Tagged for the first time

Ok. You all read the title. You all know what's comeing. I got tagged by one of my newest followers Dorothy1600. I'm pretty sure that she's only following me cause I followed her. And I only followed her cause we had a funny conversation in the comments section on "A means of Communication" a puzzle shiping story near the end. I was pretending to actually be Rainbow Dash and that I had hoves and it was Awsome (Sorry Dorothy if you're finding this out now. And thanks for explaining what I do when I get tagged.)

If you watch Yu-Gi-Oh and you don't mind practically shiping someone that is shareing the same body but is an 5000 year old spirit Egyptian  pharo that was traped in a puzzle and given to the main character in a Japanese animi because he wants to play card games and in all the fanfictions he becomes a completely other person and they're both gay or bi than this is a good book and I'd recommend it. I'd put a bit of it in here but I always hate when other authors put scenes of other book in their's so I won't.

Anyway, again I now have 5 followers and I thinck that that's amazing considering I only started posting less than a month ago. So thank you all. And if I'm following you you'll know because I'm currently following less than 20 people so I'm just gonna tag all the people I'm following.

Well enough with this introduction, let's do this thing.

1. Do you like someone?
Well yes. My friends and family. Isn't it obvious?

2. Do they like you?
*Was drinking water and spat it out when that reached her ears* Well I'd sure hope so!

3. What's your middle name?
Does it matter? Fine. It's Sue............ it was my Mom's middle name.

4. Single or taken?
Single and proud of it. (This is all as me talking. Not RD. I like to pretend to be her every once in a while but when I do it's pritty obvious.)

5. Who's the last person you texted?
One moment. *Goes on masseges and finds out then texts the person to see if they have a watpad.* Ok. So the last person I texted does not have a watpad but the said that I can post her YouTube name. MidnightSong.

6. What's the last song you listened to?
*Blushes as she remembers and wished it was a difrent one and looked it up.* MLP [PMV] Descendants- Rotten to the core
by N-Steisha25

7. What's your battery persentage?
Currently, 80%. Im doing this during school.

8. Who's your girl best friend?
Same person I last texted.

9. Who's your boy best friend?
My brother...................................................
.........I never really asosiated with boys outside of him. And I won't till I'm 16.

10. What's your favorite OTP.
*Sighs* ok guys. *Skots closer to the camra* let's talk. This fanfiction sirese I'm writeing is a lie. There is a certain wonderbolt that I was baseing Bat Wing off of this entire time. And of you pay attention to the pictures then you already know who this is and he is the only thing I ship with RD and you can't convince me otherwise.

*Takes a deep breath then shouts* I Rainbowdash120120 WAS A SORINDASH SHIPER EVER SINCE I KNEW IT WAS A THING!!!!!!!!! *Turns around and hacks from shouting*
I apologize. Anyway what's next?

11. Why did you make your account?
Why are these questions a thing? Ok. I have 2 acounts so I'll tell you why I got both of them.

1st one I got was because honestly my sister @lemonaid-vargas (I'm not sure if I wrote that right) forced me to so I can read her Hetalia fanfictions. I read one and haven't gotten on it since. I don't even remember what the user name was. This was on a tablet that my parents got me for Christmas because they were getting them for all my siblings so my brother (I only have one.) Won't be hogging the computer with his games and didn't want the reast of us to feel leaft out.

The other one was 5 years later when my parents finally got me a smart phone instead of the stupid flip phone I had and I haven't even touched my tablet since I got it. Anyway I was just on google looking up Sorindash stuff and I came across this fanfiction called "Soarin to the Rainbow Dash" and it wasn't that good but whatever. And I couldn't help but notice that it was from a website called watpad and I thought to myself, "Hey, I remember haveing an acount once upon a time." So since I couldn't remember my username or password I just made a new account. The other one didn't have any storys posted on it so I didn't care and that one I got was this one.

Wow. This one was long. I'm just gonna go on to the next quetion.

12. What's your current lock screen?
*turns off phone. Turns it back on. Takes a screenshot and posted it.*

So the battery on this one is 76 but it was 80 when I was at that question.

13. When's your birthday?
Why are you asking me all this personal stuff? You know what? If 15 people comment on this scentence (15 diffrent people) telling me something they want in a feature chapter cause I'm haveing serious writers block right now then I'll comment my birthday.





I almost tagged Dorthy1600 but she tagged me so I can't do that.

Ok I'm done. Now no one commented to tell me how I can fix Rainbows head with the cover I'm drawing but I did get help from one of my classmates in my eath science class... We had free time... Now all I need it to color it but I'm not sure what material to use.

I have professional watercolor, acrylic  paint, oil pastel, and colored pencils but I don't know witch one will be the best. Any artist out there this is your moment to shine. I'll give you a shout out if your idea is the one that ends up happening. For now dash out and always wear your seat belt.

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