What the hay is wrong with Rainbow Dash?

-Sunset Shimmer POV-

I paced back and forth in front of Sugarcube Corner. "Come on, come on. Where are those girls?" I thought aloud. My friends were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago. Twilight Sparkle was saving our table inside the bakery. While I'm stuck out here to worry that something happened to them.

"Sunset Shimmer!!!" shouted a very familiar and overly excited voice and I breathed a sigh of relief. I turned to see Pinkie Pie bouncing down the sidewalk a big smile on her face seemingly oblivious to her pink curly hair thumping against her back.

"Hey Pinkie." I greeted her.

"Hey ya!" she said with her usual energetic altitude. "How's the day been?"

"Same as normal." I replied with a casual shrug. "Do you have any idea where the others are? We scheduled to meet here 10 minutes ago."

"Well, I went to get Applejack, but she had to finish a few more chores before she could come, Fluttershy's animals won't let her leave, Rarity got a rush of creativity and just had to write it down, Twilight's inside cause she's never late. But I haven't seen Rainbow Dash since school."

"Hmmm. Wonder what happened?"

She shrugged, "Who knows what Strawberry's got in store for her."

"Who's Strawberry?"

"Oh, right. You don't know. Oh well."

I tried to get more information about who Strawberry is, but she bounced in before I could. I just shook it off. Pinkie was always doing crazy things so we learned to cope.

(If you know me in real life and you know about my first job then you'll understand why I called myself Strawberry.)

I looked out and, to my relief, saw the rest of the girls walking toward me. But I didn't see Rainbow Dash. Where was that girl?

"We are so so sorry Sunset."

"It's alright Fluttershy. But have any of you seen Rainbow Dash? She disappeared after school."

Rarity looked thoughtful, "Well now that you mention it darling, no. But I'm sure she'll be here soon. Rainbow may be sport crazy but she never let us down."

"Sorry I'm late!!!" We turned to see a supper speeding Rainbow screech to a halt. "I completely lost track of the time. I just thought I'd practice shooting some hoops till I had to go, and the next thing I know, I'm late."

"Calm down Rainbow, it's alright." I breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm just glad you're ok."

"Um, Sunset. Name one time I was in a major situation that I couldn't handle. I'm Awesome that way."

"Hmm guess you're right. But we can never be too careful these days with so much Equestrian magic on the loose. Come on. Twilight and Pinkie are waiting for us inside."

We walked in andPinkie looked up. Upon seeing Rainbow said, "Oh good. She didn't do anything to you."

Rainbow almost freaked, "Why does everybody think that I'm in trouble? Seriously, I'm fine."

"Not according to the description."

"Pinke. Stop."

Now, it was AJ's to pipe up. "Now listen here Sugar Cube, your an amazing, strong, and talented young woman. I'm sure Pinkie just wanted to make sure you're alright. It's not exactly like you to lose track of the time. Especially when you have the chance to be with us."

Rainbow took a deep breath, "You're right. It is out of the ordinary, but I can promise you all that I'm fine."

"And we believe you. But I still feel like you should get those headaches checked."

"Twilight, they aren't happening nearly as much anymore, and I'm pretty sure that they're happening due to overexerting myself and I'm taking the necessary steps to stop it. Now can we please change the subject?"

I put a hand on her shoulder, "Sure Rainbow, cause I've been wanting to talk to you girls about a few things." I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

We all orders something to drink. AJ got some apple cider, Fluttershy got a vanilla shake, Pinkie Pie ordered a double chocolate chocolate chip shake, Rarity herbal tea, Rainbow Dash got rainbow punch, while Twilight and I got lemonade.

"So... what did you want to talk about Sunset?" Rainbow asked after a big pause.

"What else? Seems that in a couple months or so it'll be the Fall Formal again."

They were silent once again. I made sure not to break that silence. It may seem like a simple phrase for some, but for us, it's an awful lot to process.

"I... I can't believe that it's only been a year." Fluttershy said, basically repeating what went through my own head when I was thinking to myself earlier that week.

"I know, right?" Twilight said smiling. "I wasn't with you girls for the whole year and it's still hard to believe how much we changed."

We all started to list of things that we did over the past year and how unbelievable it was.

"It's hard to believe that it's only been a year since we were all mad at each other for such small reasons."
"I can't believe that we defeated 4 villains in less than a year's time."
"6 technically, but who's counting?"

We all started to laugh, except Rainbow, who started to rub her head painfully. "You ok Rainbow?" I asked.

"Ya," she replied. "I'm just getting another headache."

"You said that they stopped." Twilight said.

"Technically I said that they aren't happening nearly as often. But that doesn't mean that they stopped."

"Ok, you need help. Why don't you go see a doctor?"

"I did. Ok!? My parents forced me too
... I mean, My parents took me there last week. They couldn't find out what was wrong."

"Then what was the whole 'over exerting yourself' thing all about?" Twilight wouldn't let this go.

"That was my assumption of what was going on. I never said that it was what was actually happening."


"Can we please change the subject!?" Rainbow practically yelled.

We all stared at Rainbow, shocked and some other customers looked up for a moment before going back to what they were doing previously. It wasn't like her at all to yell unless she was directing her sport teams. Especially to us. Rainbow's eyes went wide as she realized how loud she said that and she hid her face in her hands.

I felt like I needed to know more so I reached out to touch her so I can use my magic to look into her memories for a better understanding, but she stopped me before I could. Rainbow, as well as the rest of the girls, know about my magic.

But if she's not willing show me, it must be more than not knowing what was wrong with her. Much more.

We all said goodbye half an hour later and we went to our homes. Except me. I decided that I needed to know what exactly was wrong with Rainbow Dash. So I followed her for a while then caught up with her.

"Rainbow! Wait up!"

She turned around, "Oh, hey Sunset... Were you following me this whole time?"

"Well, yes. Cause I need to know what's going on. I have a feeling that these headaches are more than what they seem to be and I need to know."

She groaned, "Sunset, for the last time, I'm fi...

While she was distracted, I put my hand around her wrist. Immediately, my magic was activated and I saw into her memories.

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