. He twists the door handle and pushed the wooden door open to allow him and his food cart in. His eyes land on Vagatha who didn't even turn to look at the blonde before he notices the still untouched tray from yesterday on the pullable table. He sighs as he didn't bother to speak in Spanish this time.

Y/n: "Hello, Miss Vagatha. I've... come back with food again. You gonna eat this time? I don't want you to starve."

No answer from the patient, making Y/n sigh, but he keeps his smile.

Y/n: "Alright. I'll just take the food with me since you're--"

A low rumbling sound catches Y/n's attention and he looks at Vagatha who was blushing from embarrassment. No words were spoken between the two as Vagatha glanced at Y/n who was trying not to laugh, but a few quiet snickers escaped his throat. Then the Salvadorian groaned.

Vagatha: "Ffffffine! You can feed me! I'm starving..."

Y/n ceases his snickers as best as he could and replaced his amused smile with a kind one. He takes the food tray meant for Vagatha, the only one left on the cart, and walked over to the woman with it. He takes a chair from the wall and plops down next to the hospital bed.

Y/n: "First of all, would you prefer it for me to speak in Spanish so you would be more comfortable? Or...?"

Vagatha: *translated from Spanish* "Yes. Now just give me the fucking sandwich..."

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* "Yes, ma'am."

The blonde smiles at Vagatha and grabbed the fresh sandwich from the new tray of food and brought it to the patient's mouth. She begrudgingly opens her mouth and takes a bite of the sandwich, but never looked at Y/n as he fed her. After a few more bites, Y/n spoke.

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* "I'm Y/n."

Vagatha looks at Y/n with a raised brow.

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* "My name. I already know yours, and since I'm going to be here for some time, you should know mine. We're gonna be seeing a lot of each other for the next two months."

Vagatha: *translated from Spanish* "What do you mean?"

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* "I don't actually work-work here. I'm a... volunteer, I guess you can say. Though I was more-so hired than me volunteering."

Vagatha: *translated from Spanish* "How does that work?"

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* "Well, look who's suddenly a chatterbox!"

Vagatha narrowed her eyes at Y/n and turns away, no longer wanting to talk. Y/n tries to get her to talk again and even apologizes for the joke, but nothing. So he sighs and just goes back to feeding the patient in silence. Soon all the food was gone and Y/n left with a smile and a goodbye.

Over the next few weeks, Y/n finished his food run with his final stop: Vagatha's room. There he fed the Salvadorian who somewhat opened up to the blonde after a few days. It wasn't really much, but they had some small talk and Y/n even cracked some jokes. Not many made Vagatha laugh, but most were able to at least get her to smile. Either it was from amusement or she just thought that the joke was so bad that it made her smile. The eye rolls helped, too. Y/n also visited Vagatha on his breaks and did his best to make her stay at the hospital at least a bit enjoyable. She appreciated it, even if she didn't openly admit it.

When she was able to leave her room and venture around the hospital with a wheelchair, Y/n was always the one to wheel Vagatha where she wanted. In the whole hospital, he was the only person Vagatha really trusted and liked. Even though she couldn't do all too much, she did enjoy Y/n's company. He even allowed her to boss him around when he played games for her, like Chess or Monopoly, and even card games like Poker and Blackjack. They're relationship even came to the point where the hospital allowed Y/n to be Vagatha's personal helper of sorts. Whateved she needed or requested, Y/n would get or do it for her.

One night, Vagatha had requested to go outside to see the stars.

Y/n: "You know that's kinda against the rules for me to do that, V."

Vagatha: "I know, but I haven't seen the night sky in a month. It's... weird without it. Please? For me?"

Y/n looked at his friend for a moment before he smirks rebelliously.

Y/n: "Like I said, it's against the rules. Good thing you're talking to the #1 Rulebreaker."

Vagatha smiles at this and the two are later sneaking through the halls of the hospital. Y/n was pushing Vagatha down the dark corridors on her wheelchair and making sure no one was near before making every turn. Eventually they make it outside without being caught, and Vagatha looked up at the dark, starlit sky. She then smiled and closed her eye as she felt the chilly night breeze knick at her face. She missed it.

Y/n: "I can't keep you out here long. We have to go back in almost immediately."

Vagatha uses her left hand, free from a cast unlike her right, and holds Y/n's (dominant hand). He looks down at her as she looked at him with a pleading eye.

Vagatha: "Please. Just a few more minutes."

Y/n grew a soft smile as he nods.

Y/n: "Sure, Vagatha. A few more minutes."

Vagatha smiles and looks back up at the night sky with Y/n. Then she speaks.

Vagatha: "Vaggie."

Y/n: *looks at Vagatha* "Hm?"

Vagatha: "It's what my friends called me... when I had friends. Now all I have is you."

Y/n: "Am I supposed to feel insulted by that?"

Vagatha: "No. It's a good thing. I like you."

Y/n: "Well, then. Alright... Vaggie."

Vaggie smiles at this. She liked hearing Y/n's voice saying her nickname.

After that night, Vaggie and Y/n grew ever-so closer to each other. Vaggie smiled a lot more around Y/n, and the blonde made sure to give all the time he could to Vaggie. Even after Y/n was no longer a "hired volunteer" for the hospital, he still made sure to visit Vaggie as much as he could. The Salvadorian enjoyed her time with Y/n, and the feeling was shared with the rosy-cheeked blonde.

When it came the time where Vaggie could no longer stay at the hospital legally without paying, Y/n was more than happy to let Vaggie stay with him. Though Vaggie was a bit (totally) against it, she eventually caved in and let Y/n bring her to his home. So after an hour drive in a car, having some small talk with Y/n while Polka music played, they finally arrived at an apartment building. Y/n helped Vaggie on to her wheelchair and pushed her inside and brought her to an elevator. They went up to Floor D and Y/n pushed Vaggie to a door labeled D7. He brought out some keys and unlocked the door, pushing it open to give him room to push Vaggie inside.

Y/n: *translated from Spanish* "Home sweet home. Welcome."

Y/n gave Vaggie a smile as he brought her inside his apartment. The place wasn't... very kempt. Not completely messy, but not really all that clean.

Y/n: "Sorry for the mess. I just moved in a few days ago. I still have some things I need to unpack and clean."

Vaggie: "It's... fine."

Vaggie said, resisting the urge to try to run around and clean things up. She's a neat freak, which Y/n discovered and found cute. Then a bark caught Vaggie's attention and both she and Y/n turned to see a Bloodhound stroll into the living room.

Y/n: "Hey, boy! Come here and say "Hi" to Vaggie!"

The dog barked again and walked right up to Y/n and Vaggie. Y/n smiled as he knelt down to pet his dog who turned to look at Vaggie with lazy but altert eyes.

Vaggie: "Who's this...?"

Y/n: "This is D/n (dog's name), my pet dog. Don't worry. He's friendly."

Vaggie looks at D/n for a moment before she shows him her uncasted hand and he smells it before licking her hand. She giggles as she smiles.

Vaggie: "Nice to meet you, D/n. I'm Vaggie."

D/n barks again and hops on Vaggie's lap to lick her face, making the Salvadorian laugh as she tries to get the Bloodhound back on the ground.

Vaggie: *laughing* "Hey! Cut that out!"

Y/n: "Alright, that's enough, D/n."

The blonde says as he pulls his dog off of Vaggie. He accepts what happened to him and just walks up and jumps on to the couch.

Y/n: "I think he likes you."

Vaggie: "I can see that."

Y/n: "I wonder what C/n (cat's name) will think of you."

Vaggie: "Who?"


Vaggie jumps a bit at the cat sound and quickly turns to see a black cat staring at her from her own armrest.

Vaggie: "Where the fuck did you come from?!"

C/n: "Meow..."

Y/n: "That's C/n. She's... scarily quiet and nimble."

Vaggie looked at the black cat which stared at her directly in the eye. The woman moved her body around, only for C/n to follow her every move. Vaggie was officially creeped out.

Vaggie: "Why does she keep looking at me?"

Y/n: "She just does that. She'll come around to you."

Vaggie: "Okay..."

C/n: "Meow."

D/n: *barks*

Y/n chuckles a bit and stands up to walk to the kitchen.

Y/n: "You hungry?"

Vaggie: *still staring at C/n* "Yes..."

Y/n: "What do you want?"

Vaggie pries her eye from C/n who kept staring and turns to Y/n.

Vaggie: "After four months of eating nothing but hospital food, I could go for about anything right now."

Y/n: "Alright. I guess some good old (favorite food type) (like Chinese, Mexican, etc.) will do fine."

Vaggie nods in confirmation and returns to staring back at C/n who meows again. Y/n makes the call to the (favorite food type) restaurant he always orders from and orders his favorite meal option and something he'd think Vaggie would like. After ordering, he goes back over to the couch and sits on it next to D/n. C/n leaves Vaggie alone and leaps on to the couch and lies down on her owner's lap.

Vaggie: "They seem to like you a lot."

Y/n: "Heheh. Yeah. I've had D/n since he was a pup, and I found C/n wandering the streets. Fed her until she just followed me home. I kept her ever since and D/n seems to treat her like family, so that's a win."

Vaggie: "Must be nice..."

Y/n: "What are you talking about?"

Vaggie realizes what she said and turned away.

Vaggie: "N-nothing... Nothing important."

Y/n sighs as he leans forward and places a hand on Vaggie's shoulder.

Y/n: "I understand you don't want to talk about your past, and that's fine. But I'm your friend. Whenever you feel like talking to me about it, I'll be right here."

Vaggie smiles at this.

Vaggie: "Thanks, Y/n. Can I sit with you?"

Y/n: "Of course."

Y/n gets up and helps Vaggie out of her wheelchair and on to the couch. After that, they both got comfortable as Y/n put on a movie which he watched with Vaggie. Not too long after, the food arrived and Y/n payed for his order and tipped the delivery guy. He brought the food to the couch and began eating his food with Vaggie, and even shared some bits with his pets.

A few hours after that, it was time to go to bed. Y/n pulled out an inflatable bed and inflated it, and helped Vaggie on it so that she can lay comfortably with her legs propped up. And since Y/n's bed wasn't ready to be slept on yet, he was going to sleep on the couch next to the inflatable bed.

Y/n: "Comfortable enough?, Vaggie?"

Vaggie: "Yeah. Thanks."

Vaggie says as she pulls the covers over her body.

Y/n: "Good. Now since you don't have any clothes with you, we'll go shopping tomorrow. Sound good?"

Vaggie: "Yeah. Thanks, Y/n."

Y/n: "You're welcome, V."

Vaggie smiles as Y/n walks off to get some blankets and a pillow for himself and he returns with them and in some sleeping clothes as well. He lays down on the couch and his pets crawl on top of him to sleep with their owner.

Y/n: "G'night, Vaggie."

Vaggie: "... goodnight, Y/n."

And with that, they both fell asleep.


Hey. How are you?

Anyways, school is back in session so I won't be able to update stories as often as I did during Christmas Break. But I'll try my best to update as often as I can.

Anyways, I have a question. And it concerns lemons. If I were to make my very first lemon ever, who should it be with? Vaggie (in the past) or Loona? Choice is yours.

Okay, have a nice day! Bye!

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